Fashion News (by d. \,-.) Girls, the accent .on spring fashions is all aolourand femininity. Everything is over- flo'\i\ring wi th colour - vibrant pinks, yellows, greens, blues, violet s , reds and oranges. Your whole outfit should swing with colour; your dress, coat, shoes, gloves, handoag and other accessnries are all included. Fashion desi gners must have thought . women' s clothes-were becoming too masculine in the last year, and the trend now is toward femininity. Frills, lace, bows and curls are all "in". A big item on the fa2hion list is the di rndl skirt and ruffled blouses. The dirndl · skirt is gathered and ful:!_ at the wc1ist. Hhite blouses .flounced with lace and ruffles are won with it. This exr::iting outfit creates an air of "girlishness." If you would like to change your hair- do, why not try the brand new hair style for spring - the curly look, · I t is all over curls; your head is a mass . of curls~ · .There is the short s r ve:.-sion with small, tighter curls and the longer cut with more gentle and softer curls-< Both are all the rage·. Iviake- up is still concentrated on the natural look. You could play up your eyes ~ though, with "tw:i.ggies" or foT sorrothing different try the new "Daisy .:::;yes ." These are jusc a few tips on what is to come. ~' O come on girls, now is the time to thirr.c about outfits, add to last year's wardrobe • . · Spring is here! Let's really stun the male world ! New Credit Com1cil heets The Hississaugas of the New Credit Council held its third regular meeting on Earch 18, 1968. ? resent were Chief Fred lJ . G., Councillors: Sylvester LaForme, L arvin LaForme, 1,fard La.For-me and Williar;-i LaForme. Also present was Lr. J .1. LcCaw from the · I nd i a...."'1. Affairs Branch and recorder Joan LaForme. The following applications were accept- ed and 2.pproved: Council Secretary, Joan LaForme; Church Or ganist ,Joan LaForme; .P.3 .I. Secretary, George K:i_ng; Caretaker of Council House and Community Hall, l.irs ;George ~"i ng; Caretaker of New C1·edit Church, Norman Eing. Other busi ness concluded, council was adjourned" Itumpus .2:uch_:r:,_~. Seven taoles e;ather:,d for play Joe La?orme and Lois LaFo~me; TJinners 1-rere Gordon llcNauehton on the stormy evening of Larch 23rd. Hi t)1 winners were Low winners were Les Sault and Gloria Sault;. Lone . Hand and We s 3a1.1lt. Coming Event~ i n New Cred_~l 1. harch 29, 2, }'._arch 30, 3. April 6, 6 :? .1.. - 8 ? . h . Bowling at Hnt;ersville Bowling Lanes by LC . young people. 8 P. L 2uchre - Rumpus Hall starting at 8 P. 1'1 . - Kennedy Collegia.t e (car. ) 5 and ,'/10 hi.-;hways) Opel) House and Dance for To1m of Lississauga. There will be Indian dancers from Indian Centre, Toronto. IJew Credi t mew.bers welcome! Coming E:vents in :3ix Nations 1. ria:i;-ch 28 and A.p:til 14, Euchre, S-rand River Church basement. 2. April 7, 7:30 P.h . Ohsweken Baptist Church. Speaker: Zlliot h oses • . April 8, S-:00 ? .L. Christ's Anglican. Speaker: ?r. Hubbels. April 9, 8:00 ? .h . Deleware United Church. Speaker : Gordon Hill. April 10, 8:00 ? . I.1. St Paul 1 s Anglican. SiJeaker: Geo. Duguid. Above Holy Week services sponsored by 14 .• _B. & U. Churches. All \ :elcorne. Staff: -- - --- IJ ew Credit: ti . LaForme, S. Shantz Six Tfations: A. t: \J . Jamieson Typist.: R. B:ender . Production: You knmv what I mean. All Things Come 'I'o Him ·11ho 1-;aits . Rates Individual copies 10 cents Half yeariy subscr i ption $2.00 Published weekly except for month of A:ugJ. st~ · ·