William Cooke a, soldf er, not a g~!!1leman IJ.George F. Kuah AJUlouafl bis rectment serious shortage or compan:, I Neently received a copy left tbr thit front In ttme to grade officers. With the war ol 1111 article that appeared participate In the bloody cominC to a favorable cloee, In The Expositor under the battles ol General Grant's Ueutenant Cooke was called .,_,,lfne Local Man To Be · IPrlnc campaign against to active duf¥ and witnesled Podla,ed In TV Special On llichmo,ld, Second the last peat campaign of CUiier by Joanne E. Lieufeaant Cooke remained the rebellion. Assigned to llcWUUam. In N~ York as a recruiting regimental headquarters as I nad with bemused oftlcet and did not rejom the "officer of commluary flt1111Jt her glowing tribute his re,lment until early and subslst.ence," he saw tD the life and military June. On the 17th day of little actual fighting. career of"Bnmttord'a own" · that month, he was wounded In lune, 1867, while WUUam Winer Coob. Ber In the left buttock by a lbell serving with the 7th U.S. lirUcJe, althouch f'actual In fraatent and dispatclied to Cavalry on the Kansas ...,, of lta details, a mJUta(7 hospital at Cit¥ plains, Ueutenant Cooke nnllted a rather Point. VirglnlL After a made a formal application GDHided and heroic Image tWOlweet coavaleacence and to the War Department tor ol a man who ta obviouaty wltb his posterior restored three brevet <hclDorary) ber own "beau ideal." to working order, he Rowver, as with many returned to his regiment PoPUlar heroes, her man an.S waa promptly Coolre bad a darlrer and leu tranarerred to the army pliant aide to his chancter. ~ Department ..._ WIWam Winer Cooke was Despite the fact that the uwu In the sleepy l'UJlll 2'tb New York remained on .W.,. ot Mount Plea,ant on active front line c:1uf¥ and lflr 29, UN8. 'lbe eldest 10D IUft'ered heavy casualties in d • Pl'Ollllneat Tory family oftlcen and men throucb be fathered tbe lllllltlmat.: the balance of 1864, Coote eldld of• aoctally less remained oa detached duf¥. Pl'ODdnent nef&bbor'a ~ with the operation ._..,,_, at the '9ncler age of a~ depot at of 18. Blpeiled ftom hearth Patrick Station, VJrllnla. he IDcl home, in trlle Victorian =all but the lait two lwldaa. 1'MIDC ilaster' Coo.lae ottbe war .,. NDt to lift with ~ the diatrlbutlon IWlmflN In New York state. of liardtact biacuits, . ID Deeaaber, 1883, at the ad-port and dellccated ot 17 (Do( 18), he · ftle*abl• rem,.. II to NCUre a '--~ Nb nclment bad qa In the~ ~ badly 1118d up with tbe YGl't Cavaby and rllon of bani e,mpatgn•na .. tile and by llarcb, 1885, there JIN. ..... Ill tbe ,....,.. • commllaiom, thole of . captain, .... r and ' lieutenant-colonel, bu,d on ncue aceounta of complcuoua service rendered durina the IMt beetle days of t6e war. '1'be true nature of these compicuoua acts baa :remained a IIJ,Jltel7' and tile MthNew WR