Teacher's wife gets 30 days to leave By Lynda Powless, Editor A non-native woman has been given an additional 30 days to leave the community after Six Nations Band Council told a local couple Monday night, it had to uphold a local residency bylaw that allows only band members to reside here. Band Council Chief Wellington Staats told Frank Miller and his wife Vicky, "Council has to uphold the bylaw but we have agreed to give you an extended period of time of 30 days to move." The decision came during at the end of a finance committee meeting late Monday night. Miller and his wife were visibly shaken by the decision and said they would take a few days to consider it before making any decision on how to respond. The Millers, a Sour Springs Road couple, have been living here for about two years. Frank Miller is one of only a handful of local people who are still fluent in the Mohawk language. Mill said the bylaw is forcing his family to relocate. Miller's wife, Vicky, is not a band member. Band Council Chief Wellington Staats explained the almost 13 year old bylaw was a protection (Continued on page 2)