'Meet your chief' gathering get advice by Paul Barnsley SIX NATIONS - Chief Harvey Longboat did his best to explain to the people how the Confederacy council has reached its current state of disarray and about what can be done to fix it. He was speaking to the hundreds of people who spent last Saturday at the Onondaga Longhouse, meeting the Clan Mothers, Faith-keepers and Chiefs and hearing about the state of the Six Nations Confederacy council. Each of the Chiefs in attendance introduced himself, his Clan Mother, Faith-keeper and runner or explained why the positions weren't filled. Onondaga Chief Arnie General was the informal host for the meeting of the people and the Chiefs. Several Chiefs admitted that there are positions not filled or, as in the case of Oneida Chief Wendall Froman, more than one Chief occupying a single position. One of the gathering's organizers, Wendy Hill, made an impassioned plea to the Chiefs and the people to make the traditional council work as it was intended to. "Things aren't working very well," said Hill. "A lot of people don't know how it's supposed (Continued on page 2)