Duric, Donna, Turtle Island News, 22 May 2013, p.4 raversy, a Six Nations company and Infrastructure Ontario (who is holding the lands in trust) were temporarily suspended from clean-up work at the site at the direction of the HDI. ...
Duric, Donna, Turtle Island News, 22 May 2013, p.4 raversy, a Six Nations company and Infrastructure Ontario (who is holding the …
Dearing, Stephanie, Tekawennake News (Ohsweken, Ontario: Tekawennake News, 1968), 8 May 2013, p.2 "The farmers don't want a fight on their hands, but the ground has been laid, just as the Six Nations Farmer's Association (SNFA) has begun work preparing the Burtch farmlands for planting later this
Dearing, Stephanie, Tekawennake News (Ohsweken, Ontario: Tekawennake News, 1968), 8 May 2013, p.2 "The farmers don't want a fight on their hands, but the ground …
Duric, Donna, Turtle Island News, 15 May 2013, p.4, p.9 ...Infrastructure Ontario is
holding the lands in trust
until clean-up at the site is
finished sometime this Sep-