Save station movement continues Last Monday night Stirling council decided to ask CN to hold village's train station for one year while Stirling Histori cal Society collects more funds. Councillors said they do not want to purchase the building for the society until they demonstrate they are in an 'adequ ate financial state', reported Historical Society Chairperson Kathy Findlay at a meeting last Thurs day night. She said they have given the society until April 30, 1986 to prove themselves. However Findlay said that following the council meeting, an 'interesting turn of events' ensued. Stirling Business Association Presi dent Alan Coxwell said the association will put a call through to CN this week to see if they will sell the old station to them instead. Findlay said CN may be 'fed up' with granting extensions on saving the station from demolition and may be interested in selling to the busi ness association. 'At the council account and dona- approximate cost of meeting, (Council- tions will be $50,000. lor) McIntosh was accepted. Interested 'Council thinks you sceptical that people people can now need all $50,000 would, be interested purchase member- before you can get in using it (the ships at $4 each. started,'she said, station) as a tourist Plans for the The rtext full information booth,' historical walking monthly meeting of said Findlay. tour of Stirling this the Stirling Histori- , She added that fall also continue. cal Society will be Councillor McIntosh Some of the other held September 25, also felt senior citi- fundraising ideas 7:30 p.m., at the zens would not need discussed were Legion. A member another place to go raffles, corn roasts from a nearby histor- because they already and more yard sales, ical society will be have somewhere to Findlay said it has invited to the meet- go that is free. been estimated that ing to give a speech 'I am really the building could be and help wit' relieved that the worth $100,000 once tions about business association renovated, at an society, is interested,' said Findlay. At the special meeting last Thurs day, the Historical Society executive continued to discuss fundraising plans, including a street dance proposed by the business associa tion. They also made plans to investigate the insurance needed if they are left in charge of the train station, discussed the possi bility of joining the Ontario Historical Society. The Historical Society is now moving towards legal incorporation, and once that has been accomplished, they will open a bank the page 16, The Community Press, July 21985 and By 10:30 Monday morning, July 1st, a large crowd had gathered at the old railway station in Stirling. They had come to help with the flea market, refreshment booth and various programmes organized by the Stirling Historical Society. The boards were off the windows of the old station, the walls and floors were scrubbed and a breath of life filled the station once again after many years of neglect. This was the first major public effort by the society in their fund raising efforts to save the station from the wrecker's ball and by all appearances it was a grand success. __________ _ CN Station on the track ow -*'ei Stirling with that key legal Brian Stacey in a Historical Socnetv hurdle behind them, letter to Stirling and the Village of the group became council. Stirling can d«»t the able to negotiate a a proposal has Ts' and cross the formal contract with been drawn up on a lease the Village, which reports society contract there wih be has agreed to purch- spokesperson Cathie nothing standing n ase the old building Findlay, and all that the way of the organ*• from Canadian remains is the iron- zation's plans to National Railways ing out of details. A restore the historic and lease the site if meeting is expected building. an agreement can be R- take" place in the made. next few days at On September 7 the which the Village Stirling Historical Tm sure we are all Clerk, Murray jn ^6 Society gained legal looking forward to Rodgers, representa- Q I* corporate status settling this time fives of the Historical I.U p through affiliation consuming is.-ue.' Society and their *2; with the Ontario said Historical Socie- lawyers will make ^ Historical Society. ty Representative the deal final. 'TV