Greetings from the chairman of the 150th Anniversary Celebrations The Stirling 150th Anniversary Committee. In front (l-r) James Sager holding daughter Camryn Sager, Lianne Radocsay, Mike Welts, Joyce Mason-Montgomery; back row, Katie Ware, Darrin Heasman, Paula Grills, Kim Finkle. Missing from picture, Greg Woodbeck, Debbie Locke, Kevin Solmes, Elisha Maguire, Perry Blackburn and Chris Sherry When Mayor Peter Kooistra first asked me to form a 150th Anniversary Committee, I thought what a great opportunity for our village to come together and welcome back ail the people who have moved away. After some well placed phone calls a committee was put in place. We held our first meeting in February of 2006 with the thought that we would hold an event very similar to that of 25 years ago but with changes to reflect the interests of today. With the help of Lianne Radocsay, Darrin Heasman, Greg Woodbeck, Kevin Solmes, Todd Reid, Debbie Locke, Katie Ware, James Sager, Joyce Mason, Elisha Maguire, Chris Sherry, Perry Blackburn, Paula Grills and Kim Finkle we were soon meeting on a regular basis and plans were under way. Thanks to all of you for your support. To council and the staff of the municipality, the committee appreciates your dedication to this event and the community. To our friends that joined the sub-committees to plan individual events, thank you for your assistance. To the over 25 organizations that participated in Stirling's 150th Anniversary: your many meetings and long hours of work are appreciated. You are all an important part of our community, keep up the good work. I must pay a special tribute to Lewis Zandbergen, his committee members, and the numerous con tributors who have put together The Heritage Years Volume 2. It is important that the history of our com munity and the surrounding area is recorded for the families of tomorrow. Special mention is given to the federal and provin cial governments for their contribution. This event has been financially assisted by the Ontario Cul tural Attractions Fund of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Culture, administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation. I have known for many years that Stirling is com prised of hard working, respected, and enthusiastic individuals and organizations but it has been as the head of this committee that I have met some truly outstanding people. To those who attended, whether you are a resident of Stirling, a former resident of Stirling returning for a visit or a friend from out of town visiting our fine village, thanks for coming, we hope you enjoyed what the 150th celebrations and our fine community had to offer. Michael Wells Chairman, 150th Anniversary Committee VII