L? Where we make 10 different varieties of specialty noodies daily! 'iCatTrTrFrreshly prepared foods such as asta Disiies, Salads, Cold Cuts & Cheeses "EAT-IN AND TAKE-OUT" ANI Personal - Small Business Appeals - Shelters 24 hr. Service 01mporter and Domestic Cheeses oCold Cuts . Party Trays 249-4968 (F Lower on page two are the per- sonal exemptions. These exemp- tions exist to give tax relief depen- ding upon the size of one's family, and ages involved. Everyone can claim the basic per- sonal exemption of $3,960, plus an age exemption, if born in 1919 or earlier, of $2,480. The married ex- emption varies with the income of one's spouse, being $3,470, if the spouse's income was under $490, and it falls off as the spouse has income exceeding $490. Similarly, there is an exemption to wholly dependent children, depen- ding upon the ages , and I55 5Isoouhtiwilth this coupon] (iii'))) Prepared from as low as $15 1536 Eglinton Ave. w -- (upstairs) M6E 268 787-3877 ROSE TAX SERVICE " * ' It " rT a . , ‘i CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Nicolas Ros Hairstyling For Women & Men _ FREE Skin & Hair Analysis 2097 Weston Rd _ Weston, Ont. CLOSED MONDAYS The Link March 1985 Page 23