Weston Times (1966), 25 Dec 1890, p. 3

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a-LH‘E Ill; h: severe cases where other remedies have failed. My "gr“ for " uliug a free home is .. I want the 9m; medic: c to be its own rccmn- ht' i? “audition. n Costs you "oth, s Ei mu for a trial. and a radical cure F, 1‘ is certain. Give Express and 0 . Post (Juice. Address: h' ci l-ly City and farm prove rties, market gardens and Manitoba lands, bought. exchanged or for sale on easiest terms of payment. Money Loan on good first or second mortgages. IF you want Your Hnts and Fenthnra clonnod _ or ultered m- it you desire to hike lrssmm in Music, Swain: or Puiuting, give mm. H. min). First-class Milliuerv done at, low runs. I Mn open for engngemeucs for concerts, parties,cte. For Terms apple to MISS L, RUSH BY, 1243111 I hereby wish to return thanks to my many customers for their past liberal patronage. and respectfully solicit u continuance of the same. Elizabeth St, The Weston Shaving and Ilair.. Dreseing Parlor. Send at once far th FREE F3TTLE and a Villl..(\blc Treatise. TUs remedy astare and radical cure and is perfectl" V harmless as no injun'uus drugs are used av its preparation. I will warm: it to Gun ED" KDQVE'IR ral I "IP. QIHMHFQQ Authorised Capiful and other Assets 1mBl1l1lililRg, BRIBKWDRK AND (r1lim!ll11imNih m Geo Goodetham, Esq Williunt Bell, Esq . isiastus Du:'cciToit:--Jco l Fllis, rsq wk - M411 KEEFLER; Agent, WESTON B. Station Sn, Near ti. T. B. and C. P. R Stations HVEHYand BOARDING STABLE, , EtyIAEiv1sE1iD1859. J, Cruickslmnk & Sons, Props, "-.-Ie (hdtthed WAGEUN ti [AEBIAEE WORKS I. a. ROOT' M. ex, I86 West Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. __ Kayaking pm mptly trPEeIAL'rt--Theit' Celebrated Patent De- faclwble 'et rim: Wrgrtrs for Fttrmers, Brick- n ukns, Miflcrr,Gurdisers an! all kinds ot team- " g-tl 9 best in then-mid. New an) amp, msirr of dmvght.more generally useful, and snfer for Elly kind ot teaming then any other wugon made, Lune Trude supplied with the Patent ht. tachmcuts and Right to use cu um licution to WM. WEALE, Veit0t1 lelmgo Wind-Mill and Pump Works. 5-3 mos M. HARRIS, Proprietor. PBESIDEXT Hon Sir John A Mucdoxmld, PC, GC.B JENNY £1<D IIGET WAGGCKS. CARTS, RENEE, SIEECES, Mel EPILEPSY oe FALL”!!! SICKNESS Jr GOOD BREAD. MILLINERY. REA L ESTATE. . TAYLOR, JACKSON a JAMES. F»: -r---N C“. ' -__ Ms: _ tr_s7sksi,t',1 =7”. ,- _=.=;a cti A2,.” a»; . _ " "r-x':" 422-. L- =i'frti“; -.-v iiWYsec.a 'iss-ar, LsEa=ze='-Lect ecL-"-,trs-zr.e-a'-rttsftr-ftar=g'i-i' AE are - 'iiSre-2 = 'c T ,, 'wr:C-"a-y"Ca'-' a: w 3%.: Bkr-5i5rgr.-= ' ---e_ t>SPv"dFrCirsiy2'-2a-' =35: THE WESTON ESTABLISHED 1830. WESTON The man who makes the W. J. WATERWORTH. JA MEs'.cbTuCEsHANK & SONS, This space belongs to b ly. LONGSTAFF, over" F"2,000,000. l¥§§§§§4EE tii'? Cor. Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto VICE’PRESIDEN IS BUILDER, ETC. M Manufacturers of execute (Win an its branches' once It .able Tr radical Main Street, Weston WiHiurst Bell, Esq 320 Main Street. " estan. Wogttut CHURCH OF ENGLAND-Divine Service (D. V.) is held in St.John‘s Chapel, Weston, everv Sunday at. 11 a. m. and 7 p.111. Holy Communiun on the First Sunday in every month at morning services. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. RICHARD H. HARRIS, B. A ' Incumbent. ROMAN CATHOLIC-service held every nl- ternnte Sabbath. FA’JEEI‘L MCCANN and FATHER McPEILIPs. INDEPENDENT 012mm (F FovrsTrrts.-Meets in Linwn's Hall the last Thursday in (am-h month, Wm, Fullerton, C.It., J. Duggnn, IV 0.590. ROYAL TFMPIARB or TEMPFrtANCF.- Meetings first and thard Mondays of each month in the luetrodist ( butch, J, Linn n, W.C., E M RT, Sec. ANCIENT OI‘DER f F UNITFD wor.rivav.-Meer- irgs sword and fr myth Mondays ot f uch month in Limcn's ball, E. Peurstu, ll, W.,Rev. w. Reid, Rec. PREgBYTEEtIAN-Services, 11 n. p. m.; Sabbath School. 9:45 a. m.; Pray and Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m REID, B. D., Pastor. LOYAL ORANGE Lonma, No. 216.--Meets first Mondny in every Month. in Lintou's Hall, A. Mulluby. W. M., H. Welsh, Bee, bt METEIODL','T-servitets at IO/RO a. m. and 7 y. m ; Young People's Meeting, Tuesday evening at 8 p.111; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening; Tehehers' Bible Class, Thursday evening. Sabbath School at 2:?0 p. In. W. May. Superin- tendent. REVS. S. C. PEEP, JB. and I. COUCH. IKDEPICFDENT 01mm: or ODrapFatrmr+- (Wes- ton Lodge N0. '2im) Meetin.s every Tuesday canning: in (h'dfelhowf' Hull, Church Fit., IT, SCHOOL BoMMy-uestrrs. Linton (Chairman? Lyons (Treasurer), Rowntree.V:mdevord, John Humshaw and H. Johnston (Secretary). Meet,- ings, first Tuesday of every month atr:30 p, m. HIGH SCHOOL BOABD--Dr. ssvage.Clair' ma‘n; D. Bowntree, Trans; John Goulding, Downsview; Henry Welsh, Weston; Robert S. Brown, Weston; J. F. Bill, Secy. MECHANICS‘ tNt3TrTUTE--President, J. Bull; Vice-President, J. Linton; Secretary, J. MeNieol; Librarian, F. R. Keough; Assistants, J. McNicnl and T. “eid: Trensurer.-T. Nason; Board of Directors, B. S. Brown, J, Bull.J. Ham- ehaw. F. R. Keough. B. B. Leighton. L. It. Lemaire, J. Linton, J. hieNieol,iCNasomT. Y, Ravage. M. D, Open every evening. Esttsblisthed 185it. Directors meet 1st Monday in each month at 8 o'clock. p. m. CLERK OF DIVISION comtT-ir. Linton. Hurctinson, N. G., l". Bill, b. 5 DOMINION PARLIAMENT. East. I'c,rlr- Hr n. A. 1\'n(~kv1.zi(\, Toronto il e. t York-N. Clvrlie Wulluee, Wuoobvirirrs. ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. East Yotk-- G. B, Smith, Toronto ; West York -Dr. J. I'. Gnu Ol.l‘, West Toronto Junction. COUNTY OF YORK. Wtrrdetl, J, D. Evans. Islingtcn; Trensurcr J. K, Mucm nald; Quark. Geo. Eukin; Supt York Bonds and County Engineer, J. 'I'. Stok: s Hivll C(ILstuble. J. T, JanegL Toronto ; euditprsA COUNCIL-OV Bull (RePVe), L. R. Lemaire, I . A. Kanke, Josiah Maodonuld, ambit}. 11325.22??? SPECIAL value m overshoes (Men’s . B wntree Treasurer), . . r - d . . (123%;1‘3). tot'Jl'J'lil'r' Egghts of mecstirsg,lst and Grd I and Women’s). best quality at $1.25 Friday of every mouth. . ‘per prur. We anHS you to eall and tn. CHOOL BohBD--Messrs. Linton (Chmrmam , , . 133mm (Treasurer), Bowutree,Vandevord, John speet them at the West End hmponum, Hnmshaw and H. Johnston (Secretaryl.m Meg.- --0. M_ LYONS. C. F. Lundy and L, L. Hartman; Board of Audit, Geo. Eukin and A. Foster; Commission- 913 ot County 1'rot<vty,riue Walden, Reeve A“ Russell trnd Ree\e Thus, Scott; Crmmissioners for Industrial Home, Reeves T. H. Lloyd and M. Jones; Housekeeper. Rum. Hull; County Board for Exuminutiuu of TeacbersHtispeir David Fotbcvivglaaus, Toronto and Inspector A. B. Davidson, Ness murket; Exmniners, lt. W. Dean, Totem», and M. H. TLouurso1s, AurunL. Eiiiiiislii, This Post ctrce is orfn daily, Sundays excert. ed,f1(m 7 FO 0.. m. until H p.111. Mails for Despaub are clcsod as frllows: wcst ... F., F.4 Fw. 8 15 a. m. Ema; FF' ... ... ll 9-9 n. m. East ... Pr. ... F.. F 30 p. m, Mails Ann irg are due as follows: Fast ... ... ... ... 8 49 ft, m. = East, m.. ... ... ... 4 4911.11]. West -rv ... ... ... 7 to p.m. 7 30 n. m. Sub. 1 32 p. m. Sub. S " n.. m. 5 4tr p. m. Sub. It) 17 a. m. 7 ll p.ut. r..' ttip m. 11 17 p.m. LEAVE CITY (Union Deroi) FOR WESTON 6 in a. m. Sub. 4 'A) Fm. S in a. m. 5 "D p.nL Sub. 12 50 p nr. Sub. 6 151mm 1 no 1). m. 11 IN p.u2. The date printed on ear-h paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not bold ourselves responsible tor the opinions of our Correspondents. Loesl-Miss Johnston CLERkibf‘ DIVISION comtT-J. Linton HEALTH OFFICER -rr. Savage. TENS PAPER? Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.N here mIGeriis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK VOTE for Santa Claus. “THE festive day am come." THE high and public schools closed on Friday last. THE TIMES extends the Compliments of the season to all. I Tar, destiny of Weston for the next ]year is now in tlsehands of the electors. Let every man show we stuff of which Ike is made on Monday. THE Financial Statement for this village for 1890 has been issued. THE butchers of this place are dis playing lots of very hue poultry for the Xmas trade. REMEMBER the "New England Sup- per in the Methodist Church on New Year's night. SUBSCRIBERS'! pay op before the ex- piralion of the first 6 months and thereby save 25 cents. FoRTY-Fitrii; candidates wrote at the entrance examinations which has been going, on hexe for the past three days, RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THE ladies of the Methodist Church I a sheep record for Canada: This record. of this village intend giving a feed ofl he thought, should be for all breeds of pork and beans and other good things in l sheep, and be somewhat similar to the the church 011 the evening of New ' Canadian Swine Record now kept for Year's day, at 6 o'eloek. A grand (rot1- l Berkshires and Yorksltires. He was of cert. with grand talent will take {place auntie opinion that the mazter should be Dufferin Hull afterwards. Tickets 25 taken up by the Ontario Sheep Breed-. cents; childrvn 15 cts. See bills. ers' and Arts Atsoeiatioa. With respect; ' iir,ilitMtrri! 'liriWiry) g GRAND TBUNIC, TRAINS LEAVE WESTON FOR CITY, Local and General, Gt tNG NORTH" 8 M) tt. m. 5 17 v. m. I‘AN‘ADI.AN PA Cl IN C. N0 TICE TO SUrlScit1BERS. WESTON FONT OFFER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LCM]. DIR EMORY. VILLAGE OFFICERS. CHURCHES. Lt I FBT J01 NECK, ToEhrtyetrr SOCIE'IIES. may Be round on me at Geo P.ftowrll & Cq'ss Newyoappr GOTNG I n. m. and 7 Prayer Meeting )p.m. REV.W. D SOUTH, Miss Johnston desires to acquaint the public of Weston that her classes for painting and drawing will open on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of the New Year, at Mm. Lawvenee's, Main street. A FEW copies of the History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, for readers of this side the Atlantic, by the Rev. William Cleland, Toronto. price $1.25, at this offiee. A SUSPICIOUS CuARAcTrur,--We have been informed thnt there is a por- son of rather gcntlemanly appearance going about the village,who deserves the acquaintance of the constable, fur the reason that he has been on several occasions trying: to three himself into houses where he was not, wanted and where he had no business. DAILY REGISTER Sroraer-rt will be noticed by the school report this week, that the principal ofthe school reports that some person or pPrsons entered the school house during unlaw- ful hours and stole the daily register. What good or for what reason this has been done, it is hard to say. but We believe. it is the second time the same thine has occn'red. A reward has been offered for discovery of the thief or thieves. The article is of no value to anyone, but the loss of it will place the principal to some inconvenience and annoyance. A STRANGE Ihs1vvrr,AnAycs.-.The, noncTP'0ron0e of James Young, the postmaster of Doucntcr, since last eve _ ning is causing considerable anxiety. He was in the city attending to the postal duties of his office as usual yes- terday morning, and was in the city again in the afternoon and returned all right, While sitting with the family at supper he got up from the table and left the room. arm has not been seen in therwiehborhoorl sineo. Members of his Family were looking for him most. all night. Mr. Young is an elderly man ofregular habits, and is seldom nut of his house, during the evening hours. so his family find it hard to acmunt. for this abswnee.--Tuesduy's News. “RAISE THE T?r,As"--We are glad to notice that the words and music of the patriotic congan chorus ‘llaise the Flag’ have been published in sheet form by the Empire There is a tone and a swing about the compnkition which ll should recommend it at once. both from the musical and the patriotic standpoint. i, It ought to be given into the hands of our children and take a place. witltl‘l "The Maple Leaf." The words and) music were written by Mr. E. G Neroni of St. John N. B , in connection with the mnwment of'hoistin,tr, the Canadian flue on the sehoolhouscs of the Dom ll ion. In order to put it within the reach of' all, the Empire places the price at 10 cts", and has put the song on 1 sale by all newsdealcrs. PAEKDALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. l --0n Friday evening last the annual toommenccment of Jamieson Avenue ‘Colleginte Institute was held. The school, which is an ideal one of' which Toronto may be proud, was brillantly lighted and its large Assembly [loom crowdtd to the doors. On the platform were members of the high school board and the Principal, Mr. ltlmbree‘ M. A The interest of the occasion was heUlrt- ened by the, presentation of diplomas to the Graduating Class of To, by the trustees. A good literary programme ‘was tendered ohidly by the graduates. After speeches from the gentlemen on the platform. the class valedictory was {given by Mr. D, De Lury, who Was most ltiudly applauded. Altogether a most pleasant evening was spent by the class in revisiting old scenes and seeing old friends once more. THE name of Couneillor Johnston was mentioned to us this week as a candidate for the reeveship For next year. Time will tell whether we will have an elec-. tion or not. ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT. - The Annual Entertainment of the. Weston Public School was held in Dufferin Hall on Friday evening last, Dee. 19th The programme which consisted of Dialogues, Recitations, Music, and Ill Cantata, entitled ht Mother Goose, was,l on the whole, creditably rendered. We deem the club swinging performance executed by tight little girls and the rt citation given by Master Arthur Sorley especially worthy of notice; the latter being delivered in a very masterly man- ner. At the conclusion of the pro- :1er (time the Christmas Tree was relieved of it burden, and Santa Claus certainly ‘,proved himself to be, very generous to the little folks. During the distribution [of the presents the children became noisy in the extreme and very unruly, which tended very much to mar the pleasure of a very successful entertain- ment. The attendance was very large, and Dufferin Hall proved to be too small to comfortably accommodate all that were present. The proceeds amounted to about $30. SugEe.---5lr, Ruben Marsh, of Lor- ridge Farm, Richmond Hill, Out., in lreuewing bis advertisement for another Iyeur, reported that bis sales of South- ‘dowu sheep for the past fear had been very good, He, had sold a flock of twenty-sever1 in one sale, and had made (no less than fifieen single sales, all at 3, good prices. Mr. Marsh fiadsa demand _ his sheep all over Canada. He :f’m‘mcrly sold a great manv to the jllniteil Statec, last year making, no less gthuu forty sales to that market. but he is of opinion that the McKinley Bill tariff will stop \he sales of pure-bred sheep to the United Slates. While speaking on this topic M r. Marsh ex-- pressed himself very strongly in favor of to the Shorthorns Mi. Marsh has also had some "cit.taoh"l'ii,'s1,"' Two of his young bulls, both\bc 7, iirsr-ela animals and of high iiireiiir)rsj,'tri, R. Pinkum and the Laird of' ywridge, have lately gone toWu~koku. Mr. Marsh expresses himself as highly in favor of Berkshires. He has made many sales of this breed during the past' Jear. He says that. many of' his buyers} who had for sometimé past left him toi get other breeds, have now come baekl again for the Berksuewe-uarsh's opinion is so strong thit We put in his own words: tg Unquestionably, I say, the Berkshires are the breed for Canada. They are stood thrivers, grind producers,l and are early to mature. Their meat isl of the choicest quality and has the fat and lean well intermixed. Their ';1tj)t/ era also are careful nurses.--The Cann- dian Live Stock and Farm Journalh l Fite Syowsrrr'irnNd'? " Yes my dear' .Ildume, why not T-provided the hat-- vens be propitious and‘f'uruisli the snow, and there is every prospect of plenty this winter. Snowshoeing is as easy as sliding down hill,--- after you know how and you will know how, and how to form a club, and what to wear, and all about it, after reading the breezy artieie on “Snowshoeing” in Dermsrest's Family Magazine for January; and if you. don't bmmhusiastic foil don't b-euesrate-riwthusiastie about the subject, we are mistaken. Or if'yout tastes are artistic rather than atireletie, you will be delighted with the excellent paper on “Modeling for Solis- ture," with its numerous and beautiful illustrations, including a superb full- page portrait of the eminent American sculptor Hartley; and? if you havel never modeled in clay, the suggestions for amateurs and beginners will be ofl great assistance. "Sa/o Maidens of Cornell University" is another hand-. somely illustrated article, wrdtten by one of them. telling of some of the trials l and many of the pleasures of the life oft a “co-ed" at that noted seat of learning ;l the illustrated Chinese story is partical - arly interesting, ; the other stories are, all good; the Cyyonitarian" has seasonable articles about the "ltlffeets oi'Culd,” and ( how to take sie, foot, and other baths, ifor remedial purposes i,,c,'1"liyc,',_', and "The World's Progress' rue' especially attractive; and all the other depart ments are brimful of good things. Ith- deed, for beauty, variety, and complete ness, Demurest’s Family Magazine must be awarded the palm of superiority as the Family Magazine; and should be in every household. Published by W. iJENNINGJ DEMOREST, 15 East Nth I Street, New York. I VICTORIA Cannuuc aid to internal medicine i Lexufuluus sores, ulcers all kinds. Mrs. Wm. Nason has gone to spend her Chlislmas with her daughter Mrs. Welheml of tStrathroy. Miss IL Rowntree spent Sunday last with Miss Ida Russell of Toronto, Mr.Jus. McNicoi. assistant “sachet of the Weston High School, 1,et't on Wedues.- dup to mend his Christmas vacation at his home in Rodney. My. Wm. Shiells. of Weston. is visiting his home in Kincadiuam 4.000.600 Miles. In a life of 70 years the blood travels 1,000,000 miles. lfimpureowd unhealthy it ealries disease with it. Purim your blood with B. D. B. _ _ 1 was uo any and mam. mm a Dart' arm, and euaid find no cure fsorn doetor's mediclue, so I took 2 homes of B. B. B., which cured me, Miss Gertie Church, Alrmer, my and night with a bad Personals. SAL“: is a great u the wentmeut of and abscesses of Keys & Wallet, stvvhips Secretary, fnr poMages Moved by J. Linton. seconded by J Hnmshaw, that whereuslhe principal " the public school having reported to the board that some one Ind broken into the school during the night. of Tuesday or morning of Wedneany of hm! week, and stolen the public school daily register, therefore be it resolved tho! we offer a re- ward of ten dollars for such information as will lead to the apprehension on! convic- tiunnf sail person or person", and that notices be prinxwi and posied up in the seetion.--Gu-ried. , Board meeting of puhlie sclmul trustees lnn Monday night last. Present-d. Linnea, chairman, J. Vande Vnrd, D. Howntree, J, Humshnw, and R. Johnston, See. The following accounts were read :-. W, Remnish, J, year's salary . .. .312 50 W. Heamish. cutting wood . . .- ... 50 G. S. Townsley, pipes, eta, far drnining public school H 93 J Filzhem‘y. digging drain.. 73 50 J. Coulter, supeiiuteudin,tr, druin,................. 5 00 Moved hv D Rourutresx, seconded hy Vanda Vnrd, that the above xxccuums read he pairl.-osrrOd, swap.“ Mum-dad to SLOCUXI‘N‘. OXY- GENIZIQD FAIUISIOZJ nf PURE COD LIVER, (ML. Their L-xhwumry at [96 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont ' is kept conslumly going and every druggisl in the Country is supple! with me lumous remedy. A FRIENDS face "oh?" looks sour and glam from the effects of misery-- makinghilonsneas nrliver C'nnplainl. If we tell him to use Burdnck Blond Ititters and he dues it, the face anon brightens with returning health mud happiness. B. B. B never quS. I The med cal mission ol' Buydock Blood Bitters in curl"; mrnsiiptiion, has been maukerliy suecessful. N" other remedy pos - ssef8e such peeuliar power over this disease.. Was very had WIN} eostiireuess, and one home cured mp, would not be without it, says Mrs. Wm. Finley. Jr, Bobeargeon, Easily Caught. GROUP. c‘xlds. sure throat and many puinful ailments are easily eaueht in Ihis changmble ciimutn, The never-failing lemedv is just m easily uhlained in Hits - yard's Yellow Oil, which is undoubtedly Ihe bvst Mall the many remedies offered [for the cure of colds or pains. Just why a» many people euffar pain when a I'vmerly of known and contain effect ‘hke lFarrrarrs Yellow Oil may be had at ‘every drug stun-e, iq not Very clear. This peerless pain snowing: remedy is a prompt aud pleasant cure fur sore thrortt, eolds, nheunmlism, lune buck, etc. Price 25 cents. Mother and Babe. Gr:xTr,ryir,rN.--l have used Hagyard's Peetorsd Balsam for a had cough, and was cured hr one bottle. My bahe only two months trld also had 'a c 1M and cough and on giving him some it helped him very ouch. NATIONAL PILLS are n mild pumgalive, acting on the, Stomach, Liver and Bowels, removing all ubstvueiious. To [xvzauru'rm both the body and the bruin use the, reliahle tonic. Milburn's Aro- mruie,0niiOe. Wme. tIDIc4a?rTE5. Pshp,sis.--fn Weston on Sunday, Dee. 213(1890 Joanna Pearson widow of the late Geo. Pearson, aged 85 years EIARRIED Tror.i.s"sT---Mclliumc-ht the resHenee of the bride's mother, 63 Beaconsfield awn. on Tuesday, 23ad of U ecember, [890. by the lter.C. H. Show. of Woodhricre, Mr. Thumns F. Vulletz to Miss Mary A. McBride, bulb of 'rgrtiscy:miPir'G?'Eiit TEE WESTON TIMES ( J?" i. , b I f), E: I V ry' l ti, tTu T g I. LAG. FROM NOW UNTIL THE FIRST or" JANUARY, 1892 FOR. School Board Meeting Toronto. SCHOOLHOUSE A S uccessful Mission Mrs. E, J. Gordier, Florence, Out, A Friand’s Face mm " 126 45 8 H) 103 TIMES and Daily Empire 't st Globe... " " Mail. .. tt " World . Caveats. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted tar Moderate liees. _ - _ The Weston Times FOR 75 CENTS. Our Ottice is Opposite U. S. Patent or- flee. We hare no sub agencicn, all business direct, hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than those remote from Wyshiygtory. * . . . . , ' "8:413 mid-cl. drawing, or photo., with {descrip- tion. We advise if (immutable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not rye till patent is1seepred., Dunn-'15. V... mu nu. mm 'rd' mm” ac" “w”... A Twok, '. How to Obtain intents," with rcter. euces m actual clients in your State, county, at town, sent free. Address, Ch A. SNOW & GO. G. M. Lyons takes this opportunity of wishing his customers and the public generally, a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. l Merry Christmas! We have the Choicest Fruits, Selecled Valencia Raisins,irostizza Currants, Prunes, Eleme Fists, Lemons, Oranges and Cocoanuts, and a bewildering variety of Candies to please the Children, as well as Mugs, Toys, Books, Xmas Cards, Etc. SINGLE AND DOUBLE, "REPAIRING NEATLY Mil 1lX1%lmllllllhy 1lllla.------ BRUSHES, WHIPS, ETC., FOR SALE. MEAIN STREET, WESTON, ONT. Cash much accompany all orders (rshri1iglti1,1tf, 1ilj,fjjTjllrikt1jSji1(' The undersigned wishes to intimate to the citizens of Weston and vicinity that he has opened a Tailoring, estab- lishment where you can have anything you require done on the shortest notice. Customers cloth made and trimmed u cloth procured if desired. Good ht guaranteed. A trial solicited. Yours Respectfully, WEST END SWEAT MARKET, Opposite Patent Otiiee, Washington. D. G Bees and Honey for Sale at the Apiary of F. T, 1F?rCj'5'7tiii"TWTEEal WESTON. MAIN STRE ET LONG TIMBER l SPrlf'i:1i,Tr L? Ti) 52 FEET IN LENGTH. W. DEEAY efle EON” Our Amended Club List tor 1891. " iiOj1t, Tiriiril': I-TIN/l,,..')))),)," TtttdtMil WESTQB? LUMBER; COAL AND W520}? Gi5.AEID. Weekly Mail ..... tt Globe ... " Empire . vh News.. .., Saturday Night Montreal Star... " T. :ERtADrN7Er2?tirtG?0N9BaG, THE WEST END EMPOR10M.----- G. M. L Y 0N5. Wholesale and Retail Butcher and Purveyor. Special attention to Farm orders during the threshing season. Also in connection, The Praetlcal Horse Collar Maker. Orders for Coal left al Mr w. P. PRATT, ropr'wtors of the Weston Saw and Planing Mills. Lumber, yliingles, Lath, Wood and Coal. 1801 1891 Witness GIAIN STREET. \VESTON. WWW -rqusf'%aP%_ttrr%rPNf"%Ptese-rrs DEALE R IN IIA RNESS---.. -- by John It. us. New“, mt “a can n‘om " to o as you go any pan of " 50 5 50 5 50 3 00 I 60 1 60 60 50 50 60 Of London, England. ' Sir Wm MeArthur. K C M G, M, P, ex-Lord Mayor " London. President. W W Bayaes.Esq.F I a.Aeereturr Reserve Fund . .. . . .$10.000,000 Annual Inc Hue. . . . . . 1,600,000 Invesled in Canada... L200,000 Death chums paid. _ . . 1(),h)0,000 Toe no REFERENCES. John McDonald,Etur C. J, Campbell, Esq., Hon. SentutorMcMtv3ter A. . Smith, Esq. Imuea Metculte, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. onus made on security ot Company’s Policy as b pr vent intere, t. Lonnsumde lnChurch Trustees, Ma low rm of interest. Semi for prospectus. THE STAR Essnrme Soc'y and mun: nhvr tt um"; 'Ve'ri%ile'.'iv'i"ea' phgummt and tea) yum rum. No IPIICI lnfvrmuiun FREE. a' Kill R A; co, can be "maul at our NEW “ner‘lwnrk _ unduly and hulml‘ulll , by (hula ii? '-'uiwr H‘X, yuung or nil. and In tho]! ou-u "rrvt1lit,icrr,u hsttver they livv. Any r-m- um (In tlie work. may to lu-nrn. We furnish vw‘rym'mg. We sun-c ynu. No rissk, Tots mu ulovula your spun- mum-ms. ru' all guur tinte no (In: mark. l hla In an entirely m~w II':IAI.'IHII brings u ounlrrml 'surwmmtrowerysoV Betiunm“ Mr t'risurirrir frnn) SL'.", lo $50 per It m-k and upwnro, and mum nth-r u Iinlu r‘\|>t:rivuce. We can numb-h you [he um- plnymvn! and tench ynu rum. No apnea to cxplnhl here. Full t..r.-.v...rla... L‘Iun: Ftqq n .. .._ A h” ..‘ .., F-e _ H, A ' FA .w t Iunderinke to hrietly _ suirvlrusty ("My illlrlligrlll lu-rsun ofcilht-r “a. srito $'t51t ram] and write,oud “he, nl'h-r inst-1n tion, “in work industriously. -. how to rum Tbree 'I‘luumnml Dullnn I J'. F. GAMBLE. umber, "lit, n.” “mm”; In.» sum") u y-urénru h'nNEw ad SOL] Eb. Fuji Irtll n. umr~ F " EB. Address a! “um, i. c. ALLER. Box 430, Augusta, Maine. mid Sec. & Tress. tor Canada. " Wellington bt, East, Toronto Dec 'te 1888 Flownlree's A D I ERBY, LIFE uni-h" ii/ree-Th "rruver may live, mm with rmMuMJn-nr- uh 0 Emma u 31‘1er ant-LL m- N AW' $'trht 'rond and write, and “nu. ma lion, will work industrious”. Irtt Three 'I‘luumnnd Dullnru I rm-er may Hun] will also furnish u hh In par (mu run. Ilmx amount. rlltl "5 "trove, Emily und quickly -r {nun eawll district "I ru-HIIIy. I WESTON. to cxdnuin here. Full ' Al ASIA. MAINS.

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