"1;; Ina use your left; hand." The left was submitted, and the man then gig, tirmly ; "If you-will" hold your arm needy. I will perform the fest." “But why "Felon-lurid. And not the right t" " Becausethe right bandit hollow in the center. and there is a risk of cutting off the thumb; the left 11 high, and the danger will he lens." anier we. startled. .. I grit frightened," he said." " I new it was nu actual feat of delicate Bwordmnamship, and if l had notusbused the -mian at} di4Grfoitrortltafr, and "9sallem,e,- . Fd him to the trial, I houently scknosyledge I would hue retired from the encoutster,' However, I put the lime on my hand, and held out my arm a-iuzulily. The jugglcr ’lmltnced himself, and wuhn swift angle cut the lime in two pieces. I felt. the edge nf_the award on my lmnd as if a cold thread had beerrdriswn acrnuit. Andro much he nddad 's for the brave nwordllnwn of lndiai. 'hem our fine fellow: deferitnd at Manner.†Elli. Anecdote is certainly rt proof of the Iincerity of an honest mind. ready to M knowledge error', and of bravery and valid» has: in "pining that error, " " but at lingering th dink. up" but†no .53 a T, â€do: the â€and ttttte ttdlti, mtho M.“ tr d t - guy My}! tt L7,' wimpy. that; “and Win will?†ml; tt _ b t2"dttct,tt'tu'. ., “and that dono- "d'ilis of ttte unite-u Had the In". WA _haurpat “again; nvor than and to bungling "t Matt-magi) in nu. t up u [om r. 1'attt. mount ot Mum-n within-i? nah admirer of winkâ€, which is not dim on" to mainland. what. the momonble uncut oi the gamut have": Din by Dell and All Infant: in roe-lied. xDickonl bad . with". old n the but af hi. Image, And attestNd I.“ ttw when with the as] ot in 1tt'"lt"i We did not take my and" put 1UTut either " the wicket. or in the tie ' but dwuyu “mined Oh rayon-lb}. duty ot scorer. " the sums than inching. the phi mud Approving or gunning it, in Mr. At rod Jingle any hue Joni In London Dickenl WM the nuns bright, paid, magmatic DELHI-L he I†in the can"? At thrs otbse of Household Word» in We lingual: “not. he worked midway between tho roar of the Strand and the din ot Count. Gnrdeu Burton, and. nooording to Mr. Fitegesrald, Appeared to enjog the noise: At my rue it never disturbs him ttt his works M. which he Wu iudtatigabie, for you an "hole a pelwd which luul not bein ind And rung, touched And retouchv ed, by him. Here 9 had. for hi; brother worker! Georg. Amnu- Sula, Edmund Yatas,'M'alter Thornbury, Jame- Ypyn, Mo Thom“, John Hailing-head, Andrew i'll'hd'r, _0Grles Kent, uni last; but not. At length one of his Ion: disseovered him 'ittiag behind the theme: ikith bis head hid. ion in hia hludl. Memory had temporarily lornken‘ him, He did not. know when he wu, and he thought he want home at Gld'l hill. The ',,",','t,"Lt be buck at Gad}; till, m toqstroug to overcome, and he named hack tint very night. A weekl'nfter he W“ dead. la the In! lquer MrrFitz. geruld ‘received. he wrote; "l havu been obiiged'to fly from dining and other engage- manu Ind to take refuge in my old plum. and K“ myself into my uiunl gymnastic condition; The deprivntion of my Mum] juikl in very serious mUter to me Is I Q)llU',,G unless I am in constant ext-r After Nsper's battles with the Hindoo opposed to the Enginh, a Jamal“; juggler viiit.d'the amp," sud performed his feat- before gho Genenl, hi. family And staff, Among either parlour»: this mum on; in two, with u uroko' his nwurd. . lime or lumen pllold’in the hand u bin uni-tun. ‘Nopiet thought there wu tome 63““an mw... thejuggier Ind his rereiner. To iivide by a sweep oi the Iword ID "mul tn abjocy on a man's hand without touching the leg , he believed to le ilnpésuible. though th lim in incident is related by Small in his ro the. of the " Ttuisrnsn." To determine 1"dtt',.", of the General offered his own tor the experrrn"mt, and he stretche8 5m. hid right hand.. 'lhe iugglerHephe11 very unenuvely at phe Gnd, and and thin" -jte%yiAfoos-jptk'rtlet -ektrerime" “J After I deaeripti?n of a few of tiu, pleat Amer epnodu_ in the life of Dickens, Mr, Magnum chm: to the cloning scene when “.110 right eye was to be dimmed, the menu nry'ivu to fail Ind the bodily frame to give 1','l'i under thg enormous In to which it an. bey.tt lubjecwtj. .'l'he tire had, indegd, "lS5a",MWrRidi,Tf'J0"i.',5,'triti a. I. w. _ 'e Heath. Ix» till “’4’". - W But. “j. lecturey lurnsaHJor, he ram hq honestly believed that. he wt: the most Lnduszriou- of the “MT. . " When '0 “(an to obey' . command we' white to do "lllr the Lord hum-cl! com! mull. Me no to not, rightly been†Jesus nomnndl It. "trt we love tat do his lam Inn: than: an be no friend-hi? ','M'oe,','i, "(it Oh for we to In": the on! with gum To close thin tint point, " Ap- - an out Lori would in" an obe him out of- lrkndiy lpnlit. Obedience to and.“ a tf yo "reg-[cod go do Iupdqwnuud l, rmui- would be of no worth an '8 proof 1;! PM; "or, on. on In “an. e - not. of _ but of, friends.. he would ttot In" " â€for- dutm from {an of him! or low of ‘murd I am t'dlhl." on may ot hh'Mdndqmu-t he tho [and Inn. it willlmm Hour [at In... it pano- h our delight, i~omo [ION-II“ an» whim to their me m; my new mm" amok. m4 at“! mutiny, and 1m under "a; m then- who we ChtU0 lrionrll and no new bet love. ' The to" of Christ m; 51,1911: Lhntteemrtqt de- WERE "Kid; "WM? hTé "iraiirriojrd Him; 235: muted to Allow his two daug‘htvn to Ippenr " In Lmlteur drmimlic Performing. and umbelf to superinteml t 1e Ivpresorttatiun, or he was alwuvl an cnlhuoiuslic setor and h careful and painstaking stage manager. the serv,,'1ttT,iavte:1, and the lay was duly performed. ut after is wag alrover Dickeins could mn be found. ,. . A C Naughty I would find you cull. l" exclaimed New“. "But 'top," suided the other l. FEEQBEU,EFQPEEIEZQEL‘!.Yf99.l5..l$§.f.9!ï¬.|).i§. There is A elm of people who pride them. selves on their honesty and frankness be. came. " they tell ul. they " say just what they think," throwing out their 0 inions right And left just " they Impyen {a fel. .u siaatremtgsULtey.a, Ltrg lyttErtcotpgr, M,ld'l,'l,e If tre 'i,',daRe in? tempered we would at lent keep nur uglinnulocked up in our own bra-ts and not let it out to NullId tho heling- mud mm- the hnppinm. " “hon. rt we must. speak out our dir. .iku uni pr'ejnrlices Ind wretched feelings, I! ’t go into our own. room hm! lock the 1001- and clot. the windows, no Lil-L no ml- nut our own dull he" the hutch)! words. " u: Inn mm to he religious, or even nanny decent, aad bridhth not his tongue, ittat manu religion it "in And his Gardiner 'l otirinerirOd Ind hue. ll; matter where they rmiy [dike or whom they mny wound. This banked frankness. however, in not bounty, but in rather miserable imperrthtenee and reckle'u cruelty; W. haul no right to My what we think nu- lm we think kindly and lovingly: no right to unload 'P.r 1531mmâ€, ouviu. bad humor: Fupior and the Swordsman. Tho NM“ of Obédienoo. " I My mule l Think. " AEFihitikt In “a... will" with it W Woo. “I I (aqua-t» Vidal n Aihteelle,getf?!y,tt aisiit-' ' Mr any MI I 'ttterr"'" †via happy?- 'lm'inlnte wall? Tho grounds Were not elosed ih on all silica by walltt--st the loot l of the grounds 1lowcrl the river! i Nglliu ruse hum Jebed. She ' dead; ly ;ille. toe caught " the hut worn that ’nlnv in the grnuivdi, and stoln out of the Klan"). out of the house, and following the llliP of llw-lzuul, took hee way trnrard, the ‘Thumem _ t l When William Btstharst 11ml left, tlui I house at the padding of his mother, the old I woman rang thn bell and onlt,rsi the lunch- Imn things -to be like" adsy. She then [inland the great hall into the large gloomy idrtswittroom. At ordinary" tunes. monthn .wan by without a visit from either hersell 'nr her son to this great chamber. The lomo were shiny“ kept dawn, Mul in spite I 02th Hazing \Incloudad June sun, 'only a j di twilight (my) It place. __ _ 1rwmtttitsehriis min'umgus Ttrisut 330L811 Vance at any lervanb iy the house. The old , womul who had bpeued the lodge-gate . would, the knew, refuse Lolet her out. bven [ ifashe succeeded in gaining the public road, l wlmv. gould she do there? She could not war I lii,fi,i,fi,i,i,i,'fi,i'y' and nit. ht. She had omits. ““1 tle money in her pokiet’ and even u. "r4titd teh times as mach, what could we ’do ynh it? She never in all her life had bought food or been new" the threshold of an hotel. ': But, what wag .the use ll thinking about. 1 r liberty'. From the gro ml: of Garwooli l l House she could no mure escup'e than. fhsr, to ‘ _ her father in remote Brazil. l 1 She had hem Iheinnpirur other husband'- "pooulruious In “lethal, and he loll all he i died worth to but T in mu not the hound [when her Indium died. Helmâ€: ht it a ‘ short tim., before hisdeath, but lug never llived in it. The widow let it, until hor son lbognn to be troubled with thaw nlnrmiug ‘ hysterical weirmrc.n . then, it heing quiet,. re- tired, IIII'roiultled lwy high wu‘lls and large grounds. out of the Why, nm' well qunlxtled “a krep I newt. she thto live in,ir her. l'lell, “king her son Jrith her. - all; Ami then to tirinkt-it she could trust her numbed "ttees-this old wimu.sn bud indir-ued that this hideous mun ,wus tobe her suitor 5"She who had never henrd word oi love from pen use by I vile conspiracy to be forced into tlie‘nrms of this loathloxnn creature, ttt nrder that his ruined (CHARMS might be mule wholu with her ftther'l money '. Surely no one in England could to. day pomemplate no odious, _ crime '. She wuuld die, 2y. die a _thoounrl deaths of awyu-.b.elor.e yielding my!) hateful a fate. 706:1.13 in beUat In}; adhered the real inv TrrrmstTeTrtirtriut 35136 on Fehite-i1iis 9H mm conscious t _ V ' F _ . near 01 donut Alliance " but unrnw nei- m?“ In†_'"",'fliN/li'."""' M manual) Morton'. mopey home: “My out 6t it, pun! kb . l , door not no beck there to be lat." Dry-em or t'1'attt " twt -dr..en or She knew the: by thin time the Amount of ' 1 ' thought Nellie anon, at line ley on Chriltopher Morwn'u investment: mun b. the bed of her own room alter Mrs Bethuret thirty orfurty channeled pqundl. Thin we: hld hither. ‘Hnd she heard this Hill] My "h ‘ lugs fortune,†but it ought to he he was impale-sly ruined} Juu the drum: ear-ugh to in her Ion time to â€at?" him- ed thnt the old women indicated that uhe. a" ; and If“ we: quite' lure Willinih would Ellen Morton, could new mm! It trrlyl I, never wglin disregard her wvioe. end that, not dreamed, w'hat could tlre wm-dlmd, with the aid of thin girl’e fortune unlike? genurel of Mn Buhunt mean! Only one liiiiiid her we would once more be able to '.le,ttr't,l,r that. chirmounruu creature , hold iii, " bend ena- member uf the Mock thou d come by whetever money her‘ Exchange. . ", . tttUr Gd 'yard. How w" t.lyttfo F) She thaw that in the will led ed with dope! Only m put, wsrrby. “I,“ swful, Christopher Morton'l lawyer Sl dead thi.vyoeys "e." "WWW l"tr. . engineer had left all his mBuey mm deligh- " ly" . horrible, ,tttt ll' int?Urtblt ter, Ind appointed her son and Colonel Eamon W“ hen! C'oloW Pickering had Pickering guru-diam and trunk». The iddeu Yr. good-bye, ytt.1, the had. no td- father/now was dead t and the other guard. dreel for him between the Itsyuttaki.ty,r until ish a d "all.†Wuuldbe out of Final-mi u. Uibrritqr, in 'pl, the world “I†did not fore JI'dltt Ind would not be back regain know, I loul on whom she could rely tor l until (hi! girl was of NPs-until she we! help or ldvice. She thought ot her oulmerried.‘ . Ichool. but that we: in Xorksliire. 'lg) Fi: Bathuut "08 the drawing-room othtstycayrin.taams1 in9iaht,ort were cout be ' which had not sounded tor noone with the Colonel." She Ind never gone a journey by~'herself. and. she fell like ado" wtsut'eret in . desert, or the lulo human be. ingpu aeAtlyyLwttere has" of prey lurked in every shaker: . She was alone in Garwood, alone in Lon- don, alone in England, dune ia'Ttitttrpe. Tltrre was no one to whom Ihe could Appeal. She was imprisoned witllin tho high walls of these lonely grounds. She 're ‘cerwin Mrs [Suharst had chilled her, had sent the blood back into her heart, until she fell, mlTocating. until she awoke to shadowy terrors thrtrtueniug her in the distances and silences andsplcPu of that oppressive house. In any other houée the nookl and corners hm] been na;nmre full of fears than an esphnnde or ten-see or country hue. Here nooks And corners were. the hiding-places from whxch 'qh’osu Gd ‘0'» one's appro'a't'h Here the vast. spaced ovér the stairway: were the hum†of ahrgydca mystery-sud and bodily; coho. ' . Mrs Enchant had chilled hexâ€; William Buthurst ‘lmd magic ,her blood freeze with terror. The hideous. nets of him npponran‘ce stunned her, and " strand ot his monstrous ’voice and light of tfi.revoltilyr. capers, the had. gwnon- 'rlwre was no room tor doubt. Had not the old woman hogun with a reception chil- lier lhnli December? Hud she nor told her this Willisrtt Buthursc won/Id never marry? And then, nfler learning that her Inn had lost his mongv, had she not spoken in terms m affection. my. of endearment, tothe girl, whose presume seemed a burden Ind an in- jury an hour before? What more confirms, lion was needed? Ska was the centre of n vile plot, encom- passed by inviplate walls, alone. helpless, rrienithrsgt. tht, would not merciful irestti come to deliver her '. URGENT PRIVATE AFFAIRS. The "id waa, 1','p, tPete,".',)," aia nw than comm vi m in bi W â€(h ,3- WWW. new! t "ee "a; Tite ruining of the drtorinrroorn window blind: w-d‘v m to lot in the dawn oia new on. illinm had lost " hi: money, Ind all be: hwy-l well, 1: “Ion viii-innu- Roeith Amerhmo meal-lion. Dal the very tune day chit new! ot the dinner reached Mullah, tltls slrl. Ellen Manon. nlrnyorl under an“ no with I tortrme, Inge enough to Ina William. Nay. mm. the In" of late tminted lndubilably to the mulch: for, out of the Sand: Amulet which had engul- lod Williun‘l money. the money of this girl hul been rendered into their Wyn-J who very any wild: knight rail to the et from the an) 1emWty. hm than them of the death d the girl's lather. Md the de- parture of the [irl'l friend! from DIM; than Inaving this Ellen Morton with hula- 23335 "a 2'i'C'; . C'ifiirl; ..... ti'ii'i'ii",iiii.rk"i'iiiiiir,fiiSF. ft'e"tr'r- aunt- My"? When mower and mm more"! into Gar wood House, the place WM furnished for ordin-ry family. use. Mrs,iUthttrat hld not then dam!!! wmmn mould never runny; Btat u years went on. the lit of retirement deepened Irouml the have, the 'moutitm ot its inmates became more strict. until from yenr’n end to yenr'n uni no strung" entered in gun. she drew up the_hlinda. That Wu hvr first act tow-rd: uhnngmg the “pm-t at thr- house, an an indication that all within hml chumzml. Up to tl is Jay she had her mind mule up her son ac'; - marry " This day she [mule It her mind Willusm tshould “In; wife. H P mum] the Mimi: M the "tirat act of prep-Ping the house for het' son‘- VOL II. CHAPTER lil. ',, Once more he vurneu' his face, towards home, hi the hurry and exeitement of his operations in theliry the Ingenuity for Jo. ihg spredily what he, was about prrvtmted 'thinkiug. In Jhts cab which took him to i the train and in the train that uairied lum â€way irbitr tun-n he had plenty of time for I rchection. I " Saved '." he thotuthr. an he jumbed inm the cub. ', Snved I" he thought again " he Hung himself into the éhalunned corner at UN inilway cm rinse. Saved from imminent and emnpiete ruin 3 How easy it had been ( Whst u "ii.limg allow it cost him to plice a I gm ure burner between his house and ties. _ truction l 'Nitriorrow, the mime- of I“ the 3 house: sucked down in the whir,lpoo1 would be known in the City, would be known 1 throughout. All commercial world f v.1! Bathurst had no moral acrngle about creating the document he require . It Wu dangerous work his ubriestingof signatures, even fa'dtrsd man; and dangerous this canoe-Hing of theVdeml man's Neath, and dealing/ith Iris property IL! though the signature were genuine and the gupwsed signatdry alive. Bathurst did not in Hi? mind use the word fraud or felnny. but he was not blind to the gravity of the act he oontmnplisteu. _ ' T . . Truly. n his mother said, fate had played into his hanpll! It he Jud been allowed to design tlr, situation, noth. ing, could have been better ordgred. Luck! Yen: he.. believed in. luck. He had always been lucky until he touched Soth America, “(mm momencSouth America proved it ravennus cluicjunnd under his feet, from that "it-same South America a hand of Humour was stietchgd forthe te, him , - n She km?" (but by thin than the Amount of fi?2"1tt,r, Morwn'u 1T,,tht'.'" 'l'lh", be t my orfurt y than“; n I. in In: min a lugs fortune} bani! ought to be enough to tp,' he'r Ion fun. to my: him- ul! ; and I o in: quite lure William would never Agni" disregard her wvioe. And that, with the aid pf thin girl’l fortune Hillier Advice, her um would once more be able to hold up his bad ua-memher uf the Mock Exgharign. q _ V . _ . Mortal: was dead, the girl was under his rout. the other trustee on his way to India. ', months of undisturbed possession .of the money could be counwd ou-even it the girl did not become His wife-and in months all would be put ri " Fworphe girl did nut Joow of her 'uW,h, dcdsh, and his â€in to know of it tttstil there had been. time for 1 letter to come from Bruil. . -suruLtsusuuratreuheruoruuto him: -or was he stretching {mums humltu It', the tomb of a friend? Bah! Such b nought: were childish, and could not be oi “so to 'er9eetrtntut in the Uity this any of hideous dinner! _ _ V T He had told his clerk: in Laughy Court, Fenchurch Sweet, that he was going to Garwood. He had not said anything nimuL coming back. -Thcy did not know whether they would see him ngain lhnt day or not. When he walked in at. dive o’clock they ivtrrmnot surprised. That day no mm was mugged by anything done in .thr. City. . a thigvel um rev’olutiom. All I will om hear of South Amen“ in that Christoph" Morton'. mopey bonne- ulgly out 6t it, an! does u'." go back .thore to be loft." . While Uri. Bathurgc was taking a. tint tsrl-u-tsans for her son’s iature, thallium was hanenin"; back to London to Itop dinner in the prawn. Havipg once nmle up hilmind to use Cristopher Mor- tuuhmamtydatvuuiaxu'uustioaruth-mur no duticulty. in the wny, though there wall pey'ttle danger of mg direibkim]. . . Christophér Uorhm hell dead, 'nnd quonel Pickering as good 3 out of the country, it was necessary o to produce the signature at a. dud than on a. cerium document, sq In to enable William Bethune to raise moueylhat very evening. There WIS no used -l.o tell my one in lthe City um Christopher Morton was dead. , in fact, it would cause fatal delay it the new: in the' telegram from Brazil gov. abroad. The mel- , sage had been forwarded from his oftiee any arched, no he Wu sale from premature die, u oturw, l rs. Bathurlv ring the drawing-room be , which had not _sounded tor noone - w raw ong. ' . bb Let thin room be thorpughly done out to-morrow," she said to the Sui-nub); "sud for the future, when the Inn in tf,llt, ‘aidu ot.?.? haunt!“ the blind: be pu. led up: )Villilmjinthful‘gb ihyyt gtrai ht in'io his pr'fvatis office anti locked this glam“. In a truartsrrtr an hour he cmcrgcd, pals Ind anxious, and hariied out. That day the hunks shin their doors M four " usual, hm private ohiees forgot custom and’were open hing aitWr closingvtime'. - _ In less than half an hour, Bathurst Wu back, had Paved Ilil home, had borrowed monoynn n. signature which was not T/YI,',',", and on thin faith thit Christopher Jonah was alive. a: ht',t, '4ti',Q,'f,2t'gtg"2g I T m Ar a. u a. up. In â€on ttht I When his mother Ingguted his using milI her'knm.°rdlod it Giai hump!“ r t money, she did m take into mum the risk l of â€gimme, crying In tutu: " no will he would run. No doubt who had no Iii-pi- l for 'y. mg r, m [or in! m- -. !" citing More mu any risk “your! tint of| E that t'u12'flfl2lllU1Wf,,','d run- u-ing another man‘s money“ (idiom. his 1 pin toward ttte be. rrt'tt “an†in “minority or knowledge. In the hurry And _ Moi-ad. 'h', and “mum, mart mum-inn. her nowâ€: most likil‘v mu that 3 Huh 0P†the do" â€*M he could get Momma may readily u: TE. - Mtoretqd.. "I“ Id In: tho "my t,tyllet to iii-Lon credit in his! Mm. SM “in 't.ee. [M own hunk: Thanwmyl he no need to n- ineive’hr. Or, indeed. it :ttt he sh! tld'"" unearth» he had In on“ to . ',e,,trt'ygaTize,,e,,'rgegeegPt.'. manic-aim! 9â€"an .. "hmur-teort.tM-tt-tt_ tt'g'Sr'l'1'h'r'At M-Ntntt-ttqrtgtggttl CI. Ind d do... Mr -, True, he hnd heen obliged Wrun risks 2 hut were Hui ruini- in“: hiinginin count? Supposingthe worst, were the risks wry great'. . o. For, "an if Colonel Picker- ing were not 1',',t1 chm-d, " would be lrlendly Ind allow in lollnw [muse to do pretty much u be liked '. (or tho Crrlortel tth doubt. knew lbs: the dead man ra placed unlimited him in Villiers Pullman. What! She. to mm; hm- that in VII "tttatm-tt . Mai! "gunman! Bil-other km ht" I Hol‘ Rh FUvtsfsred by trircumatanees, and aided by his' mother's advice and his own bold vagar- nus action. ha had been lb): wave hun. wlf iron': bankruptcy-from being patted " " det%dter-he posted I who had tor re". hold his had m high. and bring rammed astsrock of good Inn-o. a. u. slow-going, money~nmking speculum! He had he t hindenlinglin South America to himserf. No one need now know that he Ind burnt bin fingers, to my nothing of cunning n- mhiluinn in the fire. house of Wiltiam Tinthnrn w'auld be iu' Hm! biilck lid '. FF, "ND COUNTY OF tORK'IHE'RALb; WESTON/ ONT. THUBSW~MARCH IT, 1898 ', Blinded 9nd Mud. [in Mung banger) bull. In W main; . " Ir it in too lunch," she and, " you win try to remember I “I . mother, and " l l did I did for love, and it ll but] [on mother i may Iran-my "tick-f .. the room which he had numb-maul. --yi8. Hisrmothor val sitting in W of An oid.fashioaed so!- tit can of durin- dowm She motioned him to duly thiydoor and come near he'r. " You are aur riled to tind me here. I ave rumupt e In III mute Ill Morton-in honour ot your hunt. wife. Sit down' here." She [tuned Oaths other end of the gots " Hofdid you got on in the City , Did you arrange ovaryt in: at- Mug-Mildly tl' T K " Yes. There was no hitch." ' He at (Town at the other and of the sofa. _ " " I am glad'of that. "l mu grutly plot-ad you noted no promptly. You In" taken all W~wmndwy F-"---:-- mm "soh on, all the mum." . a ' “ IU them," no Roi gm upon wing. you have done t Even Impose you thoughh I of changing your mind now, you could not dob???“ . .’ '. , " No. I haw; drawn Morton’l money, and 1g't,g,t:e), have beonydd way “that mvy uh isobarged “Abilities of to-day." l but. could aha mom by “king could he to back? " seemed clen- from mu that “his most. horrible nulpicion wartime. It 1M3 now plain Ihe must know In could not have egzricned himself withoaterime; Thin wan terrible. _ _ “Any! you minkâ€er could I would! Whit: is it that Ga btspiieitod tv Ptfd sweat hrake out my his forehand“ " morning he bad been diamond, driven frantic, made half mad by the “tiny that had occurred in the Cin. Never in MI lilo had he felt fear until now.. no “It ooid with fear. cltmmy with fur, lick within“. T , JYia. @513}: could [live been Trd ad itrr thu. Does it make much di " pace t" . C _ - yet. Whit bu taken plum. here t" K. grbuned and wiped the cold Invent from his forehead. V b6 Ho memo! thinking we had irord of Mun-tank death. , did not all him we lift! a ttrlogrot"---c- " Thgmk Hetwen'for._tut 'f.' l â€119 Mid he (on the cable. null run out to break the news to Mill Morton. Isent n. servant for her. She was not in her room The servant Inppmod she had gone into the" grounds. as her hat had dtsHrttesred. Cql. onel Pickering said he would go out look for her." Shgfminted to the wimluw. ' He had only jun: gin we when you .knocked. Docs it, make much difference t" t5 I thought this man wan leaving London tttis, but but, on tho bi' tEiiaiGiA, '.rsdth_rt'th-. “will! «no the rim." . _ the drawinayroom l" h. "Gibriaa%u incredulity. During 31“de m! in shi- houu aha had new: awaited _ in y" dawns-room belch. _ . 't Yen. air ; gunman om dinner to be put/huh, Giiri VII“ you clme you were ta be stood one“ no to the drawing-room, where aha in um" - _ He hasten-l acres. the ’hdfmd HEW FF r tsai.glrd to hear you guano: _ go back.‘ that you are now obliged lo'go on tnwudl prosperity mice more. Something“ oc- curred lince which made mo for '3 we fear you might be able to tio lack upon what wt this moming resolved P 'r," '.', _ ..... .-.... -.-......, "u... -, - ...... .... " An unexpected event In: occurred hm 'tra': Left." F r "i 1yst itiU"' no ,rainot warm,» voice uttered the nun-lion. TF x . " 2?yttl. Pickering (:th but." -7 I' tl? l m; never tgit M tut. Tele gmsnU from Brazil are let an, I {lucied om woulId: be enough." A _ - _ ttsthat on an but that to “it. _ _',. MING or “MAR. and with ham,“- pl Fm 1tttgt. 1“. - . "If. :" w. , I m u Tlt,".".?",',',",',?,,: He We the dâ€... I. , ' 'tr"" as 01 i creme bow found “maxi“. m u g. a on "do the 31le Sum. put.- of th- his “mm n " from' ulna Bibl- muodtmllmr that we - up of the "uir, m " " V it . it". a has“. _The upnuquanu In ttuit moan-n. forget mi nteht,'tdite' , “W uttlt WWW-Ion won at Otiwr I ing " W. rely-u. hit _ 'ty e to m ut tr, Bibl, no so dllhcult that we groin-anon ; id " 'eet km N - .tiidtmtatid them. The Bible, Be.. following ber Igloo imam... I'm-u atrlg, "P ulwrpwwc; one of "In hi. â€n t _ ' ' - du T books In the world. be“. I nun l. Winn is Mrs Bathuritt" hi idol of In . room Alone with two boob, nmpnhom the an...“ who op-d tuber. . . Bible uni the other uuy It upid ' you .. 1.. the humane... “if . tteg,', In it he wil not ulna the other " In the drawing-loom '." ,it, hunk. k. The Bible 1: {all tbs moat inter. 5'35 oyt tt W "ttfry. I' PP. Pl, pr, ie ttttya'?,', J".'..',?.. 39119335: in mutt..'y..e1'.tt " Having“ I Micg'nm fog Gc moth.- i.eg Morton'? .des".ls, yhenhogog'w can. W's new though oi titiaSttg thought gown would have will that oi6. uel Pickering, siso, mun be tuegriirhed to if he died." ' l .. He My: if he csn get “Hy h 'U train near eleven tonight he can Catch vie ship.-- 1 ' you, does it make much dilTermme, Ind you hue not answered me. 1 ask you ngain, Does it m.".., much diiNrtpce t"' _ oi, caught. his Mud, Md 'tAitrg um her'knm. ruined it " htrttPhnatttrrott of mtiwde, crying to heâ€; " He will forgivg nut! m lord"! m- .". M 1" today y v“ " may." Again he gunned-mi wiped ho forehead. _ He held on}. " bad» 5min mm not.-"...... . . ---_ as"? a... l .3175 The piercing, (Ink, inscrutable eyes oi'; the women were fired inoxdrlbly an his; face. " Much t" she naked. 66 Very Much t" k .. It may.'" Me loaned his calf" " the ner and stared. “is he.) WIS shady. his jay. dropped. .. _ l v - TrrCerirtmreutierTtw0trilrri_rFriiir1mar CjTItrt T7rrtrTmrT- 1F my -r,thtr=tTr brief interval 'htt,,tTotl her 'utt of con- l that they hogâ€: with a In xi, The tort. ccntruI-ing all h mind on gituim money in l which was ulso wind by haw} unnmn;...r. order that he might hue I pursuit. '.ey try, Micah, isnt the lugumznunf Un- 5"Plllld would not Male wfbh tirtttr-a .retartit that l chum". Nobody knows wlm wrote n ', would grow in inure" lad Income more: probably sou" nliiyr proplwt than [numb or ardem Ind absorbing with â€a purluit: Mic-h, now forgotten, ll am furtl: ull which successfully {allowed would take him I ideal of the kingnlnm of “ml. powarful and mnpocted in eh, of his not I . At/g in Jerusalem the man whu Ind esquc Hum! and his odlonl ha. In that ' that u l from God of which I Ipnko Int hriefintervnl the Inn nwsmem nic l week stood "h),", preach. He was not an who of the sibyl deep in the n'oltha l meltliutic. e Wu not a pnifeuimml in. won-n, the heart of the woman bluin latructorin religion. He mu only nilyman. with the intole‘nble glory of "I "mom-:1. young mun belonming to one of the pro love. . _ eminent families of t e city. tor 'vemn! no INK" mo mm I." E. that mlment. “lira-' an“ new rin “nun!!! the ion “It '-tttirttt in Mai-mi. a rut-rl tat, “my AM Huh " n the door - -- T‘s ',',1'li11'd','l'th".. 'ltearrmt M Mia, For 5 minute lilthce WI! unbroken l each I an regnrding the other. In hi'. briet in'-j tervnl he knew she must know . In thst I brief interest he knew' men chm moi-L ', ing with her 3 lifetime Ind an ht him. In ', that brief interval " knew in valued as i dross the wealth h. had believed ih. for I Ilul d for int-l5 mad that for bar karmic! Tfr,' nlon'e. thp ugly,dytkror, the Croco. i dile, Wu the only gold III: In; or worship l pod. In that V hria interval he .'know she! had devoted all her life to him, human, who lug] comb to We madam n91 Bait man-a [n with |* not. t in . bum hm:- an. I ,rgmwm.w~,~ an n gag-rm) e,,'tifg,fp2,fti,e 'llll,d "rWt'...n. " won-I‘M In L. a ,reted; in“. an. tie. , 'ur I.†t,'2r.h,'d 2l,'f, M now M and, Vain: tl tor.Y , ir, "iiii , talked once wrth n kentuckv (ulnar . who lived five, miles from the Mammoth we, to Cut†He wta - that theâ€, wax and: " cum! I mum tht, uei hborhood. And that people _ to the cum from long gunmen no so: it, and my, - wonderful thing! were Mid about it. Bill. and,“ he [and - explored it. He informed me, â€an Inn, however, that he ua voumml a con- M Aida-4H0 dilution into n uumheltuf other, movln- cavu! Somehow, we tooknowngreat dell hiydoor about. number of lesser bekt, while we he} impugn. in, the supreme book. ' an If h ‘mf'ie'a‘n u, di, "11."! Thu Alanna» dun expect to win Y" snatch-Lion of the rightgoun God, IE jutioa to the label-lea. patent the widow, help the poor. , God‘mlkel the charges, lad the defend- Pd?" are the people of cdah Ind J arm-lem- The chuge is um the . us rebellion chil. dren. That sums it :st out. God is their Fuller pHo has brought them up, and cared for than. tsad loved them, md the) have Utrytriytsy from Him. _ " T"df'12l] fEis_siVne-uTiT iexi. E7em {Cl-(Iii we nu Imam] but dimly thsyrhe thessrltrgy, ind sotMiogy go together thin Christ him. self pat them together into two commnndv menu which he pmuaunéed Ilikeniuliheir eslentill value. And Lo'well'a poem, whicb‘ if it had been written in Hebrew might" have tiny M hem among this sermon! of Isaiah, n a more read to day. .. Wi watts of lilvor and Gs ot Hold" '--. Ye two {cured Ty, sheep from their hum-r“ ryhk’ __ A l ' I nva- hep rd tiivfrTwpimpt?r their tears l Naval: theso eighteen hhndred you“. _ n l ' in to â€any 1).: U; one of tho magi: in the ','i,'rt'l'.t 14m. A nun In I (can: Alone with two boob, mupf than . Bible and tho other uuy " upid book you 'Wd no it he wil not. take the other e. The Bible in real tho mun inter. rting, the moat uplifuhg l mu“ wander- fulhook thin. was over written. But it bu w u mad in the right “my. _ T Let his make-cum shggeltinna about mad. i ine the Bible. If you know French or Ger. l, man. let me ndviu you {or tc.titue lo read the BibloUu than unfumiliu worth. Yoin will bihvpriseru the new meaning. thin.“ will bediscovared in It. If you do not l, knew French or German, let mu oirur number eonnlel. Read them: {our bopks, which fol. low lloug the lines at the Bible: Stanley’- “Hiuory of the Jewish Church,†Eder- lhim’lchife and Times of Jamil? 121;: lie...’.'_. .. C .uwljizymn‘ I' i 9.9 ' . Fiiirp i','-,We/itrt “Early i'lti of Christ. innily." You will tind that you will pre- Iemly be rattling the Bible in spite tsk you;- lolf. If, however, instead of acceptin \eithorof theme sr-ttons,' on desire to reag- the English Bible in 'lo/AEC', ‘Jtmes' Ver- sion, you will tind great help in A good com- mentary. The little Cambridge t'liWhr for 't,tgei."ii,'ttt number or inexpemivc' volumel, u t e best general commiintary I I know of. T C .5 _ C I nun: to up dy today, the first five chap- ton of the book of Isiiah. The titat of than fire chl ters can be set under fone headings; (â€the 'W;,", (2) the defensg, (3) the prom- tutJt)pist, punilhment. _ _ _ . . turned bu from Him. . T ",, tteta, the desiribilit 7, the ill rom?steseemsit gisodmi ly of tpuspowder-d Mount.“ q And 'lr,'lli%"l, peogle’l defame? Why, lof tint old ideal. y p . y id 'hbgg“ 30' fre, inte the M of t!ttt-tlruusr,rimss in t 1e temple are motel Iain}: uyn that that any of the lord will the _Airtre Do _nn:'n human». who f ohbonto‘nnd beautiful than they hue ever come not by force, by c'onquut, by the Mind “who“, "rr-th" attu no been‘beforc that sscrifices “9113in offered. I oéord, nat by imilteuco upon-l uniformity 30' BO Etil .e.mu. ttet. tur an! ',e= V Jtmrer inhonrly utmredtand all the holy i nor by cutiona for hemy, not by you didhmt..tir m the Ismael? , anon- reverantly ke t. To Whieh God “rites nmlmkgnu;na, by haunting Be, "grditiem. m" . "T mmchnmm pt.'tkt.hG',,ll'd't'L3ts.o,; . by mm whim pet-Mm of tho "r. " . f ' ' ' _.‘ Ibominnblsln m. sight, than iso miitsifr 'li',Jrd'l'lf.' 'e _ A South and 1','ftMarl Art tb.-., l o-rNma1-iaatitaururiteeutre, no bonny Illilll hy- that when the .1tpd the lad “than. at m , hWti h. i 'rtortPto tel-vice, up when! of “up. my.“ mshmthoriimm. wit Ill-l In, puns-w In“: 1'“? T"'""" _____ """2e 2.! Li‘s-r m: r~~-- That. was more thnn 2,500 ya}. "r. And Jesus of Nsnreth ha lived in the world “nee .the wordsrwere 2woken, and brought I“ the emphuia of his di\'ine_ life into the (mule of true religion. And yet even tiday we need‘ktwo sermons airy an be this 'vnlne u til-uh ali maintain IT {new dl'tf 'i'i'ielrii'i, nuke roweFs, put. til! ttte of dob tdelle,','",':,", Mina syn. Can do " ' an: Jo do well.'". Thu- done an . ()nefiay in Jerusalem the man 'whu Ind that I 1 from God of which I spoke Int week stood "h),", preach. m wan not an melanin-tic. e Wu not a prufeuimul its. Itruclorin rdigion. He mu only a hymn. a young than belonging to one of We pro' minem families of l e city. .- Thu! is whn‘h rememhori_ng,' That the grew-ll prmurhir of the old TarGwant VII not I durum-n my all. The Mes that All the punching "Wit to be loft lo the pun 9mm, in one at the most mistaken Mm in the world, Every layman, warding to hi- ability, oughtto "ugh every chance b. In! f6r Lb. nun ‘0? ri‘htennms. The bro ruligmnu meiotic: which have :1le th- mat "mu-hue Thr."', in the can". cl em history no t Mon-elm Church at!“ Snlvuion Armyaa-d in bond t emphuin in “in import-gel d lang-enching_ . C . Vic new four t‘halut-rr rum! 'wc‘ phylum) Jpn-m 'or we reign or.hniaii. m. of therena,y of Ahv. JV, I" one ununu, And tl, 'rrci, you, hymn- stood up umewhen in the any, I I court ofthe temple. in tho Inn-kn. or on the “than. of some crowd- " “mt “a united " teat. And " ones. “In “Mod the words, M! an. tell I an M the m Mullah. the {aim men and} ideal M " . he “who“... on. (Io-knit: _ in†is'ii1?'i'il,'tEii1 "Me. ' III-om rich We. III-[wk In “a an. m... ducted an pk! ii and: “I " ii-r. Mr,) ' "I - at an a that in - --tFi'sret& it - - se.', m d an -- a h Nevertheless, therein a promise Who. ever turns back to God and seeks to do Rim service, oifering to Him the uwepmhle my ritice of n jot, and uptight, and helpful life, trying to serve God, not only in the temple, but out of it also, at home, and in the street. and (“rough the hours of Msimsl. God will rm-air- and mrgNw. Yet Gott' knows that the promise of panlnn Wlll not' be heeded. The (Ample: claims with the prophecy of pun' iahnn-nl. And yer not It universal nor n final punishm'rm. Same will mm and be sni‘cnl t null after p'lnisnmm'f â€ICU: will be riql,yoy11'T. F n... M... c..... ..2 ..wt_..m_. I...) _.... â€nu.-. "Fiaia- mun-banan- dN'l'l'll'Gllll an.†m: "b lord and Master. not ourithiilt Wo build but is uuthtttutrs built; . Behold tirineitnNreu, hon they mmd Sovereign and sole. through all uur land 9 Then Clll'ihl sought mu m “than. AHow-brotred. stunted. haggard man. And n motherlmm girl, rim-(e Human thin Pushed from her (mull; want and sin. Than set)": in the mirlni ollhem. . And In Ihcy drvw back their warrnentmern For bar Dfuctilttmoat. .. Lu. horn." srtsid Ho '. The Images ye hae mxulv of me y' amt-rd he]. he t21 1mes m niLmthsn-h nun-h ,d't,' hem lama-d my“! b. “m“‘m A I ttttsf lertlt'catt aa'tnrrt'Grutia (art't'itGja?rtcr't'GT love in ts.oreutrdosifod will bts.thy juége: Now, in Itu.iiah's time, what iii)i,'riii"Ge coming of this ideal “nylon? The page)» er, in his gggmon, gives iitrTtmshitw. of plain Inswen. In the smtorureh.pur, he uya them the iriudraneevrrts the manhunt-e and the worship-Fiddle, end the want son of inordinate riches. In the third char ter he ml that the histdrantees are the- elders and the pm†who ','l2,"rl, the poor 1 and the nriltocnlrig 1aiio' W o TNnk only of their fine I pureL tn ths fifth sehs ter he describes the hindrances under the" KI inguefe‘tt wtrs-rroer.ttttwgreururtaortw woe to the luxurious liven“ woe to open binners and sscrifieiag anuhevem, woe to theta-chem of I {the mount? who per eunde people that "ealirsg and ying are all right when they are curried on upon a Inga scam in lvueinexs. and that mur er in nom- mendnl-le when it is done bra large armyin wtu','rxrtttt, to the “If-conceited politician: whn'oppnsc rdorm. woe to the unjust judges who oppres‘: the poor. , . _ come- nll inhuman-line- viii llink’ In, Mtt,1 by the mt out of in glazing light. And Mingl- Woghrpp-u out for “In-mum that In)“ 'etekiet - but. Tbtiih' 'tSt; of ,Woarrin.titartN--srar. " mum - ,7 ___- -- -__r_ '_.--"--'-"","-- -..- ,. - mu __ 'ri", will bouijn‘md 1.32%» to an. atom-l pin. in the F7aii1rr's1iT.7i7'irird?kP4"ir/ laws of God. The military ennui-lament. muoh no that mummy -tihrt- U. which exist in the unions of Europa Will surf-col, which In VII] I iasrthMr .' .329. ,exchnhged for f industrinl conditions ' resulting hom ghoul or aneonl- dentition. award: will be converted into ploughnhu-u. A remnrknble invention in mid w hes . Nor will there our be may further inatmc- been “many- Japm-leMUm Iti. titrtts gtFert "Uh" “F oi"w.Ar: _ _ n 1"lrfl'lQl'L1 which enable- u. pou- Theprro nluef tehshueteristica of the ideal m, to lend “I clam! of blinding am 't-- Eingéongyhee. are tryttl1_e4hteitrgttyigy. ' MAJ]. 'atpntnauaritata.a., The Ittrrr clipper hhip Wmifrod reported on het At “VII at Melbourne trom London what when m lat. a N. And long. HF" sin became nurrmmdédby imbergn, which my " tion? 8Mtft. to m. humane ot the lug-st ivnlmrgl uhnyed 9igm of disintegra- tion tirrltse went}, immune portions he. o-me douche-l. stii4mre into the sen Iii. an "tuuche, The nowhere mu Blled with 1mm Ind mi t, whigh no rah-cured the fee- berg um, Ute ship *- Three Imm- ed by some harp i a limihr mun-u, tho he“ Gin can! 'tCoe-ei-ttim TJ21 of tho he, app-nun, M unit-ado. _ Only by ohm. “uh I!!! Bt. 20:qu w an d the 'lure. not.» thin Ind mini M in. Mon‘herp ml I q an, d dtftt ice m. In» in n any or with‘ not, "an" Ind liy of new. in; ttto H, but. ttedt to a. win! "ge- wn F M _ In at“ inâ€. The God of Sim: ia.to win some by our lll'the nation- ot "Mouth. [nub naked [mind to thay tr ; Jesus lookq! {mind to mad-y. md'uughl In to guy (crib. Wexrommu wwud it still. olut Finite, waking u the proghct oi our that modern p Itrtg clout-l a pe of his NE" on 6b Th0 éiny of bust with a loo iuLo thalamus Inch " laid) dimly had in the old time. It is thin old oh- la. tun-1min! aver spin, with ail the Wink)!!! of the up: htouglp. men, _ . inaiir peopre ; And may“ uhnll- but their spear: mug-um; hook- , natiun Ihgllrnoe 1m. 1tr,r,ht?,i,",,tter"ei't"' mu. theymearln war fay met." f-__ . _ _ The radium“: of we Fatherhood of Godi, " Tani-h faintly luv it, u Chi-ht pluinly saw it, will be the nun-emu chsncteriutic of the idul kingdom. God in our Fibber, the Fuller of the meme“, the’ obscure“, the Room-t. oxen the moat depraved of ham ind, 39d all we are brethNui. Even now we’ sie but beginning- io reqliu G, hie-Mr nan:L the 4eairabiiitf, the supreme necessity of thU old idenL _ . 1)21d:1ft."ttgtgtt"t, (2) Ila hiyrdrancd. to ill f Imam. and (3)11. um palm-nun! tthvniu the kinda“ s.aroioalwf the was it a. Mut- t,tt', our it ot tit. of Sion. It in the G of Sign. of who] city. of the “up“, God the 13'th of 'llf, people 'r. .le; the Girl of Siuu', of the blank duct. of up law, the “not of the mama; whoi- to nth out the ideal kingdom.. All religion in progrouivu. God chm-gel not bat our ideal of God gum- widor Had higher and truer. u we grow. [Mink know more of God than Jinan. We, know more of God, ought to hwy more 016091. than Linda. .7 WWW†my Fish, " hiighbetifor In with the radiant colon of hope., Strife 3nd IOXTOW IIILXI 1t'mf; Pan:- sml lows shaWreigis supreme. he dmm of poeu, the Mason oVriesst Ind prophet, the inspire tion of the great muritma, " eoafirmml in the light of modern khbwlodge {And " we yield ourselves upto the wark oi life, we may look forward to the timtwhen in, the mm: same the kingdoms of the world Hull bseome the kingdom of Christ, sud 1Latustt reign forever And oval-{king at kings, md lor of lords."'. . F _ The. follows the damnation of punish; meat. Isaiah any: two things about thw, Absolutely certain punulumsnt. It is . coni soq‘uanch Rally. we puninh our-elven. We let in mation the grub inevitable 13's which visit our transgrsuionn on our own hands Sin ia a cause which alwnyu hu punishmcqt for n trorrm'uiatstrrur. There is no escape from tntumhment, And punishment in remedlIL God has ut this consequence with this canâ€. not in anger, but in mercy. for nur good. All punishment in thin world, und in the wophi to come must be remediAin Ur ciao. God in not “good M we are. n f Finally‘ it in wort}: noticing that in in wu- HM chum V hr TiiSeii, And man-“h _ non luv-w. 'hdl Int-hunt- vim. _ â€WWW.“ -- ""F w â€mm. â€Murm 'der'" an a; " rt,' "alt come to pm in the lat duys," snyl fsosiah, bl that the mountain of the Lord's haul. dull be ennui-had, in the top of the mountain. and lblu be aknlud above the hills ; and MI much- Ill.“ how" mm it. And nuny proelt _simil go and lay, comg ye And let In go up to Lb. mount-_ ain of the Lord, tothe home of Lb: Gm! of Jtcyb ; and he will tench m of his ways, and we will wulk in hi: paths . for out of. Sion shall forth .tho IMF, “a Ila-Ion! of the Lord f/id Jerusalem. And m hall judge Among the petiom,‘ up! .eh.u1 at)“ Thu-fin, the But of ' hindrance to the commg of the “[ch kingdom was the love of money. which even yet is not ex; linens _ .' 't2'M)r.',1',NYcttrg"e,,tt, lhlf wtfataver% iron. for An individml is wrong also for a MLion. I TO" A Curing Bum. n kWh" B0 82" A much of truck my It. - on 11119 up. Argentiln' Pifdio 'i"ub't,h'Td','l I Buenol tT,', 12t foot ot dui. " "2lltniun n ' _ I an", LII-ll. lhilir, 'p/tpt/tIts/l, P. “din-7 beenfctenkd by I "eeGretyrer. Itis . mm o illuminant. which gamble. the par - to loud “I gland of blinding dun , MW Ad-wa.. at-Wa‘ll feqL If in uid that the p90: "too " is thereby Ibloluwly den ' " of light, and therefore, of courier " we mercy otNa my adult. Tho china- of humanity/her-rr, I." not emit-1y ovulookodyiolj it in M than. the blindneu only lut- tor shout 20 minutes, utter which the nuiregqr'. -'trtsr in u good u ever. _ An Eygtiah medical journal, the Kelp“, Icy: that thus are hundredn' of per-mu kill: ed in London every wink; by brmtottitif aqui ind-mantles: dummy the mm thawing] dinne- while lining in church'- lnd chnpeln. Thin-y be consider“ nhold statement to nuke, in†the Boxed, but tt is not more bold “In true. are, an hundred! of clot-[yum and minute“ who ‘nre the victimrof chronic can throes, bron- "chiAl eaten-h, uthmn, and cardiac "srritattil; ity who are thou diam-min“ And life-thirt- ening tfeet?'? entirely t9 the imibry coii'iriGlin of the building. in which they conduct their religious, worship. May [wanna mike it n rule to eta-min from lt- tendence It . church from the beginning or October to the end (if March. exoept on Tts6kg " re amnion; wmupe weuther "ii- pens to be both mild Ind dry. prody need wander: " the hoerseneu of the clergyman. the continued coughing of the tsongregtstion, and the general discomfort 'of the Sanity morning service in our town churches We ‘heve a. olivine which in winter in the damp. ‘eet of the damp, And more nhsngecble "an 1 than wtietle woman. To mun-5‘4 the It- ;méephqre which such a climate Iuppliae‘ In 1 with inside a public building requires train, led chill and unwelrymg’ attention. B“ 1what kind o,' perm“ do we ordinarily bm. l tlat clum‘e. Winn; and veutiiate-mtr [chi] hes? hit not the use thit the lemon the higheit s'nubitesrregion in the world. Tho town of Gnlon wuss be: above tho lo. lent, nearly 1,500 {out Ngo.r than the hotel on th top of Pike's Punk. The natie who killed Cram 11nd diaper- sod hi- oxpiition in Conn! 'a'rld Int mim. mol- upturgd 80 im wed rib., 30,000 oar tridges, I yuattresr, 'lt'll7lu'l'lpl'l'il ad , a;;w;; -7r.ttTT". " .-. - .=n.. w. ww.m.mn Tong pfyyer, i'i'i'tThm,' Lora; gl've “a some soul 10-day. " An the yam 1;; known familiuily u "Buqt'r8oil Tim! " bin bride'l lint mme‘mGnm, an 1):.er was answered "untietorttr, thhough the tpggtt In: moon-cinn- M having mid luyt. inglo well fitting the occasion. . A remix-bio piece of ammonia work in the tunnel ortuhrams Qtoyn ilrtmd through a: Auden ttttttttstairs M n Calm, Peru. It in a ah chi-Lion ot N feet above lhe perpetual may .ree, ind J.' $?i'.i,?i!) . 'dlt.' AIM-“O1 WWIIYWM Thor-unliutym Macho-nu- I." dldd-gnmh mini“; m 7+7W won-1m" 'i, .urrourie' T 'uuuui‘."' _..~. ‘5. and only“. up thWltlttt 1'l',%'ft'l't"guTdl n.3,, . o'rttp.'eer.utorCB-tK,.tt.ay- of Via relitéa im".'£ iirGiiiGb ___ of Mr. Hid My. Yause.r .s,oitu .ot Emma. Mr, Aa IVE-147E": 'iiihi5',','d"LLL" A ' I†h. hurl; 'tThFlrrl1'llhll4tll'fl.Tlt mi Tlu'iu'd’m' ___ Hid?!“ -_e VT†m‘durtnr w .11.:- won-9m t,ad,3ie dong-j- up at†dun-3 {he â€a. A viaduct our the 'll,t?tA'dta tor' the Analog-It. W. ii_F-t um high-t viaduct. In tho Dot“. ‘3 9,833 [new Above haul-uh!“ an ' of the Ir/rt uboyo l,'t,r.i'itJ28'at',at. It i. 10,497 up long; a . pals 3.735 but, uni the weight a an ite-Ure in 9,115 to“ . _ ' drum: . cut {mu-lit}; kGaVa in FRE, gr I'l, cunnilingus hon dun you. not" " 'sig C. M ( A The mam! VA: in 'Ill ,'.'ltg tr, victors, the WWII" li, ' according to I ‘rnnonv. estimate 'ttfall','. Chilling new-â€pan. Of (Autumn. " ooo wu ooutribated by Salon Dent-lun- Edwards, the mother of Don Aaurrartin.rhb warda. MioirTiir of Fumes, tera bur pri- vate tonne. The out "tt the pn- to tho Balmmdu puny-g. bu not both SY. out, perk: bocquu zany Jest '"" . . mg it in , Ti“ (Ping ta spin)“. p. ." .. n99!!! to be 3,817 trtYGii.' "I; Jib". Effie-{nil- road marge] indie world hi!" it oaatod in m QHFPQLOMP,L mu, “NJ, I IEFE who. ifh"d'rfl'hhi'i%r"c' loom aiaririiF oceupations, in {aimed into hi. mayo by name nympcnhaié "pattorr beanskotry other rasmmce has been eihmmed nag: the pun-h? A man at thin cluu mid- just " likely to mah A wealth] Prime Minuet" in Kunming} rum. So tit in " from being the one “at me your-:- who hio,Uiled' " PYBry novupuin: in likely to mute . good enovgh sexton, that only an very best my! magi. Mulligan vol-km In in any new " for' Inch " ' uh M in. a «I P""'. The 1:qu an «In 'tf,ttN,fd2; IT,',',' m ruin Te,t a so In: 'itll/gi . though the m It“ clothing. Wd,'l'1tl â€yua- by: '-" in! Mott "Mn-ad u ammo-Fi- why am. It. Rmq- "all: " the an. that It. ram! Ital any». a. sh. ref . _HM. and 3.1Mduthhmdt danish". higntinn and 'll'2'll1'a1 m nth-on in tho city’l may. . . , V the vuugo ot Km. in an Ithdtetrhttttd 9! Ami-q. ‘Svoven Afgh Mum. Aer. A terrible uu-uopho in wound {roll "Flaw. ofKW- iy thayiqtaiteyod formic nightin A GIG," SEWM‘WV “V in, killing them I)?†the upon. TM “b were recovered two by! hm: . . F Shanty befall! ujnr n'nlnnk an Fridnjmt Mr. Bridger, ofthe Hm! Wm Ran", Momma-r (Eng) received . who from Mi. Ens-son. handodrin n Shawn) mu. aha that his 11',T,,ll't, - _ y who tf2gg't'.tthltd wry Win-r manor. . and h n my: an, m arm." and w Ink. AMA'W t'."le, to to-o ,0. Tim , laugh; Inâ€; Per". _ V .kio.kr," “whim hrtiiFyii) Fyiari.iii Mum. â€Hm-ab, tN','g,,2'epg2tgp d . 1W2“! LN minimum-ah. muym_nhhwhh_ 'l'ho Strum Freak of. "TIM Indy- $1.21.: Bath in Church. hii.i.iiLpiu)iiiiiiiitri0j, Ciir"iti"iyi"ii,eirr.,," ","r" 'rr'"' E. Cf CT