R, & W 'L0NGSTA FF. A R. J. 1105mm . l 1ijlfullll(fii and lf9fllfll, 6PECrALrY--'rheir Celebrated hum m cmun- syn-mg Wrr’ml, tor human. Brock- rnglwn. Mum-Mani nets trtaral1 kitrdg of team "rr-thard-t in mn,wm!%_ DAriao dumb“). we! 01-41mm. more can!†nun-Tm, “I 35mm! any mm of teaming thttn any um" wagon - The Trade "rrmtim1 with the Prstent4 Wm!- Ilnd Binhno use on application; to “mum fhallemte Wind-Mill and Puma Works. C when: promptly aroma! incl! in (ma ESTABLISHED 1859. J, I;rtiie.kshanlC& Sons" Props. Emma for the hue Five Yarn-in Excamol u! Pvoviour, "istriUutiouts. Policies/[11' we" of" _.. cr. $11,000,900 1.ite, Fundy .1 r ._ ... pr. _.. mmncmo (14.1mm: J tl, "tureta" mm: Lum'no "ottoute iuerc'rtoit6eiteret an elm-hug Low but: (“an x‘lzuun-t . t av " \velnngcan sum mm, Thkmtn. ’ . “SUMNER - 'ililliilrrt WAGGUN MARRIAGE WORKS igniting of all kinds i1opeAeatly and A V, eh emu none: 2 Jore11err, Watches. Clocks, Spectacles', . Eye Glasses, Etc. t an“ an new mason um mums, sums arc; All Dim of Hom- and Cattle Tint _ Id tkierttilhstrllr, u Vr ov'rstarim STREFIT '\VESTON. ONT. All tali' br latter or talc nm promptly “tended THE STAR Uttt,"t ma.“ 'tp1i?th".tif 'tttr ttt n u I I , Marg “yd “ulna Pu at. NO! {till a (20': titt p.32. I. 2Wthtt 1't.tttstitl a con itEi,iiliir'yrhrma any fun: tWilt G. W. COULTER, V. S., The New llalr Cutting and Shaving Parlor. tray ESTABLISHED 1880. Established 1848. (IDIOIAIYOMDUAN m. VET. CoLLIOE.) M le. BvuiJNG, . Undertake! mlhohhv, JAMES (YINWCESHANK a BONE WESTON A, D. FERRY. Chief Agent 'DEALEB m Anumxns " OF ENG Trr, MA"! BTREET, WESTON. ONT. Main Street. Weston. Munulnemrm of Jinn-con. 7 an. “to“. was: LI EE JLANI). I. GAMER. “a tou It _ C in “a, ""3? Tu Wazoo- "bu. taboo! board hm nee-rod the union is! Mr. J. A. sum, the Junctioo'l well-known urchileot, the the urge "who! Wag to so erected min seam. The Wanton people lint-nit; 'J,i't'htWie We» [a "Hand Dy the my him..- I h in pinned biru.-riib-. PArstttrruv--Hestmr, Georg! Rob- ert Ind Run- of Cuhel but: hind nun, to they)": in South Perth to out their votes for Jun. Tm {he gmul libenl whip. May their hone“ patriotism be rewarded by ch. election of choir eu- diNte,--rkrmmnut. THIII no two Mnonio lodges in 8eotland. with memberphip Mrtohttely resumed to than who has served I regular apprenticeship to the (rude of In operator, vu.. Operative Lodge. No 150 Aberdeen, Ind Opt-live Lodge. No 140, Dumfries, grout)“ far I fare It Phe West Had. It would be a good thing if something oflhe kind Ina done. There "e-or could be nude 'tttsome nice upon that would suit admirably. P. P., in the aim}. 1iriiirv'aiii, Hob-um1 Manrton, and Hndson were Ippoinud Judges of Prise rum. Tn: Council of the Agricultural Ind Arts Arminion of Ontario, resumed its busioeuJu! Saturday. A. Aurel, M. ' A. P. Calder, n well known florist, of Boston, and ex-supreme secretary of the Mann] One Year Beuefit Order, has been when? [on an itrditstmeru charging him wit the embenlement of $15000; F Tur, York Township Council at n l meeting decided to pawn". Illewropolcd / ntriidrturnt m the Municipal Au re- I wing the number ol Councillors. GoszNMENT defective Joseph Rogers has returned with Thomas Williamson, wlusm he captured at Car- son City, Nevada, on a charge efforgory. Tm; room in the Court House, form.. erly opeupied by the hie Mr. J. T. Stokes. has been leased for nne year to Messrs. MeDoogall & Manrllne, n 8100 per your. ' Puma: Michel,of flying roll rune, mrnu out to be A native of Canada. “is fnlner In Rev. Thwno Milli. Baptist. who took upland in Murmoulb township. Elgin County. Tur. exuml_nminu for entrance to the High Schools will be held this yen in June instead “(July as formally.‘ The 28rh, '29th and 30th are the dates, THE Unite) Sum-s (tnmnl at Vic- toria. B. L'., 1'an a large-Econ of steam- arn have already started, fur Behring: Sen. 'uagtss. Jucksnn, nf Weston, has shipped unis Week to Itegimrt'ry the U. P It. 17 lmracb, which he. accompanies. They ire ‘1nkcn for suTe. 's, - Pt'mtioy.Ai,,--hu, Jo’scph Jackes. of North Toronto. in at present in New Mexico, owiturttt the anâ€: of'his hiralth. He is expected back next month, cM,stiu/or.reeeivgty in free and duets itc?iorth America alone the enormous sum annually of abou,t 84,500.000. Tnr. mils are off the Weston eoad,the ournpnny having received notification in respect In collecting tolls. - _ PEACHES from South Afric'l are being mid in the London market c. . from 25 to 50 cents each. " Tus sum†boy played: "marbles on the sheets and swearclh " of yore. Sure sign of spring. . ' Ihtrt'trarlmn has rmjrfom’hil illness and is once' more luukiug after the intorest of his patjvnte. F _ q MG. George Long who had , claim against. the York Township, has settled. for 8400, Tue "stimates of tlur, Dominion Government ure 81501094 23," less Hum last year. F- SIR Joseph, Hicksnn has-oeeepted the "ppoitattucnt on the Prohibition Cutn, mission. T t M K. McGill, of Emery, rm Last night by C, P. B. fur Citrttwuter, Man. _ COUNT} Constable .Grum . had a tramp in charge on Saturday night last THERE are several cases of diph- theria at Toronyo Junction. To-oar is St. Patrick’s Day. _ Comfort; meeting to-iyrft)ight.. T'iisleath is announced of Grand Duke Ludwig IV. - . ' my..." uvu-nu‘vivl r AiiotrtiMtrg Bum-u (10 Sprung s'tr1ti2'riCrv"JlW. ma count-ct: uxuv be wide tut mu HEW 10.3 Tho data when! a nah viper than“. “rho UPI?" ttre 'ttitmsrriptiott oxplnl. nus “mum This szolleo up»: dilly. mind-y- except ad. trmp t 90.. mun“ I p. m. . Inna-for Douala]: In aloud " follows: _ Wm _.. _.. VCV ... I “In. El“ FV. FF» TVF ll 10mm. ' Em. __. 've 'vt ___ a â€p.111. , MI.“- Arriving no due " who": I Hut ... ___ ___ _.. I " mm. T Put ._. Fr. _.. VF' 44ttp.m. . Wtmt _.. v__ ..' FV' t ‘Oxh-m. HEW ADVERTISKMENTS. Farm to Iarrot-4nsrio Culhum. Muildjug lots fur rra1rt-LV. H. Wadsworth t t . " t . uh.’ t'llttt In. lgtg: In. 1 MIL-L in}... , nun-n. 11M)... "Anagram-u- W)mumx Local and General. RAILWAY mun TABLE, CANADIAN PACIFIC. w I» M Glyn. 18ttt ' .. ' h'tbtt thats (dlt& at“ Hanna. IODme NO TICE TO SUBSCRIII ERA. GRAND TRUNK. null mu “mu m cm. ma Ion-l. some any". 'W‘Lm; -' 1011mm. l to n. m. 1 I com m. WFS'r0N Ptrer,, OFFICE. 'r',ii'i,rit7,i74s'v,'iT, ... ___ ___ _.. I " sm.' _ ._. ._. _.. ___ _ " p.m. __. v__ ..' FV' t 'Opxm. ROBERT JOHNSON.PonmuW 'r1i'1iiT,iroiNGrG7i'r' 0039an Tt [:1- st oG WW YA' an I Winning BILL! --ott Wednepdny evening Inf the residence of Mr. R. a. 1iiil'.i "a the, scene of I my putty wedding. is being the -ioet of the Innings of his (Ingmar, Min Bani. to Mr. W. E. mm». of Ti. Trill“. also. Toronto Jamie», and no. of Mr. Wu. Elmby. of thin plum. Thai acre-coy "a pertorued by Rev. Mm Brawn, of Uxbiidr, “do of the st.i'y in them of I largo “If" " an relatives and kinds of tho In", couple. Mi. In": Brown, W of the bride, Mtted " brid,'ramid, and Mr. Skinner Tormstt, lumen, "e Hed Hui moon. The, " on the “:24 mi- fire Toronto J “mica, when 1they m'tt v-krjp thcir mine. on Glenda-n Are. Tu Tun join their iiiiirr"Tiramni Wnlo‘i t'it"tat6gmtt Yong lib, Innin- II. My. ', thr Mood-y nixhc shortly before bed time three men who looked biee "In" called u Emprinsrham's hotel " Lime ’anktndnkedfor 'oerte--rmrds--T'tvo, were given I gull and Ifter “him: their departure it "a discovered that they had “belied the side door "KL. window. lt was also learned that they Ind paid I visit to Mrs. Hunt's hotel Ind to I couple of prints haunt. An inrestiitutiott rivaled the he! that the some preparations had been and: there, Count] Constable Tia-bury 'll’ msti-; lied, and upon' receiving I dmriplion he no: out in look for the an god .11.: some trouble neared the Hiram-Deer Put Recorder. l HAN: n Dosa.-We have thought for home time pot that it would mid greatly to the nine of the property rsis.. ing the railway truck and runninz from John to King treat. ' said property owner: opened up the Mime by running‘ a street through. Our oplnion he. been, ermiirmed by a onnverntion with one of, the councillors on the subject. m, thinks, however, that the owners should heat the whole expense. We do not, bat believe the corporation should bear I cert-in proportion. ' _ *' _ Wrsrnn HIGH scrronL.-BeUeart, the names of intendime candidates at thy coming, Departmental Kziuniruttiomr, who, or the recent school examination obtained smdioiemt marks to juistify the principal in reetmtmmdinsr, them to try the examination :--Form 'v-ew/Bee lay. 76 ; T D. Dix, 73: N. Mather. 62; G. Garbutt. 61 ', A. Mather. 58. Form w-H. Elder. 76; F'. Elliot}, 73 ;- B. Farrow, 72n H. Culhnm. 67; L. Mama 63; J. Linton. 62 ; a. Ash. man, 60; A. Ward, 60. ' to those who attended A couple of hours of nn evening's ertjoyuyrnt, which is seldom witnesned here for so mm} a sum. We congratulate Messrs. Hopper k liuymn on the success of their Bnter- prise, . “a i , I Tne Band concért'on Monday right wnsa success in every renprol. The exhibition of Edison's wonderful .hr- vetttinrt,cthe phonograph. was undoubt-“ (wily amusing. interesting, and itttrtrtystire whl'ch together with the selwlionn‘ played by the Weston Bran Band gave} . Tm. Eungelistic Teriitiisranms Meet- ing will be addressed on Monday next. 2hrt inst., by the Rev. Robert Hall, Civv Missionary, of Tororttt,.Suhieot-. “Ilia Pxpurience in Jrissinii wofk.‘ The sin and misery of all chines and grade! nf'snnmy. resulting from intemperanee." This address prnmirzes to be mm of IIB- usual imgreu and walrus: all friends of tempurunpe will be‘prepept. Calleotion during the evenimz. Miss; L. SAVAGL, Con-Sec. , q F) Myrtle Navy ,, inrpztirrei; fggnfmm this defect, which. "mom" with in tiue Tall Gror mes it a great fungi!!! with amok- Aulccos exchl the finest Virginia have A pungvnl pifuct upnn_|h'e mngue and WW Atttttrt it ifthe umuking is Ions "ontin- ueil. Satin! of them ppen will blink" n. cr at last duilvm- in inner skin " the point who-elm: “nuke imping's upun it. Thrs . .. . .. .. . _ A A concur: will be given in Thtiftsrin Hall, on Tuesduv eveniro,ur,Martsh 22nd, by the celebrmed Jones Family, under the atmpicen of the Independent. Order. " Odd Fellownmnd for the benefit of Bro. Gen. Dale. The Prustramme win cansin of both instrumental and vocal music. ulnbawmgiw, ego; ,Admissiun 'adaim 2ti cm. children 15 em. ‘I Ir is ittuonrouspution to put' dam, I number nf'sewera in (he Junciion this summer. wivinx employment to g [urge _number of men. AUo.Arrtrle street in ‘16 be widened. vnrioua property owners having been requested to submit. value of [Ind for this purpose. Tulgoltnn Enterprise any: :--" The arousing itt the viii-go have been in A dreadful stale during the put week, it being necessary for pedestrinnq to wade through mud up to thrbooz tops." We have not been quite'ns bud heie, but " times it is bed enough To store: of the Patrons of by?» try Ire becoming lee numerous through. oat Gumdnv There were " if'noi more, in existence recently carrying all 1sltumeg of goodm Ind from reporgn it in learned an: 18 " rho 24 hue succum- bed to the inevitable, tnt "tap-yore of the Tana-hip of Etobicoke, at . recent election. panned. h lay-luv grating the Toronto Ind Mimi. co Eléolrio R-iluy Co. I bonus of 820,000. An uppliouion In! undo to quuh this br-lor, but the motion wu‘ Enlarged for a week. t I I II lunch" column till he nun did Idnrtiumont of F. B. Wudnorth. tot Bay St.,, Tomato. Thu Wuhvorlh Kit-to ire amnion for "In on any taunt some " the hen-lot- iq Which. 'NN. He also “0011:503th tho Tac, union of the must: “do: a ennui-ion. " 7mm Chink-hut ha ha- nted" "do: I we. and of inn- thc during the put " ta IP, eon-GEM; '" hollow, b no. nu ll- Tn! Mayor of Toronto In: mum nudnd the Storm buttery Inâ€. of electricity for the oily {tho} hilt-y] (t Och-manic [use 'mâ€o...,.. ttt tte". Pm. 'hflttt this.. "I -sted with nub†co.- tt,.tea2t,t mar, - 19675 Mr. Num- thought it and! um have be" too In. " order than ug no nick do. in" to lost. _ ‘ It We» than: is will I.†hu- m oqll fltr tin-hafnium suits to In. In». no... to. hunt .err. Tn Tun III - h on may to lunar 0|. it mid In In... lo. M In“ manhunt. It“: v.1 to â€on an wk â€and _ I‘m on it r at r The 'grdTat'lttt.2t my. uh PM on‘ 1treg. about tic priest of lh‘ofier m, "h: "*irte 15.- 1systtr. nigh an in} Itortt.. in; did†orqto . A ail-Mon Irma " and to the com-- mine. ordain: periodic-h. macho. {he Prnbyvarhn New! Cu., ll. 0509M". eotttettdirtg an it In! no mind" to ltr-. der lb. periodic-In vim»: he nub-min; the union to a. Baud Iv! Ituullv' 3.1. in" will. , Bentley-Dull. Ilium NJ NM lh-t an! li!U btpaie--Carried. . 'Cammnnic-Hon In read from ILL (Twink-hunk, running his fmhilily. owing to aiclmzunobe present Ind‘olcring In my one doll-r luv-rd- au norms.- of fund. to - uyueyptrr, _ Wuhan-on & thr.', bill for Malta. 114.80, Brown Brow. bindinl. tt.itt, Wmor Tum. for "lteeritttitm Ind bills fot lectum,j3. Ion rend... . TL'iiariil m eaim'mv‘m vieeeprrrid.ns an" the chit and the mercury tending Ibo min“. which were warmed. A " There ware preach: Mean. Elliolt, Brown, Hall. Lanai", Album, Beulay. McNicnl. [huh and Nun», km on cum in the pmbnl, uni Ir. high». _ ; In- munâ€. __", 'e-------. A» a The directors of lb! Mecblnlu' Inuitnw mel‘on Thund-y night at ft o'clock. Ron Prec-M. Hurriu. Prem-O. MoNich. B.A.(aoollmntion) Vice Pres-A. J. frilohrd. Fleareurr--W. C. Wushetl, BA. Tre"uter-. D. Itorrnttms. Curator -- hi, Kin-n. Management b'ommittet-W. Shielln, L. A. Leuniro and W. C'. Riddell. At the conch-ion of tho cleotion it was unnnimounly decided (but herons. Tooth-ll ind quail. lbould constitute twMms.ot the names ttt be nrtieipnled in by Ibo Inocialion in tair,' loupeelive canons. Ind lino that Mr, In. BIIney be Cupuin ind L. A. Lem-ire be Vice- Captain of the hero-u mu. ' _ After the reading bf Che "ports the election of offiorg In pmoeedud ugh and resulted at follow. ' mnsvnm’l upon. Wemon Much lllb: 1892. (“Ash "waived, 34% tl , tummy expend- od.1l13.79: humuue on hmtd,s8149.g't, of which tltr', is dobmiled in the Dominion Bank, Market Brunch. ‘anonto. Beside: the Above teeripta, goods in We value of $50 ar over, were received Mr prizes for the ulhlelic louruumen. that makipg total receipt: of our $500. We Inâ€? forthe I’m. that m- fur the mum impormnl membeiiltirr. Th1 are now on ihe roll over to members. '1 ubova' strttemisiit,neetts no comment, A: weak: for ilsclf. P We hear it frequently maid "tia money makes the man," and u. might be nil! mnre truly, "tin money "when ostehrmreituiott," Ahhoulh the cosl- ot defrnyimz the no muses of the diireret" (mums " 'ther Amo.. ciarion was Ilecnsurilv heavy, 'rer:-ertti, the up" with n good surplus In the- "Funny. Thnjmnl n-ceipni ol the year wen over $500, at whirh we Imvn In our credit nhnul $150. P'oh tl u. ttt nur buck. we puhuise minim: into amt-r hrmchél of Athletic nnd. as far. as possible. promoting i1? inn-rests. dc, ' We have roman nquJo fey] proisd of our fool-ball Ionm.,which retired lube end of the nan-on wuh the excellent: record (if, no_ gum“; lost.. Kron, thisv HID lambasted of funk-hall are looking forward with the taupe that we will be uble to place a [outbill team in "refieltrneiull which will be "hard tri heal " , V lmvnrdiuely after the orwnuizuinn of the Amucinnnn, a .Ltlcrnue Club I" emerald in the York district of the herons mociulion of Ontario. which redeeted gram cralit'upon the A’uociniau.ind Mao upon lheJown. Four league matritiiir6rtt played and ii: v- only one, our ‘lanm In ditfersted " the eonelusiouof the time All-- lirtted Lorlhe game. In two, the mains“ we": Pqual and in nun Weston!†victors.. nus. .comuderirggulret, fed of the players. one yearlngo. even 'uv'idernmoii the 2pm. such a record is unduuhledly a yudd nugury ( for tite succeu of the Weston 'anrosse l Club during the cuming summer. " 1 _ Below are the john; ijiuriilia tary and Treasurer " mounted It the lmeirtirt-hiek will give {all howigdga of the doings" in Ther- pm Ind As, present fhtuufud minding _ . guennmv't' “Pout. _ . "bhma may in an?) corpora“ Weston Humhrllth, 1892. The Wennn Amulcur Athletic Annem- lion mu. nrmmized on April thh, 1891. Its onâ€? Pm been a trrmilet one. and "fl-v mrpméd by .hu of any lib Amreiatioi, in um lovm of the um: popumiou u Westurt.. ' r It his been I boon to â€Mom Tdl in Teton Ind in den-wing of the out, idilport of every citqun, And “it Mg been no procure") during the pat â€If, we [mo ovary réuon to [when that by proper Inaugural". Its {mun will be one of program und moraine-5 . 'l'he'nuendnnoa In very Hm, there being fully {any psi-non. pruont,‘ull of whom mnifaued the deepest imam; throughout The exciton“; during the election of omse" III tget the "e." oifirsee being hotly no. and for. Thi- " â€indo- h. n‘ It! I}. but in tie inf-u, u rt, lulu juf hand ittto ch. and your mum. Ind " Tan 'harm Kuhn;- may to gin I word of mooning...†Ind rail to nil than.“ --iruter,,am uh thin opporuurity of omsgrutrutiq at! ole!- ing out; but with. to the you: Ian ot our town. who have "taWtatred and pro. noted move-fully to Jumble an inni- union. ‘ . and 1.0010106 In at " ind; Bonn Hull on FIB.) "IQ tart and!" not; (would. in!“ ANNUAL We IND man or mom. Amatem Th! any! wind tby 90v. Mechanics' Inahtuto. or“. ' "'6'331532; th: w in; 1Pltt ttr w, -- - hifi W. C. chunl.. Soc. D, Raisin“, Tran. r 'dtt "hirttt MI Dom.- . p mm; The n it , BUILDING LOTS j r03 sum; Tm: Wmswoun Earn: offer at low prices, and on easy terms of payment, some of the best lots in Weston, close to Railway Stations and Schools. Good dminage, and command- ing situation. Appty to V V B. WADSWORTH. _ Cmr tthHhtr+tteeeqem + " nn.‘ " on - I'M an». man Iy “a Innnuhly‘ In: m... ct on." nu. mung u. "m, Brrd h. - «In hand-gummy.- n." M. An; TV an. 1-. do a. ma. r... br In... w. mm ovum": V. In ya. Ms .M. w. an an... "Ir-rar- mama-nu. or Mt - mu. no the um "A. '. n “I†no. “ML-ml Hull “MI -. n. - ant-u. tr,':,',",','.','.'. and“ M on b.“ my... "- I'M-m - I'D-v . Huh 'Jrrrr.'t In on Mull. ". Ih -- ek:':".','; and an. .m- Al. . span "It.†no. 7-- im "(I Tuck A (30.. Al “I. I‘ll.- IN BRONZE LETTERS. None Other Genuine Myrtle Navy '. Dre-nod hon. per an. . .. Chicken, per air, . .V ' Human _'s';g'hWdlic porn: Esq-,1)" dog, .- ___ ... Foam. per hm. ___ VT (midhl. pet t00t "r H. Cum“. per bag ... TVV . Turmpu, par bag... ___ _,. CAUTION When... (all, par bulb-l __. When. spring, par burial. :. Wheat, red. PO! buuhal. _.. Wheat, goo-a. per halal, w.. Bunyan! htmtutt... ... Oata, husheL,, _.. v.. .. ‘Peu. gimme) q.. __. _.. HIS" per mg, timothy ___ _.. Smw._I!Ia-I . ,.. PP. u _.. ~MAAR$EIL Isha.stutv-- BnowN.-ln Weston, " the ire-widen“: of the hn'de'l father, on Wednaudu. March 16th. by Rev. Mr. F Brown, of Uzhridee, uncle of line bride, “in Hallie, dunghler of Mr. ttr F s Brown, to Mr. W. E. Elhrrbr, of The Trihung oifimr, Toronto Junmiou. LU? you ism. to buy or sell-Fm. .5; verlise in the Toronto ' Weekly Mail.' Thu paper rwtches . 100,000. farmers' homes every mark and ,ourmdrertisemeat should meet the a†of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this elm-s no inserted in the Totem ' Weekly Msil ' for Five Cents a word for and: insertion or Twenty Cents l word for Jire in?rpru. AdresPT he Msil,’ Tawny). Canada. CONSUMPTION tytmeD.--A'n on; phy- sioinn, retired from practice’, 1tsriiiirliad plnced in his hands by an East India missionary the formiiln of a simple "ger- uble remedy for the speedy and permu- Jtttttt cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrlt,Atrthtrm and all throat and Lung Affection. 1150 a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debilizy and Ul thr-. vouaAlpmplaints, after. having lasted its wondgrful curative when in thou. Smda of ones. Liafeit it his duty to make it known to his iraiferiug fellows, handed by this motive and a daeirelo relieve human sufferi.ag, 1 will send free of ghgrge. to nll who depire it, this recipe in German, French " English. with full directions for preparing Ind ...\1!iPE. Sent by mail by addressing tt stamp naming this paper. W. A. irrus, 820 Powers' Block. Rochester. New Jork An auction gale, of horses, fresh milchmn. irrtplemeno,.he, ete., the properqruW9lr. Johys Ulgnviiln’. lot 27, York and Vaughn Road/ hulf a mile east of McFarlane's Hotel, Fan-bank, will be held on Thursday, Much 30th. ", An "Gum, credit "le of horses, fut Mule, miloh con 'r46ood no". the property orNrvt. Piper, will be"nield on lot 15, con. 3fEul. York, u miles east of Eglington. on ’l‘uexdly April the 5th. 0 months credit. A credit. axle of f.ru, "oek,implemetru, an, the property of Mr. Littlejahn willbe held ml wen huff of lot 15, 3rd con. west. half of Yonge Street, York tuwmhip On Friday, March 18th, It I o'ciwk slurp. T _ An extenlive credit ule'o! fem nook and implmmsttti, the property of Mr. Ju. Dixon, Sr. lot gt con. 1 Embieake, will be held " 1 o'clock on Friday Much 25m. . An import“! credit rule of farm stock, iytplemermuyms., the property of Mr. Jag: H, Stonehouu, will be held on} lot 20, oon.2 Etobiaoke' on Timid" Qhroh, 22nd, " 10 Ja' rhup. Ir. Nuon bidiagitt up u). am!" of Alloiinl all)" umingu"!oinlu:hn with It. mutin- of III. Board. arm Ion. diam-Bomb. um" dropped. I "t-lsitiii" $513. M In qaitattr the grttlt."Ntatrtd, gnu. upon-d t l u t Mud In their . In chub Ion lone]. ' Th eon-mu on " - loam "re? , than. n u,“ 'tt con-inn ma“ Bin I. Tu" be": "punt“. 1Thl 5nd - '8.0tc, l , 0a - “In: anal - won non-Bull wind um . tnelrr: magi-ting 'd Inmkhiglnon ad Auk-u In I point In Iful’ Iho deli It.“ Inga!!!" " [by yrrirr- (lurid. " I "triiraiAAirir; V by? at" '5'... - 'lttl:hl5tlEi2y't, '1" “w War-Ir In! 'dau.'. I», tho_un cl tho “a! bi. I alumni U “3'“. PM" ' tit Beet la... “n Pt, wast-1W2"! “Jaw HINIY IUIIILL, AUCTIONIII- TOR ONTO MARKETS. EACH PLUG " THE ls MARKED last of Sales 000190.000 008m 087 It99to ow â€Mg 079 uueo‘ 1r37 It88to on: 066to 007 lamm_um one» low 51600 62! 95mm aw o’um out» [Who 040w 030m 050 his '1t.aeb'at-li.t- The Leading Home in Tom T 'o""""'""'"'""..'.'.,'.:".",:",:':"' Ida-mug MANITOBA ROLLER FLO! G. & MI'. WaultmrallMllnilt. Mit f), “fmm. wedeti White rlpgatLSZZAï¬ ht lg. TRY THEM, THEY WILL PLEASE IOU; ml ----i11iKMt mm! m mnmnum INi----: . BRUSHES, WHIPS, ETC.; FOR SALE. MAIN STREET. WESTON. on. SPECIAL _'vv".A.jLIJ"jEr, -,, WEM mm EMmmum. " SINGLE _ V AND (3l?lllt STOW. (i1tyr,) MlfllFt.r,ttpt,ta, teFaEar:Bir'auat:birt ‘ fyy"g)ETL%irG,rLi'"'iFG"'"G ' . LOAN tr, SAVINGS 000W. JAS.‘ "xrcioa:raxrriiri::x:Be. MORTGAGES dz DEBEN'I‘URES isrctlust, ' 51060115138103. mg max. EXPENSES MODERAIE..‘ ' M20 jF'gitrtthyodi i, , _ , AT THE BEE IIWE, _ ' _ V _, FOLD " AT " C‘LOSEST " PRICES. ' AH,dok through our Stock may save. you many' a Dollar in / - _ ' your purchases. . , Fr OUR STOCK op V _ - N Xmas and New, Year Cards, Booklets, Game: of all kinds and Fancy Goods Suitable for the ' Holiday/Trad?, is now Complete. ' _ ' -_ - - Cor. John and Main Sta. " -,' West, noon to u-novu no“ nun-nu to: err-mu. We baie just taken into stock a large quantity of New Fall Goods which are now ready for inspection. W:is venture Hr to say we have the most complete stock of General t Goods ever brought into Weston, which will be _ scum FOR smss mu Muslim _ --"""'-qre- u - _ ' . 8.. on now Print. Fluid-nu and Total. Club. My nu - ' A a l or Chain. own new. Flow. 02.25 m h... ' than In... , ‘ g ltyBatusg Powder to: I. an“: and who in To“ and _ Cohen. Good: 0.1mm mud]. â€IOIAL IIDUOIUIUT' 'f?.Por 9‘." â€Ym . . sr FirlelLlllplAlt d)oriiois "'"'i."v"'zriategitkaiiiiii,.i'iiFiii, _. _ {MID-untuit. Bil. in. inst, 7 "_-e'-"'---.'...- vuw-“W '. wm A u-ttheroes-tu.. WJIAL C -q , _ ! F A’uolflmcdï¬ulmrhmflw 7 . I In“ "a.†p1 “m V I , .. lop 'rli' 1mm. la n volt-0th q 'r"'u'uNai"uxaiberarrtarp 1898. Ii: Card: Ind Beklett In hue “Mme itsdk "1;! ' Bight Prim, 1Joarumup'raatarettt " no To ole-r. we will for the nan month oikr our stock of Goof: Um WIN. Mitts, Socks, "It., a greatly Maud prim., ah. Flunnelg. Yarn. Ind ull Winter Good: " . tad-Mien. A bug-in in Felt Bodu--st)riruptalitr in ,rell hon Ind In to give 'roitrrmttiotr.' We also invite your umdo- to our an line: orJtl.ettded Tens, they a; chain. WESTON MILLS! Hatchinson " which will unsold vacuuming. Also (Large Quantity or8horta, Itmn, M h. ESTABLISHED 1855. The Company Lendl ’Money on Raul Rome li lowest “an“ nu- of _.__ interest and†on humble term orrrr-iarrmmt. . .... - _...... ...-.-. my nous-Ion In ul vault-l. _ . '"uu1e_Atrrmrtrttmirrdtsi. Family Roller Flour at " For ae. DELIVERY EVERY. WStttitttBttAT. The Practlcal Horse Collar Maker. G. Ba:: LYON S. t3EtNNiriEa?tir,, w. P. PRATT, _ Appraiser at WESTON, ONT, an sat with iiiiiuiiiE THE ----DRAIER' IN H ABNESS WESTON /. ,' /",,,,' PHARMACY!:. _ . " ",' Weaton. On}. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Pte" SIM-- It {LARA-align“ 159g“: ‘into Wain». A}!!! 11.. T','CiFPi; 79Mâ€