P ' - "ri' A uyumnm' , V 9.»; â€mail 'e,tf2etasm 103 a†at. .__._, ' Milo.†ba-,-'- ll. R. J. "MILTON, ' â€any. summon. IHC., I: In nun. Vim: yttlllttMrJtrpi.',g",g2t,i',",1" J, - .v m. sun-or. an a W. GOULTER, V. S., “Malia-mud can. has! . C dun-mm. . {impair-u: omm.Ngttasoagrgrst "rerr"rr'm, man-m “It am. Pre " Wat". ' m EAGLE nouns. . amen. CIT. an“ i *m â€not†!r'iil,',t?li, Tray-ml "Al,',',,'?,". 'r-tttet.. Ina-Mot !iiiiliiifiy'iii'i thq but saw W. In Dom-m Good mm.- Good "eomamMnt6tnt foe Funnie- 'ehLttt?e"rvrs-duatstiia fortune-)- 2t'.'dattIutr.tr,r,,',,',t,'T'". ora- """"'Nrfk wcmju _ I Walk... JuAl-odonug. ",» munnmn rowan. Eng-smut: "r In... lanl'uuu. man. can l mom» atnat. Toronto. ‘93:". 'ttlip" E“, "'17 MM- {Hm Mu JOSEPH MASON, L. L. B., '. W.Wm.im.ul' Iomro you; on subunits. man-Mm» Wat. Mata, _ â€In Iona. omega. _ I Busttitlhmithsrwamott.gtmnta. “new." Cool. Wtgtiiee & Mould. ""'""%"M',"a',od,r, rte-rams, no . caucus w. P. Am! EDWARD W. BOYD 0. - IIVEI‘I’ID. 0.. and Com Bta., Tamil 3" . littgt.tttgit,N “it can“. an: m. mun.) mugs. ma habitual Bought and _ 'tra, 30113th um J. SAURIN MCMURRAY 'rstatr.qrrsg,imr. , 1h"llhu'l'l'f,"r%S,'g. ' HENRY RUSSELL, PINKERTON @000†_ m‘mmn, muons. annex: " titat F IEJACKBS. 8, UNUSEY & LIN DSEY - m. 'tltttti rm 8 W ATKINSON & BOYD fl...» mnlmmi mam-nun». Gill-MY 'gPi?,RW.R.d a. haul run. In: a mm. PRAmt C. coon. I... Ora-nu on. . [W 11'Mui'g'rllJ2t"t'gg,g" a" t a. Inns. "a., Lu. _ Dentist. TOWN AMTIOI. are: are '2mtddiritlel'r' JACKES & JACKES, _ 3.3}: 3181‘ 1938. V â€I Bimbo“ and! ' furl,“- Who-In ma. r C 11.2.13“ mum" a. KYAEN At. B. 31003. L. D. B., notâ€: In: & You" an, TrW,f2t',a,Io,,,. I.†fought or told. “an . may To LOAN m - m mm: In. 0 Guam. w. AUCTIOIII I. 5301215. Tegai, LILâ€: 'ttteye, l Jritt.. 'l! jun: on am. not.» - 'ttt, m. jfiillNi e magma: ‘ a. B. DADI, PIG). a, ONT. & CO., hm m! Sebbeth night, the 10th inst., end Alter s severe end protracted amic- , tion. The nuns of the deceesed wes known fer end wide as s man of pro- nounced convictions and of sterling integrity, which mule him greatly respected. He was born in the harsh I west pert or the township of York n} the you 18m. His father, Isssc‘ Devins, wes s U. E. [nyslist and came to Canada end to the county of York with Governor Simcoe and set- tled upon the term where " son John wuhorrend died. The county w_ss then s eonperetive wilder-en, so the edventeges were, very few, hut with his chemteristic energy, John set to work and eleered the term which his father bequeathed to hidi, bringing it into s high new of enitiw "all “For some yeah the farm he been occupied by his son, Willie: Thanh, who, with " noble wife, NMlly ministered to the eged end tret (ether. In 1389 he merried in Jeenett Rodger, s netive of Month?» who†lived in we: cont-t over '-0<Mmtuer. o the. were horn"eieven children, of when six sens end one denghter still survive to mourn his loss. In politics he; wes - s semi-tent Reformer, end in the days of stormy election eontests cosh e very eetivs p'ert. Like â€en old soldier all with some- thing of the old In in his eye he would tett the Gory "O'ttr end o'er" of them politicsl campelgns. In 1887 when on his way to Join Wm. Lyon Mechanic's tones, he wes intercepted end taken prisoner. For some months out it was evident that he was rapidly (suits end It times hie entering: were ery eevnre. Bat it Lise entree of intense isatirrrnetitrn to ihnfnndstmsemeines thenceof this ft-tttm to elm the list. og W Mt he â€seed-Wu ems-d he s wsrrier who wrepe he 1tlN,','At "0M sheet him : no to M dress-e" Mtge ‘e'ww- e Preshy- .l p see-ester you- w: T I“ d Is on Venue. The Madmen were , "re tWlt'W..'tl,"tgtt11 ht-tee, Irv. W. who in in :18 - a! the Eiri'i g “in†yo. lull ss- ~ in with†l _ The law under which»: mun can be itrusd for Mstrintr the return half of a tiqket which he cannot use himself shouldL he " on“ rePeahsd.-Newtr. W?tat,efittte had the man who flrgt pnmhued the ticket committed , The nilny'wu not in any way defrauded by his act. The company had agreed to carry: pueenger from Bowman. willy“) Toronto and back again for A certain price. What possible diaer- ence could It make to the carrier if one person was carried west and engine! per-on carried cut? l An_01d Sender Passed" 'Leg...', . By an new. of John C. Devin} thi, eP.tnunitChatr)otorMs of m oldest Lyn: week I man purchased I ticket I via the Grand Mink from Bowman- ville to Toronto tutti, return. After) arriving in thia my the punch agar‘ fomriunoceaury to so mm or was. tlit this... of mimmW Wat! F M35: ftiithsraBstohtittand bosom " to n puny who wished to go down to Bowmuwille. For so doing the seller wu tined #20 in the Police Court on Snflrda'y. -iffitBrday Night t--Touriu _ the country at this sewn of the year and under the circumstances is a mistake. It we mistake which the‘yhole pom-liq! ttttttiii'," is exempli- tting-to tthey consider to be proper tactics. 'In thet 1 on: staid they are mbkneod. At I time like this they cannot afford to.let Aherir joints rattle before the opposi- tion. Dignity and reserve is the only thing that can protect them from 'eritieiam. No mm con work these things hotter than Mr John Thompson. With dignity is an undershirt and oNeiat reserve " an outer garment, almost-11y men can seem exceeding- ly clever and trtatemauliee. If our Governments would think more about providing peoplewith something to do And enriching the country by the production of food ind "the bringing of populhtion to our farms and lake- sides, we would have more to thank them ton-Don. B -e- aa iSee,tii.i' W “"M h I!“ um. and m.MW.I to ttni-o- 21lttttMatiti?eS't.'ieiidi, I a bath N 't [no eeeAhls'.1','/thtttudtitg,tgitt .rrtts " Watch. "gmhrretttiiii ,rttt MAE-Ind put“ (mm mm Ftt.lt'iith, "' llbu‘uu lam M: Paria Ka." _ - cum to! "tttttte. m" a! “In '15::qu which will In In. km- -v. - -- - - - - 'aEiiihi',liFftitiiiii',iiF7' '" 1thr"dit "b. “w W '..t.ettue _.._-:m'--m tltNllm " "" IIIALD It: Wm“ mm SHOULD BE REPEALED. . M “VG-M nio- A'tlrgut,t1ttT,1rtht,'agrttt 'ADVER'I'IBIN G RATES. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. In My“: '.s ngnr-dqy Morning. T. Ir. KEEPLER. - h "I†to M'llhut'trttAUg'.uttte ta pin-ii iii 5:333:03: “a†'hierFPt---Thatstt.trrs-rto new .1 - the following: W 1iEFEAif.atoriuiirii;iihuii4 5.!!- km Aun- ol 5.15 h ft M: trarars. tle 109 h ' v ,'i'ilieihyii)il1!et.?eyit,i? ii in. - the - d In mmtmnm. "and whine a! 'u tetofetrrmsurt-uooh. "tdats, tr-tith-ttiii-mer" the and hush-t. Ann. up“ hint-Hooch and Inn-hum " hike-n tritt_dtoth.iat ire M . The regain- menti of thes village _ txnutdi'nriU hold on Tdy high Init. Franny-ulna Been (in mud-nit) mdv Means. Harris and Punch. Tho min- um 'fd"""" muting! was Md Ind Tln',',;,, w. x. & in tar-Maw mmpmul Mtg-kw In. no}. Links Ivy-kw m M with the Won, in new“. 'tttChl,'?".,',",,'.,:',',',' of Mr. Irmm mteitrtieounttttrtntimid in 10 In- mmtirtMa1mesht.touit.ts' and no mp‘ ghatNet,g:te,eg,et,yg "r'tui1tt.ttt?gtte,ts'tf as " mm " null Mac a. 'l'iWlu"/hivg'ut'l',Cht -tat mafia. can in nu- In tsl5'4.'th'iill'lll'. Ty, “Pd-{Wk 'truwisttartomiss an an. lot mmtyau-mdlss. 2-:de leg'.."'"""'"' nun-fol- IiP.t1meiy1Btmtrhtt miBr....... 'iiitrh1eromruas,-,ek i. aim. ... . ..l.' flit]: Mam-alarm mania, W. mim.,.....tr.'..C.TT.C. ttr,'jitiietiij,iiiiit, (or aa tei',iri'iti'i'iili:i:,:i:i.i,i.:: TheRev. Mr, Jackson, ot London, VII in Weston lut veal: tor the pur- posé of buying . lot on which to build I home. He purposes having to our villuge. _ _ _ . V l N. C. Wanna, Esq., Controller of Customs, puma! through the village from Woodtrridre,on Sunday evening, for Ottawa. . I ' - I Mr. and Mrs. Lee, gt; the Canada hinting Ink 'flo.,, spent' W.eAneAay, (1rlll W. mung. D. Matruiie'.' 's. T 'r Mnca. M. White and her daugh- teitba. Craig, of Port £090,426"- been visiting here during the past week. _ _ . Rev. Mr, Locké leaves town rim a {at asâ€. We no lorry to Ian that his Mittnt is very sick in the city. Mr. and Mm. Rose, of Michigan. spent» Friday and Sunday last with Mr. Ind Mrs. Gibson. F Mr. nnd’Mrs. Joseph Franks, of Ingersoll, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Franks. ' Miss Maud Hewltine, of Rothsay,’ spent a few days with her sister, Miss Hewltlne. - _ . ' M'ustithsorgie Moore, of Eglinton, is spending] few days with Mm. Dr. Charlton. [IF 'NHttrue -. f q . Dr, Pirritte and hits mother were the guests of Mrs. D. Maguire last week. Mrs. E. Copeland is visiting friends‘ in Maya Hamel-er. . T ykuhr-iSitnnraton," of Maud, if Making 95 the Rev. W. Reid. Mm Gallay,.n( Peterhoro',.is visit, Jag with Miss News. , The Presbyteiinns held I successful IUrveat Home in the Agricultural Bill on Tueadly evening. An excel- lent pmgnmme wu rendered consist- ‘ing of songs, duets, trioe and recita- tioas. Messrs. frontice, McClure 3nd Hahn and Misses Shaver (elocution- int). Burkholder and McCutcheon were the Iierfortmsrs and Miss Annie Me, Inmgh, accompanist. The Presbyter- isns are contemplating the building of: school-room and enlarging the shed accommodation it the land cpn be obtained. . . _ Mina LII?! A. Wallmo, of Wood- bridge, has returned, after spending two months in Chicago. © il, .llr. and Manlm- auaiue, m Vilnius it Nor Yark. ' ' 'Jahn thwv, son of tha tate Jonathon 'skrxrw,uaixGiutoritre put Humor tour week; with typhoid tannin". we In 'sleetouattsatkii, out of ddatrsr and will soon be shone again. F T . ifitryu,'gth, and pa titans) cltdit,t undu- homaegmh will Tiry'thedd wit: Ippemnoe. Tho may hhetds a "121,313. run; rTar,idl'tttttur, he is npr, ink Mn. in In! hop- at . not» _l'l,'et'it 'lj'ptt%alti2tpiittitiii) O Inoculated the umpuhtion ot this his]; tween theknunnd mun. He has . mmitmsd to his bed for newly ttvt months l"" of which time his lile w“ daslmirmt My. 1h3ei.TGFiN5yiaris"%2i'i"io'i5 my. Mr. Hue-on a new, in. w. A; Johnna, of m"tpttt,',"tfhtt 2heiat . ' Atrium T Met, about. WWW. The om; will he he» lt Rev. Thou: Imam, a A. Ticket, an; Childmn " out. F V new" LGI TUGG GTiTdsii iiiiiiriGridt teioia"iGiTGTciGiriT'Urrdrs' ttther aNg,'att in “if! my “boo ll . Iona†I 0 tag- ?iir,t1ttidtt,t4, frpu'b JI'? p. T., hem-uh»: ' h. l "ah',hrht, th. 'tfi?sltt1,?i't,'i'it m I tCd1ll1'i'l't Prim-y. £50th 3.0% 7'» av,"- -e.M.'-.. - Firiiiril Fi ttttim ‘W. W Avttt.thkilt 3W ‘" 7 "T""r, In sad In. mu, gthe m Watch. cl Own, m D.M|Mudi¢d †and-um.‘ M“ tf ttt away“ at (New. uk Hmwwo-w VI11atres Council. woodtrHtttts . Personals . msuemwn. manna. TEE: M- 1646 m 667 50 “Fl" tTiiiiC'CC'i': "has“ "trat - 'iii'iiioo-L,. And-0* IV 7 due... Sa,t'e.t' . flr%Nfl dino- "a? trmh A way“ In" “mo-duels. mama: Nmmhmq “In... _ _ -A... can. - " 2L...“ Anthemâ€! and?“ M3138, . 'ita"l;,'/J'g,"L, Colds.» “Brim-“db We!!!» tum-.5643; ii,'?,',,:?:':':'!,',':,"?:!,),',':)?,?,:. Dim will b. in}: J. Wu. hthecupd and Tina mm. =r't'h',t',",' Colds, thrre Tltp, Mia, nnd ordersofthe Ida-2g:- Mae '“n‘mmmmu-n ham-IN]. ttrs-ts-i- t; m ammu- ggdmwu'mnmu 'rteauttrittskmk I“ ' irruiiiira purify, dd hymn the qnlity d the shod. 'tei a. aw" OT"th den-sells . A r" â€um, C im’lhihary‘md‘m tur, WPVWm-dtbawnwm flank th"iktikiit.m Gold I n Jftms muggy olmtothbu. Ll). ma. 4-3in. ~-K§r~LElGHTON, Clerk. 1..ch ." "m, an, t'fllhll'lf, fel', g: Ith'; . . -IIO a tt ura- to i'd flllale,', It]!!! {at th. gurpou Dirty“)! huh-mo M mm on new ya lid who build- ing, And is: Inch bng 12t rm»: in tt III. . Gmn or ' on was, id 'i,l'ditr,'ci,)"i. (k. may mm a or urn-ids the lama or my punk-not It " and. with“: a month- tthte. anon {tugging and cannot b. mule fmab'c'df‘wm" iiiirrriiGTiiic"ii"G""l/ & n m. MW. .-- _ .. N. 1g','litlr.ttt Wputtug2,iN 31at caiiGii' ' If l ItiarEItg, Wpusar.-rht 1G.iidett't.rib,, on the 14th ieet., 1y.iuiae.9m, third son of H, w. 'yte"erraooooetuoatuss, . ,r- #31311†WATKIN€$L "On Wednesday, 20th imrt.,atih _,e.atitet VF . I ',0, ' ton, i,"r'llt,'l.', Nut Ill',', William Warm. m. to May Cochin, of Okinawa. n . V I , msasrraott-otrhk,son the 20th inst., " St. Philip's church, Unionville, by the Right eg-tal me Lord Birtmp of To. mnho, (gain gym Rev. Charles, But- Asn, Roofer of orway, Henry Howard . Ella-Ow, .quaf Wt, to label, second (In huge! the Rev. m B. 't7t'lf,U.'tl$.'t'.'3Utl, of Mirkham. _ Elana M‘Liuimen! roman- ‘all buoyed! w’ndlouud lumps and. blenilh. hos tone-g. blood sp-vin, curbs, "links. ting brtstrarretsssy, trtifUs, lpninl. lore and lwllen thrimt, noughs, eta. 151ch my use of one bottle. 'to-viii/tviii.,'." ... TiT; .r.e1td'ir1ririijrTr"iiaii â€PEI: "°’- -. 'r.",. 'c",';', w _ 34-1! in: .\ gsrei4(tittivt of th. biood, .. In hon: durum iiiiiii'ij,'iiiii'iisiiy, “6011,31: “a “new†"Unaive curt, t"ltdStla"tg'gtAty rk"' C 1t,iit'rytifott.'mr--rqueiu [CHM NI" dill-nu "lined in lit BMJY‘tWVGnn Bondy Atttsri- can liq“, Din?" This new mud: in- gun nrpribo and dalight to phy- noim 'on can“: of its unending prompting in relieving pain in the blui, der, ktltttr,tmih and every put of trernriiUHitt mule or female. n relieves 'tstmsiia of water and plin in busing it dams: immediately. , if you want yrtitkyrlW,tmi (mg thin in yo'ur m5 T F"iiiau"Cis, txabs Gif ' mm 'vhaiu $va mop-aw he Aua1e Flowrrhs Pitts in it unmoved) iam him; in-l, tyet N. h Dae- 'ie,' In) a. . £43. wag boon to All at!“ this.“ Iinyriul Pr, "tramal wade; V C 'ir%itiRNG'a iirGiriiiTC W 1'tttti/'Srt, the liver can rmuwwzmzruw . 0 and 7GG7 hum. Al"',,',",] .'ter. Lid “BARB? Pmaeh.oet of (ijhSieiii'Pe,i,", -.._-scsc_=_: .. Wmâ€! --_-. 6.1;, u... a... u. " F, a k17Gil a! Ilw "I ii.'..!???, W " Council “umâ€. . 9n thes jun .13; Ma',',?, gmiAsitsvt mum one! To RENT; NOTICE , Yut, wed @5035 “kl-l1“ . 'i?ii?iii,iittsittiitti; I n. Goododlg. Igor-u ""rtplroapeuitui. I, HENRY LEVER. -e kr-,' unmet}: ytcreh8 .om1 mu} u?Mttt? yuitir, __ AAiiii, 'rrtr'orta, new can. AM! a mom k. J "fttal Acres Turn: It . 'lre'ffou'!'l'i good u is In th- rown-up. Tm no two [and won- of II“! we good oath-mama on an you)... Apply My _ 5 tf JOHN LITTLEVWeaton. HOUSE AN D LOT - FOR SALE Apply to was Luann. FARM TO RENT. glib: .iil% H _ sm'mlam mm: MMLyhru m; V" LAND PLASTER AND HALT IN BULK AND BAI‘IL‘_ Use our Patent Flour put up in 95 lb Bag-mm! - _ oggvanao " REQUIRED. ', iltlltij,li1ot1,"yit?l,f.,iyajrtaLtyji. Ji' via. We Inn on Mid Olden and Field M Kind film; Limo, Walt p, grant "tiny and Pm l-plo Syrup. 8m, Roller Flour and Bucon' I); STEWART, A General Merchant- GREAT REDUCTION m THE mac: or‘rnoyn. POST OFFICE. --AND DEALER IN---. C Dry Goods. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. When you Come to Toronto Buy "soar x . Boois& SHOES, _,.'", ht fli)llimln's Gigantic» Sale, BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN iN EXCHANGE“ D. STE WART, Hundreds of Choice, Elegant New Fall Mantles for Ladies _tuul Gide, just oPeuodRerr,-ttu--ttt Low Prices; WESTON MILLS) 50, 100, 250, 560 &$1 Counters V _ . 1.)" "~~7'f“f_‘"" Case after Case of New Itaftgoods opened this week _ .. to sapplementthe stock. Sale Prices Rule. It's really terribliythe may goods are being slaughtered. This Gigantic Sale is' Creating a' Gieat Sensation. Hundrods who have visited Toronto Fair have taken in BARGAIN EMPORIUM, 123 King St. isst, Toronto, N ew Fall Goods You’ll be surprised at the goods that are being almost given away on the above counters. 'ilolljinraee's Sale. 123 ng Street East, Oggosite the . Cathedral. TORO O. _ HoLiiiiRhttttrg'" ' Gone home happr-lpaded With Bargains. ESTABLI. RED 1838 DRY GOODS. . CLOTHING, Bee that you get into the Right Store Gigantic Sate . WJKittMINNllrgNgt. MANTLES, OF ite;'v"i -riei'%iA'it, HE'S†Thisttetdwn. . TELEPHONE Oh “CE ' Wyn PHâ€? ue, m At