Weston Times (1966), 12 Oct 1893, p. 2

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F my RUSSELL, ' mm In 'tomtt.d mum summon; mud ttttmth-d Trunk-ml Gun-din , he! an!» thee. _ In -e‘PPWNOI “Mull-mud m M _ “HIM. -?rhr"are"'-rmmrror- m "IT. “not? a. W. (DULTER, V. s., . Architect All I'll-Ill! 3mm A" ..... '1Nttttilt$ttl 'grat,tl,te"'= Onion BIO, "mt, Pre .. Weston. I- - " In my Joan "awn um Ar. - " "I. - mil. 2Rftt2,iiiii2 tmtqtte the but lull Room. “I.“ III!- in an em": Good nabb- God madam for 7mm.- gggnty Magnum for the Sum- am t c. w Coot. fs A, - -1Pl'ffhlr"an.... In "t,eueu. _ mun runs TO you”. l may an up 'room l Adoludo In.» But. Toronto. Fullerton. Cook. Wallace & ludonald. _ ,to,'tr'uutyAtr,ort; gags: , W. mm. 'ttmer) to; noun To LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. MIMI Banding. mu It. Art". Pronto, m m ””110 JUICE“)! El? 2m” f QTKINsou a. BOYD PP'"-?,'?,',',',","',','?,'!,".".',','.'"'""""" 'rrarar*aaathrsrhmtttaa.nartttx . IRWIN a. KYLES, l MIRImIEETC. _ hip-u New»... 103 by u no. KYLIE. maucnti 1.B,wcarmsia,uisir" IJI’JACHS. “HIV IIVIITKD. 0-... Ca. Church and Com: at... Toronto . _ ”In. M Conn It Cr, leotw. summon. no, a k; [’me- J. A. ELLIS. M.O.A.A, ""_' Gaiiirtt Gaiiauaii i'aT3GiiiiG', Tel“ ‘0.“ ”gamma. D.S., la: (rl'ii.lrfli1t)iil'iilic; vi. manna. mm: c. Cooke. PINKERTON & COOKE . &Migm ”in War. a. - ?9ArttH?eyrEfteehors, “it Bar . LINDSEY & LINDSEY was». was arm a Dav-yum 'ertt'ttrt S"gtrc,i'dt,'." ma Wel- a...'- Mm or Sold. ”on an 1081;! To LOAN COI'W “I IAGLIG HOUSE. "was. our. _ JNustitrt, 4 “In WIOTIOI. tTSh','ih'iiji.i,t '"tl'atddiftt'i'r; T a I . "I!!! .00.. tt8A2r'N'NN.' I. nous & JACKES, 2 f QARR;sTmRs. C. 8. I‘m. "S., LD.S.. OOp‘I-hh. aqua m Wanna. no 853:3; I Il "',J-ToI{oN:1‘d. 1mm“: “1|me M. w, J. CIAILNN. Um.” m. n. ma.) “when“. ia. uno- n ma. Cpl-Wron- ILmT & CO., was. gum. “UK.” ttltltthNt'P" I. ONT. 0.3.DADI,PN" IDWABD W. BOYD Tatm m! I Dun“ Bm,--Puneh asserts that t grumbling in the birthright ot All tom sud hedurlyllku it. No We mm be In tight Orin-mg. crying or laughing, working or'plny- "Is.- plyinuz being paid, gaining ‘ a victory or muting under a national humiliation, in fact, he is never so happy as when be is grumbling. But be that uitmny, A 141 mill-rate, upon the unjust and unequal anew Dent sanctioned by the powers that mum‘s our public mum, is tmMeient "trti%satirn tbr I unitad affort by the taxpayer! within the municipality to and in lame wax the present reign of utnngnnm nnd nepotism intoler- "htrtatt.e 'ttM-rr-ttfn-ttmunity. We delight to was the old Eng, bout lp ofthe [mutant Empire We world ever Inw,etc., etc., bat it in Info tun-an that no equal number of the Atttrio-Nrou.rnm, but: fewer of the _ animal that enabled our moo-ton to lg!“ - I leglcy In their "t.etntr. It-ry-Br-eh defer. - mid have been paid to the} - all [It ha! our When ‘ qgttlr, (“I tter, tocat a. _ 3".“ - the people I “Marthe public servant M1 1'an " CM! thou-out int. midi-gimyurtothe. that] {lung their 1 SE',.'ir,iti, . n! "or? Per- j u .m - Wu 'tttgl.'? “the gun in ( an. __ NI For ch. “com! Hm this year rut. and that is If" Mambo cmellykilled poliee-ofrieers, pete [',?it n". whoieiy in the discharge or their duty, gunmen; e 3’?” hue been Allowgad to escape the ex- of?” T, n Home ponnlty of the law, In the es” "npor ar Freeman cue, Lemuel was aequitted For potatoes.. “together, and George, Alexander For hormetr,utve mil William Henry, convicted of For “if”, Kvel 'tg'.",,"t'othte, " London, Out. The TWP/Shin}? mac judge to d the jury that a more cruel PM“??? “may one of killing had seldom happened, ?gre.riltyreiry that the ttMeera had certainly a right Jyi.mrrtiill Wt ll to d.ttas nay had done, And that if Omanund can the jury had found the prisoners' _ Query-How guilty of murder he would not have has the hernier qurrellod with_their verdict. Ag it horse or cow, '1: he sent the three prisioners to the and I skill is p1 penitentiary for life. various sorts M Tolk JHuoroy Tho Ae-. Meantime Canada is enjoying a fair degree of prosperity anti entire free- dom from pestilence or death-dealing' cyclones. We are a favor-9d people, THE KILLING or OFFICER RANKIN i q AT CHATHAM. fn Georgia thousands of lives have ben9trtroyrd)ry norm and fiood. In .Unitéd States' cities hundreds of thousands of workingmen are out. of 'srryrlo,vment. a _hiiuiiiuu"r'eciiiiiirriii; i72 m "on people are on the verge of star- ttlou u I maul: of the coal strike. _ THE Minister of Education says English is now taught in every public school in the County of Russell. Five yeus ego there were a number of schools in which English was prac- ticnlly an §nknown tongue. That a better stat ot affairs prevails to-day is due to the crusade led in the press by the Malt and mum Legislature by T. D. Craig. Everybody and his grandmother no ter 'trthtrWtyrM'g "ir. Tttttra) i In time _to “time'- " completely blocked by in number of trains go- 333 and comin'g. Weston is a great ttpetri/r fravelling. _ AN exchange says an Indian has made an extraordinary find or buried gold and silver coin on the Show of a river in Colehester county, N. S. Mrrcnnu. Recorder says: Sir John Thompiois made a good impression there, but pr. Montague did the party a positive injury. Ir " rumored in Ottawa that the Dominion general election will take place in January next. _ Hooa, Bacon & Friar is the nhmaoti a mercantile Brm itt, western Ame tum. ' Letoat Adv-"Woul- uoiu unona md in lulu-t. um human. I gum var liar-ooh ','lil'ltt'Jfi fulcrum, d oqe1ta per Hm. Birth Ind-II “Id Duck Rules- In to miiiGiiiGTa union-nu. as out. CTG like! “on to oth." - , . T ' Adm-molt. an in vicaont {amnion- y3l1_b,t,he_ um tau“... and .tume.d _"'"""""-"',"'-"""',"'-""'.-""'"' _ _ ”an Coal‘tuh for dam-m pu-lndl ot "no and. a In“. which will b. - known animation. _ Julian and tis1et.Tgitittti I I u . WA 'ih11'vi'iili.';tlh2ii7tri?.."c'h'l norm-twill». dud“:- sun-u- m on it. tMItt. am... 't,'tSl,T, . id u to lamp- of "ts-tttim In It. will... at on. all. . ' In - an Illa paid ht dune-1M! ot tinny-Iv. no: out. will b- aloud If. H. KEEFLER. MI" " "" mm V " "mu-u» "In ThurstaV Momma. Uh: mm Mm ADVERTISING RATES“. CANADA IS FAVORED, New ott' NEVER You", on ar awn w h2i2l"ii', it aiai. Fii: 'th'a,,(iti'A! .03., m... " Mal-n. Hnrrin a 1101:]qu the People‘s Mom, the cont-ti on big thing! in the line of Ordered "UI/l this In“. They make. special” of thntline And all the “nation of the public to their exhibit n the fair nan weak. "mm comm". The Council mummy cannibal-n- mt in Moehnnim' Minna “All on Otst. Shad, I“. Prawns-JP. P. Wall-av new; tsoneilkms Peters, Butt-aide Ga Marries. 1'lr'"W. I'm mania; Ind an hid baton nomadl,_nl: Itqbi) M tntt3istg wash. “0:0; Huh Igniting aHrrtath d MY." Jail Dow: t C. T." 'W-e.' 'dglh gm, menu- I, W Pugh. mat pe. yriaihTiril' - I you sauna-Mu, that an; as; tt,ett.tteytetAy..e.toy-oi.4 Weston, Och, 10th, 1399; It is an old adatr.ecwht" is every body's business is nobody'sr sol have called your honqrsble Board of Direc- tom' notiegto these things, believing that as success pf all A tinnitus! Soc! iratFVttdr' on no: musse- ment. Wishing your fair every suc- cess, I remain "tuery--Row much care and skill has the funnier to give in rtuYfttig a. horse or cow, and how inuch labor and'skill is put into machinery of various sorts compared with 8 caulL fiowem or l peek of onions? Wind-mm ifiiU itrdilGic'.'., is ir, Onions and etu1lifiowem. ...... 58 50 '"'""'e'9"". ..r “n, a“... uv 'F"1"0"", an“, I must mx,there is something hoggiph about the exhibltdrs who are so un- fair and 'yeltiish. But what I have called attention too will be best seen by iray of mutant, Tlrsur1o..itt_uutst, tin? 'lirreiriRiwn on the farm next to grain is the potato, [suppose some ‘yurs the crop is worth ' million or more dollars, all. that is given in Pl, and that is a crop everyona can”; pets on, rand third prize. I Will enumerate just a few to show the wrong of giving so much for. things of less importance. For potatoes-.........)), For hornws,utverttxe lst prize.. 8 ar For cattley average do .. 8 00 Threshing machine........... 4 00 ?hs,rmtym'srtutgon......., 300 Ntw, gentlemen:j1 think there' Is! no doubt there is a gardener some- wherg working the wires, and al- though I object to slang words, yet, there are times when Webster's Un- lbridged in too weak to express, and, I dou't know whether the cauli- fiorer man is also the (mien man, but there is the same or even worse schem- ing with onions. lfound again on page 11 $36 given for onions. There are 3 prizes given for the Common ”American o'ninn, the red, yellow maid white, but then comes a piece of most unfair trickery. There are 10 prizes and the 7 remaining prizes are for Italian biiions ‘which will form Bulbs in the Southern States, but not‘in the Northern part of this cogtinent if grbwn from seed; The met od which all gardeners take to raise these large Minn onions in to new themed in Januaryn’r February and tinnsplnnt in May. . Now Tot thtss* prizes‘ will go to one or pert _----'- wourardeneA, What citaneks"his th ,ople to com- pete with these men , And, more strange, there are 3rd prizes given for cturlifioeer, new; for the 7 varWrresr of Italian onion, but none for '3 kinds of American onion which everyone can grow. Ch 8 thousand of the true Erfurt 'type and the balance if I wish I can make into "Snowball." "Gilt I1itre,'/ “Demi Dur" ttnd "Whitehead". Now any gardner that has only .1000 good, Purity-traids-ily take the 821.50. I think the gentlemen will see that it does not meet the design of the society to let anyone capture their prizes on such terms. , """".""' "__ --q)r'-'- ~. 'r'"'"""".?. Will the director?; please 190k at page 11. At the item etutltfiiii"mr I mt 029.50 appropriated " prison. There 'Bro ' kinds of venul 'tBrrssr _ ttmt-tted-c.")' Dar," “me head," enema," “Gm Edge" end "Erttut." Now the "ErNrt" when it is of the true strain 1nd type is so much superior to the other 4 that it is [ folly to grow them. There is 3 feet which should be more generally known, viz. : " It is a welliestablishéd and universally aecepted fact that in all vegetable growth Jrom seed, the tiendoncy is always bd.ckward tram a superior to an inferior growth and production." As an example take the seed from the seed-bearing apple of the potato, we still say Thorburn? _ and grow 1000 plants trom that seed, the chance is you will not get one equal to the Thorburu. Now suppose I so“ or 3 oz. of Erfurt cauliflower and raise say 12 or 14 thousand cauli- tlower, I must not expect to get all of them up to the type. I may ger6 or tiiiiiiGiiiiid tll our £130? Wilma! o 'v, m- W.. Suntan. A. 111th. Jana Duncan And Thou. Wnllm of Wood. bridge. Old] an aura none, ot a M,flttti, would, maximum»: 'fo Ida-ace in the'dutrityution of grim knovlnkly, And I don't conul at It even the sllghtest -redieetion on the directors when I may they cannot fa: nlhly he expert! in the, matters of which T write. But I am "atutied, some one or. more of the direetoreiot either York or Vaughan have been utilized, not willingly or knowingly, in that particular put of the} prize list, by game cute man who is in- Aueneed more by what he. can make thnn for the good of the society. ' W:II bl... At.-.-., _I._-_.. 1.41, ,A V tp ilihitib' om it, , tit' and. I“ I‘m, 2d _ no “ID “I dim *1!le 0* “at who- Mm their who. none at". Immunities In tho who or mo of the prutsts. Before going ittt6 dad! I may 'ff we IN no: exhibiting.» that what um writ, ing cannot be impact: my wrong or Injustice we might tapped to ho_lnmlng undo; _ TF - f" Woodbridze Yours, etc JOHN Ba "on 3nd smdn , In Inplementn. - 'itttii)1ilitleli'ititlitt. W "OO." to Ill-pod“. hr I! to five an ttt a we. no we would its. te ”be that some day I thrs dimtnn my came M the ammu- I ion um n “am to lemma In the Iml - u a in ma: book. so qsmial path and downtown urn ("on by “knit people and III-L y.etyP-Tttrdetrip a! York 8100; 'Twnnh&d tag. 'N., wulm‘ in“! a at not!“ “a IBM - - uni r mug“ Imboned Dnught', 24 prizes: Can- ‘ndiln draught, 24 prizes; Agrlcmtnr- al,, 24 print; Gaynor-I purple. 24 prison; and” prises: Road- ster?! plug:- ur prim. Be. sides runny mum-u. Han-Is & want-acct, up”: colt! got by “Ronny: is W " done by goo. an“ county “Darn- T P." ' T valnn um um] prizes Mr all kinds er cattle imp, poultry roots, iiFiiiii'ei, 11t4lllt2, FaCaiciii'l ., . , _ a,» l tiiiadiitiis mus] name given I to the 'Wmtrl rk and Vnughsu Agri- cultural Societies fall e%ihititvt-rthts reason is that the fair is held at Wood- bridges, The (snowmen of wood- " bridge, some yem ago, when tNrlaw that allowed-the country fairs to be held in “terrace pieces was changed, cnpturod the fair for Woodbridge for all time. ' Weston was at daggers' points with one another,some wanting: it at the west end and some at the east, and toy this "6iiryruuity lost it altsV gether, inhough we do not think it ir uhsdnovp it needto , in lessons hem bean 'leir ed at expense and t to its eople. The attractions. s you more then usually st lve, heir an increased Et-tlt s ionic ti? the, Victoria, iiiruirtiGr" . ool. Band, of Mimico unit; North v'oronto Band, te',', s (i: I'm!!!“ been built. needs, 7t , T nds are n at 8 'ltt'Jh'ill, he 'rt2ll'd',l"'ll srticies for . exhibition, entry books elrmi at 9:30 A. m., for this, day. Th ridges on ladies' work will commence their task shnrp at [l? o'clock, the judges being D. Long-I house and Walter J. Bull. The books; will close finally for all entries at 12 o’clock the iirBt dsy. At one ouock sharp, 'speeding will commence and the iudge on poultry will commence work, being John E. Elliott. The l grounds will be open thesecond day at 8 mm. Husk: by the bands. All judges will meet at the secretary‘s room " 9 s.m., and those in classes from 18--24 will commence their du- ties at once. Admission " cents and 10 cents for children. ‘Two special trains will leave Toronto, the tirtrt " 10 a. m. And the next atlW.80 p. m., on \Vednesdsg, returning in the even- ing “40 pin. 0ne1nd within fare on the Elsi.“ single fare on on the [8th, mercury, who is an fpdrsatiitttMe worker, writes: All exhibitors “(expected to make their entries " the earliest dates possible, an the books will positiver close " the has” mentioned, and it is whole, ly impossible“ make entries st the lust moment. 6k Aris trusted in' God and we have not btytn forsakci-tbrwe found as great a champ as tptrselt' tit continue this desperate struggle. With tears and prayeri we bid him God-speed." --Northtstern Magazine. 1 " We deity with no ill-yin towards the paper hr “trauma, neither d are“ amount bf co lectable notes. We could have eked out an existence with some pleasure had health permitted, but that id neither here nor there, Now, since Ve'un and ypu'uns, must part, 'tis an] .that you'uhs have stole we'ang' heart, but it will be sadder if you'uns (loin bring in your bill be. fore we'ung depart. And tb our debt, ors: Expert the vengéancu of a. just Bohemian? wrath to overtake you tbr, "ttrt penny escaped. F _ eye-t'atl Gig, " We geek: " We hate been taught Hirer, great and iirtttoriattt truths. the very quint- euence of wisdom, via. t Ist It takes tsomtsthintrsother than indigestion and an bhrwaning ambition to success- fully operate a Washington hand- prens. 2116. It is conveniunt to have a head onion!) end 'of your hobby horse-df you mast ride one. am. 2f2ttt,ttitfattt, trite apharism. Man dispospo,’ had his Cv"l'ld'tt',"lt, 1 a " For thirteen months past we have been making an effort at endeavor, lng to “tempt to try a bluff on run- ning. & newspaper. A physical col- lapse: sound months ago prevented an mipyyi) ofmental disability later on. G ' ' r.' Strudel, itrretiriitg from the rut responsibility of the Bit. ter Root Mat! Hamilton, Montana, an”: ,. "., I n1. minim MDraon ma . um” wan. TO an TO an; nunm. I F a: chasm-rm Pair Mr. w, Trench .u Is hedge on curring“. rioultunl informants“ Mwhwxa‘ JSl'tl','llQ In In A. S. Emu, warden of tho tg'erMPd a similiu position on haw; Hi- mi TMbn‘dge, ot Toronto, in spending, as with relation» hem. f In J. A. B. Swiuu' and w. Geo. Me, thsuaht ttrat/ the Richmond Hill Council at yil Twirl”: " the Temper- uma Conwion held n Tomato. V tttiii-GU “I. Xx'SKmpnon, at, tig ' .visiti . W ht for 'tttg:.'"'". " rig a; a " 1'l% to dunno " the a new Ill um. boon. m “OI ”lit and donattont, are by 4mm: mic and mm. g boo-4PM ot York .100; 2 W' iiii'ir' 'tlr; Wallace . tit" not!” the l . a . Tomato, in vuitirtQ __ of “b Ieem, A Touchmg Farewell. qu'dbndge Fan. is any with. My for M but 7mm ml . -___- -_-- 18d'tdm MW oFFtoE.--0qr. Elchth Avonuo and Apo sum. Woodbrldao _‘ All diam of 1)thch Ihlmlll "and on the In“! principle. of "terirt.r, anions. tiiu' g Wy, “mm J. mm“. Fur., hs, Onll- by Inn or ruin-pl: 'pmmpuy Attend-d In! M', 6th ow..-Wul'.Yovk comm!“ zoo comm l Won Inland. pod budding; For nu- uoulm apply on the primin- to V ' dprik ortttt Townlhlp at Etobicoke Imam, mu: swung-it. Eat. was. - WW, ""'". __-_-. .-_..._- a“- __.. nuuwuu'uh Electors no called upon to examine tun laid his. and, it any omluionn or my och" error: no found “main. to take lmmedhto pronoudsngu to In“ the "ist anon comet“: lemming mu. NOTICE is her-by given. thug I hue nmr man or dam-rod to the Red, Tuner ed mutation- b and o of ch. MEL-nut. the ooplu "(wind by Ind section: to be an ”unnamed or delivered ot the list, mule pur- Iunntw aid Act, of an potion! appearingjs the Inc reviled Ans-amen.“ Ball of an “i lump-lit)- to he untitled towns in the llld Municipality " elections for member- of the Len-Inna Annual)!!! and n Munhlpul Elbe- ,uonl: and that and m WM ttrat posted “3 u my (mind. At Inllngwnmn the 29th any of up “Elm, 1m. 1efartuPHt more for inspectinn‘ "MM” “A '___ .." .__e___ n W ' _ A» Township of%tobieoite Voters" List, 1893 Print Ind Hon-yr Oman-tn o! tho Onwlo Vania-:1 Calla... 4i" o 32$: HENRY 2.. DUNCAN, Emery P.O FARM TO RENT. A. ' AC P HE RSO R, If MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY'OF YORK. We EEZ saga 1m“meant:uvamm AS REQUIRED. " f. --ert I No.10. tha “I. “Amman. . Holler Flam from (kkdd White Wheat. SL75 Per Ar "" “MIGHT ROLLER HAWK, SI.“ tn BAG. LAND PLASTER AND SALT IN BULK AND Bagging,“ Use our Pastel}: Flour put up in 95 lb Bags for Pastry time to unis pal-ohm. Our Grocery line, at present an well Mud. Along than we I)". a number of can. a». "not of Tau, 00M and BIN" Powdm. Colwlooe, Cream." BIle-Ild Pute Lard. New Kai-inc, Pun... Dun, 0W nod Leno-I. We solicit I on". Flour Ind Sal: “my: on hand. Gm doliund. We are now in . position to nupply all demlndw for Fall Ind Winter Goods, which we on: give you n the Iowan! pmnible prim. Are you media; lnylhil. in Under-"e, Long or Short Boots. Rubbers, Hus. Cups: Neckties, Milt. or Glow-l , If on, have is the place to My then right. . Are pm needing mythng in Futon or Bleached Canon. Stunning, Conan-den or Draws Good-v? If no, now in“. D. STEWART, Thistletown. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF FLOUR. . POST OFFICE But in order tosarry (rumba _se?ntetrrplated change the goods must be turned into ready money. The stock has been carefully gone' through, and goods marked down 39 low as to make quick selling and save time. Ye who relish Bargain now's your opportunity.! When you come to the Gran this. don't make any minute and in! into the wrong angry. Our number is 123-1" “are an of Nor on Hall. D. STE WART, WESTON MILLS! pasppumtr--Flopr Oil-tsloth. ' ' lst Floor-D337 c,eto?f.1is, Clothing. Boots . and" Shar' "W7“.E' ”WW 2nd Floor-Maries, Furs and Milhnery 3rd Floor-Carpets, Trunks and Valices Brand New The Four Large Flats in the building 'contain the ' foHowingrclasses of goods t 123 King Street East y ' TORONTO. Will, be under way by iiiirium October. You niay not be,awareof the expensive srock of goods con-i . ' tained in THE LARGE, STORE, e ' . CLEARING SALE! In thfordirsaty cougggof business it would be impos- sible to do so. To facilitate, matters, and ' reduce the stock by tltatalate a It seems the heighth of folly so early in the season, when trade is at its best, to sacrifice HOLLINRAKB SON too Changea BusineSs Before lst of November Events have transpired -recentiy which make it necessary for _ .. ' ECTAB LICEED 18 :28. To Unload their Jmmi?h%, Stock ofGoods A Sweeping Sale I l Kr' Fall Goods! Thistletown. . TELEPHONE (”HOB Opp. the Cathedral, W. {xii

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