Weston Times (1966), 7 Dec 1893, p. 3

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t LEIG H S 1lllW and BOARDING STABlE. gN’I‘ED " g 01 Ill “nary much and mm complelvlmu Mun) " obtuiuad unpugh uh. Con yum weakly. and promptly chain nl column wvuu. In, one. fur ten-m. QOAL 7 GOAL ,3AVINCS DEPARTMENT. Dlmmn's received in sums of85 and ,upvnrda, and interest allowed thereon at pun-eat rues. al. Station am Near 1LT. ll, and C.P.1L Sutton TORONTO BRANCH, Corner Church and Vigllinglun Streets Nahum Friday, 22nd Dec. SPECIAL DEPOSITS. ' Sstsqrtp Runs allowed up amounts 'iemnining not less than three months. ‘Aud Deposit Receipln issued for rump. OFFICE foot. Elahth Avenue and _ ' Pine Street. Woodbrldue Erick Haunt Seven Bonn". I“ an! gunned, ovum mun door, mu named, on tum- let. Walton Eymhugly my mum. _ ":3" .P.ucxnou. Mi Buy smut Toronto Lawn: taught on the Flute and Piccolo. For terms apply to ALFRED HARVEY, Main Inset 95.9. wec, . .. _ . - ___,. - "iiaiiriririiecoio Music for convert engage menu By Alfred Hmrvey and Manner Hsrry puma)“: we vary talented Piccolo gum“. All dive-sen of Dunn-dictum! animals trauma! on the Intent. principlms ot Vomnnulv miasue. CAPITAL $2,000,000 To the Electors TOWNSHI P Ol? YORK ERNEST J. WALSH. 1'.0., Y/i, Volatinry Dentistry apd Stpgftal Drowns , q I Spunky? cul- try MIA) or Teuwusvlrpromptly “tended Your Tote and iiieriiue "we respect- fully roliciled for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. ' _ ESTABLISHED 1830. Weston Challenge Wind-Mill and Pump Works. B. & W LON bSTAFF Bank onHETorOIlto As Reeve of the Township at York Tt for the year 1894. M. " Al{l{ "n'. l’roprielur. Prize and Honor Graduate of the Outed?) Veterinary twinge. T main ' bi: h a" . " Pdgttl"al ill . CW. ll. 11'h0N'0RT'lt, MUSIC. pm was my 00.. mm, m. THE WESTON lAIN STREET HENRY WELSH, J. CRUICKSIIANK & SONS. TO RENT. .---0J? THEL- ESTABLISHED 1855, a. mx:raEetaxtiirda. DEALER IN A Lot of t3boice Bob Sleiglss $25 Per Sett. ' lullnhle man to sell r ., uurcumuu null hulls an small Potatoes. 'ull an Mum) variestivrs on only he mu. Umnmlxiiuu or and“) promptly. Exclullve and ivau. Itoa't dulay, write " Election lat Jam, 1891 " REST $1,000,000 MANAOIR I [human the 2ttsr,inohtpent on the pa, meal of your tun in due on 15th eimu. The oulluolnr will be at .tlo hull Irrrttu 9 I In. to 8 p. In I M. J. Hum“, of Weston, has had "silt printed, offering to lane to market gardeners land fit for their parponeu Ind plea offering bailding Iota for tile. V (1‘1”th cnncert Ind ertusrtttinmtsut mum Je, HunpigL-s ofthe BapniatChuréh, Wetstrrrr, will be held in Iraterir, lull, on Tuesday Evaneo. 12. Fur pr- uculgdumea bills. . Till Presbyterian Church. on Mon- day night, offers a one-p mum! at I trtp to the World's Fair. ’l‘iekcu _'2lr (mom each. Do not neglquso good u chuuce of enjoying I plenum! trip. . LABOUCHIRE bus for many years set aside a part of the profits M London 'l'rifm,'ftt n linking fund for the defence of libel' suits. The fund now amounts to something like £60,000. T To keep up with Ibo times, Jug. Weidnnn. (Wideumu) of Ru. Forage, hip added i new jobber and I fims u- aqumcul of point system letters. from the Toronto Type Foundry. --Th' In: print, Iran on human and barges and qll ar1imalir.ourtrd in 30 minute! by Wool.-' fnrd’a Sanitary Lotion. This never hill. Sold nt-Weumn Pharmacy. _ " " Wshavo changed the dues this week and we tnot ask those who one for their paper to settle. We'ounnol. live upon the wind uor’set upon plumb“. As I humorilt Bro. Baker' annual be ‘cxculled, no the Toronto‘pnperl pay, and he hue never been a plum wh'are he hn not pee}: " entred.--0uadiyt Forest. (humus Dudley Warner may: he bun found many men who were not Able tu huhl‘uribe for A paper, but he has not yet faund one w'ho is not able to edit Tins was Mr Huker's first appear- moa, Ind it will dot be his Luz, for he is on'e of the best comic 'iogeris that has over nppelred before I Budford audierure.-Wvenitsg News HoLuNuKI, Sou * Co. um their great Xmas tsalt, on Sunni-y. See their new Advertisement in this iI'IIP. lt ariil ply you to cull " their "ore,P23 Kim: St. Elan, the nut time you "can Toruulo. TH: clever edth .in the Empire vinhgamo know,“ my one an” heard of gooA colds. T GRBNVILIJ P. Kleisgr has mole a trcmuodouq hit with “Nun Murphy and the s'ipirittc"--- Mail. _ Nts, Rruhujek. .‘lclennn, father of M jar it - R. McLenuw, M. 9.,1icdul L‘..u,v..-.i on Sunday, Iged 90 yea“. Tue. Hews, of Woodbridge, will kindly aeeept than“ for n copy of the ump M' the county of York lately pub- lishel. ' _ . To “at uudiL-iwe applaudad I“ his efforts and receivnd with I triple encore Mr. Kleiaer's rendition of the thrilling In poem, ,“On the Raw-human," Brooklyn 'risbermu9er-Toruuto Sunday Night, Sept 23rd 1893. Card-a. Iurrtsr. :91“th Cutickqhunk & Icy; Ir you Want to.buy I shop actor bqb’uleigba rend J. Cutskshuuk & thy" tuiit, MR. T. A". Baker, of Toronto, was on the programme. All his numbers were new here and given in good voids Ind his char-01ers inimiltble. Without doubt ha is the best humoriu Mnrkhnn: ‘hna.ever had.--rGreum Sun. Blue hue been island for the High School concert to (the plum on Timm- dny the 21" n the town hall, Wanton. Admissinn 8ir cents. Chair to be “Ian at 8 o'clock. Bromine P. Klein" (vim gnu- luminu'm) in the you itar of the evening. likan D. Maxuire'n change of "vt. Overuhoea. rubbers and felt boom the betu and cheapest. THE diret in the hsld. Iutsd tir. Harvey'- and LOCAL AND GENERAL REY. Fir. Raid [In rented Mr. H Lever'n house. Do not forget the Inga-l getting of the w. Y. b, C. A. to beheld It (In Eagle "all a Mona-y p. m. next. also lhe mun-l supper to be held the lame evening. Tickets to In Ind for 30 coins club of my of H). 0500" Ind Mr. C. B. Dido. Mn.‘K|ei-er’l ulcedom I'm MI iid wean-dorm! in I m that!“ to her-t his hm .. II oloouinm- of high merit. Bil rendition of “Tho nun who hit! his leg stun of” VII I decided bit, ore-ting mm of laughter. -Portlimd (Oregon) Bulklin. UNDERTAKER inn-t his hm . II “anionic-of ’W'T’W"n hhth trterit, Wm mm " "ru tio'2Yhl't'l,'a1rl,f2c'httgt m... nun who had his leg that of" ya I t n that then . new h ttd Die.-lo.ot" ppm deeided bit mania roars of In in q ' " . P"o'" , o A b . ' I . ' r. ‘wouldjoll the [ammo if the reading m 't _ -Portlnttd (Oregon) Bulletin. If” ... W a during, " In». A". m. on": upper nd entertainment I pun of ch. day. T. balk" m nova- TOM tu. “I "tl.. will be given in the Methodin Church, can voila be I 'ood on; pay por- " Inns-h»... Wot-1.0a, under the Iupiou of thu'lm who would p than to road in the " "RICE-mu- [Mid Aid Sui-Ly, on Nor Your-“h, “It. cannot p n nigh, and hr- " 'tem-Ft., evening mm the Rev. G. K. Adam. trfi thrr, In noise " night i, the your The Mind: biBi a Ramon Brook, till gin MI pupil-rad Mm 'ho ., than, II M hon 0'30". m. Oimh, I". Q migin-I address on " Grip “a Go!" lawn plmnbh to that. who an [giving hp! M‘h with othqr Nam Ind uh choir of the Itll "md. We be. the Inc-hm an not“ ho- paw. _ - w,“ -me_ --_--- j dormant: as mramrler?"k1irr1r1tfr,'? NEW At3vERTttrEME$trtg. ---hlul- EMBALMER. wns'roN. Tye Innual meeting of the Weston Branch of the Upper Cunedl Bible Society will be held in tho Prethyteriatt Church, Wanton. on Thursdnv evening. December 7th, 1893, commencing ll 8 o'clock . The meeting will be Iddreseed by the Rev. W. G. Hunm (Uxbridge), Agent of the Society, IntLreaidcnt min- isters. - ' Tan loo-l government. thinking that the poor country printers might make too much nut'ot printing the bullets for the plebiscite, bu iu4poed, the dwar- eat county councils throughout thé province to purchuw the ballots from the government printing oNeis, Tumour. And the county councils, to show their engernqss to swallow u snail. jumped at the chpncc. whilst. It. other liméa Wham their own vpookgtn are concerned Ire randy lo gulp n camel. Ar the annual meeting of Tent Nd. 82, Knights ot the Mnuoabeel. of this place: held on Monday. Dec. 4th, elect- ed the following "ieem for the ensuing year '. any“ IN 811 mrmttr.--DiatrtsiMpg Kid”: “(mi Rudder disuse-I relieved ia. six hours by the bt Grunt. South Ameri- om Kidney Outer" This new remedy in 1 peat nurprlaa Incl’ delight to phy- sicians on - nocouym of in exceeding promptnena in relieving pniu in the hind- der, kidneys, back 5nd every pm of urinary pursues! in an!!! or fermslis. it reiieveu retention of Inner and pain in DIBUing it Ilmoal imtuedmtery, If you want. quick oslittf ind cure this is your remedy. Sold by Weston Phar- macy. 34-1y Tm: Prerbyterilu Chl'lroh, which hue been chm-d for a month, WI“ reopened nu Sublmh with three upeciul nervluea which "are Very sueceut'ul. Rev. W. Reid, thi paste}? who In! eutered upbu the tenth your of his ministry, his done good work in this: and the sister nugge- gution of Woodbridge. 'LIIUTINANTvGSVernOI’ John Boyd's death has waned quite I profuundIsen- otion not only in St. John, tr. B, where he was so well him-m. but in other park of llm Dumiuiou. _ BMW have been lying in Olluwu this week " halLumpt. out of ruspvor to his memory. Tus PORK Omen depurlumnt at ours, wn has perempturily elm-ed the prize omnpeminn :ndvertiwd bv the Agnew “In“ l'ubgishiug Cm, of Pemen,urouxh, Canada, and requires the diucuntinuunce of all advertLeateuo renpecunu Mine. Thiq notion his been “ten in conse- quence oi compluinu from Washington. Sr Joan's Church entertcusmerst n the Eagle Hall last night In flirly mo- oeaal’ul in point of the number unend- ing. The ulem. displayed by Prufeuur Meek: Ind Judy in their several parts, .. The linen" by Poe. rendered by Mr. bleéke, and the " Bird's Luvs Sung" by Mr}. Mdiemere of Ihemaelveu tul?fys.ut reeomylme fur the money. We will be gud to “0 Mr. Ind Mrs. Meeke in the our future nun-in before a Weston Indiana. Mr. u. lt. Dmie very kindly granted the use of the hill free of chums for which we no requested to re. tarp him dunks. 1 When w. tn, now Handling T ' Je"' qf ovLAritllili it"iiiiiiiiiiil., 91m --.-- Till members of the Lidiu’ Aid Society. of the Preebyteri-n Church. depire to explain that " I meeting'held on the 27th of November they decided to engnge the Center: Club to give their entertainment on the, llth iot. end on the next Wedneed-y, too lute to publish Int week, the errengetnent wee oom- pleted and In undertithg given to secure the expenses whit: ere Inge. it use much regretted by the member- when it use found that the night io- medietely precedes that of the Baptist poneert but the errlngotnent nude could not he elm-ed except by forfeiting teen ty-lve doll-n. It in hoped that it will is: found that neither enterteinnent till i met the. the new. of the aha. Euulun Spujn Linimem removal all lard, tsoft or “Hound lump Ind blemishes trout.ltorsets. blood spuin, curbs. nplim. ring borus,oretsney. stif1er, Ipruiul. me Ind "alien throat, coughs, em. 8110.360 by um of one _b0ll.|i9 AM " szulmi Phnrunoy. ' 34 ly MB. Rem-y Fame”, 9! Belleville, Ont, inn been Kflllled ihe hixlierl Iwnrd and medal fur his milk mentor known " " Fowellu Puteut Milk Aera- tor," " the Chicago World'u Columbinn Exposition in competition nix-um wll when. . To his Min Booth, edilreu of Harper's Hun. was an extremely con soieluious (Inn. she read eveiy awry. to which she II! at ull attracted, lhree times in u mlny dim-rent uumda bethre Ihe ti',',',"':,",,?:))': right. to be printed, And this!) onIv i " passed such detrt._ V D. MAGUIRE. WHY ME i3tll MI WEI FEET That cannot be bent either ' In Price or Quality. " Knight Muller It arrnn-W. C- nor In A1tyttar ot 'lla'r1i.N. Keys 2nd tb. ot 't -gAJqtio Hendnel~w. Penman Pi-o. lump-on. u Punt Cotu-M. J. Bun-ll crtuc--J. F. (Jumble “out. Com.-R. H. Leighton Inward koeper--7, D. cu"lla m.._..,... n An um Fiutstrces " --8. am 1'iuwiisit1--Rsv. W. [laid Puyvuists--Hr. E. F. Irwin horganntfw. Wgyater B RS and FEM" BOOTS 91 members reported paid up; 14 unpaid. Replied luring purchased a new stove for 88. and Ind returned the old one to Mr. Tsrrelic A bill from MNKeya for $1.25 waahtrmd. Report of ttoueert--tittlrets sold. “51.60;, ex ptmgeis-MUa Johnston, 038.75. Town Hall, piano. prinliait, aux. 810.10. Votes of thanks ’and some on)" busi- Ius done, when we meeting Idjourned. The Meclmuios' Innimte held their monthly [naming on Salinity night in- stead of Maud-y. All the members but tsrdHrrrmeut. Coal G, ordered to be got for rend itog-rooat. . U'osruouaioutiou from Ugoigo club, asking for use of "taditstt-room for Wh inn, was granted If!" 8 p.m. of that night. _ "Tun Fun In rstoirrurr.--.The Toronto Cuulrru Huh muted u big true- can last huh], ttt Asu‘ointiun ”all with their enterprise,.' ThwWorhl's Fair by LitoeliOt.' The In” was much“ we 5 mull Io accommodate I" the people who A credit ule of: Dumbo; of spring- er: Ind sleek (mule tho property of Messrs. ()‘Doqneli & Ptrrter, .will be held on Mr. Wm. Porter" Fun], Gore of Toronto. nan 4Nireeille, on Mon- d-y, Dec. lllh all o’clock Ilurp. 40 unmthtr' credit. _ The friends oCtetrtptrrw and pro: hibilion to the numbn- of 100 Organ- ilud on Monday night in ihtirerio Hall. Di. Charlton noted " Ibuirmln god Dr. Irwin u secretary of the meeting, The following committee: In: formed : Vowru' list ind hinue to house 01m- "ws-Geo Aahmnn, J. Brown. 0. VIII deVord, W. Wilby, T. Magniro, W. Cruickuhank. Tu: motion anla of farm nook, im- plements, 310.. of Mr. quo N. Davina, Emery, like- glue to marrow, Friday. Duo. ,8lh. PR0HIBiTr0Ni8T8 ORGANIZE Public mesetinp--Noirti. Lomlire. H. E. Irwin, Rena. Raid Ind Locke Ind A Kinks. _ Sr. Joan’s Caiuum.--ltia hue been lowed nesting that Cum Greene Iill pceooh on Friday night It 8 o'clock. .Colleolion oil boll-If of the building fund. Mr. Greene Ill gluionad here sometime or) mud no doubt his many lMood- who then no fuvonbly knew hing: will be glld of all: accept-tile oooauion to hear him prowl: Ind-will utond in Inge numbers, On Sunday moiuiuu‘ tsordirmation who. will be held um]I oundiduu In the .nouber of nboull twenty-[bur will"bo 'trr,Wrrtaed. The) Bishop will preach. 'On Sunday awn-1 ing the Rev; Mr. Brouglmll. of Sr... Stephens, will prawn. the lnoumbenL,l Rev. Mr. Robjentmglng to All Shimu', Toronto, V . l psthurel (here at 8 o'clock. ‘Sund- lug wool only' was the warning that was given those who had not reserved ihvir sums and over sir, hundred punple were unable: lo gain Iéplllancu Tht Fair was illustrated .oomplexely nnd perfectly with Ibo nemplimm viislre mu were In Mueller”. NlISIilule fur a visit tsrChimsgo." The thawed: taken trum tbe Tongan) Ihiilrbio'l. Exact- ly the mime tmtssrtiuPy'rit "irith twamy Iddilioml View: will be blunted at the " opening concert. of Gi' Presbyterian Church on Monday evening. It is an opportusUrthtst should not be missed. Admission 26 cents. V The regal" nighlof tho Public School Bond In hold on Mtrrdat night, all the members being - 5mm mepqen "to Illa Fret-""" than IIIIIII. 7 Minulu of km will night will Ind on motion mull-0d. _ Tu Human 'r-.-..'" ther., ‘W. Raid. In Pm!”- ‘méu Church. . , we.“ . lulu of (our in " M; lit" of It. hay}? in". * "ttttim new 'hi _ to dil- md in lhil 'tmtbetanrbiucsae " IU nib of the "‘50; an m " in uh. "soWot; Woun'. put in tin great work; The church's: Guy in the oriril. Prohibition: or Liam; which?“ The nuhjwl for next. Subbugh "wing. lug, 10m, .. The our“. uni the cum.” Service-"u 11 min. and T pm. The public no oordiuliy invited to Ill Ibo some”. V lpiteroure---Mrs Kath, Minn Wing, Miss McDonald, Min Irvine 0nd Mina Parker. ' I?iu.ues--J. Beale}, J. Bull, R, Leighton --v . u _ I iitsotineeo -.. Mount mmsGrr, Nuan, J. Brown, J. “mick-hunk Ind Funk. _ Public meetings will be held on the 13th. 18th. 23rd Ind 30th ofthe month. Report of the minus! of the school In read '. In Dir.--" pttpN o- mtl.....,... " _ Ameni- “Milan” 800 Aveng- " w... 38 Noes-Ft. 't""""" j 1 80d Dir.-No.'of - " roll.... " AMM- -... 800 A-....- Aqua-o 41 an Di-thelper' g, a}... be "id tut In”: tho. the tit-, l librarian up than. win of chi! 'ue in not lull " to i in gin. The 5.. bed. and. in it " the stain. " MECHANICS’ 'INSI‘ITUI‘E PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD, AUCTION SALES. -kti....rt,,r...... ".,i4uG-... upon. Je A pad The Calu- um " uy. In. of in]! [I (but Mu “on grain: Al 80 " I rir; Communication -from the Baptist Church, asking for the building for a concert. But since writinw they ad hired Dufferin Hull. " pr Seven! representatives of different societies were present. seeking for infor. mation about hiring a spare room in the building. _ _ Lrous2Burliuir-Thrtt we oifer to let one of the rooms to dooielies at 'll per night” ind the school committee receive Ipplioniuns Ind report to the _Buard.- Cur. Adjourned to Sunday nlght at 8 o’clock. _ Lyous-Barliag -That the chairman wail upon Messrs. Fgllerton ' po. lo ask a reduotimrof ilieir charge The Jshairmo declined n he had not. the time to give. Mr. Frsnks said he In going in on Saturday and would call on than: ifthe Board" wished. This was deemed "tisfaetory ilmi the motion pruned. An amendment by Mr. Ashmun limit the Imam be no: entstrtained-fiudiag no aeoonder. Mr. Barker was pleaent Ind naked to hive his account melded Is he had been waiting a long time hr it. No oertifiatste being on hand it was " over for a special meeting on Saturdny night, the oertifismtes to be got in the meantime. He Mr, Arthurian objected to paying the legal bill an he never Intended any meet. ing whereas the taking of haul advica Inns authorised, Chairman Ind secre- lury thought the bill was rather high. .Ashmah "arlin.r,r--Tut the bins of TH: Tums, seer'etaryjusd onetakcr as rent; le ptil.-cy"riei) T A discussion about heating some part of the building which at present is very disagreeable'for the hildren during the cold weather. isriii'lh",'irii:,ii resolved. that a remedy should adupied. ETOBICOKE ToivNsHIP COUNCIL The Council met at the Township hall, tslinsr.ton, on Monday, 4th Desrmher,t8fr3. All his members were pnisent, the Reeve in the drain The minnow of tho Jam. mlsetintwere read and rronfirrvod. Communications were mm ive 1 (mm tho Clerk of Toronto Junction saying that the analysis of “xterm from some of the ruling- lwn wells by the Provincial Board of Health Analyst, and from tho solicitors of John Doyle in reference to his claim for damagm for injury to his wife canned by the running away of a horse they were driving un one ul the Township owls. A Irv-law was passed upgiinting tho municipal nominuion on riday 22nd inst., to be held at the Township hull, Islington, and appointing John Clark, Wm. H. I’ll-her. John R. Berry, Hen T. Ide, James H. Taylor and Isaac ill7 hm, Deputy-Returning (Wins!!! to hold the marsieipal -siors and to take the prohibition plebiscite vote. at the several paging places on Mondny lst January, 1 . Pujulns, ourelukiuu, 818; secretary, for ping-age and ataxioqury, $1.25: - The Truman-ya diverted to pay the following sums: B. P. Dickin. for in to I mid Lennon “.7?” Aid Trl',',' Knnn h, m ...Wrn. Lee for mo! mad 't;Ji'llTiyt. Jk. E Hidden for ae. 0:1 Wuhworth him J. J. O‘Dmndl. for “one. 02.50; Geo. Aw, for work on mad, 14.50; John 0 nnor, Mr four when! Ind ditch, $60; PMS Gibson‘s amount 88; lane Minn for gavel, 03.70; Bott. Coul- Mr, MM lanes sud yanking II). -hri4'iiiiiiTiiAGG1 -_e-e -GuairaT u “my: on lawful}; A,.____. -rt yoi new to My or Idl A Fart. ad "did lathe Toronto ' Woolly trail.' That pop" ruck-I 100,000 (Ar-ed ho- wry "at and your admin-0M Ila-Id mongol-w on who - m punt-n3 Kim onr- eh- I. hand in m Tom t W-uy M.it' for tin Cam I word for otqbu-6rttors or Tmu Ogl- l te.. hr In i-tuttqB. Wanambthihc. W iiiiiir lewwamm T. THOMPSON &'§ON HE Mummy in that which weaves a full ateiiiiilf value " upr doth». 's ' mumyonthenkntocuchbuyeminespecdvedmhodoypmupla ”qr ,, tl,',',": tite $3: J,'i'f,'ltit tt'i,1'tt'aritt to '°°“‘° 2tpeutt'gteWt9lhl1ittf we: is . en "atumtit'-tur .r".e . .iFr , We. HF'aiirii'i; "iitieireintation' of goods by our "lestnetrL-evetry garment ,memsitad In?“ jilatlt [ Milt tilltilt. tu, wmu u all hm. the superiority or tholiuértmcnt we (how in m. department. uejdvanug- to be oe- curod .1 ml- Icuon ot than your are especially manta“. 'Lullec' 3-4.Fu.wn and Brown Bav- or Cloth Conn. Ripple Cdlu. at $8. tio. " A Tiller-made born, M Ityleu. in Nasvy And Black Beaver Cloth. cape trtmmed with rows of braid, a! " mm Flu. Buver 3nd Boucle Cloth. In Huaterw Green.' Fawn.’ Bro n and Blnck, full fur calm. tron? laced with Reeve}, Sable or preenhmd Fur. no no tM. may Pine Plush H Coats. lined with quilted silk. ripple cape. norm collar!) ot Buver or Sable Fur, at Ladies' 8-4 Spams)! ennui Cape, with row- ot braid, rlpple collar. qt tN. a, of wanna from some of tl rolls by the Provincial I h Analyst, and from tho sol Doyle 1n reference to his c Pr, for injury to his wife on .nning away ot a horse tr [g on one of the Ttwnship. r Maids‘ Beaver miners, with ripple coilnr, trimmed with Benny or Green- land Seal Bur. from $12 to 818. Malda' Tweed [Ilsa-rs, 1onlr double Capes. " W, I! 60 to $9. or tur trimmed, W. $5 60, bl 60. opt “gen. gaging saga. plain ( THE BEST fi(i())lijfff'-ff.-irji" Lake ghore mad for the pur- ammn of taxes on their 5 M. Cotton, M. D., Modi- Chficer, with nmtomenj: of new from some of the ruling- _ the Provincial Board of st, and from tho solicitors of 1 rMerxuu3otohis claim for A, incl-annoy W w Tomnm Mimi‘s Mny * Son. for :fnh Tum avl‘l. Clerk And Tim 'r,il:o/GEt01EtAL - MERGHA.'i.r.ir7f's (ll-":1; Gent's Underwnrg, Ties, Gloves. Mitts/tnts, and the Beat Foot-weir In all .Iin ".., ”if" that an: be oylnined, Later on we will tell you more than! them. I or . _ l 'i',' OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is in good shape: Our TEAS “in ltrir'.o. were . try mam. Full lines in Fruits, Peels, Spices, em" fresh Ind of but qnniity . , tho ; Hour and Food IIWIVOiOEI hand §EEMLLACE 31103., 1hli)(Mflll)(lf , WM. 3/11;ow SON. g D. arre.eDaNr:rtiriaa.aim, g . Wholesale and Retail Butcher ‘ _ .--iND----- . Brlr1tT)j, tf0kli, SHEA?” EUR tfiltr,C/"'rj, an is the time to wet your material for FA LL AND WINT use, and we are in a position to give you is good vnluu in I" Staple Lines , be attained Inywhere. " , - AWE ARE SHOWINka HAVE YOU SEEN TErifiydti: Best BullerTlnur only $3.50. la Ill the Latest and most Fashioua‘ble Designs. If ymrreqaire anything in line of Fall Sails or Overcozits, it will pay you to have u'look through before purchasingelsewhere. ‘Our prices will cnnrpure favor- ably with any in the trade. A Trial 8olieiusd. ‘ Satinhotion Gulranteod. ' Flannels, Plain and Funny, Flmuelleues in Great Variety of Color Ind Deal; Lock LomondCyt veg-y Nan; Patttyr,Huiyrr, nice lines in First-class Dry Hard Wood, Delivered at $5 Per Cord. Dry Slabs, 83 per cord. ' _ Rough and Dressed Lumber kept in emckr Sea Doors and Mouldings supplied at short notice- c0005 oELIvggQ The Crowds of Customers who Patronize om Store prove that we keep the Goods Reiured ind at Pnces to Sun; IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW GOODS JUST REFER T" CALL AND SEE US. WOODBRIDGE MILLS: Bth Division Court,County of Yorl Com open It 9 .LM. It Won-I, on In. a». M an. r l . 22nd, my 'trts,3-rtNr,hlr nu. ' , a". as FaRt at»: " W;::i;. -v--UEALER IN--- _ . Dry Goods, ardeeries, Hats and Gags, Boots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, to. _ . THE FALL SAMPLES v? AT GAMBLE’S, THE TAILOR mix WON. Clerk, Cor. Bud-s sum and way- In! OPPOSITE PEACOCK HOTEL, TORONTO JUNO’HO‘ tltIttTmmtmt m nun mm. lag. ' J. F. GAMBLE, C"-"'"" -iiiiiiiid tUEiiisiifiiii_ - T" WALLACE BROTHERS. Woodbrldge. OVER 300 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM turns outflow; T2pequshllpd. aw West End Emporium. TERMS-NE" CASH FOR COAL AND WOOD, Cay SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST “HAP? DRESS IMIM, STE; r,'--'-'-'..-'-'-'-'-,-' G. M. LYON? 'Alie' {an ’ THE AN MRMOTH 136-140 King St. East, Temm momma Mt Men'. Heavy Cm or Hood 0"" can“. splendidly undo. from II I up. new. Heavy Tweed UIIIBII. v.7 long. limo] lined. is. 810 " m I. ' . new: an] Inn Prim mm. the bolt tutahed. man mailman. mu uni hlxhnt qudlty o! M. high collar, double from. In?” Bur. !nlu Horn Button. and M with urrmx quality ' at 'u. We draw npeclul anemia-4a than. (coda. u they Ire worth (my 'r, Ind pub ties can order by matt tth porno! safety, by giving Bile or about and length at sleeve. In M Brown. Grey. . . Another line similar to above. b'ut quality ot t-lnlh not quite u navy. no difference“ style. nuke or trim- pings. at tle.' _ Ms-n‘a D. B. Encllnh Beaver- In Ken's 'etc/tri/Gio/GGG-ii, or double from... with - '00! or Ierge linings. PAretr_e to 9;; O Boys' xtukl,triria Eli-1;; Goa, Meltona, Cheviota. Tweeda, ate" with and without capes. nut " low In " n. The _ who: d In? Our Cqattt, told In!!! an a mutual“ wioxlnx- and m -Ind m value. at one). 'ht,"' from TtAtt 86 50 style up. '0 'tttut - Inc vuluu An Red In... tern. ma! hula Jun been who“ “I stock. we null In the In: with . '. Note than. autumn-l1 . Ml-n'a D. B. English Isa-wen}: Black, Blue Black 39d Brown, um lined and (untenable 'yt, a! " Fine Salt only MU hirh WESTON. Kim E] mi

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