Weston Times (1966), 11 Oct 1894, p. 2

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CH 9%"; g; 'Y IRWIN. tkdset-aiqwttt.ttsst ' 'dk-tttoath. a “KINSON lit, BOYD n 'ts. MARTIN, 0.0.8., LBS., 1.. oatNv-6t0 tun-awn“. 31m noun, "’ ‘lnl: ',,'lll"G'"ig g gonna m was: 0; sum 181 , oTtAM?yttrloqtqr.p, 221'" HSTEHS, Slll.ltlf8llli, HE J. HALLE' IT & 00., i.':,'-",'" , MILES, BANKEEC, "t9DBRlDGE, ,ONT. " “or“. mwym 'gh-tMEM, ""II. 'IJIOI, In" mister, Solicitor, Hoary. to. f To LOAN WN REAL ESTATE. Y. COULTER, V; S, Ltukambon. mummy.» nu] ll “intul will“) snowman. nt to the Grand Trauma-d Cami-n MIC-y “sum. . In connection hymen moi the hon Bull locum ken null-l- the '/,',t'Wi, Good 2tttt 1. Good hemmed tor In» In Co may tNt-ding non. for tumu- il',tt8)mB','rtt'r".ol'h'1'" ish , i 'm'TLETOWN, ONT. ? aznzxcn Wonon. 6 to 8 p. In. " I 40110130371 In! mun. _ H mm Ml “Ho. “WEB. Pre . New». an trtqamra" m. TTN. MI.) NDSEY & LINDSEY. 1. Solidi»; Natasha ' mum n1” “WWI-I lat-.8. . GTiiiiiiiiiii it iaau; 4, -eey 'i/L 4.11 (- aim-00d Ia I ma lnetA on ,ett turd {,5 In” and oommodionu. good 'dtttirrn cu be mun-bod ttoF "a This " n ante!”- bull mm in con- Ile' but uquoo and Meta" only up: m as an! " “not!" Ila-Hot. a soon tmiEe,r,'rotsoNTro. . -0 2964 Money to Loan FEES. SOLICITORS. NOTABIEB. ETC OONVEYAHCIIS. " 131‘. m EAGLE 110(1st WIITOI.OIT. b" TNBON " PSI DA! com "A”. In " ll 10". - mu. RES. H.A.,L.L.B tor. Church and Cam! an... 1mm ' Eur-nu ll Conn m.. NREBTON. FRANK C. COOKE -l,IRTON & COOKE sur,uitsitar,thttvtaixtrrM. _ "POOH ‘& TYTLER We Building. Kum Bt. We". Toronto, "H MASON, L. L. B., JK ES & JACKES. VV‘erVpxovlng in]: in! Liisliat lusty TO LOAN. “n‘aoxux. EowaBD can!“ DSELL HOUSE, WESTON, V V “It”. I '11) an ",1ue, 335:1"... vital. in“ who: the” a. R. 31665, L. D. B., l, W. J. ”MILE”. v'IAN. SURGEON. no, gunman-mun ,r,t,g ard Tm 5mm. Mu. Dentist. OIOITO Junction, We“ Congo“ Chunboru. not. a" l nichmon gtrtresta,Toroattr. lulu ROUIB. ianald & Cronyn 11-121, CONVEYANCEBSJE‘I‘O ~Removad to No. I Conn at. Toronto, Can-an. s'a"ila.i6Wriiiisiaiihv-'u- itt it - fin ___ ri 24m mm: 8011011033. BhRRWTEB8, ETC. Ewing mambo". 103 Ely " (011". TELEPHONE No. 1686. not up nubile). gin St., Weaton. ru TtMI AN AN " AWOUCIIEUII Kine and Yongo Streets, TORONTO. lp', was, xvi-Alums AND .~u.\‘vn,\xcmns. it na our Irwin " GN. Drug wu an JON MaWouolg. - (Maui. to Telephone 2955. was. gum. gegal. KING, . . .0“de . 'lhhht"ptN't.',V " i2tltttu'gNr Mb c. a. nun, rm. EDWARD W. BOYD T. sunny, Prop, F12: " '.f _ E. B. JACKES. LYON IaNDN" H. E. IBWIF, it)“ T111.“ WWW-Ia- . . - The Mal a.» w and a. - It - TIMI, "ming Inn “Lillian MINI! Our [nut um throughout the cum hum-g mt. h rug mlvrd an of! Iieet um " should he no " ;,ralj,,ti',-1'i,t,,i, . 't,ifi, “Mo-I. _ rue-baud an Dun-dun comm! of huUg'rd,'t 'lh"llul'J'll . mmrm_mem T=,'dt'o"ldl%tl'lJl'l'llrl . It is said, with what truth I know not; that certain persons of this vil loge have had several meetings to dileusu municipal, provincial 31nd" dominion politics. Now, in the, mat- ter " the first, the city organs have always deprecated frlituva so far as they npply to the city. But, them it may be different M regards country, especially were other elementrcan be worked in. However, be itu it may. a ticket, it in Mid, has been farmed for next January, in which five, men, holding Vic's of one way of thinking, will be placed in the field. And this report getting around will, if it ha not Alrendy stirred the other side to take up the gauntlet thug thrown down and, therefore, i "anticipate lively timel in Junior; next. .1 Admire the Udleis who "on ac-, the“ the good work of mmrnnce and mrbriety among. their fellow belntrs,tmilt is a burthirttrtott"rod new. politics and sly-rd chunks for work that may be deemed doubtful try norm in may“ -. In the Mail a! Monday I has!“ as hunting nonm- tlm In 'ICN been rr." " I nestingofm .C. T. .: JtIt,tt,trg'tl;htth8,ttr,Trt.' Tdet; ~;‘Mly wad-sunro- tga%h9.'L'tt"g'l.'d I! m I J an... mu.umdmw,c.r.u. s',=ttt",,Wfd tomb! an noun-Moi - M-d-emu-tttge any unduly-I‘d. The incendiary is a abroad through- out the land not a day hardly passes, but what the daily papers contain an account of some, place being set tire to by the malicious act of some scoundrel and if such anact should Occur here in the thickly populated part of this community what '11 strait we should be in. I often times on retiring; for the night feel the difficult position the people of this village are placed in and the great responsibility, that apparently, rests upon the shoulders of those in authority With. out causing them much thought or inconvenience. A merciful Provi» dence has to this time been mindful of us and taken us under his protest- ing cure in the matter of Are and the icyclone. We know not how, long i this any continue and it behaves us to be on our guard with auch means! us are capable and hecescary to meet any emergency that may-call for im- mediate action. And this bring; me to the consideration of one meant, ist lent, that we As a people or the ma- jority of us hats, thrown on one. side. If this bonus for the electric cars had curried, no doubt the company would have been willing to have brought itpplianeets and men from the Junction in case of need of fire taking place here, and this with a tsufficient supply of water would be the means of mak- inrone feel more secure. During the past dry season the daily and other papers of therebuutry contained day after day, exciting ah- counts of damage to property and loss of lives caused by fire. m mast, to those who had property here beeata means of thankfulness to think that the surroundings of this place are so free from blah, ror,if it had been otherwise we might have suffered considerably from tire by the bush being set on fire by some person through carelessness or design. and if men had been she case no one can tell what the result might have been to us being without any fire protection or water, . ADVERTISING RATES. Duns qued Pay-Me " all P0011”. Clnpdl. and the principal Gilles in the United States, Grout Britain, Frame, Bermuda, h. Chung: Bank Deplnment. 3 Deposits of 81 md upwards received) "diurrettt rules of Interesg nllowed. Interest idded to the Principnl It the and of May Ind November in each jut. Spoil! hiention given to.,qgaihtt of Commeroinl Piper Ind Fumen' Sula Notes. . I C. JENNINGS. Manager. Odin” ide-tu-rn., I ht Cout- uu. will {tonic-u. I; I,” 5mm 0mm» tor tUtt m led of “an mul- n In“. 'M'ul 'lg L'i"I 'lr.,.",', on arNuahio» A lama “I! l): wisdom Instruction will M,1lrgrt “In tea-NM”. and chum; my. . but! Advonluvuu pluod mum and t amt. am “pardon! unt- w 'ir-is 'M'd'tllfh' tin-mould oom- pol “no. V . $1.7m on In dt id I " . I not = tlttlt LFir,t 0 too” In mm: lunac- “a bout: Renault“ to miiiiiiibGi dt millennial 'Fmurt' and: law “an In m B. E WALKER,Generul Mun-get. ' A Genet-l Banking Business Trans- acted. Fumen‘ Notes Discounted. ThoAanl ,rtt.t te £9ng to “Logan-I itt .Nation ot new And chunk" will be itt. unod in Tu 1‘qu at tho low ngm ut Twenty. tir. can: pol- nno put you. Politic“ “an." Ind volition Jimmy palm” our the nun-tun ud th- wriln . . be iuumd u madam run- an “window $11111“: balm WIN" " YORK llllALlI M. H. EEEFLER. m qhtlA0Wr . BANK OF COMMERCE Uh: mm Mum TOWN AND COUNTY TOPICS bid, ip.- 'hit,' "l'tffel?s,1,ttk e V Gr" an}; " on od nub-crib" in “I " on. dot. Established 1067. Head omce, TORONTO. . urn-nun In“ Thuuldnv Morning. Toronto Junction Branch caplul lPlld up.) ---9.--- $060,000 _ 31,200,000 IF' I u into the city that in not All-study tnverled by the electric can. "He ulna npnke of the experience of York Turn-hip Council in making agreemenu nnd thought the one in question us a cast iron one And pould not ho improved on, the widen“? or the mad " the onmpany'n exponne I am be- ing stuffieient to warrant the pan-in of the bruw. Mr. Lind-e conclude: an excellent nddre- by raining to the "ttlt m. a most im .mnc tttlt',',; Jfi'lll'd', Fauna! 1‘:er “victim " in you to Jun up ini his riot ot the mtg", L'lll'lt'l'll'f. He would gr's'ttt, mum ttet that it to. to I tttnt"! tmet, no oh the man-Shad and “In. View ' by m. H. maid be fine M the humid - pays" and 1mm the kaat imetMtsd, binar it wmldbo drug-hf tood, ho ,mrid.epteet it. nah Wm "h rest Mfrmoluum mud bywl'i: ymou. W_b" pr: Penn. favoring the ' Mr. G. G. B. Lindsey was called on to address the meeting to which he unwind: ed Irith plwure. He was familiar with the intricacies of the matter and explain- ed every point fsrtectV He explained Mw enterprises of this kind rarely pay at the beginning and must he bonused or they would never materialize. Ha'refer- red to tlitmtability of the stock hglden u the railway com lily and explained haw they held the Lay to the rituation end that they were practically the on] J3orn- pany that could build tho reed end that this was as good an opportunity Inset the can a the rate-payers would ever have. He pointed out the good afoot- the can; would have in bringing the property into the market, creating new use: for the land, fltting it for private residences. market gardening. etc., which of course would increase its value materi- ally. He [poke of the tendency of the [ample of large cities to move to suburban points, but only to those which furnilhed good travelling accommodation and also made referenoé to the fact that the Wel- ton road wan the only one of importance into the city that in not alreedy traversed hy the electric can. "He alao apoke of the experience of York Township Council in making agreemenu and thought the one in question was a cast iron one and eguld '"rt,rdg?,,ttt (L,, teu,,,,,,, Several objections were raised against passing the by-law-some on the principle of bonusing, others because their proper- ty was out of the radius of that immedi- ately benuiited by the road and others just because they wanted to kick, but to sum the whole thing up they were unsm» mous in the belief that. the rom'ould be a good thing, but the money question seenned to be the tiekliah part. "'Becy; Pteriu explained, the' agreement as 'tlvtrymrlslras possible and answered all naestisoua sutisfr torily. He said. it was hugely a copy , the Street Railway Act and as regards electric lighting the company nro bound to give lights artehat. ever cit rates are from time to time. He expi’uineil that the road must be wid- ened at the expense of the company to 60 feet from one end to the other before the rails could he laid and that on the west side so as riot to interfere with the present rondbed, and the construction of the same. must be entirely under the supervision of Mr. Gibson, the township engineer. He thought the only Improve ment that could be pusde in the timer;- Ineut. with the Company would be free ttnitro. The secretary also gave the boundary of the property affected and tho rate Oi taxation, which would be according to this yeu’s 'nssessment, " mills. He expressed many reasons for wanting them mung whithm the “at that he had been informed on good authority that the suburban service would be taken olftlttr Grand Trunk at an early date. . Mr. Perrin, Maury of the association, responded by saying that to read the whole agreement and go over it thorough- ly was nyury long contmcL and as no doubt all had seen it, he thought it quite unnecessary and asked that those who had objections, to raise regarding the matter, Should do no. Mr. Jaus. Danni: Ne"', would like to see the nanny bu0i, " was oppos’ed to the Mnus principle and WA: not tsatisfied with the agreement, but if the can were run he would patronize them. The reading at the agreement was asked for. There were about thitty persons pres- em and. when the meeting was called to order any who wished to speak on the matter werouoked halo no. Owing to the recent" accident which hdtiiiisttaLtwr3rr. Jon. Brown, tlie presi-, dent, he wan unable to be present and the chair mu occupied by Vice-Pres. Pigg9tt-- C -. tjr,inlnunieatio-re read from Messrs. Dinnick and F. A. Fleming rugretting tha_t, they were pmble_t_o be present. lath-nettle! I would uh- to mad lo (a! novel. but the llvu of good he. Ilka tech wen u Peter Cooper, Would he pondered and reed over by I mutual» of the land. Peter Cooper Pf Work forty yen! to aeeumulatts g d i7a7 that it might refresh and g ulmllm youth thlrsting for an in. P dultrlll 'Oducntion. Hundreds of poor boys have become lkllled nrtiunue,‘ 'd when lnworkshope,aud profemrl T in whoolu. Make money, but umkndt . under the eootreratioss of I noble pur- h pose. Some people 'tttby not agree 19 . this. Two mullahs il money did I Peter Cooper would on an institution a were boy- nnd grll'could have e trtre t education. A nun-1t were tor the h good of the people and the country, , a noble man and A noble can-e. He did not deem the youth of the land would be dtsmoralimut by roiusivlue his free gm. It would be well If we had more Peter Coopers in this world, _ men who hives]! eye And amid above h the paltry dolllre of life so u to be willing toiupend them for the treneilt d or the place in which they reside and l to the people " largo. Woe has been quoted against those who are mighty to drink.wine,Bo like. wise hasit been denounced agailtut those who Join house to house, that lay fleld to Mld, that they mly be placed alone in the midst of the earth. We are comumnded to be temperate in all thlnyu. Thosé that keep on this road will certainly be beat " both in this life and the life to come. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. A meeting of the Property Owners' Association was held in the school houirts, Mount Dennis; but night to discuss the terms, etc., of the Electric Railway bonus _ .. BOARD or HnAL'l'H MOUNT DENNIS. PAUL Pity "Pd g . mm. I' ' _ _. r, n. .nm univmdmm ' , Ideun. mm‘ In... Cir, .. »w‘~.:;"m°~h., tttSed/ 2dgt ' tgt Two Ti2G will in [Haiti iii', "6trnraeaimrttuomeu'i': f h _. -rhrrromtr wuwlp sud m ”.5! present there was built by rad-0' thatitin worn oat we’re, I irit.rthwrtmmsirtq'Md a. - hepueht togttedr nodes tho 9nd! - "shqbed that if they wished "trrttrararmt-rWtarmre an M1, I'M do an _ L'lluPa"l on Monday HM “about. 3‘1an " the Woollen Mill is Becom- ing quite brink spin the: experiencing none dept-ion lately And once more in in and" . . New hands In hing an ‘muy. buildi t wt: aim-Nd a aWatt)! Plus-2y than. min-ed by Mr. Yr. ifGriia Ind in (march. win use it u A home for his ham. The-cum of tho Cal. nmhoritim in an 12,Ygugti,'itt the side atk on the It" _ t them 't"iri!ii' the aetatims hom 8th mm», hm the no. cl udder-Ha comment and up u jun the has: of feeling hag has. tiiiGih, hounds, an?” and pay na'thin . Some ratepayers must stand in well “a. the ace-or. Our viltagscuth6m'tshmud look into the matter before another year. While making of dogs, we are led to believe at a great many people in village: think they have the prettiest d , but from good authority we '/,21ll',,',d'ei that the is ribbon belongs either to Albert Hui-rigy 6F Paddy Raw," Dr. McLean’s "Sandy” or Oliver Ptentis' "Jerry," all very handsome dogs. m. B. J. Willis, V. B., igr‘neerionsly ill. Things are on the move generally about the casemery. The supply 0f milk is on the increase and in larger at present than it has ever been at this time of year, dur- ing in three years’ r-xiauenoe, and the out- look for a pmnemus season is good. Usual“ at this time of year the milk sup- ply dwindh down very materially. but this you it in quite the contrary. The Inge 5mm and resident» of Mr. Jun. Reedwell, on Ping Mreet, opposites the M omen, is About to he very much impmed. , The brick is shady on the ad And men Millie-u work ahonly t21'eLThll' It. This china: will add wry much m the "won-um of the part of them. The People's More can Magic of havmg the freshest kicker in the vi e in their emp oy in the pelson of 1v,l',',TU'l, who we belief can stand and kick 7 ft. high. Nut so ' bad John, you would. make a. grand bouncer. V Thain: his: 113'; twar-t A “E Mn to placed 1,"tl'l tat',tpld Sum. an Our village merchants“ are 1,"T busy just now fixing up for the coming rurld's Fair. Messrs. Harris & Howey have ad- dad much to the bemity of their fine stuns by having a fine Piuburg lamp at full blaze hanging in their share. Wallace Bros. are also very busy in tuishing and refising up their stock. ' We are very glad to notice that Ben. Harris mud Jas. Calhoun appiveiato their black thorns by using them to rent ad, vnnugc, being a presan from fich- em: player, tho Hun. N. C, Wallace. Some of our village ratepayers'nre doing omsiderable kickin about honing to pay $1 taxes for a. 'd'd')ft','s; dog, whi a some r3trsptte"r. own. large sheep dogs, . St. The Rev. Mr. Hudson preached a. fine sermon on Sunday evening, taking for his sermon psyiit and Loss or my: taking. ll ' must: say Mal-lawlm’ wens there mmhsvo tut6tod gmnclyam’d all who were notlhm 1otb'rtrrnsiderahlts, for the writer has not listened to so bright a scrupu for sometime. . Our 7 Villagg, Treasury. M5,, Albert Harris, reports that the mxes are coming in fast. Gooti, showing for our village. Mr. Wm, Whrtmom; mum: 90141.50 we understand, his tine ttgd; bred apt, "Wgan," to Mr. Wm. McBride; 1 :06 unknown. . - Nb Nighthawk tt was not asleep last week he was ouly. resting on a toad- atool watching graudpa's chickens. that Mr. J. has tiesieritred,hiuagelt' in these words he made use trf--Gritisled hair, blenr'eytss, swallow, wrinkled skin, yellow snag teeth and few in a' gum, a peaked hat and clay pipe- uow. if J. is meant for Jack, we would advise him not to "Bray" so loud next time or he might gut shot with "Bran, It The correspondent from Woodbridge to the Junction Leader last 'weck trie to make it _appear in hip letm " Night Hawk" had cast an Insult dt one ot Nomi”; young MrHtste""NtHt'f hni he not. Ata,",, Minn; insulting, miture he wad“ not huge looked at it in _tyu)ieht'.vrwe_miirhtwtsll My [it ho m " be teto.e, an Sunday 'tat, at i and , “a... y Roy. Put" Cantrell. of Hank. A would collection. - 'erviee, Abs-noon“ will be hold on Monday. the thrt hat. To. and hom 5 tot n. Adda-ea ms expand trow Ravi. Puter Gunp- bell, of Rtt,,'s W. M, of GroU. villa ad J; A. a; trtt1mh-ilN. Rev. G. Walkds’nl “in the dull. Bulging nud- qui. will ho provldod by Bethany Choirs Bach-“on. unlik- lnguu b the whohn ot the school. Shakers, ' Ma, each. to ha had " door, in Woodbridge, even. Mama“ boys are saving up their dimes to buy a bucket of Fat1uts ~and half an acre of gingerbread. ' F We are glad to hear that Mr. Jolut. ston our school mastur_hu been an- gaged for dimmer year. _ Our enterprising young merchant is doing a rushing business this fall. He deserves great credit for the way he has worked. up such a nice business. New. Hicks Bros. have purchased a hnudlomu pleasure can. Mb E. Jtsrret gave A party last Suturhy afternoom to the children that belong to the Band of Hope. They enjoynd the outing very much. W. lawn, of Bairalo washero one day In. week with a View to puichair lug But-class horses. Mill Berfhi Thompson, of Bramp- ton, in visiting her parents ist this We“. . Mr. Joseph Wiggins has sold his valuable‘pacing colt to Mr, McCutch- eon for I handsome price. . Our cltitens are all bury preparing for the Great World’s Patr to be held Mrs. Roe, of Wingham. In visiting her Inter, Mrs. G. Balmor. V ' slum. _'.'. _ "ep.",,tgttt.tr.tggyittt u n. .dmt univmumlhnn we!“ can“ walk MI ‘1, tus.Rtohirrelaltn.oir,, iP.mmlud.tiruoaqttte.ror, M. -m 0615M (D. V.) on thut. I pupa-luau all " nu “It in but" it tt", lanky. b%'L%d1ih'l'l't,l'ii.ii'ii"iii doa.ttat.th--iooysset. human-will “WW Thom! Mun-munch. ttt smuy 813:. " g “a , In.” W tue. tho 09mm" tor wan» the public " mar Gun ll, of llmulo. A win] con-um wagging“ bra“ M "sd walk .llactiun . oarh union. A tot-mm being open n u “in o slum hope!" tt ill he hdd on Momisr, the and m. t",/'p,teg',,0gg"gaftdgai,',t at: , ttyeh.','",'.','.,?. 't 1.t t.,det.er the "In“ ot Wine " in 91w" "spur. g'oongmmas. PINE GROVE NIGHT HAWK In. Inlet! be... to ”nu-Int her Maud. Ind no public "and“ “a fin in mpmd in do dun-mum“ In I “I bunch» Boulder-mo, MN"! lm. Wonk-r 'tr-am Bold 3)? IRWIN, 8FCo, Menu-a. ‘Hislt'rp and Sylvester at a motion [mated for a running 1t,U'l of one plank, to be laid on the Weston mud. from Brown's house to Mount Dan- nia Pvatoifice. , In compliance with a resolution pre- tencetl some time ago by Mr, Dollery. it was decided to lay a running plank side- wall! on the Weston-road from the front of Roundu’ee house to Kaela the». Be it therefore resolved: That the Township Solicitor be 'upstructtsd to bring tn tsstion Against all the member: of the laid Councils to recover all the moneys (save the items admitted to have been pryerly eid).eid to.t.hrsymsn.tbera of the hit; Mun-ici l'Councill for than: yearn, M he may E: thilOd may be neceunry in order to obtain the opinion of the court in this question. The motion was urranimously carried. On motion of Messrs. Hyslott and Gould. ing, $60 was voted for the improved of mg hill on I8,t.eiwrd-aytsrysy, tr The Reeve and the First Depugy-reuvc were instructed to consult the Township Sulicitur in Inference to tho C.P.R. Cole Ieglect to put their railway crossing in proper repair, and in relaxwme to the T. and M., E. R. Co's {gleam th fulfill their ngmomgm. with this "suieipality. That‘Raeve and the gaunt were tn, strudU1 to hav'e the da Cures authorized hy try-law 565 pmparud and sold to the beet advantage. , ‘uRepairs were ordered to a culvert near Rownttee's mill. and to the hill-near A: Bargesi' and the old toll to 11sye?W) from trhtt Vaughan plank mag? " ".' _ The {hammer win directed to pay the following Suri-Tho WESTON Tums, fur 800 vowrs’ lists, 884; J. Parker, for work on River St., 'r, W. May & Sm), for lumber, $30.85; A. Warden, for nails, 83.75; Ontario S. P. Co., for sewer pipe, 816; J. J. McCullum, Health Inspector. $17; C.'t",ilverthoru, for sheep killed by dogs, 819.08; T. G‘Donnell, work on Mimico and Simmon avenues, 83. W. Bundtmpsirs to culverta and Edgy/all: at Mimico, 35.50; Riverside Isolation Hoss pital. for care of James Kelly, 817 ; Jimes Ward, for one sheep killed and one inrtr- ed by dogs, $1.33; Goo. Shell, for cedar posts, stone and lumber, $53.63. . The Council adjourned to meet, at Lsling- ton an in). November. T- Whureai,"it is claimed that certain moneys were paid to members of the Mimi . al cuuncusit thawinmnship "st '/1'l"tt', 1891-92-93, without proper vouchers having been produced for the payment of the sumo. and, whereas. it iy isipedient to make is test case for, the purphse bf having it dutinud by the courts as to which of the payments of the muvni bem oi the Municipal Councils should be allowed and which should be disallowed ' The Granei1axust at the TownyhipJull, ulin ton, all the, membem wok present, aha like“) in the chair. ' . , Communications we“) mashed fro‘m -Messls. O‘Hara Rhil Stimson re purchase 6! debentures of this municipality and hum Dr: Comm, Medial Health Oimoer to Man: sent from Mhpiooto Tomato "eletitey Hotspitai, A At Monday's special meeting of the York Tuwnshi Council Reeve Hill requested Mr. &ulding to take the chair, when he moved, seconded by Deputy Reeve Hialnp. the following resulutiun ". Islington, 2nd Oct., 189i ""mi;Girciiirf.9iaiiic T . comp “new. The pouncil not accord: to adi Lrtt. new th Muiu‘ Initials! Mill. 'Elt. tpe-T. P. “All“, have; CoutuMom BurKholder. Harris, Pawn and Kola-n. Miuutorot /gt'utl, moshing wen mad Ind t,t'tt,'i, 0 following mounts were before the council, vim: Globe oiBms, advertising whool debentures. 31.44; Em- pire offuxs, Advertising whoa! dabomum, 74 0mm; Mail omen, “vermin; whoa] mahmum. u so; Was-mu Tunas canoe, WNW dykexlwmx oepoH,_tsto., fer school, ”as Ni; McEnnld' a ’Ghu'toxa'. services. school debentum, 811.91 ; T. A. ,Attrrttrvi.iety, ghoul Jute.tt.turm, fyio.; it.g..'tt Irloads vet, 10M r load .1. ;Mrs Ann Sugar, 18 'l'2frJ'l'dy, ta, per load, 81.80; Mrs Ann Snider, IN feet timber,lkspar foot, 8.60; Mrs Ann Snider, timber, .8. 06 ; Abraham Hitton,4 loads mvel, toe per load.40 cents; James Stone. 'Alt',": worK " bridge, 8.75. Moved by Henry Petem, seconded y Peter D McIeaant one treasurer be tumor-{zed to pay the with; as mad. --4rritrd. Moved by J E 1Grris,suoondud by H Peters; that we do now ndjourntx) meet the fitst Monday in'iovember “M1001: p.m- casrried-'-Jo N MOC_LURE, Clerk ief2',ur, " t'lhpNtNJlttetiit if: at “(mu Tuna, sdversininz Judge's Court of Revision. 01.44; C T Chauncey, printing tanking, eta, Wh96; Henry Mash, 8766 feet lumber ”2.72; John Brown, tt days' wbrK It bridge $10; Georg; Blame. t) disysf work " budge, teaming, Mc., '12; John ““1"an dtsyts' work It bridge. $9.18 J y.grush S Haslett], dmwih 4 Innis grain! um cents per load, 'lllTo"3tilf'tG B. Random. dmwini N leads mveMQconm per 1034.94.80: _ "ist ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Entrlurlor the Mr are mutant-U oom- YORK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL NOTICE. A. MACPHERSON, REMEDY. Clerk and Trees ’Mill'inéry Opening? _ i . mfeifLisiii, rle.C,'.ejfdrir,to, . The Times Office Lowest Prices, GOAL GOAL First cost m/more and cheaper in the end. i The same may be said of the Buggies and Road Carts of our own manu. facture, of which we haven nice assortment on hand, of the very best material and workmanship at surprisingly low prices. _ . ' ' J, CRUICKS’HANK & SONS. The only place where you can buyd!ALADA TEA, which is the best in the market. We lead the trade in every branch of the General Store busi- ness-largest selection to choose from and lowest prices LITTLE 'tl STORE, MAIN STREET, WESTON; Mrs. Lee has had a lengthy exgerience and has been "charge of some of the bes establishments in. Toronto and other Cities. First-class work at less than cityprioes. tar DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE OPENING. _ The crowd of customers who patronize our store prove _ thar we keep the goods required at prices to suit. Immense Stock of New Goods J ust' Received. Call and See them. KEEP YOUR WIFE. IN GOOD HUMOR. WALLACE BROS., .WOODBRiDGE; WOODBRIDGE MILLS T D. ROWNTREEVS. Where you can get 22 lbs. of Grranplated,pr 25 lbs. Muscovado Sugar for the' money. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd.. The CRUICKSHANK WAGON oa, uh u 1'"t,1to,tt ain'- Prompgly Deliver . SALT AT ONE DOLLAR PER BARREL. Turns out flour unequalled. Gtistihg and Chopping. V 'hopping only 6 cts. a bags . WALLACE BROTHERS; Woodbridge. MAIN STREET. I'," USE THE BEST 4 FINE JOB PRINTING. TRY G1ve Her a Dollar and Send Her to R. XiBEira?ttaEDiirCB. DEALER IN _ Mb IFYOUWANT _ - Has open a Millinery Busing; in " C 5* l't8t'lsNPe8 *'*4:,.,.-1-, _,:'i',i't)liliri, W ;frfr'('r,"fv?','itsrii,is'f, (tvii/tiii/ily, , INSIST LLrl _ PATENTED SEPT. 8rd, 1884. No. Mt IO. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS" SO STAMPED. Upon having Featherbone Corsets, Refuse all substitutes. _, Graduate of the Onurio Veterinary Coll!" Tum all dines-u of domenioued ninth in the hues: Ind no“ ""rguti(irr manor. Calls day or night promptly :mnded to, Teeth enmined free of chug» emu-mum's Rom ' WOODBRIDGm . " they are stumped thus: UNDERTAKER DR. R. J. WILLIS, Bill work I FAND“? EMBALMEH. WESTON! Specialty. "l a 'e/ttrp, 'iT

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