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Weston Times (1966), 6 May 1965, p. 12

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”A DAY HOLIDAY “It. Mar a will ho a w - and the first long ”and for the mum. an up. that the good weather we to -rioteing will continue. W I In. motioned this bet “a. In nut some caienders, - n have in our house at. to differ. However. 1 have clocked with the school. and it will u my " F h, M Cunt c o o . . CH 1'5978 Become A Freezer Funily J Mail The Attached Coupon Just agree to spend $55.00 per month on name brand foods of your choice from Town and Country Foods for a period of 36 months and we will deliver to your home a brand new 20 cu. ft. freezer absolutely free". READ THIS AMAZING OFFER Mother’s Day Is Sunday, May (lit! TAKE 'gl..?..):)'.,?.,...,.,..,..,,.,.,,,,,,,,..,.,,.,,,,.,,.,,,, Anesbury News TOWN & COUNTRY FOODS ff It Can Save You Money PAYS Til This Offer Good Throughout Ontario Yes, We serve Wii AV 5-5401 210 MARKHAM ROAD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PHONE 741-3534 DISSIIT LUNCHION Mrs. R. was. of l Cleo Road wu hostess at I dessert luncn- eon on Wednesday, April " for " members of the wesf and group of the Toronto Branch of the Engineering Institute of Th1: holiday also (all; in the middle ot an cums tor the stu- dents at queetutrorough Jumor “In School. which is moot un- Iona-me. children's portions at reduced prices. Switchboard Open Till 9 p.m. Remember It Costs Nothing To Ask AT “WA 4-0996 Canada Wives Puiui"s Mrs. Helen Flegg gave an In- formal talk on spring gardening pointing out the "nrsts" that should be done in the garden. She deplored the me of poisons In the gardens because they kill birds, and can do damage to pets and children. Chairman for the meeting was Mrs. Helen Bentley of Thorn. crest Village and Vice - Chit tri, l More than 100 ladies turned i out to the United Church Wom- i en's program last Monday, when Whey presented the gaily costu- l med dancers under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. C. Whelan. It [was an enjoyable evening tor all. The pupils are making special plans for this occasion. and the younger children are making small gifts for their Mothers. Parents will meet their chilv dren at 10:45. when the Mothers will be given their gifts, then they will escort their parents to a Special Family Service in the Sanctuary at 11 AN. The theme of the Service will be "Faith in God for Today's Families." Sunday, May g, which is Moth, er's Day, will be celebrated by the pupils of Elverston Sunday School as "Christian Family Day." The children will have a spe- cial envelope in which they may put a 10e donation for interde- nominational Sunday School work, carried on by the Ontarig Council of Christian Education. DANCERS The Gracefield Brownies and Guides also held their Mother and Daughter banquet on May 4. with about 90 mothers and girls present. CHRISTIAN FAMILY WEEK This week at Elverston Park Church the Explorers and C.G.LT. girls held their Mather and Daughter's Banquet on May 3rd. Mr. Hutchinson teaches Grade 13 Mathematics at Central Tech and is in charge of this school's Math Club. BANQUET! Mr. Fred Hutchinwn. I5 Fal- staff Avenue, and the Clerk of the Senior: of [Wanton Park United Church was thoun by the Toronto Board of Edueatiou to represent it " the National Conference of Mathematics Tea- cher: held thas year at Detroit. April 20 to 23. This Conference Is attended by Math teachers from all over the world. Villa“. In. 'Megaret lazuli of Claim. In Loni» Jen: and In Don-en Word ot Weston. Mont-n from Wood- hridge - In. label for!» land 1nd In. by Harris. autumn“ CWIRINCI 'buPqgrGrardttrs,ie-t We wish a speedy recovery to little Debbie Woodhouse, who has been confined to her home with Scarlet Fever. We are also very pleased to see that Debbie' Coomher has re; covered from the same ailment. We were also happy to see that Mrs. Walton is back in ci> culation once again. ROCHESTER TRIP Many residents of this area. the women that is. left their husbands home to look alter the family, while they enjoyea a full day away from home, and an interesting time taking in the sights at Riehesler, N. Y. and perhaps indulging in a new pair of shoes. or a spring Bonnet. Some of the ladies taking the bus trip were, Mrs. Jack Ben. ton of 54 Dorsey Drive. Mrs. Warren Barker of 44 Dorsey Drive, and Mrs. Walt Swindle of 6 Mayo Drive. Friends and neighbours hon- ored Mr. George Dickson and wife Marie at a surprise party on Saturday evening, May I, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ars nold Service of 18 Dorsey Drive. SURPRISE PARTY The Dickson's have been re REROOF NOW Your Modest Sized Home Can Be Reroofed. The Same Saving Is Available On larger Homes. Costs Are Very low Now For As little As $200.00 DO YOU KNOW? Cardinal Insulatién ltd. ROOFING .... 762-0929 1277 JANE STREET Absolutely No Obligation To Buy -- Phone Today Workmanship Is All Guaranteed And Backed By 26 Years Experience Free Estimates " CAR WASH 1 The Young People's Union of _rrethewel' and Elverston Park ‘United Churches will be hold. ]ing their annual Car Wash at Knowles Gas Station at Kcele and Lawrence on Saturday, May 1 JI - at the low price oi 99c. I Srth ANNIVERSARY After a family luncheon and reunion at the Town and Coun- try Restaurant on Sunday, May 2, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Crackle of 434 Rustic Road. entertained the group at their home for sup- per. The proceeds from this event will go to the Drum Corps, who, on July s, will leave by air on a five day trip to Los Angeles to participate in the Lions Inter- national Parade. Some members of the corps who reside in this immediate area are Rex Beanland,. Bob Reid, Gary Billington and Ed Shaw. FAMILY REUNION The Mother's Association ot!, the York Lions Drum Corps will i be sponsoring a Bake Sale, Bag l aar and Tea Room on May 15. from 1 pm. to 4:30 pm. at‘ Fairbanks Memorial Hall, Keele! Street. 5 The occasion was in celebra- tion of many May birthdays in the family, along with the Wed- ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Crackle. and the lst Am niversary of the wedding of daughter Elaine to Lynn Tapp, who reside on Keele Street. Their son David. along with his wife Beverley and son, of Aur- ora, also joined in the reunion along with Lynn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Tapp, of Monk, ton, Ontario. On Tuesday, May 4, the Dick. son's left on an extended vaca- tion through the United States to Los Angeles, California. BAZAAR AND BAKE SALE in a ”In. and m 't und " urn " be. m Nun-h Auto Pun mat a "an d Ionics. . Bill laid put-sud the cou- ple will a and“ mum wall clock in remembrance of the caution from the follow- inl neighbours w. and In. Gear” Bunting, I Dom, Drive; Mr. and In Reg. Hart, 5 Bor. sey Drive; Mr. and In. George Madili, T Dorsey Drive; Mr. and Mn. Arnold Service. " Dorsey Drive; Mr. and In. Larry Carey , Haverhiu circle; Mr. and In. Bill Reid, , Pember Drive; Mr. and Mrs. Wray Woodhouse. 1 Pember Drive; Mr. and Mrs Frank Slade, 6 Pember Drive; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rewind. 8 Pember Drive; and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Grant, 429 Rustic Road. 'idittgat0tt-ttetmhrt" Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, who Erle- brated their 57th Wedding Am niversary on Sundav, May 2 at the North Park Nursing. 450 Rustic Rd. where Mrs. Williams is .a patient. Mr: Williams was invited for supper, and they were presented with a candle- decorated Anniversary Cake by Miss McCall. WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE Phone 244-5324 BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT GOING OVERSEAS? 2063 Lawrence Ave. w. at Weston Rd. Insulate Your Home Now Beat Summer Heat Save Fuel Next Winter On Wednesday at 8 pm. in Gulfstream Public School, a public meeting will be held with the intention of forming a Wood. view Park Ratepayer's Associa- tion. On hand to speak to the gathering will be Ted Crawford, past-president of the Rivalda Heights Ratepayer's Association. He will outline the many advan- tages of such an assocnation. All residents are urged to attend this meeting. Inter-Faith Rally Walt Disney's "White Wilder- ness" will be shown at St. Stephen's Church Saturdav, May 8. The movie, sponsored by the cubs and scouts of 2nd Emery troop, will be presented at 1230 noon and again at 3 pm. Ad- mission charge is 25c. Refresh- ments will be on sale. Important to Horn-owners Mrs. G. Ferguson and Mrs. J. Crang represented Riverside Un- ited Church Women at an im ter-faith rally for the United Air peal at Yorkminisler Park Bap- tist church on April 28. Dr. Reva Gerstein was guest speak- er. Representatives from War- rendale Home, Providence House and the Big Sister Assoc- iation. all Red Feather Agen- cies. formed a panel with mod- erator TWs Joan McCormaek. Mrs. Crang will report on the Children’s Movie Deepest sympathy in extended to the family " Rune]! Wgiliattt Barnes of 1700 Jane Street. who passed away wddenly on April as. He is survived by his wife Shirley and we: the loving fath- er of Alan and Dennis. The fun- eral service we: eordueted " the Jarret Funeral Chapel 1141 St. Clair Avenue, on Thursday, April 29. with interment m Rie. erside Cemetery. We and a "an that Mr. J. tk not... .1. at " Danni Avenue in Woman. is not a par int in Humor lmill “as vital. Until I. as admitted to hogan-l tart not. In um stay- ing with his tumor In. N. Woollet of 16t mt: and. WDthhiInspeodymov- ery,andtruatthathawiilsoon black Mania with his wife and hull]. SVMPATHV rally to meeting, Mr. and Mrs. E. Clayhournc and daughter Susan returned recently from an Easter Tac> tion in Atlantic City. Wilderness Camping A novel form of camping was enjoyed last summer by boys aged 12 to 17. A Wilderness Camping trip was organized by the Northern Etobicoke Y, bar ed in Thistlctown. with regis- tration coming from many parts INSUlATION WESTON Audrey MacDonald 741-1757 the UCW at their next Woodview Park Angling for trout ls practic- ally on your doorstep. Every re gional stream in the conserla- tion areas including Palgrave, Albion Hills, Heart Lake, Clare. mont, Greenwood have been stocked with speckled trout, the Metro Toronto and Region Com servation Authority has announ- ced. Glen Hairy. near Mono Mills, offers a fishing pond Just for children. Phone AV 5-5425 during regular office hours for more information regarding lo, cations of the above-mentioned areas. Ken Thrush, secretary of this Y branch, has announced an- other camp' for August 2 - 10. Leader and boys will travel by old colonist railway car to Red Water in the Temagami Forest area. The car is left on a siding to be used as camp headquart- ers. Activities include out-camp- ing. canoeing, fishing and wood. crafts. Boys wishing more informa- tion on this camp are invited to call the Y office at 7414630. Names are being registered now. Trout Fishing ot Metro Toronto as well as rur. al areas. A reminder to readers - please call the columnist with your community news by noon Thurs. day to appear in the following Thursday's paper. For the April 23 tune win. nm were: Flo Mcuehun (17); E Bullies (71): Doris Wilson (68). Low score _ Mrs. Hicks 45. Mr. and Mrs. Len Smith and family, Detroit Michigan. were visitors " the home of Mr. and Mm. T. Holbrook over the Ear Mr. and In. C. J. Ware, haw returned to their to. on Brag Avenue the: Whig the Eu ter Vigne- at limb and. South Cardin. USA. Tho good neighbours club held their weekly Euchre at the home of In. M. Nun, ac line- creu Ave. Winners ot the April " me were; Julie Holbrook, (Bl); Eulyno Raina. (15); In. Woodend tm. Law Icon . Marg Walker ts6). Men's Our entire stock of Dia. mond, Birthstone. Alaska Diamond, Signet, etc. Reduced To Clear All Open Stock Regular $2400 Now Only fr/SI C-C-r: 1ird, . 1"i'/ri(tleilhsiii, tits on Silverplate and Sterling. Our entire stock of Sterling Silver and Silver Plate by Oneida -- Community - Roger Bros. " Wallace and International Silver. Dolly Credit Jewellers 1912 WESTON ROAD CH 7-5436 .. Pin 8. Earring Sets FOR ALL ittiL%ii'iiiriiiiRvIcE:s Call -- George Baker - CH 1-4471 RINGS Ladies' & D. S. TICKNOR REALTOR . Mortgages . Appraisals Hughes Genuine Cornflower Elmlea & District Flatware 50% off -- Save Half Give Years Of Pleasure 3 DIAMOND WEDDING RINGS l4-IBK Gold Special $24.95 OTHER WEDDING BANDS FROM $6.97 Mortgages . Buying . Appraisals . Selling Members of the Toronto Real Estate Board 3 DAYS ONLY MAY 6-7-8th 20% off GIBSON TEA POT SPECIAL With This Ad $1.97 20% off t'r8_VAyrLpi'r., WESTON 97y Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. Mills and Mary, Elm. hurst Drive, in the sudden pau- ing of Mr. Mills on Tuesday Ap. ril 27. At the Take Off Pounds Sensi- bly club meeting on Thursday evening, Mrs. Bernice Cameron Elmhurst Drive was crowned Queen - " she had taken oft twenty-rive pounds since Joining the Club. The Elmlea Ladies Euchre group held their weekly card game on Wednesday afternoon at the home qt Mrs. Flo. Perrin Elmhurst Drive. Winners were Flo Perrin (110) Annie Carbis (91). Low score Lenora Petrie t89). Travelling Prize Annie Carbis. Lucky chair prize Annie Carbis. The Lone Roll offs were held April 11 " Plantation Bowling lanes and team No. 1 came in ninth. They go on to the Reg. ional Roll offs to be held in Col- lingwood Ont. on May 1. On this team are: Winnie Fender, Eil- ene Dolman, Mary Moore. Ei- leen Callan, Dorothy Brooke and Olive Mattison. The Royal Canadian Legion ladies Auxiliary Bowling Lu- zuo held their playoffs on low day evening. In the teams the Rascal; won with 3065 Points and the Goofers had 2918. Con- solation winners were the Serab. chers with 2641 Points and Lot- ers with 2314 Points. Sorry I have “and with tho column this last couple at roan but I have been in Town!» Wer. tern Hospital where l mule:~ went surgery on my ear. I In feeling much better now Hunks. so hope to do better with new- in the future. Birthday greetings to Paul new“ who will be 8 yem old Mar s. Roger lay celebrated Mar 8, Alan David William m In. birthday April at _ tor Midi”. Richardson Furniture CH 1-9105 1919 Weston Road Bulova, Gruen. Benrus, Lorie. Adonis. All Fully Guaranteed. Our Price only That Will You Can Cover An 8 F t. Wide Wall With Fully Lined Drapes _ _9ii" In Length For As Little J Corning Ware ' Piece Sauce Pan Sea 20% to 50% off Beautiful Maiiled Many Colours a Sizes Available Regular $18.95 Ladle, and Men ’s WATCHES LUGGAGE It's 20% off in $29.95 " Dominion $14.97 WESTON

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