Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 13 May 1965, p. 10

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, up. nu kt let, with man IASEMENT APT, 3 unfurnish- Od ruins. Wuhroom. septum .lllrlnco. No children. CH um. $mPtmNtgttBtt basement apt has Mm mm. hull- tr. FLATS TO LET & WANTED $150 PER MONTH. 4 Bedrooms. 2 Washrooms. . Recrea l i n n Room and 2 car on”. CH 1-951. N. -H. Dinitick, ~769-9885 DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 ARRANGED BY PHONE CALL W. G. PETERS. Mgr. CH. 7-5438 I WILL LEND you up to $5,000 to consolidate your bills or any olher worthwhile purpose It a renmnlble rate of inter- est, if you In steadily em- ployed and have a good credit record. Phone HU 51134. l " APARTMENTS TO LET - UNFURNISHED S. MONEY TO LOAN 12. HOUSES WANTED ll. HOUSES TO LET I. MONEY TO LOAN 4. MORTGAGE LOANS ii you have a modern 3 bed. room home you will srll for Eggs?" August lst in ixon - Royal York - West Mount or Westway areas. phone I can cut your monthly pay- menu in half or less with a consolidation loan up to $5,000 Must have good credit. 249-8361; 2nd Mortgage [Mills 22. ROOMS To LET A new Ist or 2nd mortgage, private funds. No bonus. tree valuation arrangements made in your home, easy mthly. yummy). oven evgs. 11 pan. -- mastic-all but. and Chartered Trust Member of the Toronto Real Estate Board hint Drinkwaller .. George bench - G. B. McClen If yelling _ngr home is I "ttMott an. in print; but. NF40t8. In. "ttve my fridge. 6 pica but. paring. mum. 0 LET - Jane, north of Lawrence - air conditioned Mlice. Walk-in statiortery moms. Record storage. private washroom, parking. Suitable for insurance agent, lawyer. ehartered accountant. Immedi- ate possession. 249-2892. No Bankable Security tt Pen, Can Make Mommy Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1125 mcmn AVE N. Rexdale Plaza Payment; Too High? . n- mt it‘ll-bf»! . . . . ‘ Us. Claimed Ads publnhod ovary hum!” Tuesday. 5pm. ...deadtinq Monday 11 Noon . . . . cancellation. SAME DAY On Your Own Squaw. CORRECTIONS: This new mu be responsible tor NOT more than ONE Incorrect uses-nan ot In tavern» meat. COPY OFFICE SPACE TO LET & WANTED CH 1-9781 Y. scorr Mrart Mercer any 241-8216 Mortgages Arranged REAL ESTATE us. BOARDING HOMES ----------l WANTED t All advertising copy I: lubiect to the apnrovu ot the management ot this paper Thu paper reservg the right to chatty all Advetrtuements MONEY TO PLACE AT 'niiirir." EFULLY FURNISHED front n Dan. l room, twin beds. 244-m7, WESTON - 52 Dennison Rd. W. Bedsitting, newly decorated, furnished. 2414t73?. evenings, weekend. WESTVN - private. 2 rooms Painting ' Decorating PAINTING ml decorattrst, m In. or outside work Paper I“, tn. estimates. Cl Catholic Children's Aid Society 26 Mainland St., Toronto 5 WESTON. Nice Room. Grill optional. Call Friday " P.M. 2t Dennison Rd. W. WESTON RD. - Lawrence - Large room with use of kitch- en. Near T.T.C. Gentleman. CH 1-3114. RUGS, Chesterfield. chairs -- expertly cleaned in your own home. Reasonable p r i c e S. Phone 74143869 days; 741-5787 REXDALE Moving & Garage, Fully insured. E"perienccd personnel. 2MAi2ti3. HUMBER Driving School, 33.50 flllSSil BROTHERS M. SERVICES OFFERED VOCAL Instruction for beginners & advanced students. Mrs. L. Sullitan 7412678. ASPHALT. Park Lans Paving driveways, parking lots. 2uar anteed. Free estimates. BA 1 3628. BABIES URGEN'I ASPHALT by Cormac, paving driveways, parking lots, all work guaranteed. Call anytime 0x 98202. A-I DECORATING. painting. "5;? wood-finishing. Free estimates 7 Jack LE 32533. l‘lvll Complrtr cuafonnel' salutar- tion, Very clean. Interior & Exterior. ' Speculum; in" cxtermr petri- ing problems, 7 Foster homes needed for small babies Board. clothing and medical supphed. Phone Homefindinir Department 925-6641 equipped. Business couple pre- mrred. CH 7-6496. evenings per hour, pick up at home 2495596. BA 1-9955 241-145], evenings 636-1785 For tops_i_n_ Efficiency Eavestrough and Furnace Installations and For We; Estimate call anytime ' “In-o" " 5-2724 BRUNO Jack Wright Sheet Metal Drains Concrete Contractors Renovations FURNISHED AD - WEDDING GOWN. Size 10 - 12 Wall to "rsll hmadloom, Sperm! $129 Crtmpleteiy HI- staliod mm Linda-pad. Up to 315 sq. ft. Shit? Custom carpet 3 Rooms IRON PICKET FENCE, 6 feet SEWING MACHINES TWO FOAM ruhbrr mattress FOR RENT rollnuay: brvls. new condition. King St, $7 Ideal for cottage. 201-8884. _ 3-0994 unassumnc and Ala-Bum Also Bridal Wear. M04 rum" CLASS puma aiii Paper huma- 25 you-- a- penenn. CM 1-130. CONTENTS - French Provinc. l 38. AUTOMOTIVE ial 9 per dimngroom who. a SERVICE & REPAIRS scatvr trhesttyrntyld sum‘ wtth -- ' -» - - \ matchmg iahles. lamps, odd EVERYTHING for the car, m chairs. Fruitwood bedroom used and rr‘huilt. mach: sunk mandolin. rrr mom shop srtvitre. Keys cut Inrmrurr. portahlo T‘\".hnrlt'n»; code Weston Autn Supp tal HIS“ dorm» Also runer . . ' , . kitchvn stt Boalniml condition. _ 1839 Weston Rd" tnt I-35; 23127” 1 0pm (lady hll 9 pm. cxcr CONTENTS OF workshop. of the late Dan Holley. tools. garden mm. muipmonl, hardware, nails and other supplies. Make nfft‘r for lot Call CH L50”) A GOOD recovering job on your ehesterfield and chair $89.50 upwards. Joe 11095512 WEDDING DRESS, beautiful New York style with head- dress. used once. Will sell for 3rd of cost, $45. Phone week. days. 241-2222. 15" SNARE DRUM, sparkle blue colour, stand and accrsrories, 2 cymbals, CH 1-9650. __ LE $0300 ,7 _ 26. ARTICLES FOR SALE A BARREL manual: Reducing belts. tilendercyelrrs. Lowest home rentals. RO 73989. FULL BEDROOM Sum. Blonde quality wood. reasonable. CH H1607. BUDGIE - mgr and Mand m good condition. Rrasonahir M. SERVICES OFFERED Special attention given to Paper Hanging and Commercial Work. H. c. anooxawxs 1972 Weston Rd., Walton CH 1.7m Dgw worms. red trout worms, mlnnos large and small - packed in oxygen, guaranteed to live. Tackle of all kinds Ballet. tap, acrobatic. baton. spamsh. etc. Studio open all year. Branch studios. NORTH‘I'OWN APPLIANCES 2592 WESTON Ito. a Arlington Pet Shop " Manson Rd., Downsview high, also gates. CH is4o, EWING MACHINES expert, domestic & industrial. Adjust- ed & lubrication $3. CH 70930 City Wide. 2tl69Et 1965 G.M.C. Pickups New 31365. and up Mr. Dixon. RO 2-2055. after , p.m. Musical Instruments Edith M. Giles School of Dancing M usic and Accessories llVE BAIT Rose Music Centre 6 John Street, Weston RANGES . REFRIGERATORS WASHERS ELECTRIC DRYERS Crgpg Plaza 259 CH 1-3832 WE HAVE lARGE $UKTI0N OF GOOD USED APPlIANCES 241-3221 4834670 c, FALCON, sparklmg blue, still undo: warranty. $1,725, can be financed CH 10374. 1954 PONTIAC hardtop. auto. matic. Best offer. 741-2329. WE NEED spark tars. Highest prlcos paid. Call haw Beattie, Ensign Motors Lid. R0 241231. 27. ARTICLES WANTED FOR truck part; It'g Levy's all makes - new. used, '53 Porrtrar, 4 door, IMM- lop, St25 full przcc. tCymy. '61 Hunts IMO, S325 full plh'e. 1Urm.c. . Bob Irwm Motors 1660 Weston Road M. ARTICLE rot SALE AO, SUMMER RESORTS m. i---'-'-'-'; a CAMPS 34. CARS FOR SALE M. CARS WANTED EVERYTHING for the car, new used and rohuill. machine shop sprsiee. Keys cut by code. Weston Auto Supply, 1839 Weston Rd, CH 1-3538. Open dme hll 9 pm. except Saturdays 6 pm. , 39. GARAGES TO LET & WANTED 4 door automatic. 6 cylinder, radio. '60 Frontenac, $625. full price, mrms. 'til Envoy Station Wagon, $595 full price, terms. original 14300 milos. 7 wheels and ttres. one nwncr. $2199.00 power steering. automatic, radio, as new. 159 Chev. convertible, $1095 full price, terms. Immaculate. radio, automatic $599.00 1964 Custom % Ton G.M.C. Long bnx. wide side. $1699.00 3 Months Residence 3 Months Steady Employment 1960 Humher Super Snipe all makes _ new. used, " Typists-stenos bum. 1400 Weston Road. Ro Somm' Clerks 9lll5. "In 11---: 1958 Buick 2 Door Hardtop THIS AD WORTH Me OFF HANNA’S MOTORS On All Rentals a d Repairs Onver $5.00 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1960 Pontiac Laurentian Patna-I; h Carpentry Aluminu- Praia-b. 1959 Vauxhall Crest: ROBINSON Corner of Trethewey 1958 Chev Biscayne Sedan. Radio. $599.00 1938 Pontiac t Door 5599.!!!) Phone 241-7781 Power Equip. 247-9415 2330 Weston Road South at "l 1533 Jane. Street 221-7311 Immaculate from $49.00 from $49.00 from $29.00 from $69.00 1963 Buick 81099.00 $499.00 $999 .00 CH 9-1961 Weston Rd - r Juno Irl, BE COTTAGE FOR RENT - com" eniences, Allenwood Beach, 80 miles, sleeps up to 8 people. available for July. 249-1308 after 5. PART~TIME wanted. Maintenan- ce and janitor service. Call 636-4227. LAKE HURON . executive col- tage, overlooking Howdenvale Bay - $8,500. good terms - 288-1305. BEAUTIFUL COTTAG ES LAKE FRONTAGE for sale. 20 miles East of North Bay, 161- 41. SUMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE OR RENT 44. EMPLOYMENT WANTED ACCOUNTANT. bookkeeper, av- ailable for steady part time work. CH 1-3822. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE Must hr quirk and accurate with fi g u r t? s. Exccllimt working conditions and bene- fits. Boys god girls. @713 yous. Qualified supervmon. Com- plete mums. Kawartha dame; l! Ihl) haw ‘Hr‘\m li w‘f‘rv "~[yf‘H'H'r xu Hm: Ml'v , M: wai pun: a msmm {In 'vt/l uv n w for, il' '1)r “4'1 J‘nM 4 " 1m: A 'dt' \117 In: 'l nmnn 1\ ) lt arr m mam mm Hr l MAN. Pt YWF'.fl WHHF (i 1.0 V H mm, 'TUI‘ ASSH'NMLN'IS TOP PAY PIGFAON Lake, 2 bedroom, winterized cottage, complete- ly finished and fully furnish- ed. Inside conveniences, main room 20x12 finished. Teak panelling with bar. T.V. Hi-Pi. 24x12 colored concrete patio LDx 10 storeroom outside, 20x12 hoathouse with hydro Drive right to side door, lake frontage, good roads. open all year. Telephone 425-4962, after 7 Trm. R. Laidlaw Lumher Co. Ltd. 50 Oak St., Weston Foy mtrdical record depart ment. 5 pm. to 9 pm. Mon. day through Friday. Girls " to " years. Poudash Lake, Haliburton. Full Ichi- ties. for construction office, pay- roll, bookkeeping and invoice oxpenence necessary. Rivalda Road location. Mutually sat- isfactory hours can be ar- ranged, Telephone Telephone 169-l 161 local 64 CLERK TYPIST 213 Openings for Summer Work! Apply Now! Apply well treed 100 foot lots for 333 month. Lots at 59,93 monthly. 741-2140. CLERK TYPIST CLERK TWIST CAMP BOLUN' ACE-ll ttriweert 9 a.m. lo c, pm aloof and "and" tWhere Moor. King and ”and“ can meet) CAMP THUNDWD Personnel Office Toronto Hospital Weston Mrs. Chillman 782-2932 Part - Time Weston Area, 244-1 741 Part - Time Help Ill 1-7513 Ill 7~7513 all” WANTED b m In! mm club lulu] let. an: “purine! m. Pete - points“! mun. No [than can: that T. M. HELP WANTED HAIBSTYUST. experimccd Lido's BM Em Ave. W 19-56.. CASHIER. Weston Produce Co. in Woodbridge area. swam-2 HOME TYPIST required, Lawr- ence _ Jane are]. Should have own typewriter. 249-2892. MATURE WOMAN to mind one child in my home 2 days I week while mother works. Jane and Wilson. CH 1-8398. Requixgd fur the Weston Ttmes. This is a challenging position. salary commensur- ate with lineage growth. all usual company employ benefits. vacation. health and accident group insurance. etc. For interview call Supply Slug“ Girl Counties in your neigtthourhood. For Pcliof work in nursmz home. Nursing assistant will suit. Modern hosiery girls between 16 to 25. Piece Experienced on electric type.- writer. accuracy essential, shorthand not required. Apply If you arr ynunz. amlulinuv. and have bettor than avm‘azn shorthand and typing skills. how IS your chance to he Named in a well known ad- vrrlism: agency to work for I." nr 3 Account Exccutives. Plrnlv n! opporrur'ity for ad. vanocmont Offitt ctrntrally located on subway. Gnnd Required immediately by steel distributor located North West end of Metro. Good starting salary for right person. Hanes of Canada Ltd. 8 Tidemore Ave. Rexdale 5335 open l hngxml up»! “TEST END 2446 Bloor St. W. no“ $3Mr, S2M, $300 $300 S300 TWO Ask for Mr. George 285-7341 $3160 S,T0tt, Need Extra Money? Experienced Classified Ad Dept. artin: salary CALL MRS. ATKINSON 485-1151 Part-Time Nurse DORIS CURRIE (At Jane, TELEPHONE SAlES uuw 241-4449 Shorthand Stenogrupher Found Bros. Aviation Ltd. 766-6191 Mrs. Clifford Ad Agency Opportunity Mmhn Ami-tum or "Modem! Piregrtettt Agettelra ma Consult-lb " Brydon Dr, Rexdnle Srm‘vmw lo Prrqdth ago 24 to 23 - Royal York South. _ CH 1-5211 Stor Eqh Girl Str nngraphcr. mm ken! g Clerk ty pist LA“ wnre. Socrmary In saalcs department - Calldonia Road. Hr. Stonogmphrr. Interesting and varied - Weston. 5itrtiottruphcr. shorlmml and lypxng _.'. Keele & SI [hum-Inn scvrrtat'y, riiciaphone, age 24 lo " FuobicokP. An PERSONNEL SERVICE lIMITED GIRLS TYPIST M4a006 'mm‘s Rrtwvahle (lurk, var dealership Fxperlt‘nco Wrston. Armunhng Clark. some typing 1Inaphrr Tort. F'ridav, snnm mmthand - Royal York Road No Charge To Applicants mill requires the ages of rate. p Phasing department R claw urekly " HELP WANTED BODYMAN and Painter's holpcr required in wnt rnd, must have license. 255-1927. Muir, Dundas St. w. lslington 233-1212 " HELP WANTED Young wan-n aired for Hunt but Wd,' must have good typing kills w- celluu may In! lacuna. With experience for expand- mz staff at Cruickshank Mot- ors. To the right men we of- fer - $50 a week salary: ex- cellent commissions, monthly and yearly bonuses also in- cluded is an excellent Health & Accident palicyz‘free de- monstrator and the com-en- ience and pleasure of work- ing in the brand ntrw pre- mises. Applicants must have proven sales ability and as well a good record of getting alnng with fellow workers. Call A Mercury -- Meteor .. Comet Automotive Salesmen Warranty Clerk For larzv Ford Dcalcrship Full Company Benefits Apply: Mr. Coullhart Thorncrest Motors . have Grade 8 or higher . 1:: medical and dental -,' ' _ . 0 free uniforms . physically fit and single . free sports facilities . . Canadian Cltizen or . a very generous pemuwn British subject. plan V . opportunity for wide travel . 4 weeks' annual holiday uith pay. WHY not visit us to discuss your possible future as a lechmuan m the Armed Forces or fill in this coupon and send it in for more information, or call. NAME ADDRESS _ CITY EDUCATION GIRL FRIDAY We require a cost estimator with previous experience in Industrial Cost Estimating. Applicants should have grade 12, although grade ll will be considered where it is supplimented hy additional experience in this field, Candidates will receive additional training on our pm- duct and be required to undertake studies in specific subjects where necessary, Age grouping 25 to 40, appli- cations should be made to - '6. K. CRrrCKSHANK IF YOU ARE 2062 Weston Rd. . 17-25 years - Navy - . 16-23 years - Army . 17-29 years - Air Force 0 have Grade 8 or higher . . physically m and single t . Canadian amen or . British subject. . O No OBLIGATION SEND TO Canadian Armed F orces Recruiting pentre CRUICKSHANK MOTORS ttth Dufferin-Wilson Navy ( ) Army ( ) Experienced 25 St. Clair Ave., E., Toronto 7," Ont. CH 4-6461 COST ESTIMATOR DOWNTOWN 372 Bay Street Mt Richmond) Geoffray Riggs, Trane Company of Canada Ltd., 401 Homer Ave.. Toronto 14 CL 9.8221 CANADIAN ARMED FORCES I REQUEST INFORMATION FOR: Finch Ave Weston Navy, Army, Air Force WHILE Butterm- WA 4-6659 THROUGH WANTED - mam mu (or URGINI‘LY NEEDED - com. m - W to live in with run in I. m home. Salary uni who! talcum. Mr. J. M. Choclns Leeds & Northrup Canada Ltd. Expcrievced with plaIr. steel and stainless steel. Benefits; include: P.S.I.. Hospitalization and Insurance plan Vacation can be arranged. Knud Sim- onsen Industries Ltd., "il Kel- field St., Rexdale/ 244-5584. WE OFFER Opportunity for a young man with 3-4 years general ac- counting expencm‘e w tor large Won-end manufartur- ing company. Prefm'rably en- rolled in RIC or CGA. For mlerwew call Elortrnmc Manufacturer Inc- aied in Mount. Dennis rp- quiro shipper With 3-5 years experience. Intermediate _ Accounting Clerk Permanent position for young man with good knowledge of general accounting and cost- Inc. Good pay - fringe bene, fits, 371, hour work mock. Overtimr rates thereafter. Write giving full resumc of educallon' and oxpcxionre tot For large Toronto West End Dairy 741.3353 -- HU 1.15:3 To learn servicing. Know. ledge or mum household apphanre: hrslpful, Chauf. (curs lnronro and nisent Ens. lush necessary a. W. ' MI I week. Btire “my nd Ionic um. ”an. Leeds & NortIErup. Canada, Lt . 61 Industry St.. Toronto " (Keele Erlinton district) 6t Industry St. Toronto " (Rule Ellinlnn District) GENERAL ACCOUNTING CAM, MR. RIDDELL BE 3-5891 laundry Equipment' Smite Man AND Helpers $180 a month all: tra- ining in ale tronica, mechanical communica. tions, administration or many other fields. A _ ROUTE SALESMEN Phone Johnnie Air Force CH 1-1303 Mrs. M. Morris F ITTERS Shipper AGE

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