Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 13 May 1965, p. 12

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Jarvis Appointed My Warden At St. John's It. G. S. Jarvis has been ap- phud Deputy Warden at si. John'l Anglican _ gluten. This III a recommendation made at a. may meeting and it aa5 H! to the Rector and Wardens to make the appointment. Mr. Jarvis has shown great ability uul deep interest in the altars d the church and as chairman d the Advisory Board. He will he in taming for the step up tttto the office of Warden in the future. In. Irene Birkett is heading up the committee that is timing the Toronto Hospital, chronic) tr ill section, Buttonwood Ave. They to today, Thursday, May " This is indeed a fine piece of work and one that is much appreciated. It will be a regular visitation and any of the church congregation who would likehto become one of the visitors - get in touch with Mrs. linen. The church this year is hold- in: its bridge and euchre in the Peri!!! Hall. This is where you have an opportunity of meeting socially the members of the con- Nation. If you have not atten- ded one come along and you will be very welcome. The combined Ascension day service will. this year, be held at St. Timothy-By-The-Humber, on Thursday May 27, Combined Canon Adye gave a very stir- ring, forceful sermon at the two services Sunday morning " he mulled the twentieth anniver- ury of the close of the second great war. He pointed out the muses that have taken place and the great need for a greater spiritual depth in our life of choirs will sing the service. Junior Auxiliary are holding their annual Strawberry Tea this Saturday afternoon. lie present day, , "v, lab 8* “unsealed. workshop fashion, by F ".6... at I"! Ulihdll recently-formed drama group I: I... M, " who cull themselves the Thistle- te attaqd their hm It)" Players. The plays any be - - My men-noon " seen Wednesday, May 19 It 8:15 " [P]. in the Village Hall, oppos- Dun. but. . M oat-act plus wall be Woodview Park I 19an 11mm mum _ 'trttttitto%notmt Mon mm . m. was my GM ' I Rev. J. Kenneth Noble BOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 3265 Weston Rd. Ree. 1. C. Bouvier, Pastor - Rev. A: not ikiia ngBmilll)lrlllllllltll PALMER CHAMBER SINGERS "=00 IPI. â€";‘l°'9ins, Ftttstris' "What The Lori Said Ti, A Preacher" 11:00 am. - Sunday School I to 8 years Audrey MacDonald 741-1757 11:00 at; 2 Morning Worship conducted by Pax Bible Class 9:45 am. - Junior a Intermediate 10:00 am. -- Pax Bible Class [1:00 Ban. - Nursery, Kindergarten, 9:30 In. - Sunday School 9 years and up 9:30 In. - Pathfinders Bible Class -8tattt-'t8t--8%'eed.r,hurttt96' WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH CHURCH or CHRIST -iiTGrcrs, Ifs?3, 10:00 um. My School ":00 Ill. - Morning Worship "' pm. Evening Worship Wed. 1:00 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday. May 19th, 8:15 pm. Ae'" by Orr-I. Inn-him! and rim The Bible Is Our Complete Authority t Ev-ngcllst - June: Hunt SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1965 - 'Cross Street at Church Street at - Rev. R. J. Bogs, B.A. I CH 1-9533 Study CH 1-15tt SUNDAY, MAY_16, 1965 SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1965 " William St., Weston SUNDAY MASSES Primary, Crib Corner 47 HARDING AVE. 10:00 am ST. JUDE’S RECI'I'Al BY QPalmer Chamber if:', Singers Coming £3310 Westminster it. There will be no admission chute but a silver collection will be taken to help pay tor watchmen“ and program costs. be new plan to present I full three-act play in the fall and they would welcome new memb Miss Catherine Palmer has at. tracted considerable attention in Toronto musical circles through her achievement in becoming the first and to date the only Canadian women to obtain a Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists (London, Eng.) in Westminster United Church, Weston, will be sponsoring the Palmer Chamber Singers on Wednesday, May 19, 8:15 PM. in the church. These singers were founded by Catherine Palmer about a year ago as a select group con- sisting mainly of choristers with appreciable experience. The group has now expanded to sing- ers having a great diversity of musical backgrounds. Several members are trained singers with wide experience as soloists. Others have sung with the Men, delssohn choir in Toronto, chor- al societies in other cities and countries, chamber groups and well known church and Cathed- ral choirs. . . ”w. Her early education was ob mined in Canada and in Eng- land. Miss Palmer studied at the Royal Academy of Music and taught music at Sherbourne School for'girls in England for three and a half years. In Can- ada she has been organist and choir director. in two Toronto churches. and has directed small choral groups. Her organ work has included many recitals and currently she is frequently heard on CBC Sunday morning recitals. " noon - 7:00 Pm Rev. A: Harvath. Asst: Mm Plan on Albion Why meet - load” at I !P.I. at a liven“!- Drive. [Further mutin- my In (iiiiiiii, by MS club secret- m. In. Jon White " 141-10.. Over I hundred boys, I to 14 year: at Me, have registered to play baseball and" an oun- indon at the newly-formed We odvlew Park Ratepayers Mioc- lnlion. Still needed an umpires, assistant coaches and sponsors. Games will be played at Gulf. strelm School Mondays to Thurs. days from T P.M. until dark. Anyone able to offer assistance should call Paul Dun at 20- 6180. "aeut---taac Lu Loch. Luisa. The first group of the La Lech: League to organize in Ontario was formed in February bf this year by Woodview Park resident. Mrs. C. E. Dawson. The league (La Leche -- Spanish for "milk"), a non- sectarian organization, encour- ages women who wish to breast- feed their babies. The league got its start in 1956 in a suburb of Chicago by a group of mothers who, for a variety of reasons, needed help to successfully nurse their infants. The final meeting of the sec. ond series (four meetings to I series) will be held at Mrs. Dawson's home, 115 St. Lucie Drive, Tuesday, May 18 at 8:30 PM. A new series will begin early in June. Interested ladies are invited to attend, or. if in- formation is required, you may telephone Mrs. Dawson at 249- 5314 or Mrs. P. Davis at 24% 6160. Meetings offer help, encourage- ment and instruction and disp- ense useful information. Women who are not necessarily new mothers have also become in- terested in promoting the club's alm. aim. 1 A committee will soon be The final meeting of the semiiormed to plan a fund-raising and series (four meetings to a program with a building for the series) will be held at Mrs. ‘club as their goal. Dawson's home, 115 St. Lucie . . Drive, Tuesday, May 18 at 8:30 Humber Hospital “Wm." RM. A new series will begin The North Huytt.tr, Unlt of.the early in June. Interested ladies llumber’Memonal Hospital le. are invited to attend, or. if in- f iliary will meet Tuesday, May formation is required, you may";18 at the htrne.ef Mrs. W. J. telephone Mrs. Dawson at 'iirealso,t,issuf'tv,Pt Blvd., at 8 5314 or Mrs. P. Davis at 249. i PM mils will be the last meet- 6160 mg until September. Member- ' ’ships are now being received Proceeds for Boys Work iand " invitation is extended to The Northwest Boys Club 5 all ladies interested in auxiliary steering committee reports that iwork to attend this meeting. Just agree to spend $55.00 per month on name brand foods of your choice from Town and Country Foods for a period of 36 months and we will deliver to your home a brand new 20 cu. ft. freezer absolutely free! READ THIS AMAZING OFFER Become A Freezer Family Mail The Attached Coupon TOWN & COUNTRY FOODS IT It PAYS Til SAVE t (on Save You Money This Offer Good Throughout Opt-tic AV 5-5401 210 MARKHAM ROAD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO over $400 was raised at their dance on April 23. The money is being used to buy sports equipment. Limited aeeomrnoda- tion is available for boys 9 to 12 years of age who wish to join a softball team this spring. Reg- istration is being taken by Vince Cascone at 290113. Mr. Manning of the North York Path and Recreation De- partment has assured me that operation “Clean Up" will be undertaken very shortly, and tempornry help is now being employed for this purpose. There are a great number of parks in North York to look a!- ter, and this entails a huge am- ount of work in I short period of time. . I by I.‘ Grant e a o . a CH l's’IS Now that the warmer weather! Ind benches located throughout has finally arrived, more of the the will Gubue tins, which residents In making - ot Bur ', have to be stored fur the winter, Maple let. Park, and I “man. to rusting, will be brougnt been reeewutg a 'ty Phone tmrls out of storage, so that the are. asking Juat when it u going to may be kept clean of refuse. be cleaned up and made safe for The problem of cars using the the ettildren. __ _ Mayo Street entrance to the In 'Gout another week, the: playground will be in operation,! with all the swings magnum! laplo leaf 8: Amesbury News AT I Address I City WA 4-0996 The problem of cars using the Mayo Street entrance to the park, which ruins the gnu, and the occupants of the can leav- ing empty and broken pop and beer bottles, is also hoped to be remedied very shortly. with the installation of a baracade. SOLO AN ENSEMBLE - The Senior String Ensemble Girls Vocal Ensemble and the North York String Ensemble rounded out the program of in. dividual artists, including: Paul Michael, Esther Lenkinski, Mar, tin Warsh, Nancy Brister. Mark Loch, Paul Cutler, Allan Beattie, Rick Williams, Wanda Marcin- kowski, Anita Corrie, Milena Protic, Brain Peldman, Mike Dorick. Cynthia Dunn, Honey Loeb and Marian Pratt. MAYTIME MELODIES Downwiew Secondary School held their Solo and Ensemble Night on Monday, May 3 " the school, allowing individual art- ists to display their talents. This was an excellent pro- gram and the soloists are really accomplished musicians. Under the direction of Mr. Ward McAdam, Mr. P. Miner and Mr. G. Bowie, queertsbor, ough Junior High School presen- ted two evenings of music at which the parents and friends of the students could see the progress of their children dur- ing the past year. and also spend an enjoyable evening. The first evening featured the first year students with their instruments, including the Jun- ior String Orchestra, and the Junior Band. Phone Mr. lemma pointed out that the String quartet, with Tony Van Wouv. Jane Walker, El. aine W. Mario Dumboeeh. were a student: who learned to play their instruments through uhool instruction only, and did not have the benefit of private lesson; This, he said, wu not in their defence, but nther ottered u a credit to their Ability At the Senior Music Night, a more accomplished group of musicians entertained an over- flow audience. Both the Senior Band and the String Orchestra participated and the program was brought to a close with the Grade Nine vocal class offering selections from "My Fair Lady". including "Wouldrt't It Be Lov- erly?' and "With a Little Bit of Luck". GRADUATION AND BANQUET The School Choir concluded the evening with melodies from "Mary Poppins finishing, to the delight of the audience, with "Superealifragilistieexpialidoei - ous." The Elverston Park United Illilillfilf PLAZA ONLY ROARS ON! EVERYTHING Now READ THIS STATEMENT of POLICY We Will Add Broken Size and Colour Ranges of Regular Stock from Other Coward Stores Which Will Also Be Sold At ONE-THIRD OFF This Sale Will End July 17, When Our Rexdele Store Will Be Closed For Complete Renovation. We Will Re-Open Our Rexdele Store Early In August With Complete Stocks Of The Finest Quality Branded Lines Of Men's Clothing end F umishinge. We Will Continue This Sale Until The Entire Stock Has Been Sold At ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES $lilill(iiMll WATER Church lulu-r. and cut. bald their W and We: New on load” I" J. a which mm. In. W. Paley. u lined by laden In. MPG“ and Ilia Shirley Livingstone. conduct-1| undulating exercise; tor eight explorers. Both Nancy Gregory and Den. ise Trumpets had earned their 0 stars in Explorers, and were presented with their 'T" pins, which will be worn on their CGIT. uniform. This group of explorers began their meetings in October with 6 members, Ind until the above graduation took place, they had increased to 20 girls. Each girl has been invited to bring a friend along to their next meet. ing, in order to increase the group, and share their fellow- ship. The {allowing eight girls was received into tho C.G.W. by leader Mrs Marian Hunt, and Min Inna Pratt: Denise Trum- pest. Eva DiVincenno. Bonnie Fulford, Carolyn Watt, Nancy Gregory, Wendy Bennett, Deb bie Fulford and Kathleen Lloyd. After Mrs. w. Pawley, Gen- eral Superintendent of the Sun. day School told the girls a story on "How to be Attractive", the explorers presented their per- cussion band, whose instruments included bongo drums, dowels, nails, and symbols made from bottle caps. The cerr., with Susan Tup- CiDjiiljii REGULAR PRICES The children who attend these classes will learn new skills, have fun with others and enjoy healthful exercise at a cost of $4.50 for "Y" members rm! $9.00 for nonmembers. For fur- ther information, please call the "Y" office " Ito 2-1080. The North York Parks and Recreation Department are now accepting applications for Day Camp for both boys and girls from T to 12 years of age. For North York residents. the fee is 17.00 per period, which begins July 5, July 20 and August 3. -frGariauort is provided, and included in the cost from all Public Schools. “Th tMed mm". ”WIN "W' Hm is I chill. to: even child to Ieartt winning and winning improvement while having I good time. The Northwestern "Y" will hold their summer ”in pro can at the RCA]. Dovmview Base from June as to Aug. 22 tor ban and girls 8 to " years. new clone: will be held each morning from 9 to " noon. Monday through Friday, under the direction of Aquatie Direct. or, Mrs. Jan Reeves, who holds the top awards with the Y.M.CA. Red Cross, and Royal Life Society for "Life Saving", "Instructors" and “Examim era" CAMP KEE-LO-CA "Open Daily 9 to 6 Thur., Fri. to 9 I in

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