Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 13 May 1965, p. 2

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Peak Registration Expected In Expanded Camp Service ".t.atartnmethyttet no derobins. all “H.114":- and ”lump-cru- tho put " Bummmuamn. ttde-tatt-tttaustin $*edirtrfMtioqttftiroehursrars gt-ttsg the Minor Day “Montaigne Path and lactation Depart. 'at"'"'"'"'""" was no Iain looking {award In the operation of the Mid lint}. Day Camping Pro. - In Canada with the nine ONTARIO , HOSPITAL INSURANCE When you turn 19 you'!? no longer cow: ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep Insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital. or from the Commis. The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- ty the Commission. sion. To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment Torm IM' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. NEWLY WED? 19 YRS OLD? JOB? -ot'.ttmr'rt'tttri-_'u'"ei1t_P1' Plan El6h"traliiiitii, ii-l-tgli-Ii-iii-ii-ii) Your m7,“ album they have shun line. in incepdon in IMS. The lino Annual um In mult- od.thurear,iagtuaddititmot two new amps touring the east- eontnl and val-com"! area at the roundup respectively. m link“ a totatott0 o, any. serving the T to 13 year old: In Non): York. Camping by an day includes almost everything found in a resident can; would: . hiking, cook-outs. nature Ion. trail. biasing, swimming, nines. arts and mm. eamperatt, archery. sing-soup . with the added " vuntuo that thet chlld returns home at night to share his ex- perienees with his family. Dur. ing each period children of a designated use are afforded the privilege of "sleeping-over" at the eatnpsite under staff super- vision. An Evening To Reminisce For WCVS Graduates is made possible by the provis- ions of tents for each group of Campers. The three camp peri- ods this yen will be july 5 to 1sNly19to29andAugust3to 13. The fee for I ' day camp period is a nominal $17 and this includes bus transportation to and from the Camp daily, Red Cross swimming instruction, milk at lunch (campers bring their own lunches) and camper insurance. Buses stop at all puts lie schools in North York to serve children in each vicinity. A usual camp day extends from approximately 9 AM. to 4:30 PM. and goes on despite incle- ment weather. I situation which by Carol mum...- As a gesture of goodwill, the hopeful graduates of Weston Collegiate were feted with a banquet provided by the Stud- ent's Council. The credit for the smooth running of this en- joyable evening last Friday goes to Karen Cathy. One of the highlights of each period is I Parents' Night at which Mom and Dad may view the site of "Johnny's" or "Mary's" daily camp adventures and meet the counsellors and Mrs Putnam reminisced hap pily of days " Weston with the 160 students present. Roy Cul- pepper gave a toast to the school to which Miss Wattie re- plied in a sincere and delight- ful speech. The dinner was served by the ladies of Westminster Church, where the banquet was held, dinner music being provided by Bruce Latimer. A singsong led by Daniel Brough was I lively break before Valedictorian: spoke about the year in their departments; Harry Sidon of the Technical Department; Barbara Pollock of Commercial; Norma Copeman of Nursing; and Carol Whittlesea of General Depart- ment. At the Spring Carousel, the student dance " the school, ew eryone rocked to the loud vibra- tions of Richie Knight and his Midnights. or took advantage or their frequent breaks to dance to the quieter tones of records. AZURE POOLS In)” be union. the rel-nun all the plea-n a! 1 Quality Control!“ Ann Pool atar0wsttrsestrsd man. Health and um, mutt “Mud-urban!- Aaa-thu-ss-itat'? Pathology Of Education Girls are different tron bays. Yes. there's no denying that fact of lite. And it would be a dun world if they werent But in a Wuhan Telegram article. Mucus Van Steen suggests that ho- cause they are my shguld my. a different kind _ttt edueatlists. Who '11"qu Van Such is I can't say. but he does bacilli argument on the findings of educator: which. unfortunately. will ailotit more weight than in worth. You don't believe it? Waste a moment on the nonsense he has written in support of his argument. He begins with two statements made by a Carleton University professor and the dean of pediatrics " the Yale School of Medicine who say respectively that girls tm day aren't taught to find the great satisfaction that may be derived from the work of a housewife and mother: and, the trouble with our civilization is that women are being brought up to think like men. The educators-in question are Oswald Hall. of the Department. of Political Economy at the University ot Toronto. and Bruce MeF1tlute, of ghe DerrartPentyrt Spciology at Carlemn Univenity. These gentlemen conducted I three-year survey of the present school system for the Department of Labor. They found the system generally turned out girls who were equipped to be office workere or to go on to supplementary training but that it dld not fit the boys for anything, wart tron: the few yihq go o_n t? university, This would point to a deficiency in the school syltem which the recent revamping and introduction of more teehnieal course: should do much to rectify. But our gentleman journalist present: a completely different point of view. Armed with famous remarks from a couple of misguided educationists. he suggest: that the trouble lies with the girls whose classroom performance in In much better than the boys. His solution to the problem is to eject the girls. Thus off to a good start, Mr. Steen continues: "These and many other observers are suggesting that the root cause of a great many of today's social problems _ unemployment, delinquency. broken homes, suicides and alcoholism _ is the fact that boys and girls get exactly the same schooling." 7 7 __ Mr. Steen suggests separating the boys from the girls in. schools: although I was educated in such a system 1 cannot see where there is much to be gained from this kind of segregation particularly since Mr. Steen and his educators would have the sirls' school concentrate on the kitchen sink and the boys' school on anything but. Very frankly, I feel it might do the boys some good to dip their hands in a little extra soap and water; it would at least get some of the dirt off them. _ _ _ _ .. _ __ t5cn001sQ alLIlngll l was ulutacru in aucu A zjabzlu I taunt” at: H where there is much to be gained from this kind of segregation; . onourable Paul Hellyer, the particularly since Mr. Steen and his educators would have the MinisterotNational Defence was girls' school concentrate on the kitchen sink and the boys' school the speaker of the evening It the on anything but. Very frankly, I feel it might do the boys some Liberal Annual Meeting and he good to dip their hands in a little extra soap and water; it would was very impressive as he spoke at least get some of the dirt off them. to the meeting of his experiences And this I think is where part of the problem lies. As Mr. " a Liberal Cabinet Minister Re Steen points out, most teachers agree that girls do better in school reviewed the accomplishments of than boys because they are naturally more tractable. pay more this past Session in Pa ll t attention and do as they are told. All of which can be traced to and charted of r amen the fact that little girls are invariably given minor responsibilities , refo f 'lfuli'te, renewed round the home while their brothers are allowed to engage me tr]? o.r e future. 1 have §b\nuous and often unchecked play. ig,', e ed him de.veloy into one of believe that the lesson to be learned here is obvious: Don't Canada 3 recognized leaders. His smile upon his antics mother. control them. And give him a few potential 15 great - his record is dishes and floors to clean _ from personal experience I can say that lone of effective accomplishment. they do a much better job than the girls. Besides, they'll make far I I predict an illustrious future for better husbands. _ _ -- _ . _ . .. Ithts young and dedicated Cana- I would agree that our educational system has in the past fail- ed to provide adequate training at the secondary level for boys but I cannot see how this fault can be attributed to girls and I do object to the direction in Mr. Steen's statement that society may lay at their feet all the ills of our manjmade world. - That it is a man-made world is admitted in one of Mr. Steen’s quotes: "From the first grade. girls compete with boys, and are steered toward an adult world in which they will compete with men in the man's world of business or the professions." 7 This is not to say that their roles should be reversed but rath- er that the chores should be shared. Society will be much better served when each fully appreciate the contribution of the other and so will our economy. U _ . . - . . I "filigree. and what's more, they're doing iemarkably well in this man-made world and given a little time they will do much to improve it, - _ U 7 _ .. _ .. . But the boys don't do as well as girls. argues Mr. Steen. It never occurs to him that we should upgrade the boys raher than downgrade the girls - which is really what the researchers of the Department of labour survey had in rninrl. _ _ But if Mr. Steen and his two assentors are allowed their way of thinking, the girls will once again be relegated to the kitchen sink busying themselves all day with footling tasks that modern appliances can do in secqnds. .. _ __ Women have much to contribute to the world of business and professions and there is ample room for both sexes. Men should stop worrying about their future being jeopardized by female intrusion and pattern their lives accordingly. The result will be of intrinsic value to all concerned. However, I do feel that the first five years of a child‘s life is the most important phase in his development. And young gin. should be taught somewhere that, " mothers. this is their respon- sibility. Nothing can substitute for a mother's love and I'm really quite sure everybody knows it. What we are not sure about is how to direct it and I'm not at all certain that direction can be found in a school course on the subject. A study of the gentle Spinoza might help which all points to the need for higher education for girls not lower. Sex Segregation Sad (TORONTO) Ltd By Joy McAllister "sq-dh-tho- WIdlio-ltlndmu nmhnodndho-mlm- ieirathtar9trand_atmi's. “Vim ll irattandane. at manila-n. Waltet’s Garage FULL GUARANTEE Motor & Automatic Repur Wheel Alignment . $9.50 FREE Courtesy Car, Pick-nu "" Jane tlt. (In 1-6590 Magerman & Page Barrister: . Saddler. [MA Wilson Ava 247-21" Crane rm. mu Funds Ann-bio " MRI-Mn . MIMI." Geo W Bun B Com "mun! G, Aahbourno. " " KING - Cl! £46011 I Rotenberg & Eustace Mom-u Loam Irwin" by Autumnal“ 749-0452 If Busy EM 2-7481 C. L. Bumbag, ILA. Michael A, Eustace. BA Bull l. Ashboum Barristers . Sollclton Notaries Public 15 Penn Drive (Finch and Mllyan) BARRISTERS GARAGES Professional " Business -haom_teteeg mum-amu- (co-mammary: much-animus» aettr [crude-nudist» "gutmtittruam-uditsthe oedariawttiehthqrarerseeér. ed,idvu.thatrmtetretqMte Ready For An Election If Opposition Has The Courage Last Wednesday evening, I " tended the large and enthusiastic Annual Meeting ot the York Centre Liberal Association, held in the beautiful new Wilson Legion Hall just at Sheppard Avenue and Wilson Heights Boulea vard. you-I and null it ill-much. his and: that this man your child will not in a mm; which “1|!“th mind and body onrichu life. and bulld- the hub in ot ham. mauve lie- ing . resistor Nu: m u a Township of North York Day Camper. M additional ”menu of the total Day Camping Program in the Township are the Youth Leadership Training Camp, a coeducational camp for young people " to " you: old which devotes itself to the develop ment of leadership qualities and techniquea and a Day Camp for Retarded Children which pro- vides an enjoyable and benefic- ial programme for North York Congratulations must go to Legion President Charlie Turner and his hard working Legion Ex. ecutive and Building Committee for the erection ot their brand new Headquarters. This Wilson Branch has carried on important and humanitarian work for years under adverse conditions and I am sure that those who have benefited from their work in the past will wish them well in their fine community work in the future. this young and dedicated Cana- dian. Certainly his standing is high in the Liberal Party. Senator Jenn Connolly also spoke to the Meeting. He was ML magi. Mo an Money 1tt man Evmnu By Appointment (Continued on page SI Alfred a. Herman. IA. Barrister & Bolieiter DIRECTORY MUSIC New" Framing -- Glass 1de. Tops WESTON HOME IMPROVEMENT Ltd. N011 GUI N" ADD‘III m: Wu..- :4. " lam Cl 6-1“! MIRRORS RESllVERED - - - Fraser t Simms Barristers . Sollcnon 1944 Weston and ODposite John Street Ml. Ottt. CB 1.tott Piano Tuning And Repairing Wm. A Riggs _1239 Jane Street D. S. TICKNOR REALTOR 1930 Walton Road Funk RO 9.2“] Work Guaranteed FOR Ania-5X1? iigi'Aiii'iiiiRvrcEs Call - George Baker -- CH 1-4471 . Mortgages . Appraisals "trages . Buying uppnlnh . Selling Members}! the Toronto Real Estate Board _17s_2_.1425a _S:l'l WESTON Coming To Downsviow tsuartamteeramimattUNoettti York Public than during Marl and Julio. Mm Kay 3 tttttil,' 7iiriraiiGriJiiitdVF Do-vi-rs-ttras-ri, EeeutttmetatWluon. l on ptiettitsga, unmet Ind maul work In the I lithographic colour Iry each Thursday even!” from 1 until 3:30 PM. to welcome any and colour mprrtduetimts h All. prints as wall " original work. Abba hag held aural mum: sttowtitgTetexmtxtBaweiiager mm: with the Ontario Society of mum. Painting in brush and palette We will be shown along with some camellia. who in interested in art and the discussion at its diftermtt aspects - Kyla - colour - technique. forceful and eloquent and at times the crowd's enthusiastic response made me feel that I was at an election rally. As I matter of fact the only question one of the newsmen present asked me was "When is the election?" I gave him a truthful answer when I said I didn't know. But I reminded him that if the new Budget was as bad as all the Opposition critics claim it to be then, if they are consistent in their convictions, they will vote the government out of office " the earliest opportunity. They have three chances to do this be. fore the Budget debate winds up. I am ready for an election if the Opposition decide not to let us carry out our Parliamentary pro- gram, as outlined in the Throne debate. I hope it won't come to this. The.rtutwiiibeatttteiittr. RO 6-1777 WM. G. BEECH. General & Life Insurance 1166 WESTON ROAD Notary Public YORK TRAVEL BUREAU J. ti. Currie, 0.0. ACCOUNTANTS Optometrist I”! Walton Rd., Weston " Appointment cm CH tAWot Chartered Accountant Chartered Accountant 1730 Weston Road Marsh, Goulding FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS IO ANYWHERE c. W. LEASK OPTOMETRY ms Weston Bond & Co. RO 6-4603 CE t.tt29 CH 440.] Summer Cottage MAHOGAIY PLYWOOD rm 0:lean logardku a Qua-any IT’S COTTAGE OPENING TIME ONCE MMI . . . HERE'S SOME SPECIALS THAT Will. HELP You IRIGHTEN UP m COTTAGE !! Specials! GENUINE LUAN BUY NOW AND SAVE! n.M j2jiiiEirlr, "N" GROOVE!) TOP QUALITY SAVE!!! 4219 Dundas St. West " can ARBORITE - COUNTER TOPS 48" Lnngth 1,.” 60" mm M." 72" ngth "m 84" Long"! M.9S 96" Length 39.90 120" Length "." CHom or MANY comm: " Mttett " my: urt7'ieee Altrbo-kt-k..Aev--rts-g.r. Length Complete a ”330 " "Wu"""'"" "T"s'.3f"""u $6 . ',iii,r.iioomrrieto 96 "Waco"""" ANY éxzs on STYLE MADE 10 ORDER DOES NOT' INCLUDE sum on TAPS BE 3-6284 OPEN, '_1tAr?_Ar_NTrrr's TILL 9 P.M. KITCHEN SINK CABINETS “rumpus min’fixvi. -"'-. cusmm FLOORING a CARPETTNG INSTALLATIONS. LOTS OF FREE PARKING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE In can Ian M to or non Lnur - my a“ In hr "Ml. 4 It , PANELS TILES ' LAMBTON llMITED Rich textured Arbor". with h! dis. tinctlvely decorative pottoms luau m original beauty for your; and years! Wherever you us. it . . . on table tops, counter tops, sinks, cab- lmn, furniture or fixtures, this lustre? laminated plastic material will which up the whole room. W's waterproof and will mot m. Cleans easily with lust a quick wipe of a damp cloth. ”16-inch thick. a by 4 .._.........w......r. s." a by c M ... ...............~... 7.75 , n. c iii-.51 ' .._ - ..11.95 4 by a I... ..FF..F_ F..F..9.w..F... 20.65 iM2mtgltmsitatittt itrIgaiiitlrtmltur CANADIANA VII". ASBESTOS FLO" "y, PLANKS ARBOBITE 19-22 u" - to Ian" ' EACH

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