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Weston Times (1966), 20 May 1965, p. 12

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held their weekly Euchre on ‘Thursday April 29 at the home of Mrs. Mary Nash, 36 Braecrest Avenue. Winners were: Mrs. Watkins (78), Kay Gilligan (72), Doris Wilson (72). Low score Julie Holbrook (43). Winners of Euchre held May 6 were Kay Kuzick (77) Helen Lindsay (67), Kay Gilligan (66). Low score Filo McLachlan (51). der heed Bivd. who is in Humber Birthday greetings to David Halerow, 10 Riverlea Drive who celebrated his fifteenth birthday enue May 17 Refreshments . were served by the hostess Mrs. Lenora Petâ€" on May 8th. Beth Holbrook, May 14; Mr. Lioyd, Walsh Ave. May 16; Bruce Attridge, Jeffcoat Avâ€" Mt. Dennis Motors $39.0£ Down $5.00 Weekly ‘The Good Neighbours Club Get well wishes are extended Weston Rd. at Eglinton 766â€"4927 includes Licence, Assembly and .HONDA 12 â€"â€" ‘THE WESTON TIMES â€"â€" Thursday, May 20, 1965 Elmlea & District | Plaza Bowling League. | held a miscellaneous shower, for | BANTAMS 'neighbours. Mrs. Robert Young, t Collies were winners with 3309 | Westchester Rd., another miscelâ€" | points. Dalmations 3198 points,|laneous shower, for friends and | Beagles 3147 points, Boxers 2950 | neighbours. Mrs. John Wadsâ€" | points, Pointers 2918 points,| worth, aunt of the Bride, a showâ€" Bloodhounds 2881 points, Setâ€"er for relatives at her home on The Royal York Plaza Ladies Bowling League Tuesday afterâ€" noons have completed their bowling until the fall term. Team Standings Loons were winners with 126‘> points. Wrens 112 points, Woodâ€" peckers 110‘2, Chickadees 107, Wippoorwills 103, Ravens 96, Bluebirds 94%, Bobolinks 90‘2. Trophy Winners were: High average Edie Lorimer 193 High single flat Mary Long 355. High single with handicap Milâ€" dred Hunter 383. High triple flat Edithe Dyer Other teams: Scratchers. Mary Moore, Carrie Wilson, Olive Grant, Marg Babbage, Alice Galâ€" linger, and Ann Savage. Losers. Isabel Lashbrook, Sarah Hopcroft, May â€" Mousley and Betty Jenkins. After prizes were given out the Ladies enjoyed the play "Spring Thaw" at the Royal Alâ€" exandra Theatre. Winners of second half serâ€" ies: Rascals 59 points. Winnic Pender, Eileene Dolman, Dorâ€" othy Brooks, Marge Kirkham, Hilda Eagleson. High triple with handicap, Barâ€" bara Chorffe 790. The Ladies are holding their Banquet on May 17th at the Royâ€" al York Plaza Restaurant â€" Presâ€" ident Jean Bowring, secretary Mildred Hunter, treasurer Shirâ€" ley Brown. Winners of first half series: Goofers 81 points; Agnes Foden, Eileen Callan, Jo Laver, Olive Mattison and Evelyn Gallinger. Canadian Legion Branch 213, held their bowling banquet on Monday evening May 3 at the town and .country where prizes were given to the bowling chamâ€" pions. High single flat Winnie Pender 288; High triple flat Eileen Calâ€" lan, 743; High Triple with banâ€" dicap Isobel Lashbrook (77T}. High â€" single with â€" handicap Marge Kirkham 334. Low score May Mousley. The boys and girls Royal York to Miss Ruth Jocelyn Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sinclair, of Monarchdale Ave, whose marriage to Mr. Arnold Spriggs, of Port Credit, took place on Saturday, May 15, in Hilltop Chapel, Weston, was entertained royally. Parties held in her honour included, a misâ€" cellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Anne Young, Oakdale: Mrs. Mona Trezise, gave a dinâ€" ner and shower, at her home, in Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. William Burns, of Monarchdale Ave., held a miscellaneous shower, for neighbours. Mrs. Robert Young, Westchester Rd., another miscelâ€" laneous shower, for friends and High Single Flat; Men Don Humâ€" phrey 365; Ladies E. Baines 296. High three flat Men, Howard Consolation winners were the Spaniels, on this team were: Bill Hart, Agnes Stevenson, Rick Conorton, Lil Baker, Howard Edâ€" eson, Cora Mason Sr. High Average; men Norm Woodâ€" land 225, Ladies Vivian Miles 192. _ Norm Woodland, Ruth Conorâ€" ton, Sid Mason, Marg Foster, John Lamont, Pat Ambrose. The Mixed bowling League have concluded their bowling for 196465 series, with a banâ€" quet and dance at the Royal York Plaza Restaurant on Saturâ€" day May 8 and presentation of prizes and trophies. Winning team was the Beagles with 112 points; on this team were: points. Bulldogs 3914 points, Huskies 3884, Shepherds 3625, Spaniels 3545, Poodles 3430, Greyhound$ 3160, Hounds 3119. The boys and girls held their banquet May 1, at the Royal York Plaza Restaurant where they were presented with their trophies. After dinner they enâ€" joyed an evening of, dancing music by the "Citations‘" Beatle e\ s o Z Harding t o n {"‘? & District News tby/ by Mrs. J. Rhodes . . . 241â€"9830 Pawburn Place, Weston. Miss Lynne Copp, of Parkchester Rd., entertained with yet another shower, for friends and neighbâ€" ours. Mss Copp was Maid of Honour. Friends of Hilltop Chapâ€" el, and Olivet Chapel, and Westâ€" on Baptist Church also hostessed showers. Mrs. M. Vincent of Mayland Avenue, Etobicoke, enâ€" tertained at a Dessert a nd Coffee Evening. Mrs. George Sinclair, enterâ€" tained about 175 guests at a Trousseau Tea, and wishes to extend her appreciation of all the help given by friends and relatives. The Boys Choir of St. Davids Anglican Church wish to thank High three with handicap men, Bruce Robins Jr. 886; Ladies Cora Mason Jr. 768. High single with handicap men, M. McKay 349; Ladies Norma Topping 329. Edeson 797; Ladies Helen Curâ€" GETTING MARRIED? x [ =<â€"NPAAZZL _ of your wedding nlnrtarat it o PHONE 241â€"5211 3 weeks prior to the date (Continued from page 5) Humber; Mrs. Lucien Kurata. wife of the Reeve of Swansea; Mrs. Hugh M. Griggs, wife of the Mayor of Mimico; Mrs. Florâ€" ence Gell, deputy reevs of York Township; Mrs. Charles Martin, president of the Swansea .Woâ€" men‘s Progressive Conservative Association; Mrs. D.J. Muise. Past president of Swansea Woâ€" men‘s P.C. Assn; Mrs. Gordon Armstrong, president of the Brule Humber Women‘s P.C. Assn. and Mrs. W.J. Reid, past president of Brule. P.C. Tea Held Black Creek District, Boy Scout Benefit Euchre, to help raise expense money, for the two Scouts who are entered in the World White Water Canoeing Championships, in Austria. Adâ€" mission 50c including prizes and refreshments. Where and when? St. Davids Anglican Church, 1796 Lawrence Avenue W., on Friday, June 11, 8 P.M. gests that letters to the Secâ€" retary, North York Public Librâ€" ary Board, 5126 Yonge Street, Willowdale, expressing your views on the subject, may help us get this much needed facilâ€" ity. The letters would be requirâ€" ed to reach the Library Board, prior to their next meeting, which is May 27. Also sharing the homors will be Mrs. R. Broadbent president of the Weston Women‘s P.C. Assn; Mrs. J.H. Thompson, president of Humber Bay P.C. Assn; Mrs. Daisy Almand, â€" president â€" of Mount Dennis Women‘s P.C. Assn.; Mrs. Charles Eggett, president of Mimico Women‘s P.C. Assn; Mrs. Sarah Harte past president of Mimico Woâ€" men‘s P.C. Assn.; Mrs. Trevor Buffett, president of crestwood Women‘s P.C. Assn.; PC. Mrs. Stanley Frolick. Trustees To Learn Assisting will be Mrs. Philip Tipping and Mrs. V. D. Wig more. A phone call from our Councâ€" illor, Mr. Joe Gould, just prior to the time of writing . . . it seems that the powers that be in North York, have decided against the building of the Librâ€" ary in Amesbury park, although this was promised more than a year ago. Once again it looks as (Continued from Page 9) the unit of a board of education. ®@ Through knowledge gained as a member of a committea over a period of time, committee members may usurp the powers of officials when they should be concerned primarily with the establishment of policies. all those who . s recent Car Wash. Purchasing Department, Administration Building, 15 Oakburn Crescent, Willowdale. â€" 225â€"4661 The lowest or any tender will: not necessarily be acâ€" gepted. 00000000 _ __ ‘Tenders close af 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 1st. 1965. F. W. Minkler, B.A., Paed., Director of Education S. Cowan, BA., Chairman. Supply and Application of Fertilizer and Chemical Weed Spray Separate Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to Tender Number, will be received in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for: Supply and Application of Fertilizer Supply and Application of ___ Chemical Weed Spray at the various schools in the Township of North York.. _ Specifications and: Tender Forms may be obtained upon application to the _ _ In recognition of the increas The Board of Education For The Township of North York this area is the orphan TENDER and TIMES will publish free of charge a picture their WESTON TIMES That the Ad Hoc Committee on Conduct of Board Business recommends that the Board auâ€" thorize the Director of Educaâ€" tion to explore the possibility of the Trustees and Board Officials concerned participating in a seminar on board of education procedures conducted by the Ontario School Trustees‘ Council as outlined above. Following a lengthy question period, Trustee Mrs. Sybil M. Darnell expressed appreciation on behalf of the Committee to the guests for their attendance at this meeting and for their assistance in this connection. Under the Davies â€" Brickell scheme, trustees are provided prior to the meeting with a threeâ€"part folder divided as folâ€" lows: (1) Agenda; (2) List of recommended actions prepared by the staff; and (3) Detailed reports supporting the recomâ€" mended actions or for the inforâ€" mation of the trustee. That the Director of Educaâ€" tion was requested to submit to the Board at the time this reâ€" port is under consideration a sample of the Davies â€" Brickell type of agenda together with any relevant information. Meetings commence at 7:30 p.m. and this Board devotes its attention during the first part of the meeting to making decisâ€" ions on recommendation of the staff. Delegations are heard at 9:00 p.m. and this period is folâ€" lowed by consideration of reâ€" ports submitted for information, consideration of new proposals for future meetings and general discussion, \ ing problems faced by trusteell and officials in this respect. Mr. Muir stated that the Ontario School Trustees‘ Council has undertaken to sponsor seminars on the role of trustees and ofâ€" ficials of boards of education, board procedures and related matters, which have been quite successful. These seminars are arranged by the Council on the request of school boards and a charge of $25.00 per person is made which covers the cost of meals and expenses except the cost of hotel accommodation. FROM SHERWINâ€"WILLIAMS FOR THE LONG & HOLIDAY WEEKâ€"END AHEAD WITH 1947 Weston Rd. (at John St.) Weston Holiday Weekâ€"End Special Sherwin â€" Williams Exterior .89 Gallon > demonstrations in a wide range of subjects: Science, Mathemaâ€" tics, French, Art, Home Econom ics, Industrial Arts, Music, Geoâ€" graphy, Typing, English, Guidâ€" ance and History. In the Gymnatorium, both boys and girls participated in Physical _ Education _ displays, followed by a student demons tration of the public speaking aspects in the English program. The evening concluded with a rousing performance by Grade 7c Band Class under the direct ion of their teacher Miss M. Spencer. "The older generation thought nothing of getting up at 6 AM. â€" the younger generation does Heather Laurie was the winner of the girls‘ division and> Ian Douglas won in the boys‘ divisâ€" ion at Tumpane Public School. Parents See Students in Action Junior High School held their seventh Annual Open House and welcomed hundreds of parents who thronged the corridors and And it was oldâ€"home night for the parents too, over the coffee cups, neighborly aquaintances were renewed after a long winâ€" ter‘s hibernation. Pudd‘nhead Says: sored by the North York Safety "& ‘.’ N“”b a , 3e (l0%) t ““m Winners On Wheels n‘t think much of it either." At the Bicycle. Rodeo, spon Activities At Downsview Library DJ We the Wiodh Gaab/Setan| â€" Friday, May 14 Arthur Klarâ€" For As B# 4 Ll::le As $29.95 Many Colours & Sizes h Available A Richardson Furniture CH 1â€"9105 1919 Weston Road Compare This Price We Can Cover An 8 Ft. Wide Wall With Pully Lined Drapes _ _ 95" In Length Dated at WILLOWDALE this 30th DAY of APRIL, Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act, Provâ€" Ince of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to all Owners and Occupants of subdivided lands within the Township of North York that, unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such subdivided lands of the Munâ€" icipality are destroyed by TUESDAY, JUNE ist, 1965, the Council of the Twwnahlglmflx York has directed R. F. HARRISON, Weed for the Said Township, to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyâ€" ed in such manner as he may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the disâ€" charge of his duties shall be placed on the Collector‘s Roll of the Municipality against the respective parcels conâ€" cerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. WEEDS ON VACANT LOTS ARE NOT ONLY UNâ€" SIGHTLY, BUT ARE A PUBLIC NUISANCE. DO YOUR PART TO ERADICATE THIS NUISANCE. Township of North York Notice To Owners and Occupants Of Land Marcon © French Crown _ _ :hvycnn Green Cmys @ Cream © Butternut Brown lltbenlunel-orhmul-'t we can mix over l“lrhoolunhym":.?m““ with m-lkdmeflmm.ohMC three minutes. You‘ll find all the requirements you need for painting inside the house and all around the house at Sherwinâ€"Williams right here in Weston! © Vista Yellow © Dark .Gra © Shutter Blue © Rocket Blue © Oakwood © Sunshine Yellow © Crimson Red WEEDS FOR YOUR HOME! TRIM ColoURrs Longer â€" Lasting sident, Carol Hendeles, John Donato, David Gillap; Hungary â€" president, Gailâ€"Ann Friedlander, Harold Zeissman, Stephen Dunâ€" ets; Poland â€" president, Garth Neapole, Willie Kisin, Isaae Singer. The Secretary Gensral was Story Hour 10:30 A.M. and Chilâ€" A teacher in oil painting, metâ€" al work and ceramics, Mr. Bromâ€" field is also a lithographic colâ€" or artist. He will be at the lib» block with the following coun» dren‘s Movies at 2 PM. Exhibits: Art and ceramics by Abjon Bromfield from May 25 to June 5. 8:30 P.M. and will be pleased to meet, and discuss artistie techniques with anyone interâ€" ested in art. , Last Saturday students from North York‘s Junior High Schools gathered at St. Anâ€" drew‘s JHS. for a mock Uni ted Nations assembly. Students _ from _ Beverley Heights J. H. S. U.N. club, unâ€" der the guidance of the Head of the Robert Shour, top honor stud ent at Beverley Heights. Notary Public RO 61777 RO Paint And Wallpaper Centre Phone YORK TRAVEL BUREAU CDP 2k MRAARIDOUE Weed Inspector, Township of North York. JAMES D. SERVICE, © Cheisea G @ Vista Greew © Winthrop Red © YVerdas Green meral & Life Insuran 1166 WESTON ROAD FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 7 to N 2. ol ueB

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