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Weston Times (1966), 20 May 1965, p. 8

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mounced the slate of new officers St John the Evangelist‘s Cathâ€" alie Women‘s League held their regular monthly meeting on St. John CWL Elect Executive Director of Parks & Recreation for the Town of Weston MIECTORIA DAY â€" COMMUNITY HOLIDAY: â€" _ Risewhere in this issue of the newspaper, information relatâ€" ing to the upcoming holiday this weekend, will be conveyed to you by display advertising and editorial support. You can read for yourselves the times of parade, program and when the fireworks "go off". !t all happens Monday evening, starting with the parade from King Street Public School at 7:00 P.M., and ending with a big bang at the firework show down at the Arena Grounds later that evening. We, who live in Weston, are quite proud of the many fine recâ€" reational facilities that exist in this community. o We can list the Arena, the Weston Area Swimming Pool, the football field â€" home of the Ontario Junior Conference Champions for 1964 â€" the Weston Redmen or the Invictus Football Club. We can show you the good ship "Illustrious" of the Navy League â€" home of Navy Cadets, Dr. Sparling‘s School of Tennis and Rotary Club Rummage Sales. So â€" + hurry back from the cottage, all ye affluent citizens of Weston and â€" â€" come join in the community celebrations at the old Weston Fairgrounds by the Humber. RECREATION FACILITIES IN WESTON: ”Orwwleh;oh and churches are well blessed with wonderful facilities for recreation, including craft rooms, auditoria, gymnasia, playgrounds and music rooms. .. * ‘-‘i\o 'l'luaieiul Offices provide accommodation for the Weston Power Squadron, the Chess Club, Men‘s Club, Senior Citizens, La Discotheque, Community Choir and the Weston Rod & Gun Club. Craft rooms in the same building provide just about every sort of activity listed in the Recreation Leader‘s Handbook. ‘The Public Library, Y.W.C.A., Boy Scouts and Girl Guides; fratâ€" ernal organizations and societies; cinema, poolroom and playâ€" grounds â€" not forgetting the Weston Silver Band and bandshell; Summer Hockey School and the famous Summer Figure Skating School at the Arena. May we first qualify our comments by stating that, as a municipal recreation agency â€" we are concerned with all forms of recreation within the community. Such recreation can, and does, represent both private and commercial â€" public apd any other form of community activity that can be termed recreation in the best sense of the word. Our area of concern is being able to adâ€" vise newcomers to Weston on the recreation facilities that exist in the community and how tMey can get to participate. The Tennis Club of Weston is a private club, with its own officers, constitution and byâ€"laws. The tennis courts and clubhouse are located at the Weston Arena Grounds on Lawrence Avenue West at the Humber River. Two of the hard courts are equipped with overhead lights for night games and the Executive is planning to erect a new, modern clubhouse to provide for year round instructional and social program. The Tennis Club, in coâ€"operation with the Recreation Comâ€" mission, conduct a special Summer Course for school children in teaching the fundamentals of tennis and have arranged for proâ€" fessional instruction for any new members and others who wish to learn this wonderful game. We regard tennis as a first class recreation activity, since it can be played and enjoyed by people of all ages and, once learnâ€" ed. can be enjoyed for the rest of one‘s active life. We have been informed by the Tennis Club Executive that > : the 1965 season for Weston ofâ€" B‘ s ficially opens on Sunday, May PÂ¥ ; > 4 23, and that the occasion will ied be marked by a Round Robin w *A ‘Tournament | starting at 2:00 & #% P.M., that day. Big, tall, handâ€" m Y s & some Hans vander Slagt, memâ€" us ber of the Weston Tennis Club beondd Executive, ducked his head unâ€" Te der our office doorway to tell o us that new members of all agâ€" , 3 $ *** 4 es will be made most welcome, 3 %Q*i%\\, He made particular mention of * > wb t e the "all ages" bit â€" so, don‘t be i "Ted backward in coming forward, ds .. boys and girls of all ages. Come down to the Club on Sunday afâ€" ternoon â€" and meet the Weston Tewnis Club members. This will o. S Wloke i be their official opening of the * %& s tennis season. Refreshments will 9 ns . i‘ The Ontario Lacrosse Association and Or Association, in company with the goodly gen YWork Parks and Recreation Department, w Lacrosse Clinic next Saturday, May 29, at the The clinic will be a day long affair, star 12:00 Noon and from 1:15 to 5:00 P.M. _ > All coaches, managers. officials and oth dver 16 years of age, may atten‘d. People regis must take running shoes, hockey gloves and active participation, _ _ -â€"--':â€"';;._-r;‘-i;.‘"“m forms in our office North York Recreation Department for same. ‘ _ Is it possible that lacrosse could once To judge from the number of telephone calls we receive in our office (CHerry 29111, Ext. 33 or 54) tennis must surely be one of the most popular forms of recreation in Weston â€" â€" so let us find out ‘"What‘s the Score?" on tennis in Weston. ;;;rJnEed and you wili be made most welcome. . One other nice thing about the location of the Weston Tenâ€" nis Club is â€" that it‘s right next P door to the sparkling, dazzling, Z blue waters of the Weston Area 6 Swimming Pool. On a hot sumâ€" mer‘s day, after your game of tennis â€" t‘is but a step away to enjoy a nice, cool dip with . the friendly people at the Wesâ€" gummer Eon HI" ten Pool. BASEBALL REGISTRATION . (MINOR LEAGUE): THE TENNIS CLUB OF WESTON: â€" Since so mary boys missed out with the Minor Baseball League registration, we plan to keep registration open until 3:00 P.M., on Saturday, May 22. â€" EWELIOM AZAMTITNIAETTC Registration fee is $1.50. This also covers the purchase of a baseball cap and shirt, with team names. So â€" â€" fi with it boys â€" â€" and we‘d appreciate your help, gentle reader, in bringing this information to any young lad in your imâ€" mediate sphere of influence. MINOR LACROSSE CLINIC: All league games will be scheduled to take place on the ball diamonds at the Weston Arena Grounds, as in previous years. The gentlemen of the Gamma Sigma lota Fraternity Group in Weston, will provide the team officials, coaches. umpires, for the Minor Baseball League, in coâ€"operation with the Weston Recâ€" reation Commission. _ . _ _ _ R o 5 You may do so at the Recreation Office located in the Municiâ€" pal Building at 2000 Weston Road. Boys over 10 and under 13 as of May 1, 1965, may register in the Pee Wee League and boys over 13 and under 15 as of May 1 may register in the Bantam League. the coming year as follows: wotor: Reverand Father Morâ€" at‘s The Score" that m Sogtris p ofâ€" “\ 4 s "‘:J; May Pe: 23 will a** obin *Â¥ .i i 2:00 d j andâ€" P SS +Â¥ emâ€" isb 2PÂ¥ ‘lub fosingit unâ€" mow*a B tell wÂ¥ * F agâ€" B ~ Fo * m P ome, * * % Bs e bolindionndat + i of " a* _ wB t #es t be Cc h m rard, dn .. .. .. C ome s afâ€" ston sarmze will the @E@‘ «i‘% will e . ~ be 3 ;‘ Tenâ€" 9% link next #Pigds. ling, & i 2 sumâ€" / e of rway ociation and Ontario M the goodly gentlemen Department, will con bull â€" Kitchen Mrs. R. Tanner Treasurer: Mrs. W. Lawrence Counciliors â€" Spiritual and Educaâ€" tional, Mrs. F. Mulligan, Miss H. Hellock â€" Membership â€" Mrs. T. Finnegan â€" Social Activities â€" Mrs. K. McNamee â€" Sacristans â€" Mrs. A. Redmond â€" Mrs. J. Turnâ€" Vice Pre Secretary: Treasurer Summer Fun Time Is Aimest Here â€"â€" Thursday, May 20, 1965 President 1 other intere registering for and suitable « | Ontario Minor gentlemen of t . will conduct the Don Mills . starting at 9:00 again or interested make can sted people this course clothing for r Lacrosse the North a Minor P. Sykut, O‘Rourke, McDonald Arena ) A.qM call Weston the to Dave is a boy of small stature but very large determination. With this determination Davs’ will prove a very valued addiâ€" tion to our team. He was the first string catcher for his banâ€" tam team last year and with a batting average of .300 it made him a threat to all opposing pitchers in his league. We beâ€" lieve Dave will fit in with our team very well this year and I| think he will be able to pick up | new information which will help 1 his baseball career. I would like to hear from any persons who wish to help this baseball team. Donations of any size, large or small, from indiâ€" viduals or businesses would cerâ€" tainly be appreciated by myself and the boys on the team. If you wish to donate please call me, Ivor Jones at 481â€"7915. If you cannot â€"reach me by phone please send your pledge to me at 300 Eglinton Ave. E., Apt. 206, Toronto 12 or you may call Tom Carter at RO 90963 or Ron Thompson at RO 23794. Come on Weston and Mt. Denâ€" nis, your doing great, keep up the good work. BASEBALL BASIC FUNDAMENTALS I wish to thank Ken Seager Motors Ltd. at 1366 Weston Rd. for a generous donation. Do not have him bending and reaching for wild throws. Throwing: There is not a sel way to throw. Throw the ball in the manner that is most natâ€" ural to you. Throwing overhand or from the threeâ€"quarter angle is most desirable. Learn to throw to all bases equally as well and emphasize accuracy. In returning balls to the pitcher throw to the letters on his shirt. Receiving: Get mitt to your liking Throws; right Born; March 16, 1950 Lives; 37 Chryessa Ave Height; 5 ft. 6 in. Weight; 130 lbs, Age; 15 yrs. Catching Tips ‘The first holiday weekend of the summer is here, and ;| we are all preparing to have i some outdoor fun. This is the time when Father becomes not only Master of the House but Master Chef. He has alâ€" ready dusted off the barâ€" beque, checked his utensils and wheeled it out to the [j patio or packed it in the ; trunk of the car, ready and }| waiting for the summer ‘ ahead. ; The aroma of hamburgets, steaks, spare ribs and the king of all barbeques, Shish Kabob bring all the neighâ€" bours (whom you haven‘t seen all winter) to the back fence. Weston Meat Market 1905 Weston Rd. CH 10801 Try sirloin steak cut 1@ to 1% inches thick. Season with sait, pepper and abâ€" spice. Slice across to sety.« For spare ribs or pork chops try this: make a sauce for basting â€" 4 cup salad | oil, 1 tabiespoon cider vineâ€" gar, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, !4 teaspoon salt, !* teaspoon black pepper, 1 garâ€" lie clove crushed, 4 teaâ€" spoon dry mustard. Mix well and brush on meat, brushing and turning often till done.. The exotic Shish Kabob has been spoiled by those who try to improve on the aiready perfect. Some put peppers, _ tomatoes, / mushâ€" rooms and anything else they can dream of on to the skeâ€" wer. You can do this if you rooms and any can dream of â€" wer. You can . like but please Shish Kabob. Shish K production it was w cooked by desert ove cessary in skewers, 1 fire till done. yourself for the Have fun an fully. For Summer Barâ€"Bâ€" Quing Fun The Meat Column Stan Keyes DAVE STREET ; left By as when â€" it d by shepher t over a camp ry ingredients ers, lamb, on r. allspice ar Nothing else. Courtesy Of Kabob Get a catcher‘s liking and break it en it was shepherds in a camp fire. It is do this do not drive not a | simple are if you call it care first the Neâ€" long salt, big â€"as 50 Belfield Rd. REXDALE SWIM SCHOOL Preâ€"Summer Series JOIN US AT THE ODEON Preâ€"School & Kindergarten Classes (Parents May Participate) Red Cross Beginners Red Cross Junior Red Cross Intermediate Adult Classes 12 Lessons Plus Free Swimming â€" $10.00 Family Rates For 3 or Over â€" $25.00 Limited Classes Be Sure and Swim Before Summer. REGISTER NOW! Friday Show and 7:00 "Dr. No" 8:55 ussia 10:50 "Dr. No TTC Mon. thru Thurs. One Show Nightly Sat., Sun. & Mon. bovetrentret atendbmbnedifinnmmteirntiicentabrmtertrabmtrtebetatmataidd Continuous from i 2:00 p.m. w o witlP"" _ o e i noiininticnnttcmmmenthimanes (;4 wl tm " $ P en . © < | Aou i‘ . SEAN ~ 5 4 C P w â€" lap â€" f, _ «s James soN0 in e s# 4 M ?? }g )»? m 4 i ‘&ko f JAMf;:: sonp ;} '. s'% sU885 s 2t DrNo‘ / i. wore d § / | A Pisi ‘"Se ./ ‘:}g. ‘;f"v J { ‘ slo M 4 i ah c MAE T\ »p ‘~A 4 tw C en | > F L. 4764 EY i i’rc‘) ‘ 2. i TÂ¥A | t t T ? * & â€" 4 ' PP , [ C 7 | at 7:00 p.m COMMENCING Monday, May 3ist Phone 247â€"4644 Runs North and South on Kipling (BRING YOUR WIFE TOO) FOR A NIGHT OF "O0O7" DOUBLE ACTION! Gamma lota Reports Double the danger! Double the wome Double the exertom Rexdale Milwaukee Rambles Over Rumble WESTON THEATRE Last week â€" end Milwaukee Sports travelled over to Talbot Park in Leaside, for an exhibiâ€" tion game with Rumble Motors. In the first inning Milwaukee took command of the game and from then on the Rumble team were not in contention, as they were outâ€"classed by the boys from Smythe Park. should prove to be enjoyable for all attending. Since final exams are drawing near and summer is fast approaching, our activities for the months of May and June will be slight. Therefore, the next few articles will deal mainâ€" ly with the organization and long range plans of Gamma MILWAUKEE SPORTS â€" Smythe Park 8. RUMBLE MOTORS Talbot Park Ben Akelaitis, Mike Ellerby and Bob Ley combined together to limit Rumble to three runs and four hits. The hitting stars for Milwaukee were John Nobâ€" le and Don Popowich each with three hits. Mike Ellerby and Terry Keenhan each had two hits. Bob Boyes, who had hit the ball long and hard every time he came to the plate, was finally rewarded with a double in the later innings. Milwaukee Sports Rumble Motors YoU GET FAST RESULTS WHEN YOU USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED SECTION WESTON PRODUCE Made from ripe apples and sweet apple juice. 1831 Weston Rd. CH 1â€"1821 No sugar added. Made since 1903 acâ€" cording to old German Recipe available at 288â€"2001 No. 7 Highway . Woodbridge MILDMAY BRAND Sweet Apple Butter by Iver Jones Runs Hits Errors orts 8 12 1 Another type of teeâ€"time is also coming up â€" a popular event for many hundreds of Metro citizens each year. This event takes place at two locations â€" the Humber Valley and the Don Valley Golf Courses. This year, the ardent golfers are being urged to play a little golf during the weekdays as well as on the weekends. Weston Tennis Club will mark its. official opening on Sunday, May 23, at 2 p.m. with a Round Robin tournament for all prosâ€" pective members and members. ‘ Tennis players are invited to Tee For Two Or More At Humber Valley With all the pressure of today‘s business whirl, a few hours on the fairway is highly.recommended. The Parks, people and their golf pros even suggest that you invite the boss along as well. Tennis Club There Are 8 B of M BRANCHE in REXDALE and DOWNSVIEW To To WIN One Of 10 Lovely Gifts For Free Pickâ€"Up CH 1â€"3952 CH 1â€"8091 CALL Bring all your personal credit needs WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE FUR STORAGE TIME Have Your FURS Stored Today and you may qualify amily BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT THE SEASON LOW: mily Pinance M BANK ) Plan Banx or MontrEAL GOING OVERSEAS? 2063 Lawrence Ave. W. at Weston Rd. COST LIFE Phone 244â€"5324 INSURED LOANS FREE join us next Sunday afternoon for reation, New nets have been purâ€" chased; backdrops will be instalâ€" led between the courts and the swimming pool; and plans are under way for the erection of a new clubbouse. Adult memberâ€" ships with full playing priviâ€" leges are open to players 16 years of age and over,with special rates and limited < playing hours for those under 16. Married couples have the priviledge of purchasing a second membership at considerâ€" ably reduced rate. Those interested are invited to make inquiries at the club next Sunday afternoon. under one roof [ NEW REALTOR MAP OF METRO To Serve WESTON You

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