Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 28 Oct 1965, p. 10

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; to be family night when the Humber Branch of the Conâ€" umers‘ Association of Canada meet tomorrow, (Friday), at 7:30 : George‘s Churchâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Hill. There will be a display of toys, d and bad . . . and a panel, moderated by Mrs. Phil G. Carrier, and composed of authorities in the toy merchandising world. You are invited to attend. ‘ ,.â€"On Monday, Nov. 1, the United Appeal report luncheon at the b"l' York Hotel will be for the residential section. 60 women from Etobicoke will be present, and the area chairman, Mrs. R. M. Robinson, will be seated at head table. As of last Saturday, Oct. 23. only 37‘% of our Etobicoke residential objective had been turned in. It is hoped that that amount will be up considerably by this Saturday in time for the report luncheon. If a canvasser has not succeeded in contacting you for your donation, would you kindly phoift Etobicoke campaign office, 233â€"2566. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Queen Anne Road, celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, October 23, with a reâ€" ception at their home, both afternoon and evening. Receiving the guests with them were their daughter and sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. and Mrs. John Griffiths, and their grandson, Scott Griffiths. Their grandâ€" daughter, Janis, sent her good wishes from Australia, where she is representing Canada in the world championship water skiing comâ€" petition. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were married at Trinity Methodist Church on October 20, 1915, and lived in West Toronto until they moved to the Kingsway 11 years ago. They are both lawn bowling enâ€" thusiasts. Mr.,Scott is still an active bowler at the Etobicoke Club. Mrs. Scott recalls that at first the ladies were not too welâ€" come in lawn bowling circles, and that she was one of the pioneers in the ladies‘ section at the West Toronto Club! They both enjoy their Bridge Clubs and are active in Victoria Presbyterian Church. . More than 100 friends came on Saturday to bring their good wishes and greet the honored couple in their home beautfiul with golden flowers. ucss Holly Day at Islington United Church on Wednesday, Novemâ€" ber 3, is the first big event to be held in the new Christian Educaâ€" tion wing. Luncheon will be served from 12â€"2. Guests are asked to get their tickets in advance. Dessert and coffee will be served at 7 p.m., to be followed by an auction sale. Conveners of the bazaar are Mrs. Reg. Campbell and Mrs. Harry Perkins. Mrs. Eldon Lehman, president of the U.C.W., will welcome the guests. Mrs. I. S. MacLean, Burnhamthorpe Road, is convening the Mixed Bridge of the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Boulevard Club to be held on Thursday evening, November 4, in aid of welfare. Working with Mrs. MacLean are Mrs. J. R. Cox, Mossum PI.; Mrs. R. S. Anderson, Brentwood Road, and others. President of the auxiliary is Mrs. R. P. Lochead, Bloor St. W. A table may still be reserved by phoning Mrs. MacLean. Mrs. Leonard Lake, Mcadowbank Drive, was hostess for the ,Jslington Branch of the Women‘s Auxiliary of the Queensway "General Hospital last Monday evening. Mrs. George Hatton preâ€" _#ided at the business meeting and welcomed three new members, Mrs. I. M. Duff, Mrs. W. K. Henderson, and Mrs. F. W. Hann. Any woman in the area who would like to do some volunteer work at the newly enlarged Queensway Hospital will be welcomed by the Islington Branch or any of the Auxiliary branches. There is a real need for more volunteers. The ladies of Islington Golf Club Ltd., held their closing dinâ€" mner and presentation of prizes last Friday evening. Club camâ€" pion was Miss Betty Gilbert, who won the Pickering trophy. Mrs. J. A. Godson was runnerâ€"up. Miss Edith Miskell won the Second Flight Club Championship and the Shaw trophy. Mrs. J. F. Kirkâ€" wob( was runnerâ€"up. The Crowe trophy, a business girls‘ event was> won by. Penny Ferguson. with Lorraine Penna runnerâ€"up. Mrs. Harold Holt and Mrs. K. B. Dodgson made the presentations. Social conveners, Mrs. W. V. Rundle and Mrs. G. K. Blair, carâ€" vied out the canadiana theme in decorations and menu, and Mrs. Frank Roelofson, the same theme in the witty skits which provided the program. More than 100 ladies enjoyed this closing function. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. James of Markland Wood celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last Saturday. Peter Stern, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Stern. Wimbleton Road, is studying this year at the Institute Polytechnique, Grenoble, France. Peter, who graduated in June from the University of Toâ€" ronto in Electrical Engineering, won the Thomas H. Hogg Overâ€" seas Fellowship, which permitted him to choose any‘ university overseas for two years‘ graduate study. Peter was born in Switzerâ€" land and came to Canada with his parents 14 years ago. Today the Lakeshoreâ€"Etobicoke Area of the Social Planning Council, holding their luncheon meeting at Kingswayâ€"Lambton United Church, heard a panel on "The Role of the Volunteer in Staffing Health, Welfare. and Recreation Services". Miss Joyce Tyrell, supervisor, Etobicoke Dgpt. of Public Heaith, was one of the panellists. Mrs. Peter Gellatly was commentator for the {ashion show which followed Fun Day Luncheon at St. George‘s Curling Club last week. Club members models were Mrs. George Lorimer, Mrs. G. E. Roelofson, Mrs. C. M. Lamb, Mrs. C. B. Killop, Mrs. A. S. Cromar, Mrs. J. A. Brunside, and Mrs. James Porter. Earlier, 125 ladies had curled 4 ends, each wearing a novelty hat of her own Club pins, prizes, and trophies were presented to the winners of the club tournaments, as follows: Trebles, Mrs. R. F. Watson, Mrsi A. D. Leslie, Mrs. Len Smith. Runnersâ€"up were Mrs. Philip Garbutt, Mrs. E. A. Summerhill, Mrs. W. L. Downs. Doubles, Mrs. “ Wickson, Miss Vera Farmer. Runnersâ€"up were Mrs. Clifâ€" ford Jones and Mrs. R. J. Morrow. Winners o6f the Doubles Conâ€" swolation event, Mrs. Phillip Garbutt and Miss Gertrude Crammond; =m Mrs. Graham Fenton and Mrs. Tom Keogh. Singles, . Alex Menary; runnerâ€"up, Mrs. Iain Lang: Consolation event, Mrs. Garnet Wickson, runnerâ€"up, Mrs. Carleton Smith. _ The following executive was clected for 1966: President, Mrs. The lovely summer weather last Tuesday afternoon attracted an excellent turnout of members for the annua! meeting of the Ladies‘ !g::‘. Etobicoke Lawn Bowling Club, at the clubhouse in Central Mrs. D. S. McKeracher and Mrs. George Walker fi a delicious dessert before the meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. Clifford Jones. ; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Playford have returned to their home on Wainwright Drive after a motor trip to Mexico. They found the mountain scenery on the gulf coast unbelievably beautiful. Social Scene %:0004‘00“0‘.0 &A aA &A &A A 4 + J Etobicoke children in their Hallowe‘en costumes will be ing to your,door with U.N.LC.E.F. boxes, for pennies to help needy children around the world. Mrs. Robin Greenfield and committee have ‘organized this project in Etobicoke. M. Keogh; past president, Mrs. Clifford Jones; ist vieeâ€" Mrs. Mason Healey; 2nd viceâ€"president, Mrs. John Coulâ€" Ary, Mrs. Abbott Wright; tremsurer, Mrs. Ken Miles. Thursday, October 28, 1966 wÂ¥ t t *T s *T *b w * \ \‘ 4 ll'- | "THERE ARE NO _ BLIND !PEOPLE . . . ONLY PERSONS, ‘soME OF WHOM MAY BE | BLIND", Mrs. Warren Reynold, | the Canadian Director for the |John Milton Society was guest |speaker at the October meeting of the United Church Women of Humber Valley United Church, The John Milton Society is a Protestant interdenominational ugency serving the spiritual needs of the blind and visually handiâ€" capped persons on behalf of the i Protestant churches in the U.S. and Canada. By specializing in the publishing and the distributing of religious literature in Braille and ‘tulking books, it renders a servâ€" ice not offered by government sponsored programs. Eighty perâ€" cent of the society‘s income is proâ€" {vided by voluntary gifts from inâ€" ‘dividuals and from Church Sunâ€" day school groups. ' This inspirational material is | translated into many | languages |other than English and is sent to 1all parts of Canada, the Unitea \States and 70 other lands. If any of our readers know of a blind | person who would appreciate reâ€" ceiving the books or records, these wouid be sent free by the John Milton Society. (For further inâ€" formation call Mrs. Reynolds, 239â€" 9944). . Through the Sacrament of Bapâ€" tism the following children were recently received into the Church at Humber Valley United: Roderâ€" ick Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ian S. MceMurray; Elizabeth Ann Margaret, daughter of Dr. ar@ Mrs. Youssef Aziz; Diane Elizaâ€" beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Harker; Scott Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hemâ€" mens; Heather Margaret, daughâ€" ter of Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Montâ€" gomery; William Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morrison; Christing Lauriâ€"Li, daughter of I.\Ir. and Mrs. T. J. Smith, Kingsway Lambton United | Honours Minister The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Allen R. Huband were delightfully surprised on Sunday; Oct. 17 when then 10th anniversary of ministering to the congregation at Kingsway Lambâ€" ton was remembered by a presenâ€" tation of a beautiful stereo. A new clerical gown for Dr. Huband and a lovely floral arrangement for his charming wife: expressed‘ the affection and esteem which the church has for the Hubands. hingsway Baptist Church News The theme for the Sunday eveâ€" ning service at Kingsway Baptist church on Oct. 31 will be the \"Modern Parent and the Teaching |Church" stressing the importance |of Parentâ€"Church partnership in \ the Christian Education of chil; \dren. Immediately following the \ Evening Service in the church hall at approximately 8.15 p.m. there will be an Hour of Fellowship when the parents will learn how this church plans for the chiddren. Sunday school teachers and midâ€" week leaders will be there to meet the parents. At 815 in Kingsway House, the Young People will hold their regular meeting with their Deâ€" votional Commission â€" in charge. The title for this meeting will be ‘The Time has come . . . the walâ€" rus said .. .‘ All young people President Mrs. E. MacPhail preâ€" sided at the meeting and the new executive was in . office. Units three and seven, under the leaderâ€" ship of Mrs. B. Davy and Mrs. N. McLean were in charge, The deâ€" votional was presented by Mrs. Harold Cunningham and the soloâ€" ist was Mrs. 0. Russell, accomâ€" panied by Mrs. F. Thwaites, Mrs. Reynolds, a member of the United Church Women of Humber Valâ€" ley, was â€" introduced | by â€" Mrs. Lloyd Harlock and "the appreciaâ€" tion of the group was expressed by Mrs. B. Davy. Recent Humber Valley Baptisms are invited. On Tuesday evening. Nov. 2 the Central Etobicoke News u«.w k. Straight From The Oven ... APPLE PiEs 49 TELEPHONE BE 1â€"4459 HALLOWE‘EN SPECIAL! Thurs.â€"Fri.â€"Sat. Only 5* # 2 *L 5 + o e ie e umm e w o sns Mfi e e xt eA tmseses P ds peprctm l ngrrmmpiee t e REGULAR PRICE 75c â€" SPECIAL It‘s Worth The Trip! DELICATESSEN COUNTER ... COCKTAIL PARTY CATERING MSCALLS cakeshop sH @thsut trew! * mnunise Himsst #itt FwHHAULDB Fuikitk EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN PARTY â€" SEE OUR FINE SELECTION. mer Road. Baptist church, Deleâ€" gates from â€" Kingsway â€" Buptist were: Dr. E. J. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams, Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Magrath, Mrs. J. B. McLauâ€" rin, Mrs. J. M. Russell, Mrs, V. J. Towers, and Mrs. P. P. W. Zieâ€" mann. On Sunday, Oct. 24, Kingsway Baptist church welcomed its pasâ€" tor back home and to his pulpit after successfully completing an Evangelistic Mission with the Rev. Harold Mitton, at the Brunsâ€" wick St. Baptist Church in Fredâ€" ericton, New Brunswick. Churches Plan Coâ€"operative Programs The first in a series of coâ€"operaâ€" tive programs planned for the residents of this community by Martin Grove Baptist church, St. Wilfrid‘s Anglican and St. Luke‘s United took place at Martin Grove Baptist, Hedge‘s Blyd. Sunday, Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Afternoon and Evening Mission Cireles combine for a Thankâ€" offering Meeting. The speaker will be Dr, Clayton Kitchen, (Jn Wednesday evening, Nov. 3, the second of the sixâ€"week study, lecture and discussion on ‘Mission of the Church‘ will be held. During this past week, the Ninetyâ€"first Annual Meetings of the Toronto Association of Bapâ€" tist churches were held in Walâ€" speaking on "Changing Times in India," AlU ladjes invited. The theme is "Emotional Probâ€" lems of Living." Guest lecturer for these sessions of seven weeks is Rev. A. J. MacLachlan, Chaplain of the Ontario Hospital in Hamilâ€" ton,. Prior to the ministry, Rev. MacLachlin was a teacher with special training in clinical psyâ€" chology. He was one of the pioneers who introduced clinical pastoral trainâ€" ing into Canada. By his friendly, relaxed manner, the speaker enâ€" couraged â€" stimulating â€" discussion on the factors contributing to the stresses and strains which are confronting ‘our seciety. Mendelssohn Choir To Perform In Boston Mrs. Robt. Plunkett and Mrs. Fred Linken are among the Etoâ€" bicoke residents who are members of the famed Toronto Mendelssohn Choir under the direction of Mr. Elmer Isceler. A memorable occaâ€" sion takes place this coming weekâ€" end when the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir participates in‘ the Internaâ€" tional Choral Festival celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Hanâ€" del and Haydn Seciety of Boston. The program which includes "Serenade To Music" by R. Vaughan Williams, "The Dance" by _ Godfrey _ Ridout, "Blanche Comme La Neige", arranged by Sir Errest MacMillan, "Symphony of Psalms". by Igor Stravinsky, "Glorix" by Francis Poulencâ€"â€"was wresented for Toronto music lovâ€" ers at Massey Hall on Wednesday, Oct, 20. Congratulations ‘To Dave Dryden Our congratulations and best wishes to David Dryden who has recently been chosen to play in Fang M . wilh Hoairccloring PUMPKIN and MINCE PIES NOVELTIES. ETC. 4972 DUNDAS ST. WEST PHONE 231â€"2611 (Across From Etobicoke Hydro Office) Islington Beauty Salon OPEN: TUESDAY, THURSDAY EVENINGS 8E 3â€"7740 Free Parking at the rear of Beauty Salon, off Cabot Court. LOV UMengy mNBFE PMEWWS MUTER League for the coming season. Etobicoke Horticultural Society Victor MacAlpine, an experiene | ed horticulturalist, gave the mem |bers of the Etobicoke HOLI"-‘ltfll Let one of our experts color your hair. to bring out your true perâ€" sonality. See how much lovelier you‘ll look. _ The next meeting of the Soâ€" ciety which is always beld at Isâ€" | lington public sehool, Cordova Rd., will be Wednesday, Nov. 3 when | one of the members who is a popâ€" ular guest speaker, Mrs. E. F. Flegg will discuss "How to Care |\For House Plants." Please note }rcfreshmenu are servedâ€"there is ‘no admissionâ€"and everyone is | welcome Princess Margaret Home & School Princess Margaret Home & School | Association A double feature of "Meet the Teacher" and "Theâ€" New Apâ€" prouch to Mathematics" attracted |an overwhelming audience of inâ€" | terested parents at the Princess | Margaret H. & S. meeting last | week. During the evening the new | principal, D. J. Banks, was intro duced. A former teacher in Pickâ€" ering township, at Franklin Horâ€" ner and Humber Valley Village schools, Mr. Banks also served as viceâ€"principal at © Hilltop public { and principal at Fairhaven before |coming to the Princess Margaret {school. Some of his pilot projects (at Fairhaven were a special readâ€" {ing class and a special class for ‘children with behaviour problems. \ A â€" resident of Etobicoke, Mr. iBanks is married, has three chilâ€" ‘dren, is interested in science and believes in the real value of outâ€" | door education. 4 | _ Hillview Presbyterian News The women of Hillview Presbyâ€" terian church are busy as bees with fall projects! The afternoon group met at the home of Mrs. E. W. Andrews for their October meeting and they are continuing ithe program of knitting for Inâ€" |dian children. Mrs. N. H. Cruickâ€" shank was hostess to the Evening 1Group which made further plans for a "Witches Brew" to be held at the church on Friday, Oct. 29 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. In case you might think they are concocting Victor MacAlpine, an experiencâ€" ed horticulturalist, gave the memâ€" bers of the Etobicoke Horticulâ€" tural Society some very helpful suggestions on preparing their gardens for winter at the October meeting recently. Father will be delighted to hear that he should not rake the leaves from the flowâ€" er beds, as they act as a protecâ€" tion for Pllnfi.‘“illi‘lflm they can be worked into the as the best type of fertilizer. The speaker advised his listenâ€" ers not‘ to prune roses in the fall but rather wait until spring to see just how far the frost has damâ€" aged the branches, Now is the time to get busy and plant your favourite bulbs as this should be done before Nov. 15. the Chicago Black Hawks Hockey League for the coming season. Dohn Dgk 2902 BLOOR ST. WEST PHONE 231â€"3349 INTERIORS For A Complete Home Furnishing Service DRAPERIES? â€"SG@@eâ€" m‘pfnfi-’. we hasten to advise that tem, coffée and refreshments will be served | with a table of home bakâ€" | ing and handcrafts for sale. | Laymen Preside At ] In the absence of their minisâ€" ter, the Rev. David C, McLelland, who preached at the anniversary services of his former church in Chesley, Ont., Oct. 17, several layâ€" men of the congregation conductâ€" ed the entire service with the digâ€" nity and articulate fluency of proâ€" fesionally trained clergy. The conâ€" gregation was impressed â€" and proud of the following members of Session: Messrs. F, Pugsley, H. | Timmins, A. Sutherland, J. Carâ€" | lile, F. Pugsley, W. Mathers, T. | Penman, J. Speirs, N. Cruickâ€" | shank. | E. J. Adamick, Viceâ€"presidentsâ€" J. Lawson, S. Hitchins, Secretary â€"Mrs. J. Barnacal; Treasurerâ€" Mrs. J, Love; Grade Motherâ€"Mrs. A. Ballagh; Membershipâ€"Mrs. S. J. Tyndall; Recreation Counsellor â€"A. Lawson. During the evening Mr. Findley was presented with a Past President‘s pin in recogâ€" nition of his many years associaâ€" tion with the Home and School Association. John G. Althouse H & S At the October 21 meeting of the John G. Althouse Home and School Association the following were elected on the new execuâ€" tive: J. Findley, Presidentâ€"Mrs. Doctor Will Talk About Plastic Surgery "The Aesthetic aspect of Surâ€" gery" will be the topic of a speech by Dr. Hoyle Campbell, given to the Women‘s Auxiliary of the Humber Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Nov. 10. In his speech, Dr. Campbell will discuss the relationship of refineâ€" ment and beauty in plastic surâ€" gery. As a member of the surgiâ€" cal staff of St. Michael‘s hospital, and consulting plastic surgeon at Humber Memorial and Branson hospitals, Dr. Campbell is well versed in the subject of plastic surgery. He received his training at the universities of ‘Toronto and Philâ€" adelphia, During the war, he 7 STORESâ€"TORONTO HAMILTONâ€"OSHAWA e LIGHTING UNLIMITED LET LE TIGRE EXPERTS RESTYLE YOUR OUT DATED FUR COAT INTO A LOVELY LATEST STYLE COAT, JACKET OR STOLE. ALL WORK DONE AT OUR PREMISES. Estimates Given Without Obligation _ig‘f _hre_rriig\gorite lamp from OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 P.M. That light in the wiw?ow will bring her home! Now Now Ralph! TELEPHONE BE 3â€"7100 SIX POINTS PLAZA | served with the British and Caâ€" nadian armies and later became 3 consultant in plastic surgery for the Department of Veterans Afâ€" fairs. at 8:15 in the Weston Town: Hall, 2000 Weston Rd. (Continued from page 4) 273 â€" R.CAF, 118. A date to reâ€" member is Nov, 5 when the Metâ€" ropolitan Toronto 1650 yards free style championship will be held. Women will open at 5 p.m. and The meeting on November 10 is open to the public and will start Richview To... WE ARE NOW CALLING OURSELVES ‘ Free Gifts We will continue to handle Mary Maxim Wools and Patterns. Hope to see you soon at our new store in the West Mall Plaza. FOR THE FAMILY AND SHOES FOR THE CHILDREN Cameo Family Shoppe WEST MALL â€" BLOOR CENTRE 90 THE WEST MALL BLOOR ST. WEST AND HIGHWAY *27 ETOBICOKE Black Dyed or Natural Grey CAMEO Family Shoppe (Black Dyed) CARACUL PAW OR MoUTON COATS FREE MINK HAT _coats _ ind p Dyedâ€"Sheared Proc. Lamb VERY REASONABLE PRICES CHINESE JACKETS (Dyed) Most Mink _ "*"*" # Trimmed and up PERSIAN Fall Specials! COATS Before You Buy See The Best Value In Town Lingerie and Sports Clothing Sports Clothing OUR CHILDREN‘S LINE WILL BE FROM INFANTS TO SIZE 14 THE LADIES‘ LINE WILL COVER BABY DAYS THE MEN‘S LINE WILL BE 299 WITH ANY PURCHASE TO THE FIRST 500 CUSTOMERS A bazaar will be held in St. Richard‘s of Chichester ’3&“ church on November 6 25 p.m, There will be a bake table, doll clothes, novelties, white gleâ€" phants, tes table, fish pond, etc. men at 7:30 pm, All swimmers registered with C.AS.A, are welâ€" Black Dyed or Natural Grey PERSIAN JACKETS JACKETS ISLINGTON STOLES Natural Natural LROLAN wme 190 Pastel ime s179 36 Humbertown Centre BE 1â€"4312 449 and up and up and up

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