Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 28 Oct 1965, p. 12

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1. If your child if very small, and you cannot accompany him, | ask. one of the teenagers in | Junior High to take them around. | These students feel that they are too old tq go door to door, but I‘m sure they would welcome the opportunity of assisting the | little ones. | their Shell Out Night, d ue :ttflualwhuola&m- day. May 1 offer a tew helpful 2. With such dark nights, it is imparative that the youngstâ€" ers wear some light clothing, so that they will be seen readily by the motorists, Excellent inâ€" expensive costumes are sold at the local stores, that can be seen children this year, that Satur hints to parents of young child wWM. G. BEECH, General & Life Insurance 1166 WESTON ROAD Notary Public g0 61777 RO 6â€"4603 YORK TRAVEL BUREAU Good things happen when a government cares about people Â¥e VOTE LIBERAL REâ€"ELECT Make RALPH COWAN f LIBERAL your vote vork Humser _ count for more. There are more Canadians at o ‘ucsy than ever before. There are fewer peop e out of work than at any time since 1957 500,000 Canadians are in new jobs created in the past two years. Income taxes were reduced by ten percent. Income from wages has never been higher. There are more people holding dow1 more good jobs, earning more maney than at anytime in Canada‘s history. The country :s moving again and Canada needs a strong Liberal governmen: to kee0 it moving. h b4, c ctval ) } i io ’* * .3 R & ' 7 ~ ie 9 iA 5 M 4 /b T U ++ .. 4 + § *4 & +m %!’%"M s# C & =~ * * <agee â€"â€" § 6 weus I" . alP" # / MTF BPe v,/"‘ _/\ F22k ue & frusit "AEâ€" & ~~! / MR L. k Hiksa se ’ 77 * “.‘(v“)‘i‘\ id 4 s â€" "‘ . i) More good jobs more money to spend â€" _ Maple Leaf & Amesbury News _ REPRESENTATIVE 11 JORDAN ST., TORONTO 1 FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO ANYWHERE HALLOW E‘EN HEVENOR & COMPANY MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE CANADIAN STOCK EXCHANGE FOR CURRENT MARKET INFORMATION ASSISTANCE IN PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT Call RALPH COWAN, YORK HUMBER ROY W. NORTHEY TIMES â€"â€" Thursday, October 28, 1965 3. Please leave on your verâ€" andah light. Some of the childâ€" ren wearing long clothes tind it very difficult to manipulate the stairs in the dark, carrying their bag of goodies. 4. My final suggestion, and one that is appreciated, especialâ€" ly if it should be a rainy wet night, is that you leave a supply of heavy paper bags at your door, for the odd few youngstâ€" ers who lose the botitoms out of their bags DAYLIGMT SAVING â€" STANDARD Spring Forward, Fall Back, this is the best way in which to remember which way your clock should be turned when you retire on Saturday night. When you retire on Saturday night, turn back all your clocks one hour, and enjoy the extra hour‘s sleep on Sunday mornâ€" ing. Let‘s make this a pleasant safe Hallowe‘en‘!! very easily at night. These costumes are good protection for your children. THE WINNAH! Congratulations _ t o _ Burns Steckley of 319 Culford Road. Burns was lucky enough to win $50. in the Dominion Store Conâ€" test, currently in progress. He has had his photo taken, has answered his question on Hist ory correctly, and received his cheque for $50. Even if we are not one of the winners, it is nice to hear of someone in the neighbourhood who has been Extended famity allowances and stuuent loans are helping our children get the education they need. Federal grants tor ocational schools are ensuring a square deal tor all our young people. Young Caradians are learning new skilis in tederallyâ€"supported retraining programs across the country. The Liperal program More opportunity for our young people io PHONE 368â€"3461 schoiarsh.ps v. REâ€"ELECT LIBERAL axe ‘“ uw““‘ I;.;uu C10S0U3 18 INCICASINE JCAT Mrs. Jean Bry@nt, who hbas| The location of the prenatal taken over as Brown Owl from ; classes makes instruction on Mrs. Jean Mark, with the lfllth!pre;naney and motherhood pack, has asked me to inform | available to all interested exâ€" our readers that all seven year | pectant mothers in York Townâ€" old girls are now being acceptâ€" | ship, North York, East York, ed into the Brownie pack. This | Etobicoke and Toronto. week a "Flyâ€"Up" will take place| Classes are conducted by Pubâ€" and the 166 will be losing all ‘lic Health Nurses from agencies the ~older girls to the 4320d | in Metropolitan Toronto. They Guide Company, making room are held once a week for eight for many new girls. If you have weeks and are two hours in durâ€" a seven year old girl who il‘;tion. interested in Brownies, will you During the first hour, mothers please get in touch with Mrs.|learn about and discuss: The deâ€" Bryant at CH 1â€"5929. Tawny | velopment of their babies, preâ€" Owl for this pack is Miss Doroâ€"| 20 thy Woodman. | ACCIDENT Our best wishes tor a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. R. E. Malpass of 50 Pelmo Crescent, who met with an acâ€" cident recently, while campaignâ€" ing for one of the contenders in the coming election on Novâ€" ember 8th. She suffered a broken arm. HOSPITALIZED We hope that by the time this goes to press that Billy Jordan of 295 Rustic Road is back home after an operation at Humber Memorial Hospital. It appears that Mrs. Jean Rhodes of 41 Renfield Avenue, our "Hardington and District Reporter", has joined the sick list along with her daughter Fran. Fran has now been disâ€" charged from Humber Memorial Hospital, but mother Jean will be remaining there for a few weeks. May we wish you a speâ€" edy recovery Jean. BON VOYAGE Miss Kay Beanland, of 8 Pember Drive, was honoured at a Surprise Party last week, in lieu of her departure, tonight, October 28th for Yorkshire England, where she will be spending some time with her Grandmother Mrs. Burrows. Kay is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. suceessful e that able 241â€"5978 universal, contributory. iuly portable, geared to ‘sture wagesâ€"gives real meaning to the word security. For ‘%7, the Liberal government has set the stage tor Medicare. A strong Liberal goverr ment will secure the Canadian dream: a debt free future for the sick, a worryâ€"free fuiure tor tha old, in a proud and growng Canaga. In 1963 the Liberal government raised the Old Age Pension to $75. a month at age 70. Under this year‘s legislation, the pension is to be provided earlier. By 1970, it will be paid to everyone at age 65. Under next yea"s Liberal program. tne Canada Assistance Plan will provide whatever support above $75. is needed b; peop‘e already retired For thase now More security for everyone ‘ist Lesson: Development Of Babifs Motherhood Classes Begin Nov. 22. \ Commencing the week of Novâ€" |\ember 22, 26 combined prenatal | elasses throughout the Metroâ€" | politan area of Toronto, will beâ€" | gin a new series of instruction |for mothersâ€"toâ€"be. Attendance at ‘these classes is increasing yearâ€" ly. The location of the prenatal classes makes instruction on pregnaney and motherhood available to all interested exâ€" pectant mothers in York Townâ€" ship, North York, East York, Etobicoke and Toronto. Charles Beanland The party was arranged by Miss Lois Grant, and was held at her home. Kay was presented with a corsage, and the table was decorated with an attractive ‘Bon Voyage" cake. She receivâ€" ed a variety of gifts from her friends who attended, including, Carol â€" Polley, Susan â€" Barker, Donna Priolo, Donna Chamberâ€" laine, Nancy â€" Hutton, Diane Crump and Mrs. Elsie Hjelm. Many ladies from the Weston Area, attended the Fall Lunchâ€" eon of the Engineering Institute | of Canada, Wives‘ Auxiliary on | Wednesday October 20th. The reception was held at the Thornâ€" | hill Golf and Country Club, where | Chairman, Mrs. J. Powlesland| received, assisted by Mrs. R. E.) Ritchie. | Mrs. W. H. M. Laughlin, Mrs. M. S. Carson, Mrs. F. R. Denâ€" ham, Mrs. L. W. Nelson, Mrs. R. H. Andrews, Mrs. Charles Hershfield, Mrs. L. M. Gordon, Mrs. W. A. Bentley, Mrs. N. J. Ypes, Mrs. E. L. Fulcher, and Mrs. T. M. West. Mrs. C. F. Morrison, who recently spent a year in India, was the guest speaker, her subject being "India Through Western Eyes®". Among those attending were: Mrs. W. H. Patterson, Mrs. K. W. Moore, Mrs. R. C. A. Pittis, 4 P FALL _ LUNCHEON f Canada paration and equipment for the baby, hygiene of pregnancy, the n for medical supervision, for the family, labour, preâ€" paration for confinement, care of the baby at home and other perâ€" tinent topies. Amesbury Community.. During the second hour, mothâ€" ers who are not beyond the end of their sixth month of pregâ€" nancy, and who have their docâ€" tor‘s written approval may atâ€" tend the classes in physical preâ€" (Continued from page 7) . Coach Pirie, and Assistant Coach F. Robinson presented trophies to the following members of the Mizzoni Squirt Team: R. Pirie, D. Robinson, D. Richards, K. Parsons, H. Armstrong, V. Mizâ€" zoni, K. Saddler, J. DeFoe, R. Earl, T. Rose and D. Bojin. Mrs. Jim Mizzoni was on hand to acâ€" cept the sponsor‘s trophy for her husband. ' Bantam Champs (Hardbail) The Leaside Contracting Troâ€" phy was presented to the Man‘s Shop to be displayed at their place of business on Jane Street for the coming year. Members of the team receiving trophies along with coach Ken Hubbert were Cameron Rhind, Craig Thompâ€" son, Joseph Comella, Steven E. son, Tom Reilly, Joseph Comella, Steven E. Hogan, Gary Adams Paul Flabbi, Vito Rizzy, Robin Crites, â€" Luciano â€" Vertolli _ Gorâ€" don Sheffield, David Rowe, Gary Neilson. Pee Wee Champs (Hardball) Sam Salonia presented the E. W. Hickeson Company Trophy to sponsor Bokan Homes, and indiâ€" vidual trophies to players Frank Lucchetta, Peter Collini, Peter Glen, Roger Cassie, Artie Lu Franco, Ricky Pellizzer, Billy Grieve, Paul Rosetto, Morris Vaâ€" bersy, David Zelt, Gregory O. Smith, Hugh McArthur, Graham Moreby, and Guido Luciano. Pee Wee House League Bill Gibbs handled three hardâ€" ball teams for Amesbury this year, and all were successful in reaching the finals. The Paraâ€" mount Gasket Pee Wee Hardball team, managed by Bob Parson, and coached jointly by Ken Parâ€" son and Allan Patsko, won the N. (Softball) As sponsors of the winning Pee Wee Softball house league team, a representative of Bi Rite Drugs was present to receive . their trophy, and coach John Manson, and Assistant Coach Jim Lenaâ€" han presented individual trophies to team members: K. Corrigan, W. Manson, J. Manson, R. Hasâ€" ter, L. Bryant, A. Hutchinson, R. Davis, S. Haster, R. Kirkey, G. Gander, B. Campbell, P. Gillâ€" man, R. Carcone and R. Malone. tS CLAQAMCE oF 1965 YAMAHA MOTORBIKES SPECIAL PRICES ON DEMONSTRATORS as low as * YAMAHA 2062 WESTON RD. The Of _ Y ou Special Gasoline Bonus To Students! e Most Economical Anywhere. YAMAHA RIDE! You‘ll Joir Youngsters Thrill To‘ Why Not At Least Take A Peek? CHALET SALES Choice of 12 Models From 60 c.c.‘s to 305 c« Hunter and Fishermen Special Electric Starter Auto â€" Lube Injection Choice Of Colours n The Ranks ( _ and Oldsters The Sensation paration for childbearing. These classes emphasize good posture, the art of voluntary relaxation and purposeful breathing. Tours of the maternity wards are Arranged in the hospitals where mothers are to be. conâ€" e Ranks Of Thousands 1 Oldsters Alike When Sensation Of Your First Mothersâ€"toâ€"be. can register by phoning the Prenatal office (363â€" 4971) for the nearest class locaâ€" Y.T.B.A, trophy this year. Memâ€" bers of the team were: Joseph Basso, William Moyer, Randy Sleightholm, Brian Kendall, Danâ€" ny Snell, Ricky Tobias, John Ceâ€" relli, Kenneth Williams, Brian Hardy, Vincent Dougan, Ronald Larson, Donald Patsko, John Vigianni, Brian Martin, Craig Stewart, John Stolarchuk, Joseph Salonia and M. Stewart. The Amesbury‘s North York Bantam Hardball Team, sponsorâ€" ed by Joe Zentil Heating and Plumbing Limited advanced to the finals and will receive crests from this league. They _ were managed by Mr. Roy Button, and coached by Donald Marlow and Ian Button. Two men representing Weston companies will be among the 10 Ontario manufacturers to parâ€" ticipate in the â€" International Sporting Goods Show held anâ€" nually at Cologne, West Gerâ€" many. The 10 are taking the "Golden > Opportunity" trip to sell home products ranging from hockey equipment and sportsâ€" wear to barbecues and garden furniture. Weston members of the Ontario government sponsorâ€" ed sales mission are John Coopâ€" er Jr.. Cooperâ€"Weeks Ltd., and S. H. Redgrave of Canada Cycle and Motor Company Ltd. 2 From Weston On European Sales Mission Due to insufficient midget teams in the North York Leaâ€" gues, the Amesbury Midgets sponsored by Dufferin Lions Club entered the Army, Navy and Air Force Baseball Association, and played at Smythe Park on Jane Street. Due to circumstances beâ€" yond their control, this league never was completed, but Amesâ€" bury‘s did reach the finals, and perhaps, could have gone on to final victory under manager Paul Valenti, and Coaches Peter Biâ€" folchi and Gerry Roy. Good work Boys! A DIVISION OF CRUICKSHANK MOTORS LIMITED * TORO * sSNOW BIRD â€"â€" WESTON _ â€"â€" ransportation elearance All systems are GO for operation Spookagogo this fine and upcoming weekend. The first phase of this community celebration of the night before All Saints Day, goes into operation on the morning of Friday, October 29, when the morning Kindergarten classes in each of the elementary schools in Weston, begin the Halloween watch. For as sure as there are little red apples, there will be witches and elves and goblins and the little people abroad that bewitching night â€" and if we do not keep the watch â€" how will we ever know that such things be? What‘s The Score? DRUIDS UNDER THE MISTLETOE: The magic circle of the town elders on the banks of Weston on the Humber, have decreed that the Harlequins of the. Town Fun Committee should each year, observe this wild dance of the night people ‘ere the cold rays of dawn on All Saints Day â€" put the stars to flight, and the bansheges screaming into the night. THE WEE FOLK â€" KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 3: / SPOOKAGOGO â€" ALL HALLOW‘S EVE: On Friday, October 29, classroom parties as arranged by school principals and teachers, will be conducted . within the schools. Group projects, films, etc., will be conducted by the school staff. Ice cream and candy will be provided by the Wes ton Recreation Commission. GRADES 4 TO 8: wl cave _ The y;u;x; |'>'eople in this age group will be holding a cos tume skating party at the Weston Arena between 6:00 and 8:00 P.M., on Saturday, October 30. Free admission, free tickets for hot dogs and soft drinks â€" plus a bag of candies, as they leave ;he Ali'ena at 8:00 P.M., will help make this an evening of fun or all. School teachers usually dress up and join in the skating party fun on this night. We appreciate their help and the children enjoy their company. SPOOKAGOGO â€" OR DANCE, DANCE, DANCE: This is the frosting on the cake â€" the Halloween Dance â€" the Costume Ball â€" the Barrel of Fun â€" which begins at 8:30 P.M.. on Saturday, October 30 at the Christian Education Hall of the Central United Church at King Street. Our own local dance band, "WHO and the BLAZES", .toâ€" gether with the four girl band "THE DYNAMICS", will provide continuous music for all the spooks, witches, goblins and warlocks that night. Tl';is“‘;i‘;"i;’.usually a ‘smash‘ and is enjoyed by the high school set. So date your partner early â€" and see if you can‘t win the best costume prize this year. THE SWEET ADELINES: â€" Prizes . . . Prizes student card only. Mrs. L. Dougherty, the ‘ball of fire‘ president of the Weston Senior Citizens‘ Club. has done it again. This time, Madame Preâ€" sident has obtained the wonderful "SWEET ADELINES" to proâ€" vide the entertainment for the Senior Citizens‘ Monthly Meeting to be held this Friday evening, October 29 at 8:00 P.M., upstairs in the Public Meeting Rooms of the Municipal Building. The Weston Fencing Club who normally meet upstairs on Friday evenings will meet in the Craft Rooms downstairs and any Senior Citizen member of the Fencing Club is asked to give up fencing for one night in order to support and enjoy the entertainment supplied by the "Adelines". THE POWER OF THE PRESS: We are pleased to announce the appointment of Carole Miller as the Majoriette Instructor for the Weston Majorette Corps. 1. o% â€" â€" oo 2l a 2 mm MRCEEE Carole Miller will begin her class on Saturday. October 30 and we know that the corps will be a success under her direction. $ .00 4 Per Month With Modest Down Payment. 4 John St. KEN JOHNS MEN‘S WEAR YAMAHA â€" THE BEST BIKE by "TUG" WILSON of Parks & Recreation for the Town of Weston . . . unless you have a suit that needs a "lift", want to lose the blues on Monday or could use a boost for that meeting tomorrow. DON‘T BUY A NEW NECKTIE Prizes Weston * POLARIS and admission will be by 244. 247â€"0056

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