Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times (1966), 28 Oct 1965, p. 2

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It turns out now, that council did notify the Board of Education of its intentions to rezone a parcel of land for a 17â€"storey apartment building at 2053 Weston Road. The poposed building whichâ€" will abut the King Steet Schoo! is opposed by the Weston Home and School Association because it feels that the building will, (a) contribute toward air polluâ€" tion, (b) add more traffic to a school area, (c) make it imâ€" If the pri e k.‘ Thousands of residents living in the west end of North York must have been disappointed when North York council decided to put its weight behind the Metro Planning Board recommendation to extend the Yonge Street subway to Sheppard Avenue and at the same time pigeon hole the Spadina subway plan. While priority given to the Yonge subway extension is debatâ€" able, there is little doubt that Metro Planning Board and Reeve James Service failed in their duty to conâ€" sult North York council before makâ€" ing the final decision. For them it will mean another 10 years of battling their way in cars and buses through giant traffic jams to reach the office and factory and to return home again. As red faced Councillor J. A. Gould said recently, growth in the west section has made enormous TEMPTED BY BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE? ‘The Associates Home furnishings finance plan lets you furnish the way you‘ve always wanted . . . with monthly payments tailorâ€"made to your inâ€" come and situation. Instead of paying high finance charges for every separate purchase, you decide what you want and how much it will cost . . . then borrow the total amount ahead of tithe . . . so you can shop at any store and strike the best bargain. The Associates are one of America‘s largest financing institutions, with over 600 offices in North America. Look in the phone book for the one you want. Then have fun shopping. _ M _ AfSinancing Pian for EveryNeed Buy it now with this new Home Furnishings Finance Plan ©â€" Published at 2159 Weston Rd., Weston by Principal Publishing Ltd., every Thursday V. J. McMillan, President and Publisher J. M. Jordan, General Manager B. M. Holmes, Editor Telephone CH 1 â€"5211 Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept. Ottawa, Ont., and for payment of postage in cash Ane is Cring Piim. Tes6A Winen ‘Ave aza, son Ave “'H-. CH 46438 BUBSCRIPTION RATES $5.00 per year inadnncotomylddrminCauzn EDITORIAL PAGE Haste Makes Waste You can borrow With monthly the mioney for: payments of only 30 months 30 months 36 months A Broken ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Other countries $6.00 possible for the King Street school to expand in . any direction other than up. to the Board of Education August 11 and a reply from the Board that stated the town‘s zoning proposal would be considered at the Board‘s "earliest convenience." Town clerk George Clarkâ€" son produced a notice sent A representative for the developer asked council Monday why the delay of the apartment project? He was told by Mayor Wes Bodding: =â€"â€" Thursday, Octeber 28, 1965 $22.00 42.00 gains recently and many millions has been spent on such projects as York University, the Yorkd@le Shopping Centre, and the Province‘s Highwa. 400 extension. However, what really nettles the people about the Yonge subway decision is the fact that Metro counâ€" cil, the Toronto Transit Commission, the Planning Board and Traffic comâ€" mittee all decided two years ago that the Spadina expressway and subway should and would be the next phase of the Metro subway system. Now it‘s beginning to look like a Queen Street subway may take priority. These officials should realize west Metro residents and planners frown on broken promises and will be a little more suspicious next time a projected plan is thrown their way. In the meantime they will just have to wait for their promised subâ€" way â€" â€" probably until the 1980‘s. Promise WE FILL Doctors‘ Prescriptions 3 Locations to Serve You 1832 Weston Rd. 244â€"5458 2479A Bloor St. W. _ RO 9â€"2603 OAKVILLE 175 Lakeshore Rd E 845â€"3621 Fraser & Simms Barristers â€" Solicitors 1944 Weston Road Opposite John Street Weston, Ont. CH 1â€"1911 J. W. MacDONALD The Weston educators may have been "unduely slow" in submitting the required cerâ€" tificate, since they have alâ€" ready had more than three months notice of council‘s intentions. _ However, . since The board ‘has promised a decision on November 10, it might be wise for council to Magerman & Page Barristers â€" Solicitors 1630A Wilson Ave. 247â€"2191 Geo. W Bull B. Comm. Howard G. Ashbourne, B.A 4 KING STREET CB 44844718 r DISPENSING OPTICIANS ton that the Board was Teâ€" quired to dile a certificate as to the school services in the area of the apartment "without undue delay." Preâ€" dicting that the developer will be given the green light within "a week and a half," the mayor said the town would take the final steps to rezone the property and it would then be up to the Board of Education to opâ€" pose the application at the Ontario Municipal Board.. Evenings by Appointment Barrister â€" Solicit Notary Public Evenings by appoint 1938 Weston Rd. (at John St.) Alfred H. Herman B.A., Q.C. Bull & Ashbourne BARRISTERS Crang Plaza Weston CH 4â€"5697 Solicitor Public appointment Professional â€" Business Directory The sum of Mr. Pearson‘s speech on a freeâ€"time televisâ€" ion broadcast last week was these words reported by the Canadian Press; ‘"The gangâ€" ster ring operated in arson; there is no evidence at all to connect it with bankruptcy cases. Yet you have been told that the Quebec killings might have been prevented if a report But far more serious than these charges based on a subâ€" stantial background of â€" eviâ€" dence, is Prime Minister Pearâ€" son‘s fervent denial that the Liberal government is tainted by corruption. We, like possible a million other voices across the nation, do not enjoy listening to Oppoâ€" sition Leader Diefenbaker conâ€" sistently charge. that there is wholesale corruption in high Government places. wait until that date before asking the Ontario Municipal Board to rezone the land beâ€" cause once the final decision is made, it can‘t be reversed. Walter‘s Garage FULL GUARANTEE Wheel Alignment â€" $9.50 FREE Courtesy Car. Pickâ€"up 1778 Jane St. CH 7â€"6590 Ontario Sales Missionaries take time out from their busy round of calls to be photoâ€" graphed (at top) at the famous and ancient Parthenon by one of the first "tinâ€"type" cameras. The ancient camera â€" amazingly delivered prints within seconds, much to is a must, â€" _ Call â€" Eastern and Chartered Trust Member of the Toronto Real Estate Board ll}!h Drinkwaiter ."i.l Leitch 1943 WESTON RD. *Motor & Automatic Repair Mt. Dennis Who Is Telling The Truth PM Pearson Or AG Wagner? J. R. Currie, O0.D. Optometrist 1894 Weston Rd., Weston For Appointment Call CH 1â€"0701 And Repairing Wm. A. Riggs 1230 Jane Street REAL ESTATE 247â€"8276 Mortgages . Arranged OPTOMETRY Piano Tuning If selling your hume Work Guaranteed GARAGES MUSIC Letters To The Editor RO 9â€"2841 ANCIENT CAMERA AT ANCIENT SITE The New Democratie Party has promised to clean up Ottawa house if elected and so has the Conservative Party. The Prime Minister should make this promâ€" ise too instead of crying, "Ludiâ€" crously false" and ‘"malicious inâ€" vention". The Liberal Party failed Federal government had been published and acted on." In effect he is calling the Queâ€" .bec Attorney General a liar beâ€" cause Claude Wagner stated Ocâ€" tober 4 that: "All of the people who have been killed were inâ€" volved in arson, fraud and bankâ€" ruptcies in the Province." And judging from the efforts being made by Wagner to clean up crime and corruption in Queâ€" bec and Pearson‘s total lack of enthusiasm to admit that the Canadian Bankruptey Act is litâ€" tle more than a mantle for crooks to hide behind, most people are likely to give Claude Wagner‘s statement more credence. Considering these two conflictâ€" ing statements, the public has to decide who is right, Pearson or Wagner. on bankruptcy received by the Weston E. J. Sackett & Co. ACCOUNTANTS Just Edst of Runnymede Road 3094 DUNDAS ST. WEST PH Chartered Accountant 1730 Weston Road C. W. LEASK A WIDE RANGE OF CARPETING OFFERED AT REASONABLE PRICES Wallâ€"Toâ€"Wall Broadioom Installation Our Specialty Our Representative Wil Call At Your Home CARPETING & INSTALLATIONS ACCOUNTANTS â€"â€" AUDITORS WRIGHT BROS. FURNITURE §. J. BROOKS & CO. SKYLINE HOTEL BRANCH 655 Dixon Road, Rexdale, Ontario Phones 241â€"3522 Res. 241â€"2891 Member Toranto Stock Exchange J. HARRY FROGLEY CH 4â€"6061 the delight of the mission members. The 49th Ontario Sales Mission organized by the Devartment of Economics and Development, is currently doing business in Greece, Turâ€" key and Lebanon. 1495 KIPLING AVE. N. REXDALE PHONE 249â€"2971 INVESTMENTS Dear Sir Canada and it is time this parâ€" ty made amends. On behalf of the Jacob Bull Chapter of the I.O.D.E. we are very grateful to The Times for the photo in your paper of our ladies and their work. Also we would like to say a big thankâ€" you to our businessmen. Through their kindness our drawâ€"tea and sale was such a success. Again thanking you, To realize this may be for the advancement of â€" our country. We must all strive to send the best possible candidates to Oftawa so that the duties of our government are fulfilled with utmost inâ€" telligence and integrity. I was shocked to read . in the newspapers of the 250, 000 people who refused to give their names to the enumerators to register for their votes. Then to make the whole thing more ridiâ€" OUR GREAT PRIVILEGE Dear Sir: May I bring to the attenâ€" tion of the people of Weston the very responsible privilâ€" ege they have on November 8 when they cast their vote. Weston Chartered Accountants Marsh, Goulding 1969 Weston Road Sincerely rs. T. E. Dougherty, Regent. & Co. PHONE 7696040 CH 1â€"1129 We are urging university education for all. But 1 find the youth of the world frustâ€" rated and marching in proâ€" test against the urjust pracâ€" tises of this present generaâ€" tion _ such _ as _ compulsory army service and the civil rights demonstrations in the U.S.A. and now in Australia on behalf of the Aborigines and all over the world againâ€" culous for the enumerators, some animal pets were regisâ€" tered â€" a disgrace to the intelligence of the people of any civilized country. If we had banned mineral based detergents, like some European countries did several years ago, our present problem would not exist to such a degree. We are certain many housewives are interested in the pollution problem and would refrain from using polluting detergents. They should be given the opportunity. Needless to say, we refrained from calling the Proctor and Gamble man for reasons that should be obvious. However, when the next article or program on water pollution appears before the public eye let us hope the housewife‘s contribution is not mentioned, for it hardly seems fair to on one.hand criticize the ladies for polluting the water and on the other refuse them information which would allow them to choose a nonâ€"polluting detâ€" ergent. This newspaper called the Ontario Water Resources Commission for a list of brand names. The first call netted another name to call â€" and so did the second â€" and the third. Finally a Commission spokesman said the Commission would not divulge the brand names but instead asked that we contact an employee of Proctor and Gamble, one of the two largest soap and detergent manufacturers in Canada® The OWRC also stated that most manuâ€" facturers were shifting from the "hard" or minâ€" eral based detergents to the "soft" or organic based detergents and that there are few of the hard variety now on the market. That‘s The Way ... I find that officials are often inclined to blame someone (in this case being the houseâ€" wife), when the fault really rests with someâ€" body else. Based on the facts stated in the ediâ€" torial, the Ontario Water Resources Commisâ€" sion must take the blame for all the household detergents which are polluting our_la‘kes. F.C. Pity the poor housewife â€" and those who try to help her. On most TV and radio programs and news articles regarding water pollution the housewife is accused of playing a key role beâ€" cause she uses "synthetic‘ or "mineral based" detergents. These detergents do not break down. Instead they cause masses of foamy suds which pile several feet deep on the surface of the waters when discharged from the sewers. They also produce phosphorus vital to the growth of algae, which in turn saps the water of oxygen, eventually causing patches of "dead water", which will not support life. I personally back the editorial appearing in last week‘s New Toronto Advertiser reproducâ€" ed in my column below. O 2o What are the brand names of these synâ€" thetic or mineral based detergents? It is diffiâ€" cult indeed to find out. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCBH 3265 Weston Rd. Rev. J. C. Bouvier, Pastor â€" Rev. A. Horvath, Asst. WESTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH What‘s In A Brand Name? 11:00 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 9:45 a m. â€" Jumor and Intermediate School 10:00 A.M. â€" Pax Bible Class 11:00 A.M. â€" Nursery, Kindergarten Primary, Crib Corner 7:00 P.M. â€" Evening Worship In Cnurch House Reformation Sunday, October 31, 1965 9:30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 9 years and up 9:30 a.m. â€" Pathfinder Class 11:00 a.m. â€" Morning Worship Sermon: The Second Vatican Council 11:00 a.m. â€" Sundsy School 1 to 8 years Minister â€"â€" Rev. R. J. Boggs, B. Study 241â€"1571 Manse 241953 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1965 8:30 am â€" 10:00 am â€" 12 noon â€" 7:00 pm CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1965 The Bible Is Our Complete Authority Evangelist â€" James Hunt Cross Street at Church Street 4 â€"â€" Rev. R. J. Boggs, B.A. 24141571 Manse 241â€"9533 SUNDAY MASSES 47 HARDING AVE. by Frazer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship 1:00 :.m. !vnlnf Worship Wed. 8:00 p.m. Bible Study Westminster Hnited Church sixty nine william street weston ontarie ST. JUDE‘S Rev. J. Kenneth Noble ‘The Pusudly Fowily Church‘ Therefore it is time to read the handâ€"writing on the wall and get out and vote. Take an interest in your country. It is your business to see that you elect a man of _ the â€" utmost _ integrity whose one aim is the good of Canada. In so doing we may give leadership to the youth of our country who are taking so much inâ€" terest in world affairs. st the Viet Nam war Charles H. Gardner.

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