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I. - lull-(u- n In“. W - 10:30 lst HOME GAME Saturday, August 27th OSHAWA AT wssrou INVICTUS Support YOUR Team The Weston Redmen FINAL WE ALL ' JOHN ST. SUPPORT YOUR TEAM, THE 1965 ALL ONTARIO JUNIOR FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS And EASTERN I CANADA PInALIsTs SCHEDULE k---.-. OME GAMES At Wesion Collegiate Grounds North 0n Pine From Lawrence Ave. W, SEASON TICKETS AVAILABLE Sewn tickets may be Trhehed y, u Harold Stuart I“! we: MT m or st. mutt-in! ,PC1r?ttrnrer ___ Pe-e {emu m 32.00 - - "" Lawrence Ave. W. 247-41" rnuuson an For s Home Gums $2.00 'Downsview leads West-End Schools With Twenty-five Ontario tttdat FOOTBALL CLUB Inter. Humbert" BRIAN FELDMAN BOB PALMATE " JEFFEWY All. Udall KUDLOW WI‘M MARIO, mason. A_tef_r, tt, Intuit Mum-H RENEE LENGEIER ammo-swoon. ", To and school I more attractive yo with n bright new, (mu. pur- Yours. ALEX KISIN POR APPOINTMENT CALL 241m ALAN VAL! GOLM‘I’EIN SPECIAl PERM Weston Gr. 13 Exam Results ure Lat 111; Fr C; McClDSKEY,\ Robert: Eng ll; Hist w, Serum II; Trig m; Biol IP, McKEN- ZiE, Don: Alg I; Trig IP, Biol IW, Phys C; Chem 1; Fr 111; MERCER, Marilyn: Eng P, Hist Geom I; Trig w, Biol C; Lat C; Mercer, Marilyn: Eng 1; Hist P, Biol II; lat IP, FY II; MER- TENS, Alice: Alg III; Ttig C; Biol In; Chem m; MILLAB, Trudy: Eng P, Trig C; Biol l; Chem 1; Lat 1; Pt 1; MILLER. Gregory: Eng In; Alg m; Geom C: Trig C; Biol Il; Phys 111; Chem C; MOFFAT John: Eng C; Alg II; Gem II; Trig IP, Phys In; Chem w, Fr In; MOG. FORD, Michael: Eng C; l MERRISH, Ron: Eng IP, Atg' I; Geom I; Trig w, Phys 11; Chem I; Fr w, MOUNTJOY, Ju. dith: Hist IP, Biol III; Fr III: NEWTON, Norma: Eng my But C; Biol C; D fy, NJTTT. Vincent: Trig C; NOVAK, 'Micluel: Eng C; O'CONNEL, Brian: Eng HI: Hist C; Biol P. Phys C; Chem C: Fr III; O’CON- NEL, Neil: Hist II; Geog w, Al; O'DRISCOLL. Robert: Alg m; Geom II; Trig III; Biol C; Lat C; OSBORNNE, Alan: Eng C: Alg C; Geom C; Trig C; Lat IW, Fr.C; OSTHER, Fredrik: Eng C: Alg I; Geom I; Trig 1; Phys 1; Chem IW, Lat C; PAR. KER, Kenneth: Alg C; Geom C; Trig C; PAYNE, Murray: Eng C; PISCITFLU. Hugh: Eng C; Aig I; Trig Ir, PWMAN, Dan: Eng C; Al: C; Geom C; Trig C; Summer holidays-days to be hung like jewels in a chain of remembrance tn be recalled to stud the dreariness of winter with their beauty; a quiet row down the Nottawasaga River where huge ferns enhance the shade of old trees and where mte's mind tries to envision red coated British soldiers boating down with miiitarrsupplies from Fort York to Fort Maekilirrtae. lunar. chilly evenings spent by a crackling fire in a stone tire. place writing a column on the beach whilst a little grand- daughter enjoys the sand and the waves of Georgian Bay. Yet in the midst of blessing and beauty people with prob- lems abound and there an op. portunities to all others of the slaw-noun. wmwnm at hits To Ponder .95 hen WK. Michael: Biol C; Chem C; REES, Lynda: Eng IW, Biol C; Chem C; Lat C; Fr C; mm, Andrew: Chem w, RING, Leonard: Eng C; Alg I; Geom l; Trig I; Phys 11; Chem II; ROCCA, Frank: Eng C; AV, m; Geom C: Trig 111; Phys IW, Chem C; ROY. Erie: Eng III; " m; Geom W. Trig Ir, Chem 11; Fr l; RUSSELL, Ronald; Geog m A]: C; Geom III; Trig C; Chem C; SARTOR, Emilia: Eng 11; Hist C; Geom C; Biol C; Chem C; Fr In: Ital ll; SCADDING, Charlaine: Eng C; Biol II; Phys C; Chem C; ri- m; sunny, Brian: Geom Hum; c; sowwv. uda: Eng III; His! 1; Biol higher? C; _Lat C; Fr C; SPENCER, Beverley: Eng II; Hist C; Biol III; Lat 111; Fr w, STOVEâ€... Glennis: Geom C; Bot C; SZMANSKI, Julie: Eng W; Geom In; Trig III; Lat C; Pr C; TAYLOR. Richard: Eng C; THOMAS, Barbara: Eng III; Alg II; Geom IW, Trig IW, Phys 11; Chem w, Lat III; VENALAINEN, Timo: Eng I; Al: I; Geom I; Trig I; Phys 1; Chem I; Ft 1; VERNER. Greg- cry: Eng C; Biol C; Chem C; Fr C: WALKER Robert: Biol C; Phys C; WALTON, Robin: Hist C; Geog III; WARREN, Douglas: Etc_i Aig III; Geom P, Trig I; Phys W; Chem II; Fr II; WAT- SON, Peter, Eng C; WHELAN, Wayne: Geom m Trig C; WHITNEY, Thomas: Eng C; Alg W, Geom II; Tris 11; Phys 11; Chem C; Latin C; WHIT- TALL. Barry: AIg m; Geom III; Trig II; Chem C; Fr C; WILKINSON, David: Eng C; III; Trig 11; Chem C; Fr C; WILKINSON, David: Eng C; A1g C; Gavin C; Trig C; WIL- SON, Sharon: Eng I; Geom IP, Trig II; Chem I; Lat I: Pr P, WOLFE. Gerald: Eng C; Mg C; Geom C; Trig 111; Phys C; Chem C; Fr IP, WOODALL, John: Eng C; Aig C; Geom C; Trig C; Chem C; JUIL, Kenneth: Hist C; EVANS, Cairine/ Alg. C; Trig C; Joy that is to be found in Christ. As a Christian there is no great- er joy than that of telling others of the peace there is in knowing Jesus Christ. All else pales in \compurison. Friendship with Jesus Christ becomes more precious " it is shared with others. Witnessing has been described as ‘one beg. gar telling another where to get bread.' How true that is. The soul that is parsimonious. who is spiritually stingy will be. come like I desert, but the soul who is concerned Mr the wel. tare of mother's soul will find himself like a watered garden whose spring hill not. This is God‘s pattern, God'a plan. “He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Matt. 10:1. In other words. he that will give forth (hit with which he in sun- Mined shall be incl-dud. but he that witholdl that which he has shall lose even that. - an. BO um I0 “can“. mallow numm York Memorial Collegiate YORK TRAVEL BUREAU Aiiiaiditrdieri' _ "_-- to mutant Lin. Filo!“ Call TRAVEL Quiet spoken, and appearing a l little embarrassed with his ttew- ( ly acquired emergency status! the North York works commis" sinner asked board of control} last week tor a resolution giv-) mg his full control of township? resources in event of a disaster. 1 WOI'kS (higgiitsitrttt Becomes Ilittgttr It Ottawa Declares National allergens! PHILIP CHIIS‘FO JAMES LEIPER TIMO VEMLAIIIII , Firm , ftrBtB , 'trr" 3 ir" -, , ' '" , l f W , 1831 Weston Collegiate SAT; AUG. At - Door- 09. mm a... snow suns AT 1 'tlt an. William Shiv HELD OVER - ODEON WESTON E'M m1".- All persons having chin): against the estate of Eliza- beth Jane Emma Inte of the Town of Weston, in the County of York. Widow. de- :eased, who died on the mm of June. 1900. are heretrr notified to and to the under- signed on or before the 15th of September. 1966, their names 1nd hall frticulars of their claims. [medium after the said data the said estate will be distributed; having regard any to the claims of which notice has been received: f, DATED this toth any of August. 1966. OLIVE KANE and ROBERT ATKINS. Exec- utws, try their Solicitors, Metara. has: and Simms, 1944 Wagon Road, SEQ CREDITORs LN THE ESTATE or ELIZABETH an SHARON WILSON 1 first: , m Home: xo 241-1821 AT