h. a no Us m!" pee Odin! “wh- Wuhduchhlum- been an!“ 2t,tgtgt1ttfn2','t', adult-uniti- you Mohavulhgnhrnw child"; ‘ I at-tMattr1AxAttktetNrseteB- JuMtxt6ErruR13.mmtxME--mtheN"i" AboudCuh-nikutchzh- -whiehwittb.tiirrirqrto logical] can“. In. has. udu..tthstgtt,--et isemttre.trdattu_q. MI. W lunch. Tho BtoordsU Unit“ Church Wow hold M pun! month- tr “an; " the church on No. who: ' with In. r. W. Bell- udaon padding. TU theme of the worship mic. wu Demen- brim Day. In. R. Gnydon'n Cult was in chug. of the pm of the eve- ning which w presented by Simpson‘s Fashion Advisory Ser- ving with Hill Eleanor Falter muting. A eo.ordinated vu'droh- w†modelled Ind dis- cuud by Mia Bumly M. Tho prom emphasised the In. and versatility of -ories. The lath- cnjond I very inter- "ttrtq -rsirtg and lunch was tra" by In. D. MacKunia‘s Gui. all luv-Io Nero OII Wodnudly. November 9 the I BARKER, JACK M. [ --urAMEB0r.lumNLN0P=atmM- .trt1MBB8Brt' 0100mm .MtMETY q8thrCAM 5 Iii. hulk - in; log. 81.†nseh-sat-eertidortuPrtanqStatitm--craMbNNoeM601tt2 O ‘lulk Dog Foods 0 Complete Accessories 0 Wild Bird Seeds Purina Dog Chow Mk . d an an 0-way t In. Tho-n. binds. (Do-m all . numb-rel pan-h Ion pus-m. Six Guide. 1 th- m Canny Ibo Vim W W for their Host-u Ind-n. - a. aluminum and I“. and and and“ ro- m A vary - we. in. w w by all. Pull - For- Mu of childm attending [ti-rem! Public School will bl" Ill canyon-unity to but something about the In": pupil report tom More they arrive home by a. main; I meeting in the yuan] purpose room of the school on “my, November 29 " 8 pa. lit-ind" A reminder to the men of the 16th Ewbicoke Central Group Committee - Your November meeting is being held at Richview United Church Auditorium on the evening of the 2131.. All inure-t- od m urged to attend. November every second yen holds I Ipocial bonus. Not only an the children on their best be- havior and full of promises with Christmas in sight, but also pol- iticians In watching their P'- k JACK M. BARKER ' 30mm PLACE mun. tremor: ALDERMAN - WARD 4 ENDORSED BY TORONTO AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL MONDAY, DEC. Sth gu,LDAY..--10iLM.T01tP.M. 2 lb. " ill. but size Purina Cat Chow sum t3. on. Reg. tl " VOTE! abl- 1.athmhip d Mr. III ' lid mind by Mr. Bill Manx, an in -t.etntnirtq a [Mina Azm Ila-pits]. on landâ€. Do- uh-r 5. ad on My. Doesn- b.rttarfitreeeorm.tthettmsittr Citi-ts' Cult" at Tin-clam Tho Hm Sing-n an under tho lponmnhip of an Etobieoke TM-YWCA, and In making a worthwhile contribution to our community utivitieu. Tut-mm-tatt-tist) Mummgupqr- Qui- It"... with m of I new light tum-nil. M, and I." dun att-tive to the oil In an n he at. In addition to appearing on the local scene. the Harmony Singer- have been invited to punk-bah in the Amneur Music Pes.tivat " Expo '67, on May 6 and 2, 1967. pm it Casi-an Cumin Pro- They In working bud " pre- paring . program for Incantation It Expo '67, and eagerly unit their journey to Montreal to b. I C's and In lull of promises with the election date of Docembro 5 drawing closer. ROMAR BEE IXI PET SHOP ETOBICOKE'S MOST MODERN PET SHOP my!» Milkbone Biscuits Canaries t lb. poly In; Reg. 81.05 Budgies $3.98 . $8.95 - III I pupa-ll by the “at! to is loud at Ildtgeatimt to up quit. 'qul he. thr Jogu. Dud- opunt...ltl trout-g. all. t-iir-tmffieksd Dixon Road in a diaadvostagt mint-non, the land had boon nun-bled toe an. typo of unkind. hauling in keeping with the “my. and an of the surrounding ma. Thu-e- fore, the cost of moropriatitte land from the Jun-proposed devdopmnt would be high in- What then was the explanation for a letter written by the uhool hard’l business administrator to the planing bond on May 18, stating: “the only solution we all no to this aeeommodntiott) shortage is to uh upproximluly {in to eight um of the pro- posed (Jogar) development for 1 new mud-n school site . . . u - on the bond has dealt with a "commendation in reg-rd to this matter, we shalt give you formal notifietstiort of our needs". "Milk-awn" t.t.srr-utrd. My â€Walkman-rou- big'atT"ailTg't.ue.tii, radii-high. . “maria-WI»- nation, th. myriad†of th. site mama mm tho unatten- Dixu summon»... from In Mon." The brief expllined this letter “5 written in response to iafor- mation that the planning bond would be considering the Jogar proposal on May 17 (Inter clung- ed to June 7) and the planning staff was pressing for school bond comments. “Some comment had to be tnnde, to the planning department that' would serve to leave the way open‘ should the board of education after its review of the plan on June 8 (at property committee) decide that a site or part of a site in the Jaguar holdings was needed. It was in this context that the business administrator wrote to the planning department. What About Homeowners? "A question uppermost is what happens when a homeowner is arbitrarily dispossessed. Compen- sation must be paid, of course, and the amount of compensation may be determined by arbitration. The usual procedure followed by the board of education in expropriat- ing land is to retain the services of a pmfesnionnl appraiser to aa- [TO!! "sGGeaTii_i-iufii9i" Osmium“ wuuohldythtu‘altht kuut-unrist-tumt- eta-WNW“- "tt.athiaaereai.atumsd., $03.11!.anme "ttt-tnritVtlti-Uais, "rttti.-t.demtHiyrq. Giitiaiii' _ 'mvk. -dthmareluo.th.-trl,tkqitn-u-d ttau' m eo-ttta-to-rv -tn.t.auioarsdtouara. tor,-duwiiid-i,aft" . Mahala-mam 'hr-rea-ttrut-ttlit ad the baud, . hi: “hi. 1.: eetteeet participating in Forum-uh. h thi- mum. Michelinâ€: mquieed until Squaw. 1910,10thtthnm at-tte-thalts-err- print-d was to obtain qthee --d.tua. “but 73h. t.art.htiNdbrth.nahttmtrets "idtrt-hbrtutsoardaritts Waikiki-that»! d.tru-qrreutitm." Tubriaeeioaedmrithtusato. mat the board's “daemon: In" bemsmadsirtrrodethtrithft" not. purpos- of -reiatrtg in duty to Peodde “can." wheel u:- eommodBtitm." John Hunt of the Kingniw Villa: Ratepaycu' Aluminum aid he blind the board tad not and; a oomph“ study of the linnview Willa um baton u- riving " it. docisiou of which site to extsroprinte. Acquisition of thr Bite at the - of 1aiington and Dixon, would not hive ineomreniene.d Ion than one owner, Mr. Humor claimed " tin nix homes have been chimed by . dweloper. "ReeaedHas of your .tatoment," laid Mr. McKeough, “m ham in the board'. humble opinion, chosen the lit. beat-suited for the school." The Etobicoke Ratepayers' Co- ordinating Council, whose chair- mln Gun Wilson said rcpt-sent: " per cent of the utive mtepar- en’ association in the township, In: on the receiving end of some pointed questions Wednesday from School Trusts. John D. Pn- Stating the eo-ordirtatintt coun- cil had come “as close to McCu- thyism " you an get†with charges levelled at the Ichool board in a brief three weeks ago, Mr. Parker naked: "if the co- ordinating counail was founded, by whom? does it have I charter - issued by whom? I constitu- tion? aims? elected or appointed officers? was its brief to the school board submitted to its member associations for consider- etion? did it receive their unpro- val? and, were the council's of- ficers authorized to make the brief?" "The charges made in this pub- liealU-presented brief presumed throughout that the school board m in error," said Mr. Parker. "This is contrary to British jus- tice which presume: innocence until guilt it proved." l Nt would certainly be I char. lenge to m "ehiteet," said John “Baker, tsuperintendent of second- .ary whack. "It would not give us (!ltPP?r, and would pass prob- Llema of eireulatitm." ', Dlllnlble Quandlry ( At this point, Mr. Sager broke I in with the assertion he wus whip- ping boy and “in I damnuble 1 quandary". He added: "The brief Inked questions, but, without getting answers. arrived " conclusions Ind indimd this board." Mr. Parker. seconded by Will- inn: Sager. moved that the board's business administrator, D. L. Em- ond, find out to whom the Etobi- coke Ratepayers' Coordinating Council is responsible, and by whose authority it new." This motion curried. The board then started a meet- ing of in property eommittee to consider proposals put forth by the coordinating council for an alternative site to that recently expropriated in Kingsview Village for a secondary school. The site, the round! proposed. would involve expropriation of an ll-acre chunk of the 30-m-re Dixon Road site proposed by Jog“ Ltd., for. 1,800 apartment suit“. Mr. Sager felt. the shape of thrs 'suggested site (long and nan-own was not nppropriate for I school. "In our View. it's not. imposs- ihle hut it is impractical from an operational "andpoiat," aid Mr. Emond. l Mr. Emond told him the plan; proposed by the nhpnym’ coma-1 eil had been submitted to the planning department for eon- ment. It: mm“ wee to for. ward copies of planning bond minutes, showing townlhip conn- (eil he. unmoved I rezoning per- 'mittine from 1.600 to 1.800 suites ‘on the Jog-r development (the :higher figure being 60 unit! to it!" acre). 1 “If the scheme of the mobi- joke Rntepeyers' Co-ordimtting livuncil wn- considered. it would rul, buck the Jottar development [by 660 units. mo units R, 11 new†"Could we. as I school board," he Asked, "ask township council and the planning board to ulter something they hive approval?" . . . If the board'thotht there wn merit in thin site, And expro- printed it, it would be paying I substantial amount for . Ii“ which In his durable than the on. - chosen and -rri- Tm“. Brae. Sinclair said " who than“ by tho ha the In. cwrhud had um home! on It. “in! w. in†to M 50.000 kids in m- toVnoMp. In am can. In?! [man an - cl Mot, chm that] of m may mm." _ "The, Van my â€my-thy! “mam all upmde by Maddhudympcoph. Six girl: from the AYPA vent and had I rally wonderful time: Lynda lorry, Juan. Nichol, Ed- ith Mu, Jon. Pnrker. Pat Whittaker and Kathryn Wakely. by. our “tempt. " explanation in" ud- them foal better. But I can’t not any my out." Tho Chunk of St. Wilfrid’s. II- â€ROUGH BOARD or EDUCATION Noel- lkperknced Trunc- Ihh Sun Of Former TRUSTEE W For Radiation WE BOUGHT THEM ALL . .. Dalton Little l ' -,tt--ett.t--r'aaai' 'tellliilt . P,ggtttUtetlAgetMttgltNr.t'hlt'tht ' [e5i'li'i7iiiii1"iiiii'iifi MEN-orbs _‘ Gerittu-r-itsld-tf__teef, . . .All 41 Plymouth Furys, Sport Furys and V.l.P.'s from the end of the 1966 produc- tion run that will save up to DON'TDELAY...ITDOIBNTPAYWHDIYOUCANIUY...LUXUIIOUI PLTaqttrmrs...SPOttrrrLYMthrNBAYtRRMtoW.-tOW... AT... c"l,r,s,9ilhvtl921f,?,1,l',!,',!1 tt960 "tht DOWNSVIEW WE BOUGHT THEM ALL AT Tampons SAVINGS ...I.IXEBUYINGPUMPIINSAITERHALLOWE'EN... OB CHRISTMAS CARDS ON BOXING DAY. IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR LUXURY CAR APPOINTMENTS AT STANDARD CAR PRICES . . . Ir YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A LOADED PLYMOUTH . . . THEN LOOK NO FURTHER . . . COME TO DOWNSVEW CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH . . . AT 1077 WILSON AND m. IUST NORTH or 401. t "t and then some.! $1000.00 DELICIOUS-Y mum ASSOHTMZNT or COLD SALADS HOT DISHES TO PLEASE 1mm TASTE. INCLUDING TENDER. WICY ROAST BEEF, ROAST mm. 000- TO PERFECTION. AND GOURMET mam -.--i." (Special Children's Prison) . SERVED DAILY 12 NOON so ' PM SUNDAYS 4:30 PM. TO I RM. ENrERTAmMENr MEX IN OUR "VIKING ROOM†DUNDAS HIGHWAY & CONSTITUTION BLVD. PHONE 271-8111 N OPS'uEyUvAV SCANDINAVIAN SMORGASBORG RESIAIJRANI and IAVERN Featuring: 'THE BOSS ALLEN DUO"