E2ifEifE'] Tom-On W-I -uls Lawrence Ave. w, Toronto 15. Ont. Phon- 247-7154 Whoa you have loved one: depending on M . . . t' your goth, tht manner in which you mach them wa and the money you can afford to get there, In all u ', , M k '""oa_oursiennture.'1ntustomrorexp.rr r, Mg'," Inn-d com-cl. Call your nearest omen MIDI. f" {$1 tR " Ant “on: u. TJLL. FAMILY SECURITY rum. ' TORONTO MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY DIM “It 28th lay of October. INC. Borough of York - - Exp-demoed Sat your mind at rout-for ovaryono's SIR. 3 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any time prior I the Revising Officer any voter whose name is omitted from the by the enumerators. If any person who has knowledge of the fo or names of any ot er voter have been so (limited, may infer: Officer in writing, stating the mmea and addresses a the W omitted. WARD 7 AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the lists to be so revise (or each polling subdivision (Nos. 143 to 170 inclusive) as by the enumcrntors for the said polls. l, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any mien plain that his name or names of any person or persons on the said list have been omitted from the same. or that th oripersons who are not entitled to be voters have been er or before the 22nd day of November. 1966 apply. complain name or the names of any other person or persons mum the lists. Complaints may be made on the day of the Ibove ing Officer. , ,V.vv___. -__.. AWN-FMT-mi. “III DUI." I in wrilmg in the prescribed form, signed by the con iven to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for Wild Road, Weston. . F. J. SMITH Bet-min: omeer "use... no“ . Hum .\01 ml; that Sittings of the Revising Officer tor the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the v9ters' lists to be used at the voting on Monday. December 5th, 1966, under The Liquor Licence Act, in the municipality of The Town of Weston will be held at the following times and place set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out: Date of Sittings Place of Sittings Time of Sittings Tuesday . Municipal Building we. mm. to “:00 mm. November 22nd. 1966 2000 Weston Road Ind Walton 7:0. mm. to 8:00 pm. Standard Time 11." PM __ It? MLibem Went 769-9521 TAKE :VQTICE that littirts of tht Revjsing Officer NOTICE OF SITTINGS or REVISING OFFICER J. Erie “punk. Est, ll.C, 223 Yong: Street Toronto NIrlUR'rHq TAKE NOTICE that RE: 1N00lt llCENCE ACT VOTE Revising officer Best man “I Gary Matt and ushers were Alex Cormack Jr. and Eddie “Mother. For the reception at Thistle Mn. Wendy Carter, mm at honour, were a douche: lull- lenm Empire gown of an green. while In. Margaret Archer and In: Just tend. the other enema, more dul- " towns in lemon yellow. Much- ing tulle and tlower maniacal were worn by all three, and they carried cascades ot bronze dd)- ies with coloured mm at not: and wheat. dodnlulhrunlbu- Mismatch“ "athemdwith%titeeamatto- mam Given in maria- by but “that. the bride aluud tttn 'rtBrsoiiunegtrmtreee- 'rithi.eebodieeartdo-. tmlnottnateAiiaee.hrtiam. Mrttineatttetesartd--t_ -eatqttttoatorrmrtt- 'enetheil.t1tte-udae-e. Dennla,heth-redd.tttq 0: WI. luv-h Carnal. m- o! W. i m. “all amrtae%t'Wirtstiregtte,qre. "'uayf_g1artferrhrthmteemt.; sandinhanuml'uui.‘ 1Etntt"ttAmirttNmttsl 'ue.g.Atuasarotso-KAs d m‘m and no†hurl-m . Cormack - Forrest Nuptials At Good Shepherd- Mt Yule-WM“, at mwmlom V- "__ w .. “m. .w.% w: "Us...“ “at: (Nos. if,?. to 170 inclusive) IS prepared and certified uni-l u a - - Hiya.-- -__... .... a.“ u: pn‘yulcu he has 1e?yler,tae of ttttact that the name Ills HONOUR woo: noun-r rousnn Claim- " (In Mon land For the Con .1 Yuri (my nun, an.“ an or persons entered on.ir removed from the day of the Ibove Sittings to the Revis, Ontario FICE that any voter who desires to com- person or persons entitled to be entered the same. or that the names of any person voters have been entered thereon. may on 966 apply. complain or uppeal to hive his iii)): 'i' Clerk of Revising Ollie-er F. J. Smith any um: prior to the sittings ot .._:u-; ___--, AL " - - such “we“: must be bv notice Ie f'l,'r'e,i,"'hu in duplicate and m for im at his oftiee " 2000 sq reused Ire the original hat: may idiom __ as? iieiGiiiik of the voter or voters " There is . great deal of in- tellectual pride abounding today. {It is strange that man. having We can be proud of our m- cestor’s piety, proud of their pioneer achievements or proud of their itttelleetaalism but what- ever form pride takes it is some- thing that God lbhors. Some people have such pride in their family tree yet all it Us produced is a bunch of nuts. The groom's mother chose a mmpiece Paisley suit of lime on .litt. aijkdir'iirGi POINTS Til 'illllEll Dorothy Clan Kilburn by Weston's _ acquired knowledge of that which (God has created suddenly sets Ietetlt upon a pedestal in his ‘mental attitude wards God. He no longer acknowledges God with [respect, he feels that he has 'arrived' and considers " those {who believe and respect the Creator as somewhat lacking in intellectual capacity. How sad this is. The fear (respect! of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. ii “e have no respect for God we have not even begun to be wise no matter how great our intel- lectual achievement may be. and navy accessories, and ,2 gar. denia col-age. For her wedding trip to Lake Placid, N.Y. and Cape Cod, Miss, the bride wore a pale yellow suit with matching coat green and silver hmcade, with matching silver accessories and Ids can.“ of Phalaenopsis orch- by ham (uh Paying A hacker What IK's Rainy Worth Part 2) This is the one point where he and I are at odds. If and when the public who ply: every nickle of what a teacher earns discovers that We are operating the teacher incentive motive backwards. there will either be a change gr tt change in government _ Reading between the lines. I would say that this means that even if you are the poorest teacher in Ontario. so lone as you work for that school your salary will be raised 3300 a year, come hell or high water. Another flaw in the present system is the very fact you have to loin the ranks before you can teach in any publically operated school in this province It has been poiinted out lime and time again that the likes of Plato would never tie allowed to teach in an Ontario school because their so called formal education is much less than the Grade 12 minimum required by the teachers‘ federation and the Education Act. "You will never change this system. no matter how wrong it is. because of the power of the federation, the former teacher and trustee predicted. V If the public wants a change it shall have a chango there can be no question about that. .When I read that " all I could see was dollars, dollars. dollars, come and get 'em'. It didn't say that the school is looking for a teecher who can teach youngsters to be the best bookkeepers in the land. I could not find a line which stated that the good teachers are paid more than the bad ones. nor did the ad B%V that teachers who show children to learn are paid more than those who bore the Younger generation to tears. What it did say however is that whoever gets the iob. good or poor. will receive an annual increment of 8300. rec S300; upgrading summer school courses up to $200; moving allowance up to S300: maximum cumulalke sick leave benefits 200 days: sabbatical leave and retirement gratuitv nlans: noun insurance." While glancing through that paper. I also noted an- other ad. "Wanted immediately, commercial teacher for Grade 11 and 12 bookkeeping and Grade 9 mathematics. Salary schedule 85300-311500 according ta categcry. Am nual increment S300: allowance tor secondary school ex. perience $300 per year: allowance for WA. or higher dere- DOWNS Take I look at last week's daily, my caller said, and you will find and ad for a general gettreatrrtrettsurer of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation of. fering $20,000 to $23000 1 var. In my opinion, any union which can afford brains like that, must be pretty mu All this makes sense to me. because the school lea- chers' federation gets as much dues from the bad guy as it does from the good guy and therefore it also has to go to bat for both of them when the chips are down. Another reason that the wage system will never change. my caller said. is the fact that the various Ontario federa- tions, with their "closed shop" union dues check offs. have immense sums to fight for what their membership wants. is something about the teaching moles-ion which makes it lets diffieutt to keep a bum teacher on the public payroll than it does to give him the axe. . The former teacher did Far however. that if a teacher The former teacher did say however. that if a teacher I: considered poor enough, the principal on have a little that with him and by mutual consent. he may then leave to Join the stall of some other school. Thr-wh-reel-ttrue/ravine-sea, tmesttrqrptettdtasdthesehootmarraitGr%uetts. annual m incense if a poor teaeher down warrant n nine. but when you read down into the tine print. the oNrP.tritoeartdottoisttterirteiemt,hrai. Catttttesettmgttoardfimiteaihir.r . T.!terrtartatttyerruteremtottreteie.ttemesaidaur'uu his 20 yun a trustee and teacher. he had only one. 'eet!meteaeherdistniasedamitttatwasmrsociiimid. behaviours. That statement alone, if true, and I have no reason to doubt it, an a awful lot about the teaching protes. Lion. It means that My In either dunked; or eke there Messe-dare-tttmute-ttttrm-utter -tPtrttPiyeistttterovutee.rteiuuieiiaiir- "tteettuietteemuofteaelters.andoaootueseii tetr.iateretuttttettoomatteaetmrinttkiaa ',t9,.9tem-.astteteatstroridetitttirGivCiai sitrterttaeMrrttmdirt.aeadePieirunin. Th um tad-crumb mud a mat on nun-r- eam-n. "110'me Para Teacher What mhmwwr' Ftigealik.said.raoe-tteorttariosehtsot 'taeAaeeredsestt-iirseetottiat. rr.ott-.eiais.daaiGJG-irir.ast-stg Tia'Pg,r"u"'"-iait"ii"iiruiiart2 ‘uon 'uyditaeuyb.et-rtrtrtteetur- 'yr.a_ht-eehmluaeheriirgtr,iiarfGrieii". thtrtrelitartN-bt-tedurittisi. That's The Way... Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be-.xmrrf"ur-r--.ocsr,i- AND YOUR WW“? THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU .-.----. [amn- Pacinni, Deanna Pa- cinui. Pat hchupelle. Margaret Candle, Anne Hopkins. Sharon Luna-u Mary Lynne Maniac. Elin- beth Davidson, Debbie Vim Wendy Bunn, Put LaClupelle. Margaret Caudle, Anne Hop kiln. Darlene Candle. Human Anne Hopkins, Hiram Candle. Darlene Candle. Wendy Bunn, Mary Lynne Muhino, Eli. zabeth Davidson. Pat Lick-pel- le, Sharon Morrison. Leanna Pacinni, Donn " cmni. Mary Lynne lesbian, I... " Deanna Pudnni, [Anna " cinni, Mary Lynne lulu-o. Darlene Candle. Imam Cate die, Sharon Morrison, Wand: Gamer. Pat uChpolla, non: Dunkil, Dam}: 'tietsahtt, mi nie Candle. "-Arili.thorat_ ammttterMrearsaax Nerve-bu- tt mum-(mu Nahum-nun! D?ritrataeuerraeeetga-. 'rtto-rrtasth.r,MtcAauagarek. at. nut-d ow, this id 'rtee,irtheehatr-. not“: so Ftt8 YORK TRAVEL BUREAU I!“ W. G. “Eel. it: 33A!“-