.te.t0-%.-68t---Ttt--e,a.rttct9" JOIN THE SWING tr, Io . . Plymouth ..., FURY for '67 "i1'ii'(iiii'i'it “m ttlf)7sidi'l,', In“! I, "can! when retention of the active! has 1m Kindergarten, grades 1 and " children that. attend Humber. Lcrest junior-senior pubrtsehool. The Ronald Hastirtgrttrwhy in the Bantam section uasAon' by BiRite Drugs, coached by K. Lani ton. asciMed bv F Comeck. Team members: David Lama" Larry Colbeek. Doucioltreck. Doug But. heâ€, Donald Patskou. Billy Pats, kou. Mike Rorsetti. [9me Roy setto, Renso Depelgrin I ark Kid. sort, Norbet Chrislmm. Billy Brown. Billv Fagan. Tom Mor. ris, 130be Kavanaugh and goalie Harry Dahme. _ The Joe Gould Trophy for the midgets was won bv Rack and Cue, coached by Jr Kendall and A, Trerhhlav. Sponsor Danny Lazarow of Rack and Cue pre- sented the follouing boys with their troohier, and also a gin of a dttffle bag: B Simpsnn. 1ct'on. ram. D Trertibtav w Hudson. F Dnrrm S 'l)onm;m, B Ken- dall. t' swim: J, Maucim. R Lobley. Gt Hpskfth. M. Goetz. K Williams. B, Marcuaig. R Neshe- wt and'J, \Iarknu. centurion“ TRAIN At timbs. the residents of the southwest corner otsthe Borough of North York tthails us). feel that they are the forgotten sec- tion. However, I now have some very good "straight off the press" news for you. The North York stop for the Centennial Train. is to be right in our mm arm. The location selected is the (NR. siding just north of Lawrence Avenue. be. Iueen Keelertitreet and Caledonia Road. The ('anlennlal Train will he at this location for 4 days - August 3 4. 5. and 6 The lram Is to he open from 9:00 am. "tll 00 pm, each day, ‘and there is no ad. mittance ch an". It “I" lake viewers " minutes to go through the train, About 500 people per hour or 7.000 per rlav will be able to view the exhibitis. CANCER CANVASSEIS Mrs Vi Colbgurn. 27 Bmme Road tZQIJSBm u convening the Cancer Canvas fhr this area. and unuld \rn' much appreciate re. reviving hnln from area rosidonu The arm: has Fern dwided up mm wry small oetions, Mrs Col- Harold Tobias of 'Riverview Gardens, <pokesman ior the par- ents. explained that the streets in the area “are hilly and with- out paved sidewalks, The public steps up the side of one hill are not maintained and shovelied during the mmer. He ehtrged that the recommen- dation of J. D. Hammer. super" intendent at public schools. that the board provide up free bu, trckeTsVriiF ifay" to? lise"iin thit Jane tit.. bus did not overcome, the hazards of theroads between; the homes of children and Jane; St. . The bus has been in operation tor 20 years and according to Fiuga'i," Franh Oke. the original service was due to an incident when a youngster was molested resulting from poor ytreet light, ing, Since then. the lighting has improved however. the subsidir ing of the transportation has come betdre the board a number of times. k (Continued from page 9) Whiteside, Alexander Alberro, Blake Donovan and Joe Mo Donald. School Bus to Continue A delegation of mne parents from the Jane and Old Mill area Pulford , . lumbar a: paper but copies pretest during the first moon: d Ttmt figure is '0,000, he said. Besides. the book was Tomow's tttirdbestsetiectttetirstweegit hit the book stores and the best sells for the next two weeks ac- eordiog to “Quill and Quin." Victoria. B.C. book dealers have ordered n thousand, he said, and Vincouver dealers want mother 2.000. A similar number of orders have been placed from Halifax he added, and Ottawa mm: have already distributed and M’s pound laden - in aPteeiiAetmteatesrigttt- NM. 3 Norm Yeti imsur- we lumen says the book has Sludofs “Belly Button" In Demand Across Canada The lee charged tor the bus Jane & Pritcllord Hair Dressing whenâ€- Iov I. You , They're Bat/l! April 29: Harthnatnn School have a real stoop for this movie. Dick Van Dike will star tn Lieu. tenant Robin Crusoe. This has never been shown on 1eIevision, and is a mos' recent release. It pleases me to be able to re- port that the Hardington Parents Ce n t C n n i a I Committee have reached the $450 mark through their efforts with neighborhood movies and euehres. Their chil. dren will definitely be going to Expo! April 8: Another excellent movie at Hardington Public School. "In Search of the Casta- ways" with Hayley Mills and Mau. rice Chevalier. This is a very ex- citing story of a globe - girdlina search for a lost spa eaptan with gigantic tidal “an PS.. earthquakei and murdcrmh bannihals stun bourn hopes that she will receive many volunteers, so that the load will rumba too great on anyone. How about it Can you help? If so, please give Vi a call today. COMING EVENTS Maple Leaf Home and School Association is halving a very spe- ual muting on Monday, April 17. and uould like all members. and DEM rueinbprc of the association in wt aside I' _ duxr, I can‘t pub- li,h all 1.ie detail, Ulllll next neck. I can only ask that anyone “ho has had any (-onnecllon with the school " er the past decade or so to please reserve the date. Be sure to read my column next week for the details. April 12: Euchre at Hardmgmn Public School, Lots of door prime and more arm’s Tasty rent-sh- ttttmls Aprul " Hat thinn Shun at Elverston Park United chureh, Anril 2.2' Smreial adult shinning ot "The King and l" at Elver- Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Watson. Gary Drise. Weston, and their cousin. Mrs. Margaret Shannon arrived home Saturdav after ; three neck motor' trin to La ll: bra. California, “here they visited Mrs. Watson's sister. In Weston the request for sub. sidizing to Illa amoun.t of two bus tieket Htif"irtitTi"srud6rit' rri'thr, 7 Kindergarten and grades l and! 2 attending Hui Atexamterl. school from North York south of '; Highway 401 was also approved.) Prior to September 1966 “as dig xided so the board paid 70 pal cenrand parents paid 30 per cent With the higher cost of the bus service, the parent withdrew their support and the board paid the] complete $25 per day shot. Trustee William Bayes and: Norman Harris moved rcten-> lion of the bus service and it was agreed that costs would be work» ed. out by school oHieials and) parents. Jsixteen children from " 'a milies use the $5000 a war bus service. _ ' . ' j COMING our a“: cttllll.t, EARS / And the way this book of poli- tical photos with strict] CBP- tions is heading, it may become an all-time Canadian best seller. Writers uni columlmts of news- papers in exery comer of Canada have poked fun at the charitable mum Royal York Home], and Ottawa press elutr, who among others, refused to have their names publicly associated with the book. being! sales) by choosing sud, I contours“! title. He muted .the Festy Wm [my M he thought my Canadian ttad, I belly button and claims he mu cannot see why so many at them an otfettsetothis “with is) srh_rweers,tto-,ttrat new Mirna ,t,1'Ml1l'ftl'lih"UlSltt' "tmmd'atgrm0-tteq1ttatrub+ anatheCIpn-lpoophwua Moat-Mum â€machineâ€. Tr,itors from ail over came hack to [he church to renew ary quaintances and the choir was happy to welcome back three former ministers of Mount Den- nis Bambi: Rev. F. G. Balsdon. Rev A. R. Fowler and Rev. M. F. Harden. Former members present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bieherstan. Mr. and Mrs. John Lancfrom Alton (former musical directors) and Mrs. Lowlher who came from Victoria Harbour for the occasion. The choir was pleased to have Pop Hulks home and to hear of his ministry at Canfield. Onlario. Sun Parlor and George James ramurml monone's interest as they told of their early days in Mann! Dennis at the Mount Dem ms Bapt.'rt chair reunion held in thr church early in March. An Old Band . . for the coming year wen Peer seated S. Hobart Bull will once again take over the office of president and Bill Rose pf Pelmo Park Bantist was irtstallcd as nco preeiilent. EARLY DAYS IN MOUNT DENNIS 5. A good student. "Good hot. key players am- good students' stressed Pulford. 4. Courage. This does nat mean a good fighter, but means a player that has determination and willpower to practice and play to develop hoqkey skills. His m- ample in this case wan Cror.lie "we. who in his opasion, Is the best m the league. 7 tCouttuue4 from pan 9) Bobby PuKord, who began his hockey career in Weston, was prgsemed with a large candlg-lit eakeiahor1aurofhis31stbirth. day. In answer to his own ques- tion to the boys “What does it take to be. a good hockey player?" he gave these answers, 3. A good team player. As an example, Puitord cited Bert Om. steadwttodtNssn'tscotealntof goals. bat is a good team player. “Don't be selfish, pass to the oth- er 1. Natural skills such as skai- ing. Practicing turning starting and stopping is the key to this skill. "'2. A good shit, This again takes practice and more practice. l .1 mu um "look-god byJohnGmdalc at the 2 minute as second mark to! the second oven-mm period to In] the tate of the wmn Dod- m toru- mam season It was I hard that which Brian Cropper had no dance on, thus ending what had to be the best Jr. "B" tinat series in yeah to (in the Bee-Hives the champion. He also argued that "the deci- sion would eliminate inequalities among madam created by one student being able to afford to dress boiler than another. and would save parents money due to school board's bulk purchatsirtg power. tlll1Stttrs .".". A motion by separate school trustee Michael MacDonald and supported by Dr. Ronald Christie be 110110; of, restuiritt my uidorms tor all secondary sm- dents in grades 9 to tit “as de. heated by York board of eduea. tion Monday. MacDon'ald gave sacral rea- sons for his idea. He contended that it would create an esprit-de- corps among the students and a most favorable appeal-mm to the community at large, The stage an set as of last Tuesday n'..'ht when the Hives knoceef off the Dodgers " on Weston ice. This “In gave the Hives a " lead in the series and a key same it was. They com- pletely outplayed the Dodgers building up I " lead in the first period on goals by Bob Taylor and Wayne Ego stretching their lead to " at the end of the Bee Hives Beat Dodgers to the Cup (Continued from page It) Trustees Veto School Uniforms Twenty-tun Sunday school stu- dents trom the classes of Rev, Thomeloe and A. Jackson held a teen party Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jaok. son. Games and dancing were enjoyed as well as selections by a reeerttiy formed group which consists of Robert Leonard on drums. David Jackson on clavo line. Doug Boy. Jim Beuk and David Thorncloe on guitars. Miss Jaekie Graham. I student at Macdonald College, Guelph, “as " the home of her parents The deterioration of family He in today‘s soren- has- reached alarming proportiorrs. We as pro- l‘rssmg Christian, med to seek to know u hy this IS happening. Your srontributiim tn such a conformer rs what ts needed io make It a success. Uu Sunday attcrmuun. Am: 2:; from 2-4 p.111. a parish commence on family lite will be held in the church hall at St. Timothys. The guest speaker will be the Rev. S. West, director of corrections for the Diocese of Toronto. is to discuss and promote the case for family life to be streng- thened and recognized in the community and by society as a whole. ' QUEEN'S SCOUT RECOGNITION CEREMONY One hundred and tWy . boy scouts of the greater Toronto re- thm renal» ed their Queen's Scout badges It I ceremony held at Convocation hall on Thursday evening, March 30. Jimmy Laun- ard. son at Mr. and Mrs. R. Leonard of Lavina Blvd. com- posed and played the selection fir the organ recital. The choir. consisting of 83 members. sang selections under the direction of R. Leonard. The presentation, of the Queerfs Scout c'ertitieates “as made by Fred J. Fintay. chiel newtirc of boy scouts of Canada. Among the-boys re'ceivim: hm Queerfs scout badge “as David Thomcloe, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Thornton of Jubilee Ores. David also celebrated his 16th birthday the same dag. Cum grandam David. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nelson of Lovilla Blvd. have returned from an enjoyable 2 week vacation in Florida. They, reported the tem- perature in the 80's and the “pa- ther beauCru! """""""" . ".. . . . and Mrs. Jack Gmutam,iwiiia (Continued Iron: page fl) Blvd. _ at Riverside the several pots of SOD-TURNING CEREMONY il.oweys '"Cf sent to 1he sick and him“ one year ago that the ’Pm'm†lire brownies sent 30 members of llumberlea Baptist 5asler e.ardlto .the sick and shtst. Church. “hich was located at In: It: the district. Weston Rd., and Omagh. mmexl QUEEN‘S SCOUT RECOGNITION from those premises and took up CEREMONY tnnporgry quarter: at C. W. Jef- Oue lyuyjred and tiiboy 2ydtsl1J"t,tw2,'o,,,re,l'1'ii 50"†of.the gxegyex TTY".? re- for a as“ building on the south gum received then Queen', scout side at Finch Are half Kay be. badges tr.t . ceremony held at tween Jane sad 1dGi was Convocation hall on Thursday and the name was charted to evening, March 30. Jimmy Leun- . . . ' ard, l',',, M Mr. and “In n Northmigtster Baptist Church. Trustee Norman Harris spoke this opportunity of thanking vou in favor of the idta but expressed all for your loyal patronage dur. doubt that today's student would ing the past season. We are sure Trustees Evelyn Howe and Oscar ( hockey and in some cases some- Kogan in areas where identical _ thing different. We are sure you uniforms are worn. there is no‘enjoyed yourselves. Have a nice 9‘Tid996591 I Having: mun» ,summqr and come back again ems Ind the students apparently ', in the fall In your favourite past. dop't like, them. l time. laud min may»: 'rHt'usttrrieratmiudtqrttth. Stove Mu Icon-in; for an “that. Riva. . l stov- MeDaemld mud the 'ttetttirdp-mvtttoives leasing for the Mani-Ia in his 0'07 ertersptete control ftlthes-rMr.rIodttera1om they ttutqdatqd out - that and "-ddtot.B-tto-t ducked at Dodger' We gutr. itame.Dizi-mrtetringarsd P.ieittrprttiwtitottat. 8uat-kbr3ttltaDartbrand trick mr. the Elva More Day: Al Gotduuer an the Hive: I Rudge tinaity INN Trail bid " lead. Dave Bud“ tied the for I thutotet. Gery PM cloud more at 2 all. _ out 3M worm; (at the Dodgers At the alumni mark Carl but it W '00 tate. Aid-om. nut 55. In...- .... in less with both teams pressing‘ hard. The second period found the Dodgers completely outNarl ing the Hives but, they just could‘ not beat My in the nets, Par.) ham and Ford had several orodl Stratllburn Park . . . In comm! to Tuesday night the Doubts elm. out full ot tire nod gusto being “all “In they had to will.“ out. PARISH CONFERENCE ON FAMILY LIFE “'I. 'core. I Coach Ken Avareii, the Weston zDodaer executive, the players land myself would like to take this opportunity of thanking vou all for your loyal patronage dur. ing the past season. We are sure English department. The dances and songs are being staged by Mr. .Rieciavdelh' of the history (lcparlmcm. and from the en. Ihualasm of the Mudents it would appear tha1nue are all in for an ilxu-I'ulrng owning of entertain. ment on a Canadian theme hy the ~:u’|cn'.~ T rket, uill be avail. able on April 3rd. CENTENNtAL PROJECT The >l'uilenls at Emery hate chown I; Communal majors for the school. The tire,t and most popular ehoiee is the planting of red maple trees along the drive- way leading from Weston Road to the school. The driveway is to be rcnamed Centennial Drive. In The students hare aha decided to plant a flower garden on the side of the hill in the shape at the Centennial symbol. The third pro- Jeet is to collect Hiram] pimms of Canadian: from all parts of a few bears when the maples have grown. it should make a wry beautiful approach to the school. EMERY COLLEGIATE VARIETY SHOW Alum IOU sluzft‘nlx of link-r} High “In be pintic.pts1itt?, m turn- van'zely sltou “hit-h ml] be pre seated on the csertings of April 12, 13 and 14 m the school audi. torium. The production is etitiiled “Who's afraid or General Wolfe?" The script was written by' Mr. The architect, Wallace Shernff has put much thought into all areas of the design of this sanct- uary. The congregation has wait. ed long for this church building to commmcr. What a thrill it is now to "M' " in siahty “cured for that all important event. It is hoped that as many Sunday school children and adults as possible have a haqd in pul- ling the plough to break the soil. The sod-breaking ceremony will beght the first stage of a three stage building program. Aprii'ill_tse a day that will long be remem2iered in the hearts and minds of the members and friends of Northminstcr. The ground breaking ceremony is to lake place on that Sunday at Il am. " will he umque became an old-famiunod piouzh has been stow MeDaemU mud the mains for the nodal-{lute in the new»! period an a but Wduwuhmm - Dizi-mrtetyingartd tuna-hunk. Durand Al Gogdaneer an the Hive: I " lead. Dave Budge tied the "oreat2ali. _ First tied the more with luvs than a mlnut- tett to-send tttear into overtime. They battled through to min- utes of monks; overtime. Then at the 2 minute as second mark. it all came to an end " John Grind-lo put the Dodgers to sleep for 1907. At the tbmbuti mark Carl Mutton put the Hives up " which loomed to put the game on ice, but a determined Gary overthe Easter holidays, Mr. IN THE DRESSING ROOM Emmi - Tfar The??? " eekrsr game at the home of Mrs. Lil Harm Imond. 1ui.tt"T.; “ere. Gladys Patterson, i83). Hazel Scars, 182L Annie l'arbis. i81). Ltrv, stNlrp Lilian iHarmmmd. "ti. "Hurling prize Hazel Sears The Good Neighbors Club held their weekly Euchre at the home of Mrs. Mary Nash. 36. Brae. crest Ave Winners were: Reta Hicks. (72-. Mildred Lamb. 168), Eleanor Payne. (68). Low score Joan Kline. (4h. Monthly Door Prize winners. Ruth (on? orton and Maria Hieks, a motor holiday trop lo Miami Florida-es the Easter holidays Miss F'rancis Laird. Gnlldmm Dr. returned home from her Easter Holidays in Nassau. Bmhdav momma: in " Kay SPI'IP}. April Co. Lennard Crouther. April ll Mr, & Mrs Jack Staples and family hare returned home from Dianne Jackson and Jennifer Silverthorne. brownies 1n the Riverside church pack. received their golden hand award at the regular meeting Wednesday, Ap- ril 5. HF-Emery cub and scout father and son banquet will be held April 21 al Riverside it 6:30 p nt. Entertainment try, follow. shank Mom Limited of Wes- ton, Ont., has been elected vice chairman of the 1967 Na- tional Dealer Council of the Ford Motor f?"'tte' of Can- adl. Limited. hairman Ls James B. Brown of Ottawa. Alan grew up in the automobile business. His father, Alex. was the third generation proprietor of the original wagon works iu. '7 buggy" Lusinesr. Brother Cliff and Alan are fourth ge.n- 120 year old.cruickshank Lam, ily establishment in Weston, Alan is a vast chairman of the Wm ford Dealer Assqcia- 60:13.1 inimiember ot the Fed- eration of Automobile Dealers Association. . Rixerside Couples Club held their monthly get mgemer Satur- day evening April Lin_the church hall. Court whist was enjoyed tol. Iowed by lunch. Winners of MIN were: Ti Thompson. Allan Mc. Larm. Lemur Deny and John Jacques. Ch.p,ratulations In Mr arrl Mrs. Percy Corducil of Ann Arbour Rd. alto trettylwatvd thm‘ 25th “adding anniversary on Tuesday. April 4th. our country and place them in a time capsule inside the memorial cairn in the courtyard. The hope is to involve as many students as possible in there projects. and thereby In help the school and students' ittlerest In and rowed tor their Country. Mrs. D, E. Dean Mm has been visiting at the home ot her daurth. ter, Mrs. g Graham and lamily d Lovilla Blvd. for the Fist , months returned to her home 111 Shslbume, Oat. an Sunday. Alan J. amalgam; 92 quick ANNIE cums 741.5334 Ike ._§1.ml_e_a___ba. _d_i_EAcs d Ford of Canada Vic. Pm. of Dale" Elmlea and District BANQUET