Weston Times (1966), 7 Sep 1967, p. 12

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During the summer months. a play-re-tg committee has been busy reading full , length plays and have selected three suitable plays. These plays will be dis. cussed an] read during the first two-meaty V Following meetings will be held at the YALCA. Albion Road. Testletowm For further Monm- tiau can 247-8174, all adults why) are breasted or have a Bair tor was; to come out to the first meeting at the season. Ir will be held at the hound Mrs. Padan- Stmell. on Tuesday. September te. 26 West. ttumber Boulevard. at 8 pm. Play Group Seeks Amateur Actors the 7 pm. band concen to be held " Caledonia Pant. Caledonia Rd. and Kitchener he. will fea. ture the "illustrious" Sea Cadet Corps. Everyode is'imx’fed to attend both of these Band Corwerts. tree of charge. Two Bomugh of York band row certs to be held on Sunday, Sep- limbe‘f lor The Weston ther Band uull perform at the band shell local- ed in Memorial Park. Little Blvd. and Westnu Road at 2 sun and Best nun ua< Ron Hodges and when “we Bdl Madnll and Rob an Webster. Bridesmaids “ere sirss' Jane” Hugh and Mus Lynda Davy, All i the attendants wore street-length ' 'hockingou1k go“ In of SWISS Ihlntunz. Their hits were made of petals matching the dress Tttth mile tesls. I They earned blush pink ciht, buiium orchids, j titxett In marriage by her fa- ther, the bride looked tovely in ' tloor-length dress of mod: (1‘pr “uh a coat and train of Chantilly lace. and a shoulder- length xeil mu: headpiece lo match the deslgn of the t'han- lllly lace. She earned a bouquet of Ithalaenopais orchids uith Manon; Matron of honor "as Mrs, g G._Pj.r_1k (my: of the groom» REL Roma Bow patterned the ceremony and ommsl “a: James Leonard, The Thaletomt Player, invite mum-auda- ndorned Wax-hue: Uliud Church. [or a. neon wedding " Plinth (PI!) Ala Guil- and John Arthur WM. The bride i543. humor ttt In & Mrs. John Sunk Gum It Scarlett Road. Wanna. The groom ts the ma of Mr. . In. Arthur Webster, William St., Weston. ' nietr--' PHONE 2414821 PRESENTS DOUBlE FEATURE '""'lt F - I. mm a»: mm m - l 'ANDEL‘ WJMUOA 2 Band Concerts Sunday, Sept. 10 Itt31 WESTON RD “AMAZING TRANSPARENT MAN” COMNG THURSDAY, SEPT. 14th V Florist's Daughter” ,. Happy Summer Bride, gin * man ‘2..£t.._ --- a, Recommended As Adult litterummen SATURDAY MATINEE Boom om In.” show sum At 1.1m Michael Cline and Peter Sellers ml - “I” m " CONDITIONED “MD A DOG” “WRONG BOX” Starring zen! AND Tl"? AND 22TW,errd "-43eCeP8fro?i?,bec _ Viv-r-tcrap-rick: my»? ,.“""?é” -ss,'it'ii/r, ' I 241; 5")?" Wrei'i "Cir :‘s’m gtg ' Ire' 'st:',' _' a » in? J "Ll. bT 'iris' t ‘4'? . ',/da) f. v'rsrs'.)k" I f , 5).; m,,', N ' *;-~ . The tercmouy was tonducled} by Rev. J. unduly “in: accom-; panylng music by organist, Fred: Punter and soloist. Bob Wood house, _ Ott the arm of her father, the bride 'mtered the church wearing a flomsleergth gown at white (on! (allowing their marriaga at Beverley Hills United Church. The couple win live 31: Sasha» chewan. Saskatcheuan. " Matron}! Moor, Mrs. Sandra White gladioli. sham daisies Slsame. SN" of the bride, were and yellow mums decorated the a full-length dress at melon shan- Beverley mus l'mled Chum-Mum: and 'uatehiugriowered bead. “hen Diana May Bridges, daugh- ‘ !yeee TYe bridesmaids, Misses lm' of ur and Mrs. us w. Brid- 45”“ Holt. Elizabeth Bridges, gt" of Kirby mr. Downswew."mwr of {he bride. and Bonnie marred Marvin F. Stafford, sou 95Fl‘i'0m ammonia groom were of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stafford Mgmnlarly gouned itt pale green Rainer; Saskatchewan. gshuuugng wrth mam-hing thmrered The ceremony was eoniiuetedlheadrsieees.-Theyauearsiedoose. by Rev, J. Lindsay “nth accom-l,tf5l? of talisman roses, white naming music by organist. FredtTnateor1s and gttasta daisies. ‘v For the "WNW- at Four the Pink (mm, mi 'amd Imus’ Motel Ytel, the bride's white Mannie-mum 9mm etteta. "We to“ m.- the an»; tor the "e-t vei- [ mu stream truck ' . u. , dint ol Judah (Judy) Darlene “my 1"l'lS'att'dg m _. Maud and lunch! (Kin) Alu- m w W "m" and” sum in Menu. United [length trote. . . l Ch I. f Both were 1ettita, 'rretida. The bride is the daughter at ( Out ot town guests can from Mr. I In. alfred G. "med. of Subwm'u- Motrtre,ai, Fart Weston R., Weston. ' Hands and Ottawa. The groom is the m " Alee Y The bride's travelling costume Smith and the late Mrs T. Smith, was patterned pink orange undid Newliu Crest, Downtview. l 'green crepe dress uith a in Rev. E. Lindsay dicinud. l genne lmen coal. , Soloist Ted Jones an; to the 1 The couple will reside in Wes-l accompaniment of the church on] Ion. iganist. " KAY NIAPOLI lshottung, matching train lami- A mid-summer wedding uniung quad with lace and an elbow- 98:1?!“ and Festfrn Canada has l length French lace veil cascading tliStNI lit?. Marvin F. SrtttMotd , trom I pearl nan. She carried I swam new of her husband s 1 Mu T . puma prommce as she man‘s to f 'lotl2u',' cm“ rmr'es and make a new home In lumen; q . _ Saskalcheuau. 1~Matmupf Moor, Mrs. Sandra Mr, and Mrs, Marvin F. Stat. Bridges-Stafford '-'%'rua..t--rr,t- Downsview Bride Now A Saskatchewan Rose TELHMCOLOE WESTON JI "II. all rCltarxt lett i Funk-m normally his! and tum emu igg use: , knight-backed this. I A. - ---L-- A- ‘___;.‘J Ag an own-imam. " haired with mama Mm than mi he: tint-rode and" elm, The children rocked 41tu in. slud of squirm“ and In. leer {and In tre l month ahead M "not: normal main. level. The office is fully uncondition- ed and fitted with fluorescent lighting. Ill acoustic-tile ceiling. vnyI-uk- flooring and walnut woodwork. Parking accommoda- tttatt for customers‘ can is avail- able in conjunction with In ad. Janna wmmxrkn. hold their annual rummlxo "le in their synagogue It the (miner of Keele and Marrport Monday mowing. September " Ind Tuesday we“. Sept. 10. To be open from lo a m. to 3 pm Mondays to Thursday mnd IO am to ' p m. on FYiday s. the branch " Pqupped with three tel, lers' make“ and two prune roupon booths {or safely-deposit- box ruslmnorS For salvkeepmg the B M M quarters hare an "arounduw- clock” depository uml ans] 1 large s1eel-ami-retNarced t o n t r e t r nun Mr Gum join-d the Bank of Manual at Sam: in 1954. He was appomtrd teem-mm u a branch m Hamilton il In And. the new year, moved to a Toronto 'fomd lett on I wedd'ng trip to aaa. Montreal and Expo. Fourth B of M to be established In Dowuwiew since 139. the new othce will be managed by Peter Guam. lormeriy assist“! mana- ger of the bank's main Sudbury bramh Busmest starts on Mmday at aim-e in the same capacity. the Bank M Montreal‘s newest ln1962.h¢ was upwind mana. Dowmnen branch. located at "wig" ot the Thom“ B af M and comer d Keck street Ind Fin-Hm there in 1964 when he be- avenue, 9came assistant manager of tho Bank Establishes New Branch In Serve Downsview Customers Out of tom, guests were trom: Rainer Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stafford, Mr. K. waarirrir,' Mr. and Mrs. M. Romanni-k. Miss B. Stafford 1nd Mr. D. Schuier. From Lethbridge Alberta. Mr. H. schuler‘and from Hamilton oy tario. Mrs. A MacCormzck. . Follow mg the reception. the bride chamted Mr travelling ism a sleeveless dress of flowered pink and orange nylon crepe. mmhi‘ng Breton hat. mange dices and purse. Mr. and Mrs. Mania F. SIM. TONE; Receiving her guesiriG re- cemion held in the Viking Room of Valhalla Inn. the bride's mother wore a rummage dress of scalp- tured late with hat and shoes to match, and a cox-sage td yellow roses, blue Mme Henry Schuler was the best man and ushers we" Sidney Sharpe. Alex Waker and Dave Bridges. the bride's brother. Rock In School Rummage Sale The Sisterhood Beth Am will The groom is the an " Ala: Smith and the late Mrs. T. Smith, of Newliu Crest, Downtview. Rev. E. My odfieiated. Salons! Ted Jones an; to the Pink “mamas, Mali and will. mum-mm the unit; to: (In new vol- ding " Judith (Judy) DIN.- Ihxud and Kimmy (Kill) MOI- lnder Sana; in Riverside United Church. 1 shite groom's mot tutr-piece dres accessories " lite cannons Mrs. Marvin F. Slal- mother .chose a dress ensemble. (i and a carsage Ind yellow 1 voice of _ His servant, yet who. ‘ walks in darkness and deep trow Iple 1nd has no shining Splendour a: his heart? Let him rely on. (trastatuitteeoetfidentiettheovne 'Mthe Lord, and let him lemon 1and be Wd‘by His God.“ 11mm 50:10. l came assistant manager M the banks main Sudbury affiee. Mr. Guan is mania] with two boys. Ian and Brian, The farn1ly,will resuie m Winowdam bothers us mg ttte, At,v_is full Olson} 'W'eTeeT‘that ft is good hut to be alive. But how do we react when we have days when feelings are grey and a gloomy Pall hangs over our spirits? 'The first not: is to realize that We " appreeUrte than days when we carry a shining splee dour in our heart - when limiting Dueouragerneot is the result at developing something negative and then wanting it, may it hecomes so great that it can- sumes our thought and vitalities until we become timed. EveeTooe gets discouraged at times. No one is immune. But it is n malady that we Mid flee as we would I plague. But the women! is how do we gaming M discouragemmt and depression? There is a beautiful verse in the mama: r Amplified version) 'Who is among you who roves-entry I Favor Hippyism . . . Diem "trkfitdt Tickets. “(Hi7 or arm: ma- coup e Maths: "an 123-343! ‘ Mn. J. D. ”dill“. If. t I. 0 g. YOUR PRmNCIZ WILL " 1mm A FAVOR As it is. the hes! we can hope for is a compromise, which. in the way of all compromises, will satisfy no one. I rather suspem that the villngers will lose more to council than Hue-verse. It's Inevitable. One way not to solve the liluztion is by ignoring them, or Jtoing down to the hippies level of dealing with the problem. That. messrs. council members, means losing your temper. or being sticky regarding the smallest requirements of procedure. (Continued from page 2) If none of the digger demands are granted, I mockerv will have been made of all human rights; if they are. council will lose face. N (Intonniol Ballroom, htnAht-N-l'trrit Thursday, Giu, 12, I967 SOIREE I dorft think you're proud of yourselves for that one have the pleasure to invite you to a Commas-I éockuus than “the a p.m Cmmetemorative Dimer at I pm. PM Damjrom I to 1 am. Art Hallnmi’s Orchestra (dinner and dance) . which will be held in the THE turo!!i!y COMMITTEE BOROUGH OF Iiilflill YORK Dorothy Clan Kilburn Moral: Never pre-heat your dryer Withollt first checking tor run! And, never leave your best, stainless - steel - Christmas - cake - mixing bowl near washtubs for harried husbands to place a dead rat "1min. On second thoughts .1 . think we'll buy the Christmas cake this year.' Thursday', pre-heating had Jammed the creature in the dryer) breaking its back. the impeller‘ and bending a bushing. With the) lint trap full M rat hair and the uncomfortable feeling of bits and pieces of rat all over the place - quite a cleanup Ind disinfecting (Continued from page 7) through the exhaust pipe and dropped down into the mechamsm behind the drum during the night. lust Call For . . . rightly. Are we disetiraged. depressed? Gad saysurusu Came to the and of, our own struggle and strivings and hust God to help us. Hand over the reins of our livetto God and expect Him to unravel the tangles. We on trust the Man who loved us much to die for us: after giv'ng the supreme gift of His life He will withhold no good to a tlower. The msaiizatimg that 11odlovesusieroeteMthemost revolutionary (actors in the life of mm. Upon this can be built a life d trust "tAfaith. I life of courage and imiividu4byrty. continually depressed feel that everyone and warming is against them. This is an attitude that leads to the disintegration at the personality. No one can live happily without the "ralizettimt that he is loved. It is as neces- God loves us. Very ohm-so psy- chiatrist; say - people who are from them that “alk'up- The big reason " ttsh mug Behind I burner ot smlll one: " subject tor debate, but there is proof um size does make . ditNrmtt= in this reg-rd. Re. member. you may hue to pone- trate the Irma" In to brim tit {but king-mod Irnnhr. While northern pike don't school in this fashion. there Is I 51milerily. You‘have to cast through or beyond the small ones that frequent the fringe weeds or turn to the steep shorelines, When big pike Ire heck in the weeds their pres- ence is often some They're tough to reach. and more tht. ttettit to hlul out, " thev wilt seldom venture beyond the perimeter ot smaller fish IO grab your lure Back on the surface. ttte dwer used this knowledge to manage by dropping I. weighted minnow quickly through me outer shield and into the core. Immediately, larger ttsh were mum About 20 feet below the sur face his eyes [mused on a huge hull of nappies clustered 1n and about I pile ot czar On the outside ot the sphere were literally hundreds of smlll tish. Its "eore" was mm‘ posed ot big. mature tish. mule such FISHER muamittes may be dismissed as "bad luck," chances are they manna 'ulitNmtte-ratteesr<rt- Inge and small fish Behavior. While ttshing supp}: beds in a major impoundment, In m- quisuive angler traded his rod and reel tor SCUBA equipment and went below for a look-see. This is often the complaint or pike fishermen, who work hr northern waters tor the large tish. When nearly every casx LS grabbed bs an , o v e t- . e a g e r youngs~ , Ter, the trophy 5‘ hunting angler , may come home enthused by the 4, action but tips i'; appointed with she ouch. THE SMALL FRY BARRIER Sometims the "Uttle 'uns" get in the my. “Members Toronto Stock Exchange and (‘mndxan Mock Exchango IIAD OFFICE: I” lay Street. 'l'lmmlo l. mttttrirt, Hume: 303-59" BRANCH OFFICE: Styli-e not“. “6 Dixon In“. Readate, mttitrto, Phom: Ill-Ml." ERNEST E, LEWIS President JOHN UARDON. VmoPrauden! JAMES G. LEWIS. Vice-President GORDON R. WINTHROPE, Vice-Pres MAURICE WLER. Via-President HENRY W. NORRINGTON, Vice Pres GORDON C. SIIMPSON. Vice-President JOHN KINROSS. Director I J. CHARLES ELLIS. Director' and Stanly-Tran" We are pleased to announce that all of the partners of S. J. Broo'ks & Company will be Directors of Standard Securities Limiter . _ [ Standard Securities Limited has acquired the business car- ried on by the partnership of S. J. Brooks & Company as of September lst, 1967. Standard Securities Limited Standard Securities Limited In looking ahead the Federal: Government should develop. co- ordinau and maintain a National Inventory of needs for schools.’ Health Iare facilities, Housing,', Community facilities and Public Services. based (I! present back- logs and future populauon groom. Each province and metro area should be encouraged lo develop an inventory of needs within it's; own Misdiction, in addition to Society. require increasing gov- ernment investments in Human resources. Two of the candidates for the leadership od the Cortservatwe Party spoke on the Fiscal Policy of the goveameot. l believe they over emphasized the tax side, and under emphasized Gov- ernment investment. It should be remembered that the Federal Government Fiscal Policy in- volves it's spending and invest. mm asiell as taxes.nheuxtg run growth of the Eemiomy and the strengthening of Canadian leadership Hopefuls Should Stress "mpg" Investments letter ANNOUNCEMENT MEDICAL Il'ILDING :16. Watt. Rd. (at Church St. Erafne Lights DISPENSING OPTICIAN NEIL J. MOREAU Oculisl . Prescriptions Completed - Repairs - Duplication: & Fimnn Shut-In Service DIR ET'TOR S 248-1821 RALPH C. 't' 1lF,NtiON, Inmm THOMAS ",c'ArtMiCTiAF.r.,' Dirertor HERBERT COLE. Director BRUCE ELSWORTHY, Director MAXWELL Pox, Director SAMUEL mn, Direclor PAUL, E. cnossm. Director J. HARRY FROGLEY. Director HARRY M. BURST. Director A planned Government invest. PSI 19min would reduce pus- sire for frequent changes of federal taxes. while at the same time m king Federal Fiscal Policy mire equitable and flexi- ble, adding strength to the Na, tional Economy and to the Fabric of Canadian Society and local government. tarttet dates should be established for achieving specified obieetives as rapidly as possible. Such ' compreheatsive Imm- tory od neetirthould provide the foundation for Nationwide pm- grams in each category, based on [Mend financial and techni- cal assistance to the mama-es um development at a cool-tinned Natmnal Imam-y prepared by the Fade“! GWermneot. The Dirty Ilan' Lee Marvin, Ernest 'ata: Charles Brawn. Ii Brown. John Cmvetes. Richard .laeckel. George Kennedy. Trim Lopez. Ralph Meeker, Robert Kym _ preaented in the giant new. TOM'M Metrocolor o" Adult Entertaomertt BREAKING ALL TORONTO RECORDS! 10th WEEK in Toronto MGM presents Highway " One Milo North of T Open At 7:30 PM. lOEW’S , l " DRIVE-IN Bob Hewitt, Foxwell Street

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