Boroughs Plan Fun-For-All Program North York's recreation depart- ment plans on handing out " lent 30,000 program brochures to the borough's school children in the next couple of weeks. Nothing new by way of differ- ent recreational activities has been added, but the services and tacilities’avlilable have been ex- Nut]: York Ill-yer James Ser. vice was puzzled last We& as to why Mum govmnnent paid cm- tracm to keep Metro streets clear cl ice and snow in the win- tesrtmthebasigaftheamountod salt placed on the road. Mod of the mm munici- palities hire road sailing crews on the basis of tame spent a: the job. Metro Roads Commissioner George Grant explained that by laying on the basis at Amount 0! “It atrread it encouraged con- tractors to an out early " the hint of a snow storm. Metro Awards $5, 700,000 Contract for Snow Removal There is strong hope that Metso may agree to York: belated pro- posal to place the Spadina ex- pumway underground through a non foot section of Cain-vale Park A uric: of reports won ordered by Metro .sr.ctrtiv. committee Int wick before any format de. ¢ision is much. Metro Chairman Leonard Braithwaile, MPP for Etobicoke, was the only one. of the 65 attending, to even slightly favour channel " move to Pal- grave at the Thursday night meet. ing of the "Committee Against Patronage in Television", at the Lord Simcoe Hotel. He suggested that an 'utdepettd. ent commission be established to find out the facts concerning the move from Barrie. and how much interference there would be. Elobicoke's residents “ere not in favour of channel 3. he reported. saying that of 593 questionnaires uni out, 579 were against it. Make Them Senators But Don't Give Them a TV Channel: JW. York alderman Ben Nobleman, enmmittee ghairman and modem. tor. ieit that political patronage was involved. is the three owners of CKVR are all Liberals. and sand that they should instead be rewarded by making their. senaA '" er, North York "orks enmmnleo nnd [auyer Elna Del 'dotlo, re‘ presenting SI. Lucie Dr, home- nuners reached "réement nu plans lo save 14 homes from sup. ping Into the Humber .mver. Alderman Joe Gould, “ho is Each property owner will be I member of the committee, pre- asked to contribute $1,000 toward dicted that the residents “ho the $450900 cost of saving the have been living in a public hous I Sheppard-Weston Rd. are: homes. ing project all summer. will helTherermaining hurdle,expectedto able to move buck into their own 3 be a mere formality. is final ap- homes before Christmas. prowl of the project by North For two years. the St. Lucie,York council. Viletro council. residents have been helplesslyfbletro conservation authority and watching their backyards droplthe Ontario government. Plan 'to Save St. lucie Homes Almost Complete Metro Hints Expressway To a Underground The St, Lucie allair In almost Tho one helm that must ho reamed with the Ontqu Tax Committee report uhxch came into public new last week 13 that the recommendations Ind the two proposals to be enacted in was Metro citizens. .' In some respect: [in tax burden m,thturitt is but it!!!†nomad to give the TIN m I lit. tie relief Ind " same time to require me mulling that have enjoyed an almost tax free exustente to curry I much greater mare of the rule In burden Property Taxation Said 'Tolerable' , no TAX CUT At I lune when the populnmn [handed to include twinning, sun-i, gym, hockey, seniors. md campers. The opening gun tor Yogi's recreational program will sound on during the week of Oct. 10. Program there includes gym, swim, games, crafts, and basket. ball tor boys and girls; major- Four contracth ' companies have just mil aNs,f6tt,ttt)tt cal- tract to spread salt on the Metro road symm during the winters d 1967, I†m 1â€. “It's not cheaper than paying by the hour but it gives greater tsdfieieney." said Mr. Gram in support for paying by the amount M salt used. Mr. Grant also suggested that the road crews might work slower if paid by the hour. "We want our roads " claw as pos- sible am a storm." said the loads eommisgirmer. William Allon said, however. Hui the plan to found undnr You" Sum and an no how" may luv. establish“ a now construc- lion formuln hr MO". express- way and subway proioch. York Council rejected 'a 1966 agreement with Metro up replace 13 am of [and lost to the ex- prusway in Cedarvale Park by tors, not by granting them rights that would interfere with Amm- can viewing. The station was called "third rate, and small - town", try Allan Perly. vice - president of the Metro Businessmen's Association. Murray Tate, wee - president of the Toronto and District Labour council, Ihrealened to boycott CKVR - TV it the plan goes ahead as proposed. His council repre- sents 500.000 viewers. The BEG is obviously not con cerned with lhe best interest of the public, he said. it would cost over $2 million to eliminate interference. Noble. man said, Leonard Braithwaite stated that "emotitmalism" has crept into the debate. and reputations were be. ing ruined. An objective inquiry was needed. he insisted, lo clear up the situation. and slide toward the ran-r 70 feel may and were named three months ago by Mayor James Ser- wee that their homes abandoned. Del Z0110 said the project to reclaim the backyard: should bar gin within I neck of the com. plelion of engineering studtes. Smith Report Proposes Everything Except Tax Cuts M Metro and the prowl" ran- tmup to expand and the demand for gamut-vs continue there is no hope Um taxes can be cut. Home owners and merchants my pm uncial as well Is mumipul lax; as .11 Addition to federal taxes, If some relief is zim to In pm My - the can of this relied mustiemettrreittterttrettres mice or the federal pvemment The big an" lo the mopeny mum-Inn the long named lax rommzuee rat-on is the proposed nhplter new gun! which “Is quickly “opted tor use next ' t'i"il .ai ESE!" . [ s new": . u' : 'l ,d2Pi'dN8lt, " . - A . """eee,t l, Brochures are being distributed ;throughoul the borough with full ' iniormatimt on all aspects of the GCiiiiiii.' elm and ballet tor giris, and hockey. soccer and basketball to: boys. . There it In adult indoor pro. gram. For men, in gym. basketball, badminton, swimming and volley. For women. it's gym, badmin- ton, volleyball, swimming, rhyth- mic exercises, eratta and charm school. The adult art and crafts pro- gram inéludes art, square dine ing, millinery. leatherwtrrk, bridge, rug hooking, weaving, pot- tery and golf. Senior citizens have? choice of eight meeting days and [our tions. Faure - skating, pipe band, sob aqua activities, drum corps. silver band. rod - and - gun are also provided. tearing down 185 houses and creating four local park sites which had the same total acreage. If Mar. "eertt tho prmnl " - 9h. expressly-y run through Cod-rule Park about In um of park land 00' of the " and“ for th. run. would " and. Metro would ml penici- pah in any program to establish local park sit“ in the borough. _ He bases Ins opinion on the [act (that only 200 pensioners in all of 1 Metro have unwed for tax relief. In is not a "poor law" like the Tory bill is needed to keep down ise."iryr, prices, he says, but a re- "llocation of educamn. health, Twelfare and Justice coals. Metro Treasury Department has been asked by Metro executive to report on the financial impli- cations involved in covering the route through the park. Some estimates are $1,000,000 in extra plan to leave the route In men cut through the park land. The executive committee will also obtain a report on the amount of assessment that would be lost The idle land in the Jane and Steele; area that has been de. signated is no Ontario liming Corneal: Roast is Best Way To Start Ratepayers' Meet "Abysmai failure." “cumber- some." and “nigggrdly Mm" are terms used try prov'ncial NDP leader Donald MacDonald to describe bill 105. which mud: municipal tax credit to home- owners over 65. The exemption is a loan. which will have to be paid back when the property changes hands. Hoping that the Smith report will make the hill obsoletz. he feels the lien mm should be eliminated and the maximum $150 of tax relief be given to peusiow ers as a matter ot right. The high cost of administering bill 105 will certainly be high, he feels. and “paymem as oi right can bypass all this." $150 Tax Credit Played By MPP For York South war by thr momma " rould mean mums†from $46 to $58 of eachpet'smt's Iâ€! In bl" tte. mg met through a provincial grant. Although there was some early Mia: the term to bé used by the mime is flexible eetougtt to be Adm etch your 'tner-The-tti-tlat about but the um manage of aid Applied to the h: My in my one particular year. The 'ttttter exemption also up- phes to all remand-l mums whethwmmnr or taunt occuA pied. The commime‘ “no: that a boll-am houu. rooming home or other sttarerroceuptroey dwel- Tax Union Demand: 20 AC Spending Cut It started out s'attply mush. ':'s'"ts'iWaitg The tamiljes'd Lloyd Moyer and I EXP! Dave [nine of Hoover Ores. pre-i the t pared a com roast for their H ei , childm in the mm lot. But 7 . their children invited their York friends, who in tum jam their. at c? As the cost of providing for them all soared, the participating households were charged one dol- lat each, and the money was used to buy a huge pile of cam for the 40 youngsters who would be congregating. Last Monday the children and many supervising puma gath- ered on the vacant lot Mr their feast. An old mattress was converted into a grate and set on eoocrete blocks. while family preserving can: and roasting pans were fil. led with water, into which the corneal»; were dumped. The night was surh I success that Sally Ann Kerman, presi- dent at the University Village Ratepayers Association, decided that the only way to get all the members Present " a meeting of her organization was to hold I can roan. The meal was followed try des. sert of roasted marshmallows, and ems a! soft drinks. W"TON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SIMII r, Iâ€? NOW A TAXPAYERS' STRIKE Irma mould he granted the an» exemption that would apply to I snake dwelling. tT Mt TINA"? IIIATI The commit!“ considered that landlords holding his term tear nub "ttatestotm-ttBeqmdtt the reagtMtttt in Mt!!!- timtttut.dmitaitmttaMbedt.t. Ahttoeiree.Tts-reoeeet the comm mm is for t-ttttAethiatmtqqtirtto "crntotrrttemttrgtttiatiq luau ttrr-IMI-. he graded system at business In: applied to mm and met. that: Md be real-(ed. the Kalamazoo Incident Results In Planning Tour of Europe North Yank planning board “as 'isibly surmised last week when its lamest member asked to go on a planning junket that really amounts to a royal tour of Eu- rope n the taxpayer‘s expense. Alan Hollingsvodh, former MP hr York Com", asked OM board in wrifing hr permission to "In the planning trip - an "on! that nwumly non. of the morn sen- ior members had heard about. One of the most surprised mem. bers was Ward 2 Alderman Joe Gould who eomplaihed that not a word about the tour had been mouthed m the council conven- tions.docket. He asked Hollings- wotmh where he had mined his information. Hollingsworth re. plied that be heard about it from EXPO WAS NOT THE ONLY PLACE with lineups this week. Youngsters by the thousands queued for the opening bell at Queensboro and Beverly Heights public and scores of other schools throughout the municipalities of York and North York Tuesday. Children caused unaccustomed traffic jams at crosswalks which motorists had not allowed for in leaving work after two months of smooth sailing. V mmmxtln rmtenda. nth a flat rate stspplemeot to the property tax, This tax would be mud"! 50-50 between the owner at the business property Ind lhe mm ol the business property, 4 A am part ot this proposal is that the mar a! the Mines: prmreet, would be made rowan- - (or be who Ind remn- taxes levied h 'rcw at the but†ax on Mg was. He INK be nude liahle for such Inn if he I!“ to ruler! the team's share at the business tax ‘8!†TAX LOAF! . I Tho‘lu column†has up": ': . Alderman John Booth ttf Ward 1 l declared that he too was annoy- jed that eouttcil had not been tip- ?pcd Mr about the planning trip and said he uould go. Mayor iJnmw Service will be another fmember at the. North York com {tinge-m. 7 A an alderman representing another municipality ,uho he ran across in a gas stallion in a town which he believed to be Kalamazoo. "WQIII" stated (how, "it helm in me like wa‘ll have to go tq Kalamazoo to ge' our information from now on." Plummg director John Curtis, when asked for comment. stated that he did not know where Hol- 1hrgsworth had chained his in- fox-manna. wd Mas-adaptm qirttt the Man to defer the human M taxes on dwellings owned by persona’ aged " or over. The commim m dudes that prom-unis] treat. mem at mid class (I tax. myrrsilapoofMOI-ll- Rename to but In Mama. It h noted that Mm!!- and not a napalm-d In yum. The "gt-ttAte an dislike. municipal!!!†(Mn. 1 Mm improvement In - lion to may men. This ml, Ina-um the burden on It: cm:- W4 the tqtttt'. ttee suggest-d. On Saturday, September 9, from 2 to 4 pm the BHUCW will hold their annual horticultural show at Beverley Hills United Church. 60 Mayall Avenue (north of Wilson Ave, west d Jun St,t _ The theme chosen for this year " "Happy Birthday. Canada" and all exhibits: Atytargements, specimen blooms. fruits. veget- mbles. potted plants and junior class (12 years and under) must be entered with the - com- moved-until the end (i show. There is no entry fee. In the "terTtooet during show- time hours, light minimum will be served at a "ehrssatithe. All Participants are Welcome At Beverley Wh Flower Show mittee between 10 In] H:30 I.ttt, a. " mttrutr_ioet Hm wropu‘ly taxattgn mud in heav.vtratntth-ttstt.t. oeatrg.irtvienrotgr_t_ alum m b m War“ Wer. “huh - m,“ “up night-um 0* actual-M " autumn-unlit..- nnr. ttt IQIMHO unanimity-“d“. (.lmuxm.m1:m ituasttreree9t.Ntt - A umyeu’ “at. is brewing - a strike that could prove I.- lnrnuing Io the Borough of York "mirrutmtitm, if it our take: hold. . ship nee this week 15 a radio eommentator. The York South MPP will be reporting from the iroor of the cmvention for the MM); to Saturday 11 p.m. CKEY news- casts. On Sunday" Sqn. 3 he dis cussed pre _ emtveotitm events on the radio program. “Politics. Three levels" at 12:30 p.111. On the following Sunday he will be making pobe _ mam com- ments on the sum mam. mum tea" and the art ot Jagu- ese Rimet' "unsung win be de- mmtstrtted by ' well-Mn ex- pert Mrs. G. animate Anyone may eqgter, only one entry per family in each one gary or an: The decision of judges Mr. and Mrs. J. “may will be final. Contact one of mi following no cutive for more detailed ileum. tin: Mrs. Elem Wary, MI. Best in show grand prizes and "any. will). mad at I Betty wiiGG7, iiiair. 2NV, Mrs. Reno Gray, 3610135; Mrs. Vi Mom, "bstM; MM. SING... COM†I cum (Comm J, no I) = TOL|IAILI TAX in: mince cu 141-051 was: