a " EXPERIENCED I o PORK 80m 0 Diff BONES l . mum; momma ind TRIMMER: SERVICE station attendant. mr ture type, eaperieneed, 2M Require mature men preferably over 45 year: of an for permanent employment as Phone 769-1181 Local " Albion Mull M. SKILLED HELP WANTED Winding "pun-m mum-I! Age " to " 't MUST " ABLE 10 READ ENGLISH, INDIE!!! Fort Vending Route Man required for lug. catering firm _ Apply In PM 840 Caledonia Rd. (Just North at titudiett" No experience may. Mun speak and undeeatartd English. Dag and min: mm: available. m Tm: NEW TORONTO. WESTON, momma. BRAMPTON, PORT CREDIT AND CLARKSON AREAS TRAINING GIVEN, SEVERAL FRINGE BENEFITS PART TIME WORK ALSO AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Why Not Register NOW'. _ APPLY m inN DAILY, 10 A.M. - " NOON on. TELEPHONE FOR APPOIN'IMENT Call 787-7111 8 mm. to 4:30 [mm i Phone R. J. Best 249-8181 Ext. 37 HUSBAND TRANSPORT Ulilmlt Mule Help Wanted Must be fully experienced in transport ae- counts receivable and collections. Age 24 - 35 years. Salary commensurate iirith' ability. Men For Cleaning Duties PANTRY MEN (2) Dominion road 1 Milling 11mm n ma. sauna sum Toronto Hospital Weston Thetoughly expencnced m lettermg. layout and blueprint work v, Mt. DESIGN DRAFTSMAN With wince in structural and estimating work Electric Motor Rowimon Phone 241-7041 Study >Work ma "roman. CALL trmJsErirtBrggt 249.7671 CANADA PACKERS “D. FAutNiilt PlACEMENT APPLY m "non oii no“ "t T66-43tt Extuuion 422 unploylnm otneq "" Bi. Chi! An. w. Security Guards Transport Company In Rexdale, Requires Immediately CAMBRIDGE MOTOR HOTEL All Interviews Confidential 362-631 l 15 Torontd St. - 9th Floor MALE CLERK Phone 741-9811 Kipling Ava. - Albion " mum REQUIRED BY DRAFTSMAN - mt‘bl :le to speak OPERATIONS Canada Manpowtrr Centre 15th of September I967 241 Jarvis Semi, Toronto 2, Ontario to the than office or br culling in person at the nears“ of the Unomploymnt Insurance Commission Offio All enquiries that this date should be directed to Application Forms for Benefit my be obttieed by writing or telephoning UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION are being tramferred to Toronto effective , Weston, Ontario 362-57" tttt “P It ' _ Office Manager gun-0d truck meehanie required immediately " large trucking 'i"'r'li'fi'lv with modem fleet. To work at our new ter- min-l now D xie Rd. Ind 401. ' Must have own tools and be capable of working wtthout close "supervision, Personal reference. and plat employment will be carefully checked. Contact Mr. B. Grant 6lW ItlmtPftthlltKllt1 lINES Ito. PHONE 677-4220 ANNOUNCING the engagement of Aileen Faith daughter of Mrs. Polworth and the late Sid. ney Polworth tour. David Les. lie Bingham son of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Bingham, Both of Tor- onto. 49. SKILLED HELP st. (Ill - 82.10 . 83.00 per hour pill. prom sharing M. ENGAGEMENTS " I!!!) WANTED Why Not Join One Of Our Canadian hearted Tours'. It. “MAW [UMBER co. "D. ' " Oak K, Weston 244-174! POST HOUSE TRAVEL BUREAU “I 'tTri.)'" -e-__ree_e -"e -P-- wu- u.- - - 't11yytyuud.taiisutt-oesuand-vtnerst .hiiii.ikii .uiitriiiiit as! .hm “a - mum ' "ma oetTi0aGdiiiiiii uiairiJaria tie. E;#_innmuuwmcflhuwwu.and Men wanted for lumbar handbag duties. Manny outside work. Steady employment. all tteoedita. Apply In Parson AUTOMATED BUSINESS FORMS UMITED 30 Faskon Drive, Rama _ 2402 Bloor St. West 167-5401 ASHTON PRESSMEN READ AND USE WESTON TIMES CLA$SIF|ID ADS New Toronto 251-1031 MACHINIST G.l.l.l. Box 368, WosMn, Ont. PERSONAL Apply Personnel Dept. Experienced 115111151111! lABOURERS Jove. ( North York Mayor Jamal ser', Pedestrian mam have vice told Mm eouttril last M l provodtheir Milt!†mm thatavoliey 'lJC'lrill'la'ii11; :poliuu are: hot they in not the edmdulwith requests for "to: meant solution I; fur trMfie and we: serum trom Mad.- ‘prvblems. ‘ham mi Vaughan Iwnships. [ _ So olden children. in their um-‘ Am Mushy in Markham Ms "rlieity. accept mama!“ ll _ towed On Metro Mr water servn- I ‘their prnteetoort PM all Pom-mum. It ‘- louted an the north; Yunnan: ttttily dance their way 'gide of he Steeles Ave boundary ‘ new the mad completeiy un- line between the trmmship and the I jam that mmhu and mm Mum Mention I to Mop. time to My the brakes, Other borough mayors' arm-ed ' WM tmehiog - oMldrm that netghborly rolat'vnns mm 1 ------ ---. ---_---- be ulbhshod with the m " I norm-rural munching rim Mam rllT2Tlrrl"Tl.1"Jl had tons to estMtlistt wMer rp- [ n-ua. I. I... â€Mira and Waste disposal dumps 1 was. In my, , The ma. G.tyleh, Wu Lawrence Audion] York " About 32,000,000 items of mail are handled each week by the port office system in Mamet! during Em 61, an increase of 2,000,000 over last year's weekly volume. The operations manager at the Montreal post office says about 300.000 pieces of mail are posted each week from Expo it- MA CEMETERY LOT MR. ROBERT J. Watson will be at home to his relatives. friends and neighbors, on the Occasion of his 90th birthday, on Sunday, September IO, 1967, from 2 to 5 pm. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed. RR 2, Brampton, one half mile north of Queen St. W., on the 3rd line west of Brampton. " MARION GUNDY how to nu omalks. we should Him-uh! School I: open! Thimrsl make them caravans“! with the are getting hack to normll as we I old adage "Use your erel, I!" gully wave our youngsters good- l, --------_-- Aw“ __ bye with words of advice to take ht N d them through the day. _ aka ee ' Don't run betweua the parked cars: Use the malls! Wait for the school guard to tab you 60. COMING EVENTS You can hear mothers and did! muting these words out md Crosswalk: and jafety min}. 1:77an Riverside Cemetery and Crematorium 8 Leuom’lODO EXPO IOOSTS MAIL CH 1-0861 "i2"i"iRiiiiia Those Mam: Rules wtstt (ji-ii/ir-ink/ids" - A Water Policy Says ferrite Heading the enormous interna. tional east of the George Roy Hill. Walter Mmisch Produmm " love. ty June Andrews ls Jerusha Hale, the New England woman who tot. lows her missionary husband to the islands in mid-i9th Century. with Max Von Sydow, " Abner. her husband, James Michener's 'hawaii' To Play at Neon-Weston Acclaimed as one of the grab at motion pictures ever to reach the screen, and from I re c 0rd best-selling novel said to have been read by more people than any other work of fiction, the Mirth CorToratinet's epic motion picture presentation of James A, Michener's "Hawaii," in Color by Deluxe and Panavision opens Thursday, Sept. 14 It the Odeon Weston Theitre under United V tists release. Richard Harris plays the what. ing captain Rater Hoxworth. the third party in the explosive tri- angle. Others in the _cast include Torin “amber and George Rose, with a number of the descendants of the actual Polynesian settlers of the island in supporting roles. Elmer Bernstein. famed for his scoring for "The Ten Command. ments," "The Man With the Golden Arm" and "Hallelujah Trail" created the musical score for “Emmi" and tmtthuOd the full symphony orchestra which "Hawaii" was made almost en- tirely on locations among the is- lands hand-picked by Director Hill, with sea action sequences shot off Bodo, Norway Period "atmosphere" shots were made in famed restored Siurbndge vir Tage in Massachtssthts and several of Hollywood's largest sound stages were usea for the final "blending." The Michener novel was prepared for the screen by Dalton Trumbo and Daniel Tara- dash. NEWLY ORDAINED Abner Hale, played by Max Von Sydow, and Jeruah: Bromley, portrayed by Julie Andireivir, become mih ma wife in -the George Roy Hill-Waiter Mirisch production in Pm- avision and Color by Deluxe of "Hawaii" for Unit- ed Artists release. The picture will open Septem- ber 14th at the Odeon Weston Theatre. ttt "$3: _ Now that when»! no we" let's od m". i start I campaign to train nur } ymssters M use gxtra cure when "reed crossing the mar and Pdttettt. siGoilr.y'tor.itf' to uh panama: in m “but: vteirtityMthe malts. The Michener romance is com a: '.C,1Cl" ttNNtee1 "tee any by sidered by many a phenomenon) Tr men were in Mum M at the publishing world. When it _ building. bupting and Wk?“ im. first appeared it topped the,besc , ptrtaot ',ie1ri.sher Then diet Wis seller lists for 86 weeks It be- ‘prepated twenty ditfereot ways. . In w" Hound. roasted, some- came a Book-of-the-Month c1"Ntimes partially chewed by the performed it for the film's sound track. ' Club presentation, and a condens- ed feature in Life Magazine Its paperback edition set a new high in sales for that business, and it is established that in all its forms the book reached a readership in excess of 100.000,000.. selection. a Reader's Dig†Book Smtr ears. THEN use your feet." It will holds (and today. The rugged grandeur of the Canadian outdoors, pictured try outstanding artists. will be on display at the McMichael Cort. servation collection of art at Kleinburg, 20 miles nonh~wed of Toronto. Valued at one million dollars. the collemnn is exhibited m 10 galleries in I unique pioneer log and stone building which served " the home of the Mc. Michaels. The couple deeded their home and paintings to the people of Ontario, and now live there Is the unpaid curators. before they trrke mat stew trim the crosswalk. they in protect- mg themselves nod tho the pas- sengers in the automobile m centre is" open to the public free of charge on Sat, and 'Sun‘ between 1 pm. and To 'visit the art Centre, drive along highway 401 to the 400. north to Maple road cloverlnL and follow the signs to Klein. burg. If children can Wand the necessrty of making rem-1n that, vehicles have come to I lull my ! Most motorists have accepted; the responsibility of crosswalk:1 but many a passenger has been mood across the (at lad through‘ the windshield became a ped' "triaet has not similar] his in-( [union to use the crouvulk be. fore stegmirtg out, If you don't let the motorist know 5m intend I My he won't burg my time to Owly his huh-s Mchclmel Art Collection See In Kleinburg I PP., ',teaus, new (we: a elm IT, Their t _ and taboo“ the men. 1 The men PC"e--"-"-rr.'er- Dim-I: limwuoottn'tndu-o? Golding to the m 3769;: limb-whalchquemons m true. you must be com- mended on your knowledge at India. I but at only one be- irqtrururrttlIvisttedttserm fra, Village at Midmd's Little but. Puk'ovq an. weekend. it 1 kminmemiddleultbe} 111m In: which and: ttmn, giaa Bay. They were divded into ttur_elmts, the Rock. the Card, malt consigned at m chief, lam. Some chiefs dealt with civil affairs. and others with war, War duds decided when to make WK. but mum of peace were W by the arm the! Now, gem -dmo tn the In, man's way of life The Hurons lived tn villages sun-round by high pliisades, on mm trr pl:- teaus, near a tunable river with a clear water sprmg near- by, Their main crops were com and tobacco. looked aha only by grmmd or wasted. A delicacy was com buried in mud for a long period of tune. before bol ing. then sucked by women and children like sugar cane. Hum families were small, usually consisting of Mm child- ren. The thildreu belonged to the clan of their mother. inherimg their name and all my oirhts from their mother's brothers. living Him†muggmdhowuu? Hum- hd a Ian at steam " 'tetttrr IRWIN For big or small spending The "man Indian The Asmara make mend loam. of my - and tbr almost anv "Mort. Some people come in Rte 1 $50 law all next paythv. While others need lug: arounn up to Af,ttt' or more. In my cue. monthly piymem plans In carefullv adored to W Income. Interest rates at: reasonable, and there In no hidden chrrges. Whatever your rum for borrowil‘ I. the Associates. After I“. money in our W we do big and small lending ASSOCIATES FINANCE COMPANY LIMIT†mo was. load than (m a Lunch-o) - ml utm- Am Irrl tttttt 1tyf.E “run-.- mstssrrstttratt.*.r."t't, It?" Add.“ a" e"" Am Wu before inqu- by an M “.1 . ;Wba‘rudunovub ., 'tutorWyartdat, _ Men's Basketball Miriam...“ which“ Manage-chance..- fite, Medu- by“ an. games m n luau-o In! forerunner cl hockey. um croni- ed and“ and 'mtdggt ball, are played. . thee-ttteau-tide, apole.and Wothviovol .iltheirthahiu-.ogtaattrxras placed in the eat. I!!! Aeaen produced try (out: than â€as: stones. When W. the In would In! 1mm the M MN,“ m the now or no " a db in I nearby strum White man‘s am wiped out large numbers ol the Hun with help from the Iroquois, mm and I was but asapreveotativeartd.e-- i1lrters.Astrtadittutwastttdttwittt Magnummmm and mats. Heated in? Gli, shores M Georgian Bay, is trad. with a band a! pouch! [diam IbeiievetotteHurmtrrtonee our senior citizens how: 11 the†trading parties, I wad meti- ate beam; tron him. In I“. the tragie m took us [on as most M them died " Marvat1tm, The few that unlined returned mth French We“ .0 small gtrl she "u m in the The "rgmttutioosl meeting a! the Borough M York men's bu- ketbait league will take pine on Monday. September ti. 1581, " 7:30 pm. " Mum Dani! Oom- munity Hall. For further alarm-hm plea-O contact Ken Erskine at was-sat. 11ml M. A um at ttowlirtq (u played '"