He is the only member of the school board to stand in ohieetion lo Mr, Bradley, could everyone else be wrong? Mr. Scott should note that separate-school supporters " so vote in Federal elections - how many has he lost with this blunder? Letter Trustee Scott is the last person , would expect " speak against "political oppor- hmism", he has been accused of using the schoolboard " a stepping-stone to Ottawa. If this is the opening gun in his campaign as M.P. for York West in 1968 I can assure him he has lost my vote already - and I am not a separate- sohool supporter! While Trustee Scott may have obiections to religious beliefs he surely cannot ob. iect " a vice-chairman hold. ing them. I now regret my vote for Mr, Scott, I do riot believe that former Trustee Gordon Risk would have ever made such statements. His obieetiorts to Mr. Brad. ley are not against the legality of the situation but obviously to the fact that Trustee Scott is being overlooked. North York school trustee Val Scott’s diatribe against a man of Robert Bradley's in,, tegrity and proven experience as a chairman and viee.ehaire, man of the North York school beard can only be interpreted as a perfect example of sour grapes. Dear Sir: If Mr. Seott is so interested xy.V\\\\2\rs"\/M\\\b‘gft’\4§w&%“(o?< I' . a ;; i I , K (ill 'ill I. t. , I Z g with CBISllrll?. , , I . li , F rom the first of Maw 1968, g il I thethAsrio Medical Services Insurance Plan will accept T ii llll appltetttions for Group Insurance eoverage. E)." iilll I n . a v . 'ig, I Year mil find several advantages in this new prtWlSl0l1.' ii , cOLLEcTOR AND , i ll Ml. GROWS: EMPLOYMENT GROUPS: RATES: , itit . . . . . , 2 Nowgroepcoverageisavailable An in novation offered by The same low OMSlP rates will ii 'o_smallgroyps too. OMSleill OMSIP_group coverage is its be available to groups as they ists . offer group insurance to small availabilitytogroupswith some are to individuals: , , groups-minimum size 6 per- common bond other than em- ' I sons. since other plans have in ployment. For instance, mem- , , many cases required a mini. bars of a business or profes- TYPE or CONTRACT you My f! , mum of at least 20 persons to sional association might form _'/'é' I I obtain £1319 covle‘ragedthe HEW a groupgn order to take adva n- . The single person 5 5.00 every month , , oMSlP an wi wi en t e tage o more convenient , , I ill availability of medical insur- medical insurance coverage. . _ll1el"1i/y0l"0 $1(l.Meverymimth E' a anee to many small groups, as Employment grou ps, those '2'i1",1i,,2,f, t12djileeetynttmth : _lll weiiasiarge. made up of people at a com- ‘ a mon place of employment, are l , of course also eligible. , s ii' M ENeethe Dates of Coverage: F , _rlti A) it the appimant applies within 30 days of the termination of coverage ':'s't 'iE by a gmp medical Insurance plan, OMSlP coverage begins on the day _.:', ;lii' foibwing the termination of the former coverage. _ig' _jll' B) OMSlP coverage of other group applicants becomes effective three months , I following the date when application is received and approved. , I BMW helps pay your doctor's hills. DMSlP pays 98% of htarit Medical Association schedule of ittt. i'"':, l '%lt lst JN HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION BOARD , I BlliiiiNiii ll Medical and Hospital Insurance Sonics; for Ontario it i: Ii, ill ttii? Ill 2195 range Street; Toronto 7 'iii-, ‘: I,,b2,i,ij.iiis'sko2 GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO 'iiii's',j, 2 a "dEEcCi.i?, Hon, JOHN P. ROBARTS, Prime Minister :,i:,yl1"',: go 3.1.21: disks“: , ' - " new 'NtrMXtRltRggM't WM8 IWW, '.thR'W'BgiM8i8r.W, BN 'EMM? "WW-'3 BP “x0 1354 Weston Rd. 2 Locations North Park Plaza THIS NEW YEAR BRINGS Us NOT 365 BUT 366 DAYS OF OPPORTUNITY. Nowgroupcoverageisavallable to small groups too. OMSlelll offer group insurance to small groups-minimum size 6 per- sons. since other plans have in many cases required a mini. mum of at least 20 persons to obtain group coverage the new OMSlP plan will widen the availability of medical insur- anee to many small groups, as well as large. A) it the applieant applies within 30 days of the termination of coverage by a grasp medical insurance plan, OMSIP coverage begins on the day {chewing the termination of the former coverage. B) OMSIP coverage of other group applicants becomes effective three months mm the date when application is received and approved. From the firstof3arttrttry 1968, the Win Medical Services In: appltetttiotts for Group In swam Yea arm find several advantage: Euchre Wednesday, January 17, Legion Hall, Denison Rd. E., at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Janu- , way that even the youngest toddler is safe from ears, as they are entirely separated from road. ways and parking areas. av co pk me The North York board of educa, tion will hold its 1968 inaugural meeting on Monday, January 8 at 8:00 p.m. in the board room of the Administration Building, to elect a ehairman and vice-chairman for the current year. There will also be election of members to various committees and appointments of representatives to North York or- ganivations. Inaugural Meeting Of N. York Board The same low OMSlP rates will be available to groups as they are to individuals: The singbe person The family of two The family of three or more With a Christmas-like setting of White chrysanthemums and red earnations in Thist1ettywn United Church, Joan Catherine Roberts exchanged wedding vows recently with Richard James Locke. Parents of the bride and groom ire Weston residents: Mr. and Mrs. Lewes William Roberts, 8 Christmas Setting For Roberts-Locke Nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Richard James Locke At tl Point guests phonse Begin three. Mrs. G. Kember and Mrs. W. Elli- son of London, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Watson and daughter Chem of Petawawa. For the wedding trip to Montreal the bride wore a beige suit with fur collar and a matching felt hat. The couple will reside in Weston. Ring-l The t quoise l quarter The g velvet dre fur muffs ties. The t carnations Best ma Background music was provided by organist Mrs. Booth. The bride, gowned in floor length white silk with a train and bodice of lace embroidered with beads and sequins and a full-length veil, car- ried a bouquet of snow-white roses. Maid of honor Joan Watson and bridesmaids Linda Bridgeman, Brenda Locke and flower-girl Cher- ri Watson wore full-length red velvet dresses and carried white fur muffs with red velvet poinset- ti-as, The 'erowning' touch was red carnations in their hair. Best man was James McAuley and Rev. William J. Sparling officiat: ed at the ceremony in which the bride was given in marriage by her father. Dalbeattie Ave and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Locke, 9 Monarehda1e Ave. 1156 W RO 6-1777 General & Life YORK TRAVEL BU ushers Watson $29.00 a 12 Out Of 10 A atargrue g-bearer was Chris Graham. C bride's mother chose a tur- , dress with matching three.. err length lace coat and hat. groom's mother: was attired green dress with matching quarter length brocade coat. the reception held in Pine Lions' Club, oubof-town 1918 Zenith 1968 t0ll.0litUUl0 TV 1500 FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO ANYWHERE of Lions' Clul included Mr, Begin, Mi. Notary Pu] ', WESTON with red crowning in their in was J s were I Royal Call William, . and Mrs Ontario, BEECH, Public BUREAU York Insurance and Mrs and Mrs ROAD RO 6-4 month with no down payment s McAuley Cooke and $~<§°’*‘:$\ԤM§ Rd. 248-9494 Toronfonians Would Like To Own COLOR 4603 AI. Fifty George Baraneieki, has return. ed to his home in New Haven, Conn., after spending the Christ- mas holidays with his mother and family, Mrs. Joe Baraneicki and Marta, Ann Arbour Road. Dayle Francis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morden, Weston Rd., was married to Andrew Pe- ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sharp of Sarnia in Vancouver on December 20. They arrived here on the let and spent the next five days in a whirlwind of be- ing entertained. On Friday even- ing Dayle's parents held a re- a wedding for their daughter, Lynne, later this year. The young man who put the ring on Lynne's finger is Terry Stanley, Graydon Ave. Christmas is a popular time for weddings and engagements, as Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tessier, Wal- lasey Ave., will be preparing for a wedding for their daughter, was at 8:00 pm. for 100 guests in the social suite of the hotel. The bride's mother was attired in a dress and matching coat of blue and silver brocade and the bridegroom's mother was at- tired in a turquoise embroider- ed suit with brown accessories. The newlyweds left for a skiing trip to Kamloops and will reside in Vancouver. Mrs. John Mau- ghan stayed at the Hotel Georgia and visited Victoria, Vancouver Island, and Naniamo as well as the bride's parents before re.. turning to her home on the 30th. Mrs. John Maugham Sunset Trail, flew to British Columbia on the 26th to attend the wed.. ding of her son, Michael to Paul- ine daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ladislov Antonik, New Westmin- ster BC. The couple were mar. ried on the 28th at 3:30 pm. in Vancouver. The bride was be comingly gowned in hand croch- eted dress of pink wool with pink accessories. Her attendants were her sisters, Judy and Joan who were attired in gowns of bur- gundy velvet with matching ac- cessories. tNN Mr. and Mrs. Bob McFar- lane, spent Christmas and Dart of the week witlrtheir daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones and family, Don Mills. E~;*>"$v.za_eewï¬< Holidays over and students ception for 50 guests at the Bev- back to school it is time once erly Hills Hotel. again for parents' night at Emery The bride was gowned in High. On January 8 it is grades white. Her mother was in gold 11 and 13 and on January 11 it lame and the bridegroom's moth- is 10 and 12. The doors open at er was in brown chiffon. Out 6:30 p.m. and interviews start of town guests present at the at 7:00 p.m. There is ample park- reception were Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ing at the school, at least 140 Francis, Uxbridge, Ont, and Dr, places, so make the effort to go and Mrs. Roy Spracklin, Paisley, see your ehildren's teachers. Be Ont. sure and visit the gym teachers The newlyveds were enter- as they are interesting people, tained by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mor. yes they are people, along with den Monday at the Francis Room, the others. Mark those dates downtown, Mr. and Mrs. Art down, 8th and 11th, and see you Marr, Leaside entertained on there. Monday evening and the bride's ses will be cancelled. You have only tonight, Thursday, Jan. 4 to go to your nearest secondary school to register. The classes are to begin on January 9. Of course, if the subject you wish is not avail- able in your own district, you can, go to another school. January will also see the comple- tion of the swimming classes in North York, with the week of Jan- uary 22 reserved for the tests of the students in the fall series. The Spring Series will begin the week of January 29 through to May 25. The children will begin a new school term, which this year, will continue to the new winter vaca- tion time, instead of the usual Easter holidays. Winter vacation will begin on March 18 for one week, but Good Friday and Easter Monday in April will still be a school holiday. TV Now that this new year 1968 has arrived, and I trust' that you have fully recovered from saying good- bye to the old, it is now time to pack up the Christmas decorations. and with luck, perhaps enjoy a less hectic few months ahead. Parents will also have something to look forward to this month be- sides the purchase of new licence plates for their cars. The adult education classes in our secondary schools will be registering this week for the winter term. A great variety of subjects are offered to the residents. However, if there is not sufficient enrolment, the clas- Adult Education Start The Year With A Night Course r Years of Leadership Through Quality! Your ZENITH Home Entertainment Centre (Some would like more than one) helen kemsley 241-5686 . .'4F.X . A . . 142-, A yxsurxr.r.ryy.T.r.8r, 'e wt -'. . . raga-z . W?*¢»&W§WI§3’ï¬Ã©â€™ï¬â€™ï¬wlï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬â€˜w g!?s.e4.'F.tis?.% strathburn park Mrs. Betty Markle and Leo of Huntsville spent Christmas, week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dennis, Ann Ar- bour Rd. Miss Rose Ann La Croix. Rich- mond Hill spent a few days of the Christmas holidays with Miss Betty Kemsley, Ann Arbour Road. The newlrreds were enter- tained by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mor, den Monday at the Francis Room, downtown, Mr. and Mrs. Art Marr, Leaside entertained on Monday evening and the bride's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Fran- eis entertained in Uxbridge on Sunday. They left for their home in Vancouver on Tuesday laden down with many lovely gifts and best wishes. In the spring they are going to Europe as a belat- ed honeymoon trip. of town guests present at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Francis, Uxbridge, Ont, and Dr, and Mrs. Roy Spracklin, Paisley, Ont. The library is situated on the south side of Lawrence Ave. to the east of Culford Rd., and it has been brought to my attention that there are no sidewalks for access to the library from either Keele St. or Culford Rd. The bride was gowned in white. Her mother was in gold lame and the bridegroom's moth- er was in brown chiffon. Out Registration for the spring series will be held at the pool offices dur- ing the weeks of January 15 and 22. If you wish to learn to swim, or to improve your skills, now is the time. before the summer is upon us. There is a class for all ages from three years and up, swimmers and non swimmers. AMESBURY LIBRARY Having travelled to the new Amesbury library by car on many occasions, and used their parking lot, I had not realized that it was quite so inconvenient, and perhaps even dangerous to the pedestrians who use this public service. There is a sidewalk from the en- trance to the library to the road. The Western Times - Thursday, January 4, 196t _ Page t 'r.f, '.'. a» ", Kei', If . ':',ili.'i?':s'?it"" a“? SHOP RITE BEEF ROASTS BLADE CROSS-CUT, SHORT CUT SHOP BETTER . . . AT ROASTING OR BROILIN G CHICKENS COUNTRY FRESH GRADE A Qltialalgo,/ CAN SAVE YOU MONEY IN 1968. EVERY WEEK . . . EVERY, DAY IS A DAY TO SAVE WHEN YOU SHOP AT SHOP-RITE MEATS & DELI.. rtiii1__iitii/'i'izrrii'ii)) as: 1706 JANE ST. (at Lawrence) Weston -- Phone 249-2661 111916;": ' 1155111 y “ICU will It V CI y " " ur MNEiil'i, HAMBURG lb if ROASTS PORK tMN Ib, 8tik LEAN - FRESH CUT LOIN PORK MAPLE LEAF t00Klli0 iiiiiiri,oap,, by; AMESB UR Y Freshly Ground Every Hour SHOULD ER Meats & Delicatessen by Peg Grant tai.sttr8 The Parks and Recreation De- partment will soon be announcing its soccer school for boys from 8 to 14, and also a junior badminton club for both boys and girls from ages 12 to 17. GYMNASTIC CLUB The proposed Junior Gymnastir Club being offered to all residents of North York, in local schools. has had to be cancelled at all loca- tions west of Bathurst Street, due to insufficient registration. Those who did register at these locations where is was necessary to cancel have been given the choice of a refund or going to Fishervale Junior High. The eoneelled classes were to be held at Elia, Queens- borough and Wilson Heights junior high schools. PARENTS NIGHT Parents of students attending Nelson A. Boylen Secondary School are reminded that on Wednesday. January IO, it is parents night, If you wish to have an appointment with a specific teacher, it is ad.. viseable to call the school now (241-8503), and make an appoint- ment in advance, ADVANCE NOTICE Maple Leaf Home and School Association ll) be holding their next General eeting at the school at 8 pm on January 22. Guest speaker for the meeting will be Father Curara, on the subject "Adjusting to Varied Cultures in our Community." Following the speaker there will be a question and answer period, and also an op- portunity to meet with parents in the school area. Don't forget, ce- serve this date, Monday, January 22nd. The question now is whether there is just a lack of interest, or if the western end of North York is so well organized in hockey. swimming and other activities that the students just don't have the time to begin something new. A sidewalk on the south side of Lawrence between Keele and Culford would be a great safety factor for those using the library, the community centre or visiting the firehall. Perhaps some of our local politicians could take up this problem with the "powers that be." It wouldn't do any harm either, for the residents to call the North York traffic safety council, to see just what can be done. Side. walks should definitely be instal- led for access to these communi- ity facilities. way, but pedestrians must walk on a very muddy and sometimes dur. ing the winter, a very snowy side of the road. and lb lb. 69s lb dS 45¢