This year thc concert will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. December l5. Under the direction of I)†WA. McCauly, the York strings. choir and hand will d',i',et,',',t, an evening of ristmas music. 30th Anniversary Congratulations to Theory and hath Moffat. Christmas Concert The Christmas concert. held in Burton Auditorium. has become an annual event at York University, Keele St. at Steeles Ave. This banquet is sponsored by the Metro Toronto sports award committee of the Metro Toronto council with the assistance of the borough councils. new York centennial building, Eglinton and Keele, on Thursday evening December 12. The Borough of York will be hosts to the champions at the Metro Toronto, Ontario and National levels. Sports Banquet The Metropolitan Toronto sports award banquet will be held in the , During the afternoon the senior citizens gathered round the Christmas tree and Ben Goodhead showed his pictures of his trip to the British Isles. It was a happy start to the annual festivities for our senior friends. it was Christmas celebrations early for the senior citizens who belong to the Harmony Club, reports Ellen Rae, when they sat down to turkey and all the trimmings at the Army, Navy and Airforce Association hall on Jane St. last' Monday afternoon. The veteran's group, whose president is Mel Rogers, donated the hall free for the occasion. Wife, Mary, and her committee served the Christmas Peer.. Seniors celebrate early TRIP TO NOWHERE is the title that leads to somewhere, at least to a merit award of $100, for Kevin Scanlon, 19, of Verobeach Blvd., Weston during Canada Permanent Trust's recent second annual national student writing contest. The Grade 13 Emery Collegiate student submitted his essay in English and was one of four merit award winners in Ontario. Out of a total of 1500 contest entries throughout Canada, and 400 in Ontario, five regional first-prize winners will compete for the Grand Prize of $1,000 Dec. 13 in Ottawa. Kevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scanlon, is considering a career in journalism. Pg 10 Metro transportation committee agreed last week that it was important to know the plans of the province for the next GO-line and future highways in order to co-onh'nate the provincial transportation system with the network of subways and expressways planned by Metro. "We don't want to end tttt "and!“ " express'wuy Metro wants to know the route of the next Go-l ransit line. Foxwell Ave. who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary last Saturday evening, Nov. 30. R elatives and friends gathered to help them celebrate. Probably GO for Weston but no no one is too sure Xmas Bazaar Santa Claus has his helpers at the North Pole and the guides and brownies that make up the 72nd and 475th companies are getting lots of help from their mothers and leaders in getting ready for their Christmas bazaar. It will be held this Saturday, December 7 at the Anglican Church of the Advent, Pritchard Av. Time is ll a.m. to 3 p.m. As an added attraction there will be a midway type of fun fair for everyone to enjoy themselves. You will see a Christmas fairyland of knitting, hand sewing and articles suitable. for those extra little gifts for your friends. Come early if you The guides and brownies will be sharing their profits with the Church of -the Advent, says Mrs. Rosemary Gillnpm, to express their appreciation for the use of meeting facilities throughout the year. hope to take home some of the delicious home baking. Mission Circle This Friday, December 6 at 8 p.m., Mrs. Rita Fines will be showing slides of her trip to the Holy Land to the ladies of Evelyn Gullison Mission Circle at Mount Dennis Baptist Church, Weston Rd. or subway right, next to a Go-line", declared one borough mayor. There is a good possibility that the next GO-line service will utilize the Weston rail line to Guelph, The ladies are asking for your used Christmas cards again this year. These will be sent to missionaries in India and Bolivia. Improvements If you have been watching all the digging and activity going on in Smythe 'Park near Jane St. this fall, you will be interested to know that this park has had an asphalt road installed on the entrance through to the parking lot at the swimming pool as well as York's first installation of three tennis courts north of the existing swimmingpool. "How you plan I don't know", admitted Metro Chairman William Allen to civic leaders last week. He said it was frustrating at times because of a lack of provincial -- metro co-ordination on some aspects of transportation trtttrtttitttt.'" ." "eo' ,. '. THE WESTON TIMES CHICKENS :32; 49,95 39 MATTSON RD. (rung Plum Behind Steinbergs Frying SCHNEIDERS Cooked Meats Red Rose 90's SOFT ox 11ylif 29$. moms aot but a vvrappeu E . Fnr Vnur Frmrar 6 ti LB. fi'iICKENS 29f 3LB. For Soap TURNERS MEAT MARKETS SANDWICH (HUB-R016 Boiling Margarine SCHNEIDER TURKEY WINGS PORK [IVER For Your Freezer Cut & Wrapped 3-LB. Average MAC 8: CHEESE PORK WITH DRESSING HEADCHEESE PICKLE th PIMENTO DUTCH LOAF Lucas Athur WEE BOIOGNA SANDWICH POUCHES BACON aol,. CORNED BEEF 2 oz Pieces Half for Whole 20tl 25E THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1968 tt OZ. 6 John, St. DOWNTOWN WESTON 2Lb. 4/9h 99¢ 4/ tMt4 29$ 89¢ FOR LB.