Minimum charge for 15 words or less o................:............' 1.00 Each additional word.......... Sc. Where possible - submit classified ads in writing. We cannot be responsible for errors in telephone transcriptions. Coming Events. Notices, Births, Engagements. Weddings. Deaths. Cards of Thanks. m Memoriams. etc., up to 20 words $2.00 minimum charge. Sc. each additional word. PLEASE NOTE: Box replies forwarded to out-of-town addreSsas only. Box charge 50c. CASH RATES apply if ad paid with order. " cash rate not applicable add 25c. to above "order. Semi-display advertising $2.52 column inch. Classified copy deadline 12:30 noon Wednesday. To have a professional Ad Sale person help you with your Ad... 241-5211 r,2tt.pttqtc,.sti,ttpy9t9s,,.it, regssgring and 'i7irrhTirm"rig ii"uttishk tor newcomers. hence a happy contentment for Both present and new residents. Registered nursing, continuous competent attendhnce and doctoring services on call._ our prime consideration and qualifications. 450 Rustic Rd., Toronto 15, Ontario. 247-0531. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1968 NORTH PARK Nursing Home Ltd.. licensed. specializing in nursing care service, both private and semi-private quarters. The warm friendliness of this spacious early Canadian Riverside Cemetery and Crematorium Modern Nursing Homo "has vacancy. Inspection Invited. 244.3171. Second or third mortgage loans available. Confidential arrangements made in your home. 29 years serving Toronto and district as Real Estate Brokers and In mortgage loans l9. Mortgages 4a. Cemetery Lots 20. Money to Loan and Wanted DINNICK lt DINNICK 742 - 1232 15a. Nursing Homes Rudd. PM: 1125 ISLINGTON AVE. SAME DAY On Your Own Simntun No Bank-bl. Sowrity " You Can Max. Monthly Payment: You Can Get A Loan AT CLASSIFIED CASH RATES Arranged By Phone MORTGAGE IOANS AT LAWRENCE- WESTON RD. Don Finance Co. Ltd. w. G. PETERS, Mgr. CH 7-5438 Lawrence Ave. Royal York Rd. DON FINANCE $50 - $5000 CH 1-0861 MONEY CALL UREA I “I II.) FROM YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE' MOVING TO ENGLAND $31,900 all the enduring charm of an older home, modernized for easy living and carefree housekeeping. Brick 2 storey on treelined street. Steps to shopping and direct downtown transportation. Weston area. CALL ME FOR DETAILS, Stan Keyes tit30-tt700 Move right in Owner has bought Large custom built brick bungalow, attached garage, on quiet crescent, loaded with extras. Expensively finished rec. room with stone fireplace, 2 bathrooms. Can be bought at the right price if you have a good down payment. Call Mr. Scott 851-1143 HERB SILLS LTD. Due to expansion of our Toronto Gore, Albion, Vaughan, King Sales Department, we are in need of all types of properties. . . Home: . Lots - Acreage: . Farms Investments Our Motto: "List with us today . . . "Start Packing tomorrow". 23. 22. Properties For Located one block west of Kipling and one block south of Albion Road. Open 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Your choice of backsplits, bunglows and two storeys, some with ravine lots. 3 and 4 bedrooms, family room with open fireplace and sliding glass doors to patio. Large kitchens with built-in appliances, intercom, 3 and 4 bathrooms, 2-car garages. Priced from $33,600 - $47,900. _ YOUNG & BIGGIN REALTOR [gamma BETTER TAKE A LOOK! H ERB SI LLS LTD. Realtors 851-1143 Woodbridge, Ont. Owner sacrificing 3 bedroom brick bungalow, with open stone fireplace, attached garage, beautifully situated on lot featuring many fruit trees. Fridge, stove, water softener included. $29,000. Dec. 9th possession. Call John Campbell 487-3333 742-6376 or 677-5853 5 room brick and stucco bungalow, with private drive, on quiet central Weston street, features 3 room self contained apartment. $27,900. URGENTLY WANTED!!! Real Estate Wanted HUMBER VAllEY HEIGHTS WESTWAY REALTORS NEW HOME FOR THE NEW YEAR Collingdale Road Jim Dailly Real Estate Call Mrs. M. Ross 487-3333. Head oitie., I" Eglinoon E. Toronto 12 - 487-3333 Local Agents though.“ Ono-vi. FAIRWAY , HOUSE 22. Properties for " block can of Islington) 26. Apartments for -- . Rent large Suites "" SHEPPARD AVENUE W. (',ilJfrltitt2tilo," IN- iiiiiiiiiiata Occupancy 'iiiii1 742-8833 IIAUYIFULLY LANDSCAPID ruvonoynor [on cmLonu Finch - Islington 50 Pearldale Ave. Ovedooking Oakdale Golf Course Lu†[10:00!" Townhousn NOW RENTING 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS RE!" FROM $210 1-2-3 Bedrooms Reasonable Rent Close to T.T.C. 749-0522 Sale and Shopping THE WESTON TIMES MODERN unfurnished one bedroom apartment. Weston Rd. Lawrence. 241-5353. SCARLETT RO. - 3 room apartment over store. 244-8995 or 247-8869 LOWER Duplex. urtfurnistuta, large living loom, full sized dining room, 2 Inge bedtooms, til. Bathroom, oquipoed kitchen. 241-3956. UNFURNISHED _ 2 bedroom apartment equipped balcony, near shopping and T.T.C. 244-8132 Across from Little Bros. Prestige Luxury 1 & 2 bedrooms. Featuring - SWIMMING POOL SAUNA BATH SUN DECK GYMNASIUM Hydro & Drapes included. Extra large balconies. Colored stoves & frig's. Mail delivered to door. Rear entrance to Humber Park. Visitor parking. _ 26. Apartments for Rent WESTON - Furnished flat for rent, bedsitting room, m kitchen, bathroom and garage, single person. 249-0284. FURNISHED Room, north Weston, kitchen privileges and TN., non smoker. 741-5731. after 4. JANE-WESTON 3 single bedrooms, 2 Nickle St. 766-6388. ST. CLAIR - Silverthom - 3 room unfurnished flat. including equipped kitchen. Business couple. Roz-2613 BRIGHT Furnished bedroom. Weston-Lawrence, free parking. 248-8389. SINGLE iurnished room, cooking privileges. Eglinton-Weston. 7692858. a0Ntus6b, 28. Rooms to Rent BUREAU with mirror, matching bed and mattress, light finish, moss green monoloom rug, approx. 9 A Itt, as new. Other Items. Cali weekend. 241-1923. WESTON - Furnished room for géntleman' "ii/tfri-isa/iii, Q Phone iairm 9 ASTORIA TOWERS BEDS, continental, factory 2nds, all sizes. $27.95. 651-6685. BARBIE DOLL clothes“ 15-piocc wardrobe. t2.9% expomy made, consists of arenas. slips, pants, skirts. blown, slacks. mum-s. etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. 50 c. can" delivery. 291-6134 GENTLEMAN requires furnished room, abstainer, non-smoker. 248-3349 after 6. 6 OAK office desks and chairs, Apacu photo copy machine. also 2 an condilioneu. 31. Wanted to Rent 35. Articles for Sale 2240 Weston Rd. NOW RENTING 249 " 2941 248 " 2448 i...-......-" OR A BARREL massager. Reducing bans, Slendercycles. Lowest home rentals. RO 7-3989. NEW a used bikes. new & used “ates. trades accepted - Stan's Cycle & Sports. 769-1026. TELEVISION G.E. console. 21", good condition. 241-5754 evenings. DINETTE set, (Colonial). Muskrat coat, 18; Bedspread, other articles. 636-6854. BOA SKI. Free demonstration ride. Chuck's Sunoco, 959 AIbion Rd., Rexdale. 741-9096. GIRL Guide'uniform. size 10. Apply 104 Bvownvme Ave. after 4:30. 35. Articles for Sale Childs Toy sewing machine "Vulcan Countess" CAR TOP carriers, quebec heater, snow tires 850 x 14, hockey sweaters, guitar, man's skates size 10. 762-9193. R EF R I GERATOR, under counter style, 5 months. old. $60. 244-1624. OLD CHINA, Glass, Furniture, etc. THE ROOST ANTIQUES. 766-6775. 762-7418. A BETTER DEAL ! Don't sell at less. Exchange your unwanted appliances for furniture at Macey's 1111 Weston Road __ an Brown's Line, 9-9 RO.6-6137. THE CENTRE Antique Dealers Market, 7729 Yonge St., Stop 16, Thornhill. Open 7 days a week. Fourteen rooms and barn to browse through. Furniture, picture frames and mirrors, finished and rough. Large general stock of glass, china, primitive, etc. Space for small dealers available from $7.50 per week. t9tMF217ti. Mature man required for malnlonanco dull“ on grounds, was: culling. snow moaning. flower boas. ete. Must be a so" starter and able to work on his own itututltNt. Apply . Personnel Olllct Humour Memorial Hospital 35a. Articles Wanted TROPICAL Fish, 12 gallon tank canopy, heater, filter, fish extras :20. 24410921. BEAGLFS, Tomas, Cockm, Border Collin. Dalmatians. Lnbndors and Shcphord typo pups, innoculnod, dammed. " to " will hold fro. until 41. Pet Stock FIRING W000 43. Help Wanted -- Male 40. Antiques i, Ti Gi,, I; 8:39-5:34. MAINTENANCE HElPER 241-9175 Rid-vim! Side Road Est of Royal York Road TO BURN Def-vocal or Cd GUARANTEED IN TIME FOR XMAS 249-0401 . after 6 249-81 I I PART TIME drivers, every Tuesday. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Apply Cooksvillo Auto Auction, Dixie Arena Gardens, Tuesdays a.m. Garage doors. Must be experienced. For appointment call Over 21, oxporionco not essential. Gas allows». and We need a good man who tan make short auto trips for about a week at a time. We are willlng to pay top earnings, up to $12,000 IN A YEAR PLUS NEW CAR AS BONUS Our top men in other parts ot country draw exceptional earnings. Contact customers around Weston. Air mail confidential letter to 3.3. Sears, Pros.. American Lubricants Co., Box 1707, Postal Station "R", Toronto 17, Ontario. 43. Help Wanted - READING DAYS, eves. a. SHIFT CLASSES TECHNICAL TRADES INSTITUTE 935 Weston Rd., Tor. 9 Phone 766-4117 Young married ladies to do pleasant telephone work from our Downsvlew office. For further Information FOR WESTON AREA 6585: Mai! room, typing helpful. Our client promotes from this department. good opportunity with Grade Mil preferred. Own transportation, RexdaIe-Z‘l Highway. 3317 plus. AN OHIO OIL CO. WANTS A MATURE 44. Help Wanted 5- Female JUNIOR POSITION Thc pioneers who Muted thc trails now have dvsccmlcnts who burn up lhc roads. Evenings or Wetlands Call LEARN WELDING AND BLUEPRINT DOROTHY TYERS STAFF SERVICES 249-9141 TAXI DRIVERS 247-50!†or 279-7356 Open Sat. Morning INSTALLERS Ltd. Apply in Person 1903 Weston Rd. Weston IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT SAlESlADY SINGER Co. of Canada 244-5501 247-2910 241-1111 required by Till 1 2 M13