" ., " Jl?tll0lllE 241-695] 241-526] 2419-6008 WNOW _ Selection Has Never Been Better , IS THE TIME T0 tht0Ett Our Christmas PomsmIAs CARNATI‘ONS SNAPDRAGONS Glttr$AtmKlll1tllRs noses . mums AZAtEA mm: Pomn mars commas conquers momma VASE ARRANGEMENTS mums mum: a. HOllY noon SWAGS MIXED mas (tum PIECES NOVELTIES - Y, All» In "If mums: tif airgtiii THE WESTON TIMES Store and Greenhouse - Adjacent to the Humber Memorial Hospital 1 Maple loaf h. (at June St.) Weston 180 Church St. Weston (at Pine St.) 0 FOR YOUR CHURCH _ 0 FOR YOUR HOME 3 FRIENDS and REM Ti V55 NOW TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU NEAR and FAR AWAY. THURSDAY/DECEMBER 6, 1968