hoping It ring: In good health. dir 1‘ . good lurk and good chat. Out thanks to O - all of you. who“ Mogdly favor wo highly value. , bot thihuvr.1y) over $1,350 in prizes Present this ad for your 3 free early bird cards All proceeds for writable work GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE FARTY With , Lott Jackson & Billy Jones monomtumu uonsauss Around The World - Under The Sea (M m of Amh, ttet-rt Hm . no") Cram Plaza Auditorium YORK TOWN TAVERN i an: m 5 Hum Dr., Water: - 749-2868 THISTlE ClUB Sat. Childreri’s Matinee at 1 pair. From th? Management and Staff of the Central Restaurant . dl, Tavern ' TICKETS NOW ON SALE Manson Rd., (Wilson a Jane) Sponsored altematoly by 1946 Weston Rd. 241-2327 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 1060 Wanton Road HUGH GRACIE AND HIS ORCHESTRA ftehmhmeetts - Fun - Entrainment sl For further information Catt RO mm or no 2-8344 ’GULAR MONTHLY DANCE 8:00 pm. Sat., 0000mm 2m to be held at the Mt. Dennis Legion Hall All Color & Gun Glory Daily - 6:30 pm. Mon. & Tun. Only - sum 7 gm. Ample parking SAVING TIME Hurrying drivers are reminded by the Ontario Safety League that speeding doesn't save time if you don't get there. Dagmar Hansen is WCI snow queen The Christmas season is finally here bringing with it long awaited holidays. The halls of York Memorial collegiate are gayly decorated with decorations made by the art classes. A large tree is in the auditorium where' a giant assembly will be held Friday to end the first term. There will be a gigantic dance on Friday, Dec. 20. The group will be the Entertayners. It will be held in Centennial gym. York's formal will be held April II at the Japanese Canadian cultural centre. Th'e musical, The Boyfriend, is well underway. lt will be presented sometime in February. Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up in January. This is the only dance of the year when the boys can save their money. The tradition is for the girls to By JANE WALKER During this past week, Weston collegiate has had a very special guest in its midst. Santa Claus himself was there in our foyer. He was extremely proud every morning as student after student filed by to put another package on the table or another toy in his sleigh. But we must admit that he was very good about expressing his appreciation. He planned three special Christmas assemblies and insisted that we have Christmas carols to listen to every morning. The Christmas dance on Friday was a beautiful way to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. And the beautiful girl chosen for snow queen ’was Dagmar Hansen. Her snow king was York Memorial CI The students' council, through the hospital and community service committee, has begun a campaign which will collect over $200, using it to make a merrier Christmas for the 25 families of Mud Lake. Chris Bart, a Grade 12 student and chairman of the project, told of the desperate need for a working furnace in their one-room school house, By BILL WAICUS Project: "Mud Lake" will bring Christmas a little closer to the children of a small, .isolated village on the coast of Labrador. Westview Centennial CI A 'eold' Christmas in Labrador 'ia') By SUSAN LaMANTlA Holidays at last THE WESTON TIMES an}; ,, g 413/7 " (A The members of the orchestra had three individual pictures taken, two with their instrument and one without, as well as the group picture. In January, we are hoping to have a display of these pictures to _which the public is invited. These pictures are true colour portraits and would be well worth purchasing. Our holidays this year are longer - we have almost 16 days to enjoy our Christmas. But, unfortunately, we seem to be paying for this "privilege" by spending more of our time in school in June. School will get out this year. on June 13 and then the students must write their exams. Craig J ones. Here's wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (S. LaM.) We were honored last Friday to hear a talk by Aaron Einfrank, Moscow bureau chief to the Toronto Telegram, as he discussed the recent Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia. Students and staff have reacted enthusiastically for the opportunity to reach out a helping hand to another part of Canada. Followed by a question period afterwards, he provided a deeper insight how my of the chilqlnn leave their boots and coats on because of the cold. 110EEN8WAY THURS fléï¬m " â€Ammo a: DEC. 26t a; Mlllllllllht rf,, was M- gy-r,,,!!,.?, x Regular Gama: - Giant Jackpot - Special Bonus Games Share the Wealth :Early Bird games - Night_0_v_l Gama: Donn open at 6:30 pin. -: Gomez mm a TAS Fm. Support your Lions Club and you Hippo" Your Community! at QUEENSWAY LIONS CENTENNIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE 3 QUEENSWAY LIONS COURT lst St. South of Queensway, west of Kipling 100 yards from Bus Stop at Kipling land the Queensway ADMISSION FREE HOLIDAY TIME SCHEDULE THURSDAY-DEC. 19-.7 o 9 p.m. FRIDAY-DEC. 2G--T (7 9 p.m. SATURDAY-DEC. 2l--Cont. I p.m.; Last Comm. 9:25 p.m. SUNDAY-DEC. 22--Cont. 2 p.m.; Lost Compt. 9:50 pm. MONDAY-DEC. 23--Matinee 2 p.m.; Eve. 7 ty 9 pm. TUESDAY-DEC. 24---Metinee 2 p.m.; Eve. T ty 9 p.m. y.y.?9!.eii?hY-.:r-.i?,Ec, .2577 ty , p.m. ONLY into the Czech-Rustin: confrontation. iii0kiirrivU-.ritr"2iiCio'ni'.' i sri',','.' tart- 'Compt. 9:50 pm. tittuiju. Wet: DUNNING . i'iiii'ii'ii'ii'k mm... my LEE MINOFF... AL BRODAX i'i'iiiii'i'ii'iii'iumllNEl.fmuiRl01 seem 'i'itk EDELMANN comm... ltitttBdlirttqttt Minimum: A reception was held in can. 1/.tv_.Ll.yyttt THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1968 Jil-r,,.-. “was 41AM. hd the 'tatt lounge, Thursday, for the 44 graduating was 12 students of [at year. All were presented with diplomas. John Donato received an award u the most f outstanding history student of the graduating I969