Riverside United Church ladies bowling club finished their season last Tuesday l7 and will resume their bowling on January 7. Part way through the morning, jolly old Santa Claus arrived accompanied by his Wetr blonde helper Tinkerbell, with candycanes iior all and prizes for the winners of the turkey roll. After much bo-ho-ho-ing d a few funny remarks anta gave out, the lowing prize envelopes elen Lawrence for high f: Me. has!†251.5686 it:, E1:162musty32:2as»atzen-2:962:52:::55:::mzmmmwgzzzmzmssï¬: 'There is nothing like the gnger of a woman scorned any York council will be on The receiving end if Pauline Shapero has her say. _ e, Nadine Grimshaw triple, Glenda Easton triple with handicap, 'tis English and Lot'se nce for low. Ann Hook, Udred Morden, Ethel g, Etta Keighley, Ev M eely, Ev Parkhouse, were winners of hidden number scores. Emmie Wilson and Peg Best were lwinners of a table decoration made by Nadine Grimshaw. Santa departed after ing pictures taken with p team and throwing 1 down the alley. A happy finish to this r's bowling': A disgruntled Pauline Shapero stayed to listen to york council proceedings on Monday after council ain refused her permission o speak to them. Controller hilip White and Alderman . lter Saunders would have 'ed her audience but . ou voted by the rest ouncil. ast March thiss. same "il informed Mrs. ro that they would listen until she Service asks Metro to pull out of Toronto's city Hall North York MayorJames Service suggested to Metro Ist week that it should (liii,,te out of city hall_and find tts own headquarters â€ding. ‘he mayor was angry when city elected representatives started complaining that Metro was holding meetings in what is described as the city week for meetings at City Hall. ,,Undcr normal it circumstanccs Metro government conducts its meetings in one neck and “he city government in the next “eek. 'l‘his is particularly so with 'ncxt neck. this is particularly so with Ionimittcc and council sessions the only cwcptton are incctmgs held by the Metro executive and city board of control. Controller Margaret 1umpl,cir raised .1 fuss last vcck when Metro scheduled Metro Council ntccting tring the “cult that the y uses the joint 'City Il.il| ofwil chamber. She said )is had been done ssithout insulting city officials. 'rt,. attitude of the lady he browniés and cubs 'until will not lend orned woman ear I. DECEMBER 27, 1968 strathburn park in this district each ended the year's meetings with Christmas parties. 278A brownies and 1st tmery cubs‘entertained the residents at Laughlen Lodge last Saturday afternoon with songs, skits and gifts, The' senior citizens were taken on a bus tour on Dec. 18 to see the beautiful festive lights in the city. l hey held their Christmas party at Riverside Church last Friday afternoon with all members present. Rev. Thoineloe was present for this meeting and Ernie Farrant played for the singing Of the carols. After a few games of bingo. festive refreshments were served and cards and gifts exchanged. The next meeting is January 8 and a movie will be shown. At the January 22 meeting there will be the business meeting and a social afternoon. apologized for statements made at that time. Council is sticking to its guns and thus the refusal on Monday. Mrs. Shapero stated that she intends to appear at all York council public meetings until she is heard. .A letter which Mrs. Shapero directed to council was filed in the clerks office under Section ii?. of the procedural by-law stated municipal clerk H.G. Courtman. The by-law reads that every petition intended to be presented to councll must not' contain any impertinent or imprope'r matter; Master .Leo Markle, Huntsville, is spending a few days with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dennis, Ann Arbour Rd. Wishing all the readers Seasons Greetings. controller caused Mr. Service to throw up his hands in disgust. Metro rents about one half of the "ity Hall building from the - ty and shares the council chamber. “etro pays over S l-million a year in rent. "lt was a bad deal for Metro to come into -‘iis building in the first pl; C. Mr. Service told .Metro executive committee. "l don't knoss how long it uould take us to m ove out our belongings". said Metro Chairman Allen. Metro still owns the old council chamber on Adelaide St. F. “The North York ma) or is just a little miffed". said a city lady alderman. The v'wcutive did not take Mr. Service's suggestion seriously. '.ey,eeevieveVeWe't HANDBILL I SERVICE . . . DOUBLE DIAMOND DISTRIBUTORS 249-9900 000 R TO 000 R Kicking around the educatiorl bit the other day, a couple of high schoolers came up with the idea of an unbroken two-week study in depth of a subject, say geography. For that period there would be autumn field trips with individual leaf-kicking capers, laboratory work, textbook learning, group discussions, written reports, and paper-and-paste projects. Students in Canada's northlnnd have taken helicopter trips to surv'ey the terrain and report on their findings. In depth studying Other students in Mississauga collegiate have used the GO transit system as the basis for their examination into the subject of geography. This has given rise to equally fascinating conjectures about geology (soil and rock types), economics (cost of extending mass-transit). community planning (where will all the people live?), politics (will government and public's spokesmen 'go' for it?), and related concerns. Runnymede CI student paper Runnymede collegiate students are starting up “a school newspaper which will be published every other week and will sell for 10 cents a copy says the editor Arthur Chatterton. 16. Kathy O'Brian is secretary for the stencilled six to lO-page school paper and art teacher Alan Bevin. director of the school yearbook. will be staff adviser. About 25 students will be involved in writing copy and putting. it together said the'Cirade 10 editor. ' Such a plan carried out by any given number of youngsters, under supervision of course, would ultimately result in maximum use of school space, with an upsweep in youth interest in dry-as-dust subjects, and a move en masse into the community where education rightly belongs. DON it HEAT wml SETYLE EWS", LESS [E11333 A)!!!“ BROS. 50 Rosemount Ave. Let our experts care for your oil heating system this winter. CALL 241-1601 FUEL OIL Quality Service THE WESTON TIMES What a lovely way to, spend our tux dollars! . Metro Toronto officials are raving about the projected redevelopment plan for the downtown core nee - escalatirsi building costs notwith- standing.. Chow Account-n 1730 Watch Road Walton 244-6061 JOHN BAIRD'S SCOTTISH BAKERY 1969 Weston Road Weston 241-1 129 Full guarantee on motor, automaties. Free some check with tune-up, free wheel alignment check and estimate. Courtesy car. 1778 Jam St. 2418590 Marsh, Goals 3775 Dundas West Est 20 Yrs. _ 767-6162 FOR THE BEST IN OLD COUNTRY BAKING Firestone ACCOU NTANTS Chartered Accountants MISCELLANEOUS BAKED GOODS I746 wmou RD. 244-6435 AUTO REPAIRS Walter's Garage Factory to customer Custom quality paints Buy direct and save Whole e prices 'c1t,ehsao"rl,reids"o' colours Money-back guarantee Drivein service Open Saturday A.M. C.W. LEASK 2141 Weston Rd. Having a Party Let us do the Work You Have The Fun Call 244-2307 tte. """"""""""e"te"'t-vr'eweisssiseuveu,v""et"""""'""' © One gunman “belied the whole idea tsith a compliment: "This city will become the Miami Beach of Canada." With I tower higher than Empire State Building. our "beach" may be atuaclixe to conventioneers and the like, but the stench from R0 6-1777 HO 6-4603 Call YORK TRAVEl BUREAU Let Your Advertising Travel USE THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF THE WESTON TIMES WM. G. BEECH, Gourd a. Lit. lunar-ne- George W. Bull 2077 LAWRENCE AVE. W, (Jun West of Watch Rd.) Alfred H. Herman Noun Public 1156 WESTON ROAD FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO ANYWHERE MIMMUM CHARGE... , COL. BY 20 LINES $3.00 PER WEEK "FOR " WEEKS" Fraser & Simms 1944 Watch Road Opposite John Sum non, Om. 2414911 Barrister and Solicitov BARR'STERS and SOLICITORS Howard G. “boom, "DIRECTORY" CALL 241-5211 Weston, Ontario 244-5547-8-9, Barrister - Solicitov Notary Public Evonings by appointment 1938 Weston Rd. (at John St.) Weston 2445697 ASHBOURNE and CASKEY WESTON, ONT. 247.6677 Suite 202 The Want-w Bldg 1920 Wmn Rd. Carl W. Cukcv TRAVEL" LEGAL good old let Galvin ianlrpuUution it not pm of the package) will probably. and) the diners m the revolving unusual at the top, â€(Hiding a suitable atmosphete for their shore dinners 1230 Jan. Stu“ Mt, Dumb RO 928‘1 NEIL J. MOREAU DISPENSING opncwu Ot - L’HHCT‘ Toronto Stock Em J. Harry Fm. J.R. CURRIE. OD. Deutiet. Pug-mm Complnod _ Ranch . l Duplication: a. Fittings ' SKYLINE HOTEL BRANCH 655 Dixon Rd. Ruble, ontario In“ 248-6631 Ros. 2412891 INVESTMENTS MEDICAL BUILDING :1eonemn Re. . REALTORS , 199 WESTON RD. TORONTO " GALLICHAN LTD. For Amimmom Ca" 241-0701 W.J. GAL LICHAN OPTOMETRY STANDARD SECURITIES LIMITED ,Piano Tuning And Repairing REAL ESTATE th INSURANCE Watt Guam“ 766-4136 1894 Watch Rd Watch i-lti 24ti Optometrist MUSIC Hannah Bedell. utrt Paw-45