_P.‘2 It is nice to get back to the normal routine again, after all the parties and spending of Christmas and New Year's. Did you make any New Year resolutions? I guess we all do, only to break them after a few short weeks. on well, our intentions are good anyway. It seems I make the same ones every year. Sorry folks about St. David's card party - the date was the 8th of January, not the 15th as I typed last week in the column. I guess I was confused about St. Bernards not having a Card Party this month, after all the first Wednesday of the month was New Year's day, and St. David's always have their card party the second Wednesday of the month, except during Lent. SAND DEFENSE A defensive technique from World War I is being tested for 'possible use in the war against 1rafftc accidents, says the Ontario Safety League. In Connecticut, $30,009 has been allocated to test the use of sand-bag systems to protect vehicles from large roadside objects that cannot be removed. Sand-bags are to become "itIipa,ct attenuation Attended the swim meet at the Borough of North York Parks and Recreation Department, 5100 Yonge Street on Friday, January 3, 1969. The events were for all boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 15 years and over. After several false starts the swimmers got really going and some of the events were real close for the future Marilyn Bells and George Youngs. We got a big thrill out of the synchronized, swimming demonstration which is exactly like ballet in water and very beautiful to watch. The swim meet was planned to provide an opportunity for girls and boys who are not in a swim club to compete. All swimmers must be registered in the North York parks and recreation departmerit's swim instruction program, though. .. Our sympathy goes to Eric Western on the sad [on of his wife Katherine, on Dec. M, 1968 at the Humber Memorial Hospital The group committee of the 6th Weston cubs and scouts will meet in the Parish house at St. Davids. All fathers of boys in the cub packs or' scout troop are invited to attend at 8 pan. on Tuesday, January 14, 1969. On Sunday, January 12, 9:15 and 11:00 a.m., at St. Davids, the Rev. Canon Leslie Hunt, principal of Wycliffe College will be the guest preacher at both morning services. This is Theological Sunday and Dr. Hunt is well qualified to speak about the Work being done in our theological schools. Don't miss this excellent speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Western are long-time members of St. Davids Church, and live in Weston. Mrs. Western served many, many years on the altar guild of the church. p.m. there are two excellent films being shown, free. One is about Cats and is entitled "Catsup" and is a delightful film of cats climbing in and out of colored bags. The other is "Nanook" a film of. the North Country. Try and go to see it, the Amesbury library is on Lawrence near Culford not far from Keele St. On January 10 at the Amesbury library at 8:30 " "are... THE WEEK†STORY OF WESTON Jihfjtttti?gt2'i'aititegit - A complete summary of the Weeks happenings. - Joh opportunities offering full or part-time employment. - Values galore offered by merchants in and around Weston. - Things to do and see... for every member of the family. Continued from Page 9 Boylen (241-8503). if the coune you desire is not at your local huh school, you should be able to register at another school not too far awgy. INAUGURAL MEETING Rubia dog The inaugural meeting of the North York board of education will be held at the board room, Oaktntrn Cree. on Monday, January 13. This will be the final year for this administration, with a new board elected in December of 1969 for a three year term. If you are planning on attending this meeting, be sure to be there early, as space is very limited. Doors open at 7:45. WESTVIEW . CHRISTMAS PROJECT Westview secondary school at 400 and Finch has only been in operation for A reception will follow the meeting. Ite.ee--T" '//i' l, i,eir"iiis'.r-","-_ll-tj/i,/,i" THE WESTON TIMES A)? When I viaited1hete this week, I met student council president, Peter Boriove, who was telling me of their Christmas project. They heard of this very small hamlet in Mud Lakes, Newfoundland, that was~ in a very depressed area, and had not too much to look forward to for the Christmas season. months, but it he: already definitely acquired a spirit. Through their many projects, the almost 900 students at Westview raised more than $500 to send to the residents toward their Christmas. A further $100 or more will be sent to them shortly. The students at Westview are like most other students at schools in this and other areas. They are willing to give of their time and efforts to help a good cause. After all the hard work, and completing all their projects, thestudents jokingly commented F to, Jj"',:.-,!,,., 5.: [madam Pour. “you my be wanting our blood next!" Why Not Join The Growing Family Of TIMES READERS , Yes. you weaned it. I was PHONE 267-4788 "t,rl,ii,ytrttri'ti DELIVERED TO YOUR . DOOR BY CARRIER ONLY 10 CENTS PER WEEK "GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP" 1190 Weston Road 762% the the complete Philips line for '69 on display in our showroom... RADIO mm: THURSDAY, JANUARY I. "" Vi!) at the school to may for N I blood donor clinic at Emory collegiate. at which vu Wutview is unwinding. AND