l York board of education trustees have a "ttentleman's _ moment“ not to spill the bans on who voted for and who voted against the board's unpopular decison . to "proprfate name 42 , ham to erttBm. the Goons :ï¬ï¬‚irz’atitig2fï¬titititzr:rki55:::2:étz:3:::3::::::5:23:9::22::ï¬rst:22:52:322:522:51:22:22::::2:I::it:::1::22:1:2:2::::::::::.~::::1:35:25::2::5:::2::55:2255555535-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:I-;;-I:I-.:-::::::.::32: 5:ng gallon! board minutes a secret ,The pros and cons of the board of control, issue were eloquently argued this week at North York council. " was finally decided that controllers earn their keep and mould therefore remain an important part of the present municipal structure. Alderman Joe Gould correctly pointed out that North York council a few years ago had " executive committee which was abandoned in favor of an elected board. Queen‘s Park should resist pointless attempts by the datitee to turn beck the clock. The othet favorite JririairiT/iii"e' city newspapers is, of course, replacement of an elected board of control with a council appointed executive committee in each of the A: we suggested last year, the proposition of a Liberal mayor promising a prognm flatly opposed by a Conservative board of control and " NDP council (or is it the other way around?) could be more fun than a three-ring circus -- strictly entertainment value, The idea of party politics at the local level is so preposterous, one must extend sympathy to the Toronto dailies for attempting to keep the issue alive when almost everyone else has given it up as a lost cause. The Liberal party's decision not candidates in the civic political arena Thit, follows a similar move made by neural months ago. .yC.ioCi.it I‘I'o’. a n a . o o a o . . o . "PPPPPPPPPP."Pi9PPPh"9.u."iQ The mas and cons of the board 1 Laughing Grade Two's from Spenvaliey Drive public school in Downsview will! up a " recent Visit through Weston Times office. Teacher Sharon Simon (top left), next to editor Barry Holmes, and women's editor Hannah Bedell (right) oblige cameraman Bill Gerry with smiles that indicate the tour was a complete success. The 28 pupils had done their "homework" and were ready with written and oral questions on "how does a newspaper get published." All present and accounted for are Susan Neumann, Drue Mandel, Debbie LeDrue, Lori Cornish, Rosie Arena, Bruno Del Bel, Cindy Jansen, Mike Fulton, Brenda Schriber, Reta mor-ser--..-."--.-'-" Common sense prevails VISITORS FROM SPENVALLEY PUBLIC ."P.v.'0:+h%fA6yyyyyt.st.5.t.sr.t.r.ut.sv.sw-.-.-..., I.~.o.c.¢‘-.<'IIc.I.0.i.o.0op.I.I.0.I.t.o.’.gofI.II...-.5,.0.O.-.f.-.C.I.u.l.u‘0.l.o-O-O-I.I_I_n-I‘¢. AsAk'skkkhhhhkhksfesf. All that is known is that Trustee Dr. Ronald Christie fought vigorously to have the modest homes on French; Mariposa and Pritchnd Avenues Syme school site near Jane and St. Clair. at to enter official m is welcome news. by the Conservatives PP.le-Akkhkkhsfeistssssssiitete--... I.-.o.-.5....7...-.u.c.f‘o.c.o.-.-_-.-.o.¢.-_u.u...3‘-.n'-.-.c.o.g_u.o_._o_o_._-_~_o_-‘o_: T he Weston Ti mes recently asked three trustees _ Harris, Oscar Kogan and Cannon AJ. Jackson - how they voted, on the expropriated while Trustee Norman Harris argued against such a move. Although he amassed no riches or fame; Uncle Tom was his name; Uncle Tom was his name Who changed my tears to smiles instead? Uncle Tom did; UnclgTom did. . I thought he would live on and on; My Uncle Tom; my Uncle Tom. . And when I heard that he had died; Uncle Tom,,l cried! Uncle Tom, I cried! “'3‘?3'3'3‘3'3'35'3'1'3'3‘1’:?:f:?:':'3'3713:?if335f1f3tit3:33:3It333212;232:52323523f32323!2:23!32:52:232;::232:2$555255???:35!323235553451452934:352'I-1'3-I5’ '#:4:é:-:-:é:-’:3:é3-355:-:$5553:5:$5:~:i:i:$:i:-':$:1:i:i:i' mm 2'La, fl9ntin..$.§n.m1ï¬9£a we made Published at 21 S9.Weston Rd., Weston by Principal Publishing Ltd., every Thursday Authorized " Second cam Mall, Post Offieq Dept. Ottawa, ont., end for peyment of pm In cash. F SUBSCRDPTlON RATES $7.00 per year In edvence to eny eddreu In Cenede Other countrtee $9.00 '. K. Wilson, Genera: Mango» Telephone 241-521 1 Uncle Tom Stow“: Cattle, Manager B.M. Holmes, Editor Asked if the public did not have a right to know who voted for and who voted against the expropriation of so many homes, they npologized and expropriation issue but all declined comment. -- (Mrs.) Patricia Sheppard ' Ann Arbor Rd. DeGeorgio, Elsa Seeini, Kathy Kunz, Andrea Tibbs, Monique Van Noten, Teena Delahunty, Randy Barbuo; Christiana Manchen, Annamaria Cicci, John Cictti,' Sharon Norgrove, Leslie Franks, Mauro Papis, Beverly Maw, Jimmy Costello, Josephine Greenham, Hedva Beja, Roy Fresoto and Margaret Aynsley. The visit was prompted by a project on communications (and what'they mean to people) currently being conducted by Miss Simon. "Perhaps we'll be putting out a newspaper of our own before long," she said. ' . " n h an. said merely that they had agreed to an unwritten pact that they wouldn't let the public know what was going on. fe'ekhissssseseeee, staccatluuo-osn ""PPi'Piu"h"hhuh'4o.'4oy.'o'..toxoyx.x.x, ,,_ """'""". .. u.w one!“ or IPC when gentlemen farmers and industrillists like " turn over countless millions in and around Me same way, just doesn't make sense. Alderman Wil completely off base. , Alderman Murray Chusid rebutted that if Joe Blow Developer Ltd. can make profits speculating, this samel right should be extended to a separate school board. Chusid, of course, is completely correct. Complaining about a school board making a few bucks by speculating when autumn-.. t.-...-_ . . . _ .7 men-men: to rezone this property for a 300-suite apartment building, he will make, after all expenses, between $250,000 and $500,000. This may sound like a pretty rotten way to build a community. Somebody has to pay for these excessive and unearned profits and that somebody is obviously the tenant who pays his landlord prohibitive rents. But sinceI the present municipal and provincial governments see nothing wrong in land profiteering, we were rather shocked when Alderman John Williams complained about the Metro separate school board attempting to get into the act. According to the Globe and Mail account, Williams said that asking for changes in the‘zoning regulations on a piece of the school board's land so that housing developers could later put closely concentrated buildings on it waa'speculation. Rarely, if ever, for example, does board and council meet when there four rezoning applications, ready They're not all approved but the on speculator or a developer " much profit. Often a apeculator will opti zoned low density residential use n outlay. If he successfully convinces members to rezone this propert apartment building, he will make, between $250,000 and $500,000. Minicipal councils andtplam Toronto can (and often do) developers _ytd land speculators It I“ a" . Q... is NI! "" :9. understood, hm ample, does North York planning" when there are less than three or lpplanning board? in Metropolitan .P.0P....s.-i.-c.-.,._..,.o,.i._._. " n o n . n o a . . . . PPPPPPPPPPPi9C9Pi9PPi9PPP; . . . . .q....et. I.» ORV. 1". g." however, that trustee Frank Oke had voted in favour li the expropriation' even though the 42 families concerned live in the ward where he was elected. make millionaires but of and around Metro'the e. Alderman Williams is uch as a million dollars option a piece of land e for ‘a very small cash ces planners and council dy for consideration. ones that are can net a .P. Taylor