Mr. end Mrs. Cherlee Bush celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on April 9 at their home on Weston Road. Before coming to Weston in 1967 the couple lived in Stineon end eleo in Sudbury where Mr. Bush worked for ao veers et Irtterrutiortet Nickel. They have eight children, 30 grandehihtrert end one ttretttarattdehiid. A perty wee held in their honor on Seturdey, April 12 " the home of daughter June (Mrs. E. Gretton), Willowdale. A pretty afternoon wedding took place on Saturday, March 22 at Trinity Anglican Church in Barrie, when the Venerable Archdeacon, A.A. Read, united in marriage, Catherine Marie Juby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Juby of Willowdale (formerly of Weston), to Arthur Andrew Gorham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorham of Don Mills. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a pink dress with matching coat. Her headpiece was matching pink flowers and small veil and. she wore black accessories. She carried a nosegay of pink and white sweetheart roses and carnations. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Bernadine McGhee of Belleville, who wore a green and white dress with matching coat, white hat and black accessories. She carried a nosegay of yellow and white sweetheart roses and carnations. Best man for his cousin was Mr. David Hurien of Fort Erie. For the reception at the bride's home, 89 Sheppard Avenue East, the bride's Page A4r- Mr. and Mrs. A. Gorham NELSON A. BOYLEN NOTEBOOK by JOANNE HAINES This week Boylenites have been busy getting their skits, dances "and songs ready for the Tiny Talent Review, held on Aprill6. Boylen's spring Prom at the Boulevard Club featuring the Madrid in Moonlight will be held Friday, April 25. On April l, the play, The Resounding Tinkle, starring Jan Anderson and Joe Di Aquila was held at Simpson) Drama Festival. The show was a big success. Guests were present from, Belleville, Kingston, Ottawa, Fort Erie, Noranda, Stevensville, Barrie and Toronto. mother received the guests in a yellow suit with beige accessories. Her corsage was of red and white carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore an aqua knit suit, pink and white cloche, black accessories and a corsage of yellow and white carnations. After a honeymoon in Florida, the couple will reside in Toronto. Thursday, April 24, 8.00 p.m.: World mission night at Humber Valley United Church, Islington, meet and hear the newly appointed missionaries Dr. Robert McClure and music of the "missions". Elvcrstori Park Congratulations to John Welch and Maureen Miner. They took their marriage vows on Sat. Pril 12 at the church. l It is evenings like this that shows, forcibly, some of the other fellows' problems. Rev. Robson ministered to a congregation on Queen St. West for more than IS years. To sit back and hear him tell of the experiences a person could hardly imagine how the other fellow lived in a country so full of opportunity. With the speaker was a group of six young people, travelling under the name of "Teen to Twenty". The younger group had a message for the young men and women of our district. The early-bird bingo game at Crang Plaza auditorium every Monday night is at 7.30 p.m. There are still prizes left for the regular games at 8.00 p.m. Amesbury A.h. Don't forget the annual banquet of the club being held in Amesbury Junior High School tonight (Thursday). This is the least fathers can do to show the workers of the teams that he supports them and their efforts to teach the players how to compete for the honors to be won in the various age groups. Fathers can also show their lads they have their interest at heart. North Park Church Tuesday was a big night for a number of members when they attended to hear about many of the problems of our times faced in the inner core of the city. Rev. James Robson, an experienced worker with the problems told an interested group of listeners of conditions he meets in his work. we are told by Mrs. H. Berger on behalf of the co-sponsors Beth Meyer Sisterhood and the B'nai B'rith Women, Wilson Heights Chapter. Crang is located at the junction of Jane St. and Wilson Ave. Proceeds go to charity. _ by hilda gerry 24G9653 .THE WESTON TIMES ROSEMOUNT . STATION E W It MEAT mm SETTLE FOR LESS 190 Rosemount Ave. (Between Jane St. & Weston Rd.) Phones 248-2560 - 241-8926 receive personal attention from ED BERKOVITS Lic. Mechanic For All Your Mechanical and Auto Electrical Needs. Supervised cram Accountant 1730 Weston Road Weston 244-6061 1969 Weston Road Weston 241-1 129 Full guarantee on motor, automatics. Free scope check with tune-up, free wheel alignment check and estimate. Courtesy car. ":10 per month At Rosemount DP Station 1778 Jane St. 247-6590 Marsh, Guiding Firestone $913!! BROS. Rosemount Ave. I746 WESTON Ito. 244-6435 I Save Now on Comfort ACCOU NtANTS Chartered Accountants Our budget plan saves ydu money on heating oil. Call! l CALL 241-1601 AUTO REPAIRS PARKING AVAILABLE Walter's Garage BRAKE WORK FUEL OILS C.W. LEASK QUAllTY $pKWim IN FRONT END 1944 Weston Road Opposite John Street Weston, Ont. 241-1911 2077 LAWRENCE AVE. W. (Just West of Weston Rd.) George W. Bull Toronto Stock Exchange J. Harry Freaky, Alfred H. Herman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT INVESTMENTS PRmSTERs and SOLICITORS Howard G. Ashbourne, GET CASH IN A FLASH -WITH A WESTON TIMES Barrister and Solicitor Suite 202 The Westlaw Bldg. 1920 Weston Rd. Fraser & Simms Barrister - Solicitor Weston, Ontario 244-5547-8-9 Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public Evenings by appointment 1938 Weston Rd. (at John St.) Weston 244-5697 WESTON, ONT. 247-6677 QUICK LIKE A GENIE. . . SKYLINE HOTEL BRANCH 655 Dixon Rd. Roxdalo, Ontario Phones 248-6631 nu. 241-2891 ASHBOURNE and CASKEY STANDARD SECURITIES LIMITED Carl W. Caskey, LEGAL THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1909 Birthday any Mini Calm-1 _ MADE TO ORDER I NEIL J. MOREAU msveusmc 0971mm RO 6-1777 JOHN BAIRD'S SCOTTISH BAKERY 2141 Wanton Rd. Having. Party Lot undo tat Church St. Traffic Light) FOR THE - IN OLD COUNTRY MM' FOR ALL TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS TO ANYWHERE Call YORK IRAVEl BUREAU FOR THE BEST IN OLD COUNTRY BAKING J.R. CURRIE, 0.D. MISCELLANEOUS General & Life Insurance Completed - Ripom . Duplication: tk Fittings Shut-in Service MEDICAL BUILDING 2160 Weston Rd. JOHN BAIRD'S EOTTISH pcullqt- Procrimiom Notary Public 1156 WESTON ROAD 1894 Waton Rd., Weston For Appointment Call 241-0701 OPTOMETRY Ziqm‘lig Calt 244-2307 DEB!!! The " Yon "an me Fun Call 244.2303 1199 WESTON RD. TORONTO 15 GALLICHAN LTD. President W.J. GALLICHAN REALTORS WM. G. BEECH, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 248-1821 Optometrist TRAVEL 766-4136 HO 6-4603