and 'f,ge,"'i ttehnied son of thar ea iriiiitT(,. dear [rather of Alice (Mn. I. O o Bun-nu) Service in the chapel was on Wednesday 1 .m. Interment Westminster Ili'llidh'll Part Cemetery. Toronto on'Tuesday Oct. 7, 1969, Agnes Helen Bowen, beloved wife of Herod] G. Bowen, mother of Gordon, Ross and Edward. Private service was held Thursday get. 9, 1369 at Ward Funaal EVAN , Pearl-At Humber Memorial Aospit11, _tltt Sunday, October, 12, Ig69. Pearl Evans, beloved wife of Fred Evans pf, Jtexdte, Scriver of 2,ti,Ytth and Bert Cunnimzton o B.C. Bert Curmington of B.C. Service in the chazpel was on Wednesday pan. Cremation. GORDONL Charles qtsorge-- At the Toronto Western Hospital, on Monda, 0c- tober 13, 1969, arles Gordon of Downsview beloved husband of Muriei Edney, dear father of Wendy (Mrs. J .Robinson) of Downsvie, brother of James ofDownsview, loving azimutha- of Douglas. . g at the Ward Funeral Home, 2305 Weston Rd., at King St., Woman. Service in the chapel Thursday 1 pan. Interment Beechwood Cemetery. "nlrtteDav, 00mm M, no JAMIESON, William R. (Bill) (member of Ranger's branch 213)--At his home, Toronto on Sunday, October 12, 1969, Bill Jamieson, beloved husband of Celia Jamieson; dear father of Dawn, James and William,Jr.; dear grand- father of Terry; beloved son of William of Toronto. Service in the chapel was on Wednesday, 11 a.m. In- terment Sanctuary Park Cemetery. (In ieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Caney Soqiety are gratefully acknowledged.) McMULKIN, Aubrey Clarence - At the Toronto Western Hospital on Sunday, October 12,1969. Aubrey Clarence - Ireh1y1krn, husband of the late tntl May Uiatner, father of Ja lemme: of Sault Ste. Marie and Mu)riefl (Mrs. Gordan Me,','.' o mmgon, un e of B. Patricia artisan of Etobicoke. Service in the chapel was Ill' Wednesday 10 THOMAS, (empiorisis of Electric Some PM!!!) at the Humber Memorial Hospital, on Saturday October li, 1969. Alfred Leslie Thomas, beloved husband of Mary Eleanor Pratt of Domtairiew;dear father of Alger! (Mm t. 2035 WESTON RD. CH 1-2233 CPU-2208 We!) ot Etobicoke and G (Mrs. A. Melkieham)of Agincourt. Service in the chapel was 9n 'mesday ll WRIGHT, James atarletr-. At Humber Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, October 12, 1969, James. Charles Wright, beloved husband of Margaret Mcbelland of Mt. Dettrtir, dear father of _Scott WARD FUNERAl HOME Church of St. Davids Iawrence Ave. at Jane St. Tickets .75 - Door Prize Refresments. EEFFGEe CiGiiirut'i;nGi'd an itictttiong. 450 Rustic - 4., Toronto 15, Ontario. 247- NORTH PARK Nursing Home Ltd. licensed, specializing in nursing care service, both private and semi-private quarters. The warm friendliness of this spacious early Canadian home stimulates a reassuring and comfortable outlook _ for newcomers s,hence a happy contentment for both present and new residents. Registered nursing, continuous com- petent attendance and doctoring services on call, 4A CEMETARY PLOTS 14. Women's Column LAWRENCE - Weston Rd. ' Modern nursing home has vacancy. Inspection invited. - 244-3171. " 15a. Nursing Homes RIVERSIDE GM!!!" T. o. P. S, M GEMINI“. Too Fat?! 2300 lawrence Ave. W. t',tdiie,'dligf' Take off 241-0861 “7m'“""" "Book0tRemerntteranee" M. WM-__--, A- . -__ SAM SORBARA REALTOR " LOVILLA BLVD. land 2 bedroom apartment, newly decorated,' garage trig. and stove. $1 . and $150. per menu! SUBLET 1 bedroom apart- ment, newly decorated. Centrally located. 244-6945 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED, , room basement apartment. Se1tcontainetr, z“gaming, business couple. 1080. apartment, suit business cguplg or 2 friends. 241-7234 wartment. Rogers Rd, eaten Rd. 653-9478. FURNISHED basement afte'rSpm. FURNISHED basement apartment. Rogers Rd. and 26 Apartments for Rent 22. Properties for Sale TtMtmlltrr0NTtMm OUTSTANDING VALUE $28,900. Oversize 5 room home. Finished rec romm with butler bar. Beautifully landscaped lot private drive, garage. islington - Rexdale area. Owner has moved, immediate 20380331913. .Good financing. (tMet down. v {Jo H. Campbell - 7426670. Owner is retiring and will hold open mortgage below present rates, to promote immediate sale. Oversize 6 room brick bungalow, 2 washrooms, panelled rec room, 68 x la' lot. Walk to Public, High and Separate schools. one-Wilson area. $35,900. Call - Ivo Velk 742-6670 Neighbourhood sales representatives, are needed to assist our rapid business Ggrt in - STON,REXDALE, DOWNSVIEW AND THISTLETOWN. Complete Training. Generous company assistance, finest office facilities. For a confidential interview Area, to Att even better service. ease feel free to drop in and 'la'e,e,1io". BagyO’ gan degartment has always been ac ve in your Community, for convenience sake, we have decided to move into the heart of Northwest Metro Iutgrgt2eif, “2': a iiiiiGGil Meg? 8lllff, located in the - 2731mm While our Northwest 22. Properties for Sale 26. Apartments for Rent Nov lst. No" children, reasonable rent. Call after 6 pm. 249-0712. Lawrence _1_BEDBOOM__apt. avgilable 26. Apartments for Rent Fu'"""'"),',,',"""""""" Junior 1 bedrooms $135 1 bedroom _ $142 2 bedroom $171 Junior 1 bedrooms $15 1 bedroom _ $14 2 bedroom $17 CHILDREN WELCOME Lc2ciziCEiii2xim 248-5888 248-8873 "PERFECT FOR FAMILIES" Hydro Includod In rent I Eloctrlc nut - Own Control Hugo Indoor pool, saunas Equipped exorcise room Decor blended drapes Lounfo size balconlos Elf k tchons. double slnk Pr vat. adult floor: Air conttmonott, avallablo Tuck shop. Manly salon Boautllul park "ttlntt 5 mlnulos walk to plaza Transportation at ttttor Walk to Schools, Church-s “mm 1577 Lawrence Ave. Just West of Kaila REAL ESTATE Barry O’Hagan 742.6670 " EOOM & Board for single rson. Weston-Church. 247- LDERLY gentleman equires 1 to 2 rooms with itcheh grlvileges, in a ristian ome, vicinity of hutch, Lawrence and eston Rd. or will share uses in an apartment. 1-8585. BUNK bed, brand new, 500 sets, wagon-wheel, type, $69.50.Cash & carry. Liquidators. HUB-7911. iiize. Good cindition. Reasonable. 7674131. UNPAINTED chest of drawers, $15. Double dressers $28.50, triple dressers $49.50, w rdrobe single $18., double £29.50. Cash a. mug. gt detors. mYonge t. HU 7911. BED aegtertield augment 3346 Dundas St. W. Antiques, used furniture dishes. We byy-seli- trade. Phone 762- 9021. Wanted good used furniture, dishes etc. Open g. ' Monday thru Friday. 9.6 Saturday. , any Fraud: dbors, swing th ways. Each 81%" x BLACK HAWK Trading Post MW', aivers archway 82%†x MW'. Call after 5 PM.241- 7317. f1AS, stove, 1s1ectrie figures, kitchen suite, broadloom ladies dresses size 16, half men bed outfit, bedding and stepladder. 767-7762. l VEEY heavy bevelled i1NGLE 809M _ sun sen.- 1eman or single girl. Ceitral Weston. 244-3138. POOL TABLE, Brunswick, brand new, worth $400. Felling out, will sell for $295. Cash & Carry. [AT-llama. 3368 Yonge St. HU 7911. Lawrence ,iirrarrrtr'erarrace, 31. Wanted to Rent 28. Rooms to Rent 29. Room & Board 35. Articles for Sale Children Welcome A RCHITECTURALLV designed landscaping forms a natural park-Ilka sottlng, dlvldod by a rlppllng cascading strum. LARGE walk-In closets, patio size balconies. A pvestlge home, served by 3 Mon speed elevators. LAUNDRY lounge on socond floor, Indoor hand pool, overlooking outdoor patio. HEALTH club facilities Including stgam_roon_1 any! LARGE Bathroom with bum-In vanity and full width mirrors. SHOPPING plaza transportation & park only minutes walk. 244-5609 249-0050 249-3267 rvritriisGht, â€bieauty - Uion" E uck shop. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom suites KEELE--LAWRENCE 'Fge.ue."d From $147. KITTENS clean and healthy. Free to good homes. 241-9374 98 Waterton Rd., Weston. SUNDAY, OCT. 19 and every third Smday of each month 44. Help Wtd.-Female With knowledge of typing for classified department of Weston Times. MOVIE CAMARA, Keystone , MM. 320. - Keystqn; DUNCAN PHYFE dining suite, lar e size. Excellent condition ta". Call 741-8917. 41. Pet Stock iiii;iGaii iiGtSati's, .' Projector tit. Serein no. 2494171. thildren's school desks. 9. each. 134 Scott Rd. (Kaela- Eglinton) BEDS, eoniineitW," factory m, all sizes. $27.96 651- OLD CHINA, Glass, Fur- niture etc. The Roost An- tiques, Jane-Weston Rd. 766- 6775 or 762-7418. A BARREL massager. Reducing belts, Slen- dereyeles. Lowest home rentals. 653-7037. 35 A Articles Wanted 40. Antiques ANTIQUE MARKET specifications. Vim twists, shuns. All shapes, oval, round, squaro. Luv- mosugc with amino All sins. shapes and cologlp. also made to you: M. Articles for Sale Requiréd by The Bank of Montreal, 1939 Weston Rd. _ Apply in person or phone the Accountant. Woodbridge Arena Islington & No. 7 Hwy. 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. 1m JANE ST. 241.0131 , t Experienced Hairdresser Full or TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Experienced General Stenographer CLEARANCE of AREA BUGS For interview Bargain 241-52" 249-; 741 -9908 PAGE,