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Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 6 Feb 1964, p. 4

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"These Ladies int- but nut to . Sm 'l'l,'l2 ‘l‘cunu Dallym _ ttt ‘7 'NI ttgfg sum. btfd,' the _ _ I V V , . . B" I a b: ' ___ - g AIN _ - 9,21 t' l Like Putting Out Fire With Gasoline To Legalize Gambling Committee Says ','" EDITORIALS ~32: Tam... Electors which stated .0 it. I0 indoor swimming pools m ",__.- .77. - "e'""' _'....-.. It In: Innumuvuan M h to "bevlur " Ttll an! their charac- We. ,'2t"f, can: I. tmGl obi" in this region. Fm Mimic. W W. A. Edvard: ha! already tiUd I m. ht', on L"tttt woman" with the pro- ng.” at r. can Maya George lull in U iiiiir,'jiiiF Fi', you 00 Moho’u special gum g... a VIM "gum hr aid hon cul- ml 00‘ etch”. "e. Mimic. mayo: Hugh Gviggn MI .00! 1"l,".T,'21 h the Ccnnnm'oi committee and i-w'm'rvovfio'ffic Comm.issroner Cass Iago week of W to send 'hmers to a Metro councuHor a! he ognor In effect, the Committee was told: gambling " not good for Ontario: farmers are be- ing hind Mt the land; truck- an an victimized by unfair legislation, hotels and motels want the liquor licenu trans- fer fee lifted; "pant: schools have inadequate tax revenue, Christian Alliance schools hive no tax revenue at all: mines are doubly taxed and In»! cannula deserve high- er tax commission; Gambling in every snipe Ind form in wrong, the Units-d Church af Canada toid the Cktmmittee, and this also goes " National or Provmcial lotteries even when they are for worthy projects mum: the state. Legalized gambling and the tax problems of mining, tarm- ing: .trucking, whack. trust companies and hotels were among subjects aired before The Qntario Committee on Taxation here during its sixth week of public hearings. Mimico Mayor Hugh Griggs w" at! next to (H OWN" Richard Hakim The thtco mayor felt a h d “giant lost weak when ho found only htmself 5x4. porting orth York Reeve Goodhead m wonhng Metro application for momy from the federal governmerl his! 'und ngmidorod by Metro execuhve The Lakeshore and the Etobicoke would never have Last week the Rexdale Llons l I free swimming program for t adults and children who surfer variety of physical and mental d Agencies such as the Crippled Civil Mqltiple Scierosis insisted on ir free service or ignored the offer c lr. Free, supervised swimming t therapeutic use was discontirwed the-cies and citizens made r to attend the sessions. Air Cadet groups, Scouts and Cub paupt sponsoud by service club, are be. am forced to distrand through lack oi interest on the part of residents and the commutin- The Queensway area is in desperate need of a community centre. A service club has offered to construct and maintain such I centre, however, every suggestion or proposal made to the municipality has been snarled by red-tape and negative ab titudes. Mr. lusull's In! more: by I964 me two my cl 4m, Mn. Mary Temple on one side and Mrs, May R0“...- 0. tbe other. [fobicoko [one John Mule”! Oil! in tbe not: unwed by the commute chairman, dine“, who than bald by members of Metro new the scum. Iona-ally. being civic-minded cinzens. Btrrtieart. residents set the Star and the WI..- mono" m ht on the mam: The Association Cred',':, Elumu dld the township a grave injustice forwarding I upon which contained such a glarzng not to the Royal Commission. The ac- ttttrt was nothing short of irrespomuble. The Star tried to get the ladies off the hook. I. the saying gun. by pointing out the "aoeiation took into account "only those pooh in community centres operated by_local parks and recreation department". "While Ihe Etobtcuke pools are mm ‘2- .;.',!:n¢:.4r'. [rl the hr»: before aueptmg it cated in "communuy .rzxtres'l Duh arc in: a: tau . Service Clubs - No Dead End The fortitude cf sauce clubs m our community is extraordinary. The Llama, Kiwanis. Rotary, Progress. Kinsmen cts, agent! thousands of dollars and man-hours animating and carrying out essential ml unity services for citizen, too lazy ad indifferent to care. In tho annual shuffle of the Metro arrangements Long Branch Reeve Lem tho not ho held last year whrle New Donald Russell sits between two of the fl bers of council. "It would be the height of _ In: a "amirter-,r'icr arena. swimming pool Senior Citizens Centre beep established if n mince that since 1946 two and one-half i acres of farm land An th Vance have dropped 1 ‘31 icuitural p taxes more come it l directly, Also proposed we: the Iaxahun of munmpal and u, ith zamiine contended. A brief trom the Co Ontarm informed the alizin bling yhicb in fad information alarmed national folly for Canada, at a time when the United States iS alarmed at the peril to he: new ervi vhb4rttr66- Lancelled which would a ai elements F. " suggest Tug farm life caused uggest that ica- l evil " gambl- t is to argue m fixed cash I Service group) need activve, interested Peo- ple willing to work: this forces members to thoraughly examme prospective candi- dates. This newspaper does not wish to It! this happen and we advise all our readers to get off their "big fat attitudes" and sup- port the service clubs taking an active interest in our welfare. Are All Wet but a! negating um “at." man tho gypsum, of the Tow , Genoa! Committee of Council. " this not good enough for the ladies? ., ' We have all benefitted one way or an- other from the work accomplished by our service groups. Because these people are willing to work - most cf us sit back, content to take service groups for granted. l' this is the case we advise all_our ser- sice clubs to quit wasting their time. Were the Etobicoke pools the property of private clubs. the ladies would have had more reason for ignoring them. However they are public pools and are well manni- ud by Township residents, includin two swimmidg clubs, one of which in ELAC. In their brief the ladies deplored the fact Etobicoke and eight other municipalities were using city facilities for swimming. since they had none of their own. The ladies no doubt are city dwellers, brain- washed by the Toronto dailies. possibly {be top swtmflub.irtSaed, It wouid be well for the Goidenberg Royal Communion to check the "mining mu Id not teen for the men and woman of .r 'ers-clubs, Our children would nu have facilities like the Rotary Hut recreailon supplied by Ki-Y were it .t for the money and time donated by e sen/Le groups. Some people show nothing but can- mg! for men and women who sacrifice ewr free time to establish a more friendly .-cceruhere m our community. They argue use clu‘u are nothing but cliques and ty Merr vet M: arge .bership in service groups is often because a large meinbership could hindrance to the flexibility of the Because too large and internal the county property situated in cehcsrmunicupalities. as well as the revoking of tax cx~ empnons to certain charitable New Town": Maya Don lune" complained of “cling (dd during Ion week'l Macro Count" "weaving. It was duo to ttte (indiu- of the Hull». will which was moving "etit"t It. Urge wind": in Oh Mme chomb'n. Metro planning board's budget .stsmt;rte for 1964 " $00,000 which us about 37 percent hi her than the boord’l We" let! year At the tom. mg. that 5911de mg vs up the board staff vs bang reduced This results from less research work bonny undertaken. Metro Chairman William Allen compioined a! o luncheon last week "he! he we: feelin a bit weak. He suggested that it VII probably “ohmic In" Moc- Beth's cigttr. Metro Parks Corrrrvc,iorler Thompson nuggesVed to Lon Branch Reeve Lennard Ford that If Long Branch W0ljd put m some drainage facrlmes " could use the pmkmg lot In Mane Cums Park as a snow durrpmg Oreo Among the Items Metro goyemmem decided to buy Hm; year wrthout coiling tenders are; food supphes for the homes for the aged, drugs and surgical supplies, loam, trees, plants, lumber, onlboard, certain office suppllei and office furmrure, Etobicoke Reeve MocBeth warned Metro council last week about sending silly requests to the province which could lower the respect held for Metro govern- ment. Long Branch Reeve Leonard Ford also said munici- pol legislators on one hand demand more money from the province and on the other want a reduction in pro- vincial taxation. Meir.) "we; m'JdHei cumomem in the Humber ‘ew .ge Momma-N plant to brash down the imam f: m “our rietcrqeme uue'i by Hausewuh tl:rrfeyrsrror,r ' ie'gems Will ”an be manulacnxred in Me UC Etobiealle school principal Gordon Kidd didn't realize last week he won touching on a sore point with police Chief Johm Murray when he suggested that par- ent; be allowed to park within a certain area in lront of schools. Mr K vii prmnpol of Damn Grove school knew ”if C) e 2: 1H1 yrjr-.rdrrerated hv harem; Ilnlwnnnn (Hil'irrn Spsskathar n ubluhments, a traffic signal and enerafpublic. This is not Mr todd, prInCIpOl of Dixon Grove school knew of le trnffsc hazard created by parents de0veong ch-Idren r ‘crwml by cor and was only trwng to fund a solution l the problem The result was that Mptro's safety coun- l wants a total ban on vehites stoppang In frttrtt of plight of farmers lamented by the .on Councxl of On- 1 property should be services, to property cation. health and was should be paid he Committee' was :onildcra 'tel 5V1 O igheat n 700 anon ended up in hospital See $350,000,000 Deficit Drop But How About The Taxes? exnmpt advocated the withdrawal the hqum- menu. transfer and said A: was "discrim1 The Ontario Alhance Christian Schools pleaded equal tax lreaimtnl with exutmg public and new about b; Hotel ed abou amazon has been mterprered m some quarters as meamng no tax cuts in stght; In others venues and leave Government :n a position to moose be- ween azcedmg to new de- mands for expendcrcre or cut- ting taxes. .He warned Mat uniess expenditures were ap- preciably reduced he found It difficult to see "how Govern- ments will be able to reduce um u M” I. g. the International qthrtr I M In will" Mr, Waiter Gordon is huick- Iearmng Ir.e cryptic jargon a” nfa NEE "an pe M ta Id irilezna. and ich are tax- Iti one expects his expen- may must 'epar'a waie of minim "tt of pre-prod ment expenses mlling stock, certain vemls and aifcratt are exempt from retail sales tax. A reduclmn m corporation tax from 11% to tpf, would enable the minus industry to compete more effectively in world markets ind co)leetioit of the tax by federal author- mm for tho province woyld mum worthwhile savmgs, the Ontario Mining Association mid the Committee. The mining fraternity also recommended: the tull deduc- tion of mining royalties and taxe. a flat " rate to re- place the present gradup‘ted male of mining rates; a write- nf! of pre-production develop- Members of the Ontario F'e"tiort of The Trust Compan- - Association of Canada ad- voroted the suspension of Suression Duties in hm of one “dually - administered levy or In inheritance tax, As An alternative, it "command- ed numerous amending?!” to the brunt tet', mm”, h \us also s that huh" tax cmmion be ”is m mm rompmlu for coiled- .ng the tax. the minimum standard; ot rducalion required by the De- paxtment of Education." Municipal property taxation their. taxes for Canadian Christian schools with Prov- mrual grants also being allo- cated to them. has reached the saturation palm. the brief pointed out. and separate schools do not receive an equitable share of the taxes levied on business and industrial real estate and m: unlnies and publicly-own- ed corporations. "it mav well be." the brief Mated. "that Federal funds mav have to be requested for distribution through the Pro- vmces to school boards " The Automotive Association ot Ontario, representing the owners of some 46.000 trucks rejected the charge that heavy trucks are not paying their fair share of taxes. They also Iabelled the present P.C.V h- cence system outmoded, The T: uckers complained that while trucking equipment and rppnirs are taxable, railway Lon. And prospects at this :mprove daily. Federal revenues for 1964- 65 are going to be very sub- .tantxally higher than in the current year. He can count mm some certainty on an in- crease of $450 million or ten 13:65 the :mx;,.se that he has foreman for the current year. He has a reasonable prospect, g1ven normal economic growth, of an increase of $550 In his last budget the " n a n c e Minister changed the :_';stem of paying corporation tax so that payments will be made earner. It gave him no extra revenue for [Esp-64. In 1964-65 it means another $165 school supporters to designate The Ontario Separate School T r u s t e e s' Association and L'Association des Commis- l, ns des Boole: Bilingues D'Onxario, in a joint brief, ex- mused concern "with the ris- ing costs of providing even him to do so. He is expected to have a lower deficit than :n the current year when It will be well above $700 mil: Here are some of the rea- The Prime Minister's Ca- binet shuttle has obviously thrown the mantle of Ernest Lapointe on the shoulders of the new Minister of Justice, Guy Flvreau Whether Mr. Pearson's new Quebec lieu- tenant can repeat history and become the same power in his Province remains to be seen, hpointc was elected In Parliament before he could speck a word of English. He waited " yen: for his first Cabinet post and longer to become Minister of Justice. Fuvreau, perfectly bilingual, bu nohueved this top Cubmcl mm in just " months And while he is still barely know in the political circles or his own Province, The on a A sh ot Amencan payment of $274,: mslitoq c r y pt I c but with defence spending lower than the cur- rent year by probably F.50 million IS it rearonable to ex- pect that the inevitable m- crease in over-all expenditure will be subataratially less than the yearly average of $250 million, If this turns out to be the case Mr. Gordon slants with I deficit at lead $350 million less than is expected this yea: It he should decide It is advisable he can carry out his promise of working toward I balanced budget and sun have room for some moderat- ing downward tax adjust- meats. The effect of a Fall wheat movement that has shattered all records has not yet shown up in the farmer's income tax and wata't show up until next year. Nor will higher production be translated into corporation tax collections for another six months or more. This means that instead of having to forecast his reve- nues tor 1964-65 eniirely on the expected growth this year he is assured of higher re- venues on the basis of what has already happened. . Mr. Gordon says main asu- mates for the year are $200 million less than had been contemplated two or three months ago. Again this Is cryptic but with defence CAPITAL HILL (ZAPSFLES current years. Because of as nature it will have very mtfe impact on this year's tax re- venues. Through pressures from business that impressed ms Cabinet colleagues, perhaps unduly, Mr. Gordon was iarc- ed to retreat from his original budget proposal tur an 11 pgr cent sales tax on building materials and production ma- chinery. It was reduced to tour per cent as the first step in a graduated scale that reaches 11 percent only on December 31 this year. The amount that this rob: bed him of in the current year's revenues will be re- turned next year with a good deal added. It there were no increase in the current level of sales over the next 15 months his revenues from sales tax would be $166 tml. lion higher than in the Cul- rent year. Canada's gross national pro- duction for 1963 turned out to be one per cent higher than Mr. Gordon forecast last June. In some czrcumstances this would mean a proportionate increase in revenues in the million, 'it 'l'//)tli)j,riiii'ii New; DAY/(5 - (Canadian) tor 30 year's use of Canada's share ot power produced on the Columbia south or the border " a re- suit of Canadian storage dams is proving not " simple as it looked, A capital inflow' of this SIZE In four days would push Canada‘s Icarus ot gold and US. doll?" too high for Wuhmglon's 1ikuag. As a result the many will be m- vestef in long term U S bonds on I standby basis Mean- while 0mm must tmd an equivalent amount m this country to Day rash In mah Columbo In October, lt vull Why didn't the deputy-chief take it upon himself to set the record straight?? If a teenager is slapped around for throwing paper something is amiss somewhere. De- puty-Chief Murray aid the force had "lost many valuable men" because of discipline. which is also a rather odd statement. If men do not obey, how can they be consider- ed valuable' QUESTION OF THE WEEK. Monday night, Me- tro Deputy Police Chief Murray, Traffic Division, appear- ed on CBC's "generation", a program which delves into the problems at teenagers. One of the youths in attend- ance described how he had been slapped around by the police after he "threw a piece of paper at a football game". The deputy-chief made no effort to solve the matter, he simply asked the boy why he hadn't reported this to headquarters. "You probably forgot about it the next day", he said. If the youth had been treated as he decrib, ed, he cannot be blamed for staying as far away from a police station as possible. And in the women's slalom event. the ABC TV an- nouncer openly cheered the American entries. Not that we blame him for this. but why should we be forced to watch. when we're footing the bill for a national TV net- work that should have been alert enough to have someone on the spot. It probably would have had a morale boosting effect on our athelets as well as providing us with first-hand reports. - In the light of his last statement the deputy-chief may fear the loss of more "valuable men" if he probes too far. A real witch doesn't bother with petty scratching. In a fit of anger a true witch would turn the target of her wrath into a duck billed Platypus or something. She usually did this by passing a potent potion of ground vamnire fangs and werewolf earlobe: to her victim. Let us hope the CBC pr CTV getgqon the ball for the summer Olympics. Someone should tell the TV ivory towers three district girls hold world track records and Bruce Kidd, Bill Crothers and Harry lemme are all among world leaders in their events. FANS IN THE GARBAGE. Toronto "fans" luv. ruched ' new low in thcir effort, to dim a rapport with Dice 1nd Liz. It stems some of them have been rooting about in the refuse receptacles outbid; the door of the coupU's hats] suit: looking for souvenm. A couple of ladies found a discarded bouquet of to“: and went into fits at ecstasy. One of these, a pchool teacher, intends to show one of the rose: to her class. "Ther'lt just about have £31.", she is reported to have exclaimed. " And there dear readers lies the gap in my education. I never had a teacher who cargd enough to rummage around in a garbage can containing the trash discarded by the couple of the moment (at that time it was Ingsid Bergman and Roberto Rosselini) for something to just about give me fits. Ye.s, I'm afraid our teachers. who at that time were grossly underpaid, didn't have the same get-up-and-go as their modern counterparts, who m most cases are over- paid. Our teachers were stern of mien and tolerated no nonsense. They harbored the illu,ion that their job was to teach us. What a waste! Had they known we were secretly yearning for a piece of leftover lasagna from the Bergman - Rosselini dinner table, they would have taken the next sampan to French Indo-China. Those teachers had a sense of values! Richard Burton is one of the three best classic actors, in the world, For this he deserves acclaim. Elizabeth Taylor is one of the three best sex symbols in the world. For this she deserves Eddie Fisher? The idiocity of Toronto garbage grubbers, is exceeded only by the sub-committee in the good ol' USA which recommended revoking Burton‘s visa because his amorous activities are detrimental to the morals of pure-as-the- blood-of-the-lamb Americans. WHICH IS WITCH? Hamilton's football team isrit the only group to bring the city a measure of fame. Last week the police force carved its initials on the treetrunk of posterity by charging a 21-year-old woman with witch- craft. It is believed by all the (food living people of Ham- ilton that this is the first time the charge (Section 308 of the Criminal Code) has been laid in that fair city. Of course in the bid days. witches were burned A the stake. Today they can moke it as models for Vogue mag- azingigr nurses on TV programs. When I was a bit younger the word "witch" set me to conjuring cinemascope, technicolor productions at pow- dered toad livers boiling in a giant kettle of baths blood and serpent venom. A far cry from the candles, egg and saucer of sand involved in the Hamilton case. Let's face itzvit's a poor cemurv for witches. With the main brew ingredients as scarce as they are and all these foreign objects orbitting the broompaths, Witching is going the way of buggywhip manufacturing. . There are some who say there are witches today, ex- cept they've given up their brooms for convertibles and their high hats for houffam hairdos. I can't buy this. These gals may act like witches, but then this is common of the whole female sex. This business of messing around with a crushed egg and a saucer of sand is certainly not the mark of a bona fida witch. I think Hamilton is just train: to grab a big splash of publicity to take the heat off the city's losing battle to keep the football Hall of Fame. OLYMPIC BEEFS. What Channel 0 is yawning off as "exclusive Canadian coverage" of the Olympic games leaves a bit to be desired. This however. is due to the fact no Canadian TV network has any men on the spot, and is not the fault of the American network. which is piped through Channel 9. V On Sunday's show despite the Canadian two-man bob sled team's 4th place finish, not once did the Canadian sled appear on the screen. Instead we were forced to watch the Yankee sleds, which finished fifth and lower in the standings. What kind of a witch brew can be made with eggs? Ordinary chicken eggs, No self respecting witch would be caught dead dipping her claws into something as un- esutic as egg. Ugh! _ have choice between borrow. ing It on the npen market iU taking I chance of boosting interest rates or borrowing it from the Bank of Canada and risking the inflationary imr pact, There " a roasomblc pros- pect that by March the att- nual rate of unemployment 1n Canada feiumnating "xsonal factors thttt bring " to nu peak at that Mme of year) wilt drop below bve per ton! of the labor force Thss would be lower than nny your unto 1957.

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