Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 16 Apr 1964, p. 4

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Open latter To A High School Student I: dear Son: AM . here. So on June, with it's final cums be far behind.' With the ex. uuiutio- comes. for you. I “In. of do china - your ‘moment ot war no to speak. 1 voter of our“. to the gran question: to stay in school “a comp)". your education. or - leave and outer the work-a-day world. There will be many times in your life when you will come to a fork In tho mad, as it were, and a decision has to to be made - but I think that non. you have yet to face, will be of greater imp urtauce than the choice you have to make now. tat me say here that your - h It! a new me. hav- iqNdtotremetheedotctrr " in. Oh! I know In Guy lt h to give advice. and how "Judy it is offered. I know too hot M as easily, most of n u dtseegar6ed. especially when it is parental advice. Mark Twain once wrote that when he was 17 he was named at how little his father hm _ but that when he was 22 it amazed him how much his has had learned in the past 5 years? So I chmse not to give adviee, but rather just to put down a few thouuhts on the motion: hung )nu, The fue, al choice is yours. and Frrtt must trod the path you what I cannot refute their state- ments, but I say this to you: - " each year goes by the number of successee reamed in this manner are less and Jess, and I do know that to obtain even an interview for employment with the very nrms controlled by tine self-made men, you must prove a good high education standard. The temptations you face. down. I have changed but little since I The our, the clothes the added i faced them too. The fellows why entertainment that your work- are able to take in more shows, ing friends enjoy: are they the tires: 1 little better and have _ symbols of independence? Earn- _ just a bit more cash ta spend I ing their money at 16 or l8 may on the girl-friend. Yes! even I l look to them, like true iJ1ir,'a'Y car! looks pretty good tom deuce . but let's turn time ahead doesn't it. to a fellow who has ten you: say. how does it look to try and stay within an allow- now? Will the boy (or girl: M ance. or ask Dad for extra mon- I 28 or 28 be satisfied with the ey Yes, I'll concede that these changing times, will that job' are pretty powerful plows 3 even exist? 1 Let‘s make sure of one thiup first. tt is I positive tact that the more knowledge you ttoe sess - (he better your chancel to land a good job, This is tact. Conversely - you have read, t know, of how great tycoon: started their careers with little or no education. on a street cor- ner setting newspapers. With great tenacity and initiative, they reached - pinnacles ol success and financial gain. your telephone manager -t-rsrrtr".'u-t","'ttthtorttt. -Bo-itrret"r"'e_te"t""e"r' [an all. In". this "In. My will not. you an"... i"iFi.k.r_rre-"tr"'"'""otit"0e"'_ An I - Kala! than n happened. she said. "t mm a." be I. an: -. rn III! you when you lot here.' So maybe the rain " coming down In sheets, Light- ning flashing. Thunder booming. Pigs running all over the place. No matter how wretched the weather, you can keep right on using your telephone. To assure 'smrm-prqof dependability. mm! telephone cablu are filled with pressurized dry air. It a cable spring~ a leak, the force of the escaping dry air holds out moisture and keeps phones working. An alarm auto- matically tells repairmen the toeation of the break. and the leak is usullly repaired before trouhe develops. So go ahead and use your phone when the sky opens up and the rain comm doun! (And hare YUl'R bacon delivered,) Mr. Earl i. Jarvis, Artwer" llld'. we know ol 'ic. mm ”was!” of a anon who look: to the future and ohm acmrdmgh He W . personal hst of freque% ailed TI Inpume mm all can gm, It _-6-a-tt...- My. Arrtt t6, III BELL LINES noun-cw! THOSE SCRIBBLINUS The thunder roared. the lightning itashed The whole earth “I. shaken The little pig tucked down his head And ran to ave his bacon. excited woman called police to report an auto to a mere nothing " you grow to maturity an educated untur- ity. if it's the money to spend that "traets. then isu't it com- :1th ,ellse to Mum that x num- ber of dollars tinted with a lim- ited education an be doubled or tripled by acquiring incrcas ed knowledge Employers like to get, and demand, value re- relied for the money they spend, and this applies to “age: or "lanes. What do IDU hate to offer now? What will you hare to offer after you com' plete your education? If you were the employer. which of the two would be most valuable' Make some doesn't it" if it's the feeling of being de- pendent on Sour parents that gnaw: " you, isn't it under. stundlble that parents welcome the responsibilities of food, clothing and shelter to one who is diligently and earnestly try- ing " about: the knowledge and know-how to one day no out and carve a success in his chosen field? It is only when on. sees this responsibilitv thrown back and rejected to start off on a career half-cock ed, that the parents feel let down. again b. It's a sense of “Inc: we hive to he. here. What do YOU want in life? What 1: YOUR goal? What count. the most to YOU? A thing of great import- ance In your teens, can dwmdle against slaylng at school. But again . let's look at them close You have heard much about automation. What happens to the worker who“ iimiUd “It cutlon prohibit: Mm from In» hing manning when Intona- tion move. int Laid elf? You. usually . Ind he nun look tor uther unskilled ’obo. otd tho proton um- nll our noun. Will )ou be the victim of autr mation. or will you benetit try it? Experuclll m that In tho procru of automation, mo" Jobs In crusted than are don. awny with. Prboably true - but they are skilled Jobs. Better yobs Jobs that require training. Training that requires - right! . education! Oh', t know all about the boro- dom of whoa! dlulplim, the mommgly pointless subjects taught, the mountains of home- uork . I experienced it all. How about the boredom of having to do In uninteresting unimaginative job day after day . dragging yourself out ot bed every day for work you can came to hate, but can't quite be. cause of the car payment' you have to meet? Knowing all the while that there are countless numbers ready and able to take your place, bee-use it takes no skill to do what you're doing. Can you imagine how horrible it must be to work with fear at your shoulder conluntly? Fear an only be bummed with knowledge. The best jobs are the most difficult to get. This, again, IS fact. And it makes sense doesn't it? How will you answer the two quer lions always Inked by an em- player: 1. What experience do you have? 2. How much education have you had? To complete my case. " though I could go on md on, and I'm sure that by now you have realized that I am pleading - use for your staying at school. may I quote an inter- esting figure? Of the people see- king jobs at the offices of the National Employment Service. 63dbry are those with grade tt or less: There are no limits to what you can do. when you have a good education. To the staffers nnlwer with iatts Education is achievement. It is SMART to stay in whoa]. At the beginning of this epis- tle I aid the choice in yours. t u ' and you man decide. If I have helped It all . I'm glad. If I have influenced your do Chitin A I'm happy. have the better the chances you have . the better the job for which you cm apply? Would you behave me if I said that standards of education required have risen so sharply, that many people doing jobs that they have been doing for yearn, could not even apply for that job to day? It's true. - "none". So - you must win the job on your record at school, no isn't it reasonable to auume that the more schooling you If you drop out of school, the answer to the first is of course, “are than Fu, million Can. adons give freely of their time, rffort or their blood to serve .v‘. me voluntary capacity for our Canadian Red Cross. . FIGHT ' [EIEI) ""lftgt'" chock-up and a chum; “If Your loving father 1 WHAT SHOULD IT [ COST YOU FOR A SECOND MORTGAGE ? We must deal with employ- mem and unemployment, direct economic and fiscal policies in the best interest of the whole tuition. We must also make ev- ery effort to no that every part of the country enjoys equal ser- vices and equal development. Otherwise, Canada would be come I land of permanent "haves" and "have _ nets". The question ot federal - prov~1 ALAIMISTS AT WORK incill relation; in: been very, No sooner does I province ex- much in the limelight during the I press the wish to take over the put few days, pnrticularly as a l administration of a particular result of the conference which . field _ field that it can occupy took place in Quebec City "lby itself _ then alarmists go the beginning of this month, l” work, Tu)?" breaking up . . f""tti.e.ratiy , these p e o ple During this Conference, prov- 1 cry. This, of course, is nonsense. irtees made it clear that their Any province has the right at responsibilities hive increased, in); time to occupy certain fields “will” in the fields of edu. l itself as were spelled out in the . . MPWr..9__.V...b.9.. , w.“ you.” During this conference, prov- lirr. This, of course, is nonsense. into: made it clear that their Any province has the right at responsibilities have increased. (') ume to occupy certain fields especially in the fields of edu-1 ye1f " were spelled out in the . . . :B.X\.A. Act many yelrs no. ention "yt commumution, and _ This is just a matter of common that their existing 'ourees ot sense, to avoid duplication and revenue were not sufficient toJovei-lapping. But it must do It deal with these increased respon- [in such a wa, that the rights sibilities. The Fedenl Govern-1%“??? WNW?“ are ngt pre- ment fully recognizes this. Bye'r'l21Vts,/1t""tu'"fetibroo; at the same time, I must ptrtttt other provinces or of the Fed- out that Ottawa has its own (eral Government. increuing responsibilities to dir; The solution to the problems charge-to the Canadian people facing the Federal Government as a whole. ‘anct' Proyine.ial GovernrntnNis No Federal Government can discharge its responsibilities to the Canadian people by weaken, ing itself financially. economic- ally Ind politically. The consti. tution gives it certain specific duties to fulfill for the nation as a whole, At the same time. our constiluuon gives the provinces certain specific duties to fulfill in the interests of their own people. The problem is to find Mus and means to enable both levels of Government to do the job that is constitutionally theirs, And this is what Federal - Prov. incial conference: Ire all about. t “a w' gamma... Luv-l cu. Realty Lima qhe advantage ol dealing with a reputable --and long established-company IN that you can he certain of fan and honest (realmcm. No exorbitant charges for appraisals or rcglemm, and no hidden costs Whatever, When you lake out a second mortgage “Uh (' 4.t, Realty leuclh m consolidate your dehts lo meet sudden “puma-s or for any othcr rmwn vuu know from the Matt exactly what charges are Inn-had. Approval Is prnmpl - usual!) “Mun lhrcc diss, You can harm)“ any amount "t' to FiO',, of sahut- "on And mu um emu Ihe amour“ upto Mt'",, of bs' "on And 'ou can one enmc .mmum wtth low inmmncc, " a “rm-luv “and mortgage an! who you! 'rohtetm.rmttart anI new“! I A} Ream limited office out!" mm- ke with may howl-aim "" "can" for all M. I." on mm»! mm. mu 0: mm mdav for man A mm. or It's Your M. P. Opinion M.P. for York Cum" "I" g The solution to the problems facing the Federal Government ‘and Provineial Governments is lneither simple nor easy. But the heads of each government are (now making every effort to reach satisfactory conclusions land iron out these problems on H long - rinse basis. l, In assessing preu reports on Ithis subject, we must remember lane haste Met: harmony leldom " James I. Walk" THE WESTON TIMES ylawd for our - applied for your Social Insurance Number? Your government it issuing Social lnsurnno- Number Card; in place of the unemployment lnsuranco number: that most employed people have had until now. The new numbers will help government to use modern office methods tor greater efficiency in handling unemployment insurance. and Also other social bandits such us proposed pension plans. For these muons. you are invited to apply for a Social Insurance Number, even if you are not a contributor to the uhomployment insurance plan. if you haven't yet applied, here's what you do. if YOU ARE AN EMPLOYKE your employer mil give you an application tom). Fill It out and return to your employer promptly. , If YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED and drawrng benefit you mil complete an apptication town when you report to the Unemployment insurance Commussion in person or by mag. Have IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYER registered mm the Commbubn, you will receiv: woke-hon forms auto- mancluy. If NOT registered with the Commnssoon. pteas: get in touch with your local UIC, ounce and app0cation farms will be sent to you. Dvstnbutc applicanon forms to your employees, have them com. picked and "turn thorn tether, not Indeunny, to the Commission. - UNEMPLOYIEIT INSURANCE COMMISSION Published It Ms Dixon Rttltt, WOIKDn try Principal Publumnt Ltd.. uvery rtaurwtV V J MeMILLAN. Prelude!" Ind Publisher Gary Ruph. Mnnlgln. Editor Ammonia! as Second Class NIH. Post CrtNcq Dtpt Ottawa Ottt and for payluom or pool-z: In nun SUBSCRIPHON RATES 3500 per Your m1l 100! mm MW m adv-nae v0 any mourns ltT Clnidl Omar counmu Irma Chi-l Govern-mm Whip lmakla news. Controversy - dif- ‘ferences of opinion between heads of government bends - has much more news value. and lit is a normal reaction tor the [press to give it more attenuon. l I am still hopeful that Prem- ' Roblrts will allow Canadlln citizens who happen to reside in the province of Ontario to par- ticlpne in the Canada Portable Pension Plan. As the Globe & Mail pointed out rocently. “Pew slons are for People", The main purpose should not be to provide huge funds of investment money Mor the use of a Government without any repayment to the contributors by way of I pen- sion not payable for twenty or lthlrty )‘elrs. 1n the future under an unscrupulous government such a procedure could amount to nothing less than forced con- fiscntion of citizens' savings fwith no guarmtee of repayment. The Federal Gpvernment hes pioneered the Pension field and has given the lead that brings hope and promise to all Canad- ians that pension programs will be initiated at Federal or Prov- incial level. A truly national scheme on an immediate return basis is the most desirable. mum . " You. tt - no rumba-I qd “I Count (I! the 'ttrrttattip a! York at um: union the, “In: day ml into the auction 1 huliou und much a ”and bl rub at a mm: as an dollar III I“. the "to being nine mill: in tho county od " mill: tor “LWiv wow- PM“ mend on at the want electric-l norm: of the ”In. Pilot W. C. VII! Horne, d Malta, [Aided at the We Ila Aerodrome on Friday night h the midst ot a norm after at“ a perilous trip trom litigant. VIII Home took on ham Bt. Hubert'l. Montreal. " It“ Fm. with I good, tut wind It his tail. but sown run into “moron: difficulties. After the long Ittuule. the "mm- came tworyptnu trom the sky and made I period India] at the height of the norm. Those who wltner led the event were loud in their Admiralton of the Iplendid my in which Van Horne had beat the element: and came through to such a perfect finish. The members of the Mount Dennis Football Club and mar officials were out in fair force on Saturday Int. when the team was lined up to play a frlemily game with the CPR aggregat- Ion. 25 Years Ago - Would annex- ation be beneficial to the resid- ents of the townahin and othrr municipalities which surround) Toronto. and to Toronto itseli?l you can heat water electrically as fast " average use demands with the new SIX TIMES "Cascade 40" is flameless, clean, silent, And there is a ten year guarantee on the tank. ELECTRIC WATER HEAIINC APPLIANCE Reliving Our Past. . . APPROVED: The new "Cascade 40" Water Heating Appliance IS an APPROVED PRODUCT developed through the combined research and resources ot Ontario Hydro and electrical manufacturers, (9l(hyl;R. J/iii?, h ydro FOR DE TAILS CALL tt in ban the!" that m Ion ls “anus-ow to some at “than! to who" but it h the opinion a! may that am anon will eventually been. a "or. In a recent um mam, Premier Miteltell I“, burn bu made it clur that thou will he no Attempt oh the pm d the provincial government to an. {one any aru1exatitms or Inn].- umtioru in the suburban mu of Toronto unui such mm In the matter has been thoroughly dir. cuqud and thrashed wt on the floor of the Home Swnn-en in deflmlely opposed to the annex- nllon scheme Mayor Evans of Weston and the town would not sun by pullcumlmg. nd are a Tp,ort Is to I ly of sir-comm Cadet training In Trustee Marehant we had tms trainim [no yr'ars I30, con mi be a; mm are .mtrm of the world rl d on page 11) T - A one million r dollar subdivis- nt has been prop- t partly in Weston the Township M mediately north

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