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Weston Times Advertiser (1962), 16 Apr 1964, p. 5

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Weston. Oman Comploto km of H Ire avaxlahle for during bugittesc hm to Fridov at the M hr”. nf ADM. DATED 19M app kLuu/r‘ U; n. s-bait-as 1ne ()mano Muntcupul at) bx tne uorpuratiun Or '.uwn .1 Woman mr app” m bylaws to lcg’UKHIE le, 085580 pur>uam 10 EA“ ton Thc Largest single recipienl of grants was the Ontario Cancer Institute located at the Printvss Margaret Hospital in Toronto, 8288.000.00 was awarded to ttfs research team to support mum lzgatlons in a srun‘ of fields from electron mmrnsmpv stud- ms of virus structure to campu- ter calculations of safe radia- Half Campaign Funds Used In Cancer Research Projects M r Ashbourne announced that “mum and area participa- ted In Daffodil Sunday on April 5, along with the rest of the Canadian Cancer Society's In; its acro>s Ontario. “Daffodils were placed in 15 churches in this area. The Ontario Divislon nf the Cancer Society has adop Close to S2.000.000.00 in grants and fellowships will be [unnelled into the Canadian re seam-w battle against cancer this year by the National Can- Cer Institute of Canada, Echu live Director. Dr R, M. Taylor announu-d- recently. Mr. “imam Ashbourne, Cam- pawn Chairman of lhe Weston tmit of the Canadian Cancer Society. held a meeting early this mouth in Westminster Uni ted Church to distribute tho kits in the captains of the cam- pawn which began on April I Two films were shown at thic meeting: "How a Unit ‘Vcrki" and "Fri-m Otu? Cell". Mr. Sir dcr acted as proJeetionist. and Mrs F'orest's Unit of the United Church Women served coffee. She served on the Weston Council of Women as Chairman ot the League of Nations. Econ- omics and Health and Welfare Committees. Daffodil Sunday Hopeful For Weston Cancer Drive During her service on the Health and Welfare Committee, She taught secondary sehool in yxbndge and Niagara Falls, but moved back to Weston in 1936 after her marriage. Since then she has given of herself to this community m a variety of ways. She is I quiet soft-spoken my man with " air of kindness ad a plenum smile. Her arguin- tional ability and her efficiency. lying beneath this charming ex- terior, are well known among her circle of acquaintances and fellow committee workers. Mr; Whiting ms born in lean, but has spent most of her life in Weston, She received her secondary education here at Weston Collegiate. and later in her I year: of resident. in Weston, Mrs. R. E. Whiting bu contributed mate to (his community am most of as real- Cancer I; being fought on tee., Whiting worked with tyrgl '.eeideat U IU. C19. Ill! lmh this month, Ind on at mm Senior cm... in lun- partteipates aetitrely II n- no i“ more mrmi.datrle opPotter". In. collected manual for “131mg? Jiri',',fg,, "let' as: 'i1lhtl'1'l't'idTl,hi2: Metttal m mum-MM... Mother". 'The in the Weatat area, gusdied mtoridatioet and amn-I I whim: Us mo ed In her I yen- ot residence ugd the Ileana: Ur.ti.t d the Can- on t: Board f, the Normmrk in Weston. Mrs. R, E. Whitinl adun Cage" Society in no. , . ... . - _. -- V - "My? TOWN OF WESTON Town of WNW 2000 Wash" R Flor! 1Nt. SOUL r Community " Minded Citizen Aids Fight Against Cancer H m; ot Winn“ “menus u. to 'tue Ulllul’lD Munm and pursuant to the pro of 5.,clmn 30 oi the 4', Act tor further ex. 01 {Ullpoiaxy approval 1964 16tt Cl ARK th M 2620, 2621 (H mmtinn Irs Monday Immipal OP ON de Roth day apprum ll;", ues a ton 251 of we. , April ne pa r TTY Jl W c 2622 31st the ter ne to to 'ire 19M TAKE NOTICE thcl the Corecil uf the Crsrrr:rrvtion of the 7mm of Weston intends to apnlv to T're Onh‘in Mum] Dal Board Dumv-Anl In the om» visior: nf ertim M rd The Planning Act Municipal Board by The Duration of the Town of W tor approval of bylaw; b s.sunate land use paixd NGstCE, to the owncns of land m the Township ot North Y 11k wh.c.cit land abuts land m m: Town of Weston, OF AF rLILA'lION I) The Omaun I nun-W 10M. RANT) .. a... mm, Funds distributed by the t'ctt- ionai Cancer Institute will also support the work of more than 150 scientists and technicians in laboratories across Canada in their search for the causes uf canton Now this nation's NC 2 killer. the disease last year took the lives of noarly 25,0000 Cana- dians. " 86', of the budget of the hattonal Cancer Institute is sup plied by the Canadian Cancer Smarty through funds raised in the April campaign. Over half of these funds go to research projects. "With the splendid sen'-oft we received on Daffodil Sun- day." declared Mr. Ashbournm "we have every expectation of meeting this target. Enthusiasm for the work of our three-pronp> ed program of Education, Wel fare and the support of Cancer Research in the Weston area has never been greater." tion doses in cancer therapy Among her other interests, Mrs. Whiting has found time to devote to the University Wo- mett's Club ot Weston. She is a The target of the Weston and area Unit this year is 517.500. part of the total of 82.000000 for Ontario. She was Chairman of the YWCA Board for three years, and Chairman of the World Fel. lowship Committee on the "W' Board. also for three years. ted the daffndll as a symbol of hope in its year-round fieht against the disease of cancer." explained Mr. Ashhourne. He mentioned the coop-W2- hon the Cancer Society volun- teers had received from mem- bers of the community and lo. cal organizations. TOWN OF WESTON Pr-, ammo ‘n‘pln law ot fhnl hvvlaww avdilahl» for inn-win" no hudh¢cc lung-c Mr-av. 'rirkw M the MunicipaI or 'Irmn w, Ctprk thie lad in?» tor t of Weston 18t CT A PKRON 'err w‘ tt Mr furtrrs- Px, ‘emnorarv aopmval 2613 wand thrs Met ttion man 2520. R nad We Mo, HM; '30 or The April 2622 ii, Some Cancer tan Be Cured f Report Early To Your Clinic All scientists lime Is Me PSS every can: th, mnt rerpivm m the greater lh" Thruu,i public health (‘dutr tum the layman is informed as to progress, by medical science In canwr rosearrh The came and cure of canrcr are still an mystery but the occasional breakthrough has brought 'rir- timitrm In medical SCA'ntN? and helped in the diaznmis and treatment of certain forms of the disease, Regency Home Equipment Ltd. l, IS currently engaged in negolw iating for more space in the Weston area and expects to an- nounce news of the expansion soon. ' April is the month during which Canada directs public at- tention tn the suhiecl of canon and what is being done to de- veloi, a on": for this most i'r, mus disease. The Co. commenced Toronto area operations in 1958 and aq- uired its present location earlier this year. An original staff of two partners and one book-keep- er has grown to 35 full-time sales Mrs. Whiting is a member of a small music group herself, and has lately become interested in playing the recorder. Both she and her husband play the recorder with a local group of music-minded people. New Location She is currently on the Board at the Weston Unit ot the Cana. dian Cancer Society in the capa- city of Chairman of Education. Originally the organized the Education Committee of the Weston Unit for the Weston are; She was also on the commit- tee which organized the Chand- ian Concert Association in Wes- ton. This group brings programs of muncal interest to the Wes. ton area In. Whiting in also served on the Board M the North York And Weston Family Service Cen- tre, as well as on the Bond od the Family Ind Child Section (1 the Social Planning Council. WESTON RD. 8: CHURCH ST. Regency Home Plans Expansion Personally yours 2145 WESTON ROAD l HEADING for SUMMER Make It a Breeze _ John at In The "our! Of Downtnw- Weston _ $9“ You‘ll “In! Him Very Happily At give his personal attention to your Daughter', haircut are nan-ml that mtial factor in Parlivr the par 'mcal attention Mumm- tor sur- Ar. Raymond will not move to l x69“ by having - - it's better to know for lain and lo haw th- bun-ll moth-m ttwilieal science. In many parts of this country there are cancer (Macs when the public may receive help: lo cal health units will supply in tnrmation to those who requv‘sl " Mo suspicion of a cancer iym- plum should hv malt-rind. Inna nomads of wurrylng about Pte possible mndninn will nu! hnln rz-hr-wd of long periods of , ry and brooding when he authoritative opinion. If (susuicions are justified, early diagnosis and treatrr may arrest the cam-9r and clerical employees. Most of these are Weston and Toronto residents. The firm also operah es retail outlets in Winnipeg and Hamilton. Arnold Davis. president of Regency. and Tom Chernoff. ex. ecutive vice-president. believe that a "poliey of quality prod- ucts and good service will insure customer-satisfaction and steady business growth." The patientouabo» tears that he has symplomg of the disease should consult his doctor or the cancer clinic " early as pos- sihle. In many cases. he is mir taken about the condiunn and is MISS SAVER, Field Secretary for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society, points out something of interest to Mrs Moffat, Chair- man of the Women's Services for the Weston Unit of the society. MEN'S WEAR WESTON ROAD PLAZA CH 7-3938 'L Lone mt Pte nt holp wor the his . MACARONI a CHEESE ' MINCED HAM ' CHICKEN LOAF ' DUTCH LOAF Prop. C. P. (Casey) Langhout 2151 Weston Rd. Phone 2149 WESTON RD. - REGENCY HOME EQUIPMENT no. JVIMLHAUIV' a: bruit-3L ' MINCED HAM ' CHICKEN LOAF " " ' DUTCH LOAF PLAZA MEAT MARKET Mr, C. P. (Casey) Langhout receives $130.00 in Redeemable Cash Coupons, far a total of $259.00 since he made his first purchase of a $70.00 modern arm chair which he bought at a saving. from Regency. Since his first chair, he has purchased ~four more items. Regency Vice President, Tom Cherooff (left) and President Ar- nold Davis (right) make the award. l. T D . HAMBURG ea $1.00 ALLIED a. BLUE BRAND IMF 3 lbs. LEAN HELD AT THE CONROY HOTEL IN TORONTO ON THE 9th OF APRIL WAS ATTENDED BY .OVER 400 REGENCY CUSTOMERS. THE SEVENTH GALA CUSTOMERS MEETING AND DELICATESSEN tout MEATS The largest part of the Sec- will a??? , 3: it“; Mr: lety's work is to provide funds . me Pf." on tn: h for research which in Canada is 'ih'clrv'"', V/T "mane; greatly contributing to ft) a. they In.“ again: 24500 world wide assault on the dir . . ' . em. The Canadian Cancer Soe , ftlrr"'" died M earieer m iety is the major source of). . funds, $1,900.17)!» in 1963 I 1964 Campaign cumin. required by the National Carri Mrs. M. S. Filmer, 25 Coral car Institute of Canada, to 7s'ap- ' Gable Dr. Weston, M46311, port a research programme in- ( Mrs G. T. Ferguson, 11 Coral volving 20 Canadian institutions 1 Gable Dr., Weston, 241-9565. and 91 projects employing; Mrs. D, Rawiins 31 Stone more than 200 scientists and 3 Court, Weston. 2493506. technicians. Mrs P. J. Forsey. 36 Legume ms. Vecto- and Arc. lunch a! the Canadian Cm may In nova into full ”in. in m 0.011 to also 'itkM0.ittt during the not!!! ot April. Campaign Chairman, Howard G. Ashbourne. point- out an the money raised will be used to further the threedold pro- gimme of research, education and service: to patients. Weston Campaign Against Cancer Needs Your Help In Every Way April it Cancer month throughout Canada with the Mod" the tymbol ot this tight. The National objective is Steak Roasts 89: lb, Phone 247-3181 Weston Road Plaza A [in ot team Captain bar 1064 follows. Additional can-11y an we needed and anyone wishing to aid may contact the Captain closest to him Mr. Ash. boume points out that this pro- ject merits your support Much is badly needed. an is evidenced by the hat that about 24,500 Canadian: died of cancer in 1964 Campaign Capt-ins Mrs, M, S. Palmer, 23 Coral Gable Dr. Weston, 244-63“, Mrs. G. T. Ferguson, 11 Coral The load 'noup will be con- ducting u ham: to home can“: an“ resident; to eosstribute, while basin“ and industry will be unused under the tired- ion of Frank Lawrence. mm“ AWllmtl‘ W.Auliq;m-~l ( mm of then ”Mild" Wu... 10M mummmmnyu.§ “lulu-.1 In addition $132,730.00 vu pm t a. or" Ida. an: vided tor ounce: treatment faeii- 1 In J. T. W. was and $55,771.00 for {em ( Ave,, was. - WESTON ROAD HARDWARE & GIFT CENTRE 2143 WESTON RD. COMPLETE LINES OF PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES GARDEN SUPPLIES GRASS SEED -.. PERT! Use Our Rental Service For Wheelbarrow: and Lawn Rollers You are welcome to browse and see our large selection of gifts and appliances APPLIANCE REPAIRS - KEYS & GLASS CUT SEED -- FERTILIZERS GARDEN TOOLS - tll 4-1481 WESTON RI]. ' CHURCH ST. Mrs. G. R. Minn, 16 Hullmar Dr.. Dowmwiew, 635733). Mrs. D. Zeggii, 242 Rustic Id. Tor. 15, 244-0009. _ Mrs. D E. Barnett, " Catvin& ton Dr, Dowtuvierr, Me 51111. Rd, W,, Weston, mm. Mrs. Thor, Kilgour, " M age Ave, Weston, 2414714. Mrs. L Robinson, " Cun- borne Ave, Downtview, Me . 3773, Mrs. F, J. Connor. 23 Cro- St, Weston, 2442079, Mrs. J. Collings, l9 Marshall Blvd, Tor, I), RO 98840. St. Weston, new: In P. Sykut. 4 Wheati- Ave, Weston. m. Donnie: Mrei..ttiae,MEirtrrM.. 247-

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