. _ When looking for a new posmon T' never trust ht luck. '., [at I. do tho It. work a Morn] from link- is an excellent "y Mann. Call us regarding thr toliowiag: .STENOGRAP‘HER File Clerk "PERIBNCED waitresses wim- od for restaurant and tavern, full or part time, MI-2340. CLASSIFIEDS 5 L m In wanna _ nun In: WANTED tor typing and general ofhce duties, Attractive position for right My MAC-IN! 0mm - CL!“ 1TH!“ MUTUAL PLACEMENT Agency & Consultants No C“. " Applian- 2489 Bloor at Jane; RO 3-2241 mun A1341: 1ito'&5tt.m.tolaars. Transportation supplxed from mallow Rd. and Mississau- Thin summer. morning or afternoon chases, weekly rat- Phone for further lnlornntion Excellent opportunity for an experienced stenographer for general sales dept. Shorthand Moe-nary Modern air condi- tioned office. Cafeteria, em- ployee benefits. Supplement your family come in a pleasant dignified way by holding Sarah Con- vertry Jewellery parties. For infttrmation phone, 259-4641 MTTO OF CANADA LTD, $2“ TYPIST to take charge of mailing room. operas Gtvtet. ner & Ditto machme. Mus' be alert & atiurate. South of ' Points. Holidays arranged, an TYPWT for customer servwe dept yell Slam-r. uummun. grade 12. Rexdnle. m TYPIST for correspondence lmmcmg. other duties m- cluding answering phone & films. 6 Points. It“ BILLING CLERK & mvoxcmg. ty ping. Bramalea, m SPEND with good shorthand and typing! for Sces Dep: of large firm. "oo FILE CLERK tor Accounts Dept. m Long Bcartc.n, "" BOOKKEEPER. small off1ce, flexible hours, Dundas Huy. $215 CLERK-“FIST um; expenence m awopm; “manuals luv-mom; etc. Applicant must be rungemaL Intelligent mu cooperative Jane - Wtl,ort. 'Mo RECEPTi0htsT mm 3 m 4 gears expencnce m a smart ATTENTION LADIES Apply BOX 65 THE ADVERTISER 2980 Lake Shore Blvd. w, Toronto 14 w WV! SRRHARY, tulingual. tor Auteur“) tuan nothing in Bend-l: am a weeks 111mm; 1n the Us. - “RUTH/l SECRETARY tor president of tum, dung to Mad. administrauon of employee benehts for w- rolL Office located In: HR) 27-Qu2emwuy. nu SR. COMPTOMmR Operator for large Co. In Bruumlea, we require a person “nth lots of expenencc‘ m SECRETARY required for office situated between Manon and Brampton. Must have own transportation, $26. STENOGRAPHER. not mum anmm‘ud mom & vuled duties. 's" TYPIST for mvoxcmg. Transportauon arranged tituatteld NBW 1861 IESTA [TRAN T 214-37“ a“ SECRETARY wnhaennal dune; Cookm'ult m. 2 STENOGRAPHERS wnh Duct; experience to do sales correspondence in a smnll congenial sales mix-e. Soul: of 6 Points. Helium: arranged. l WAITRESSES an SECRETARY snurm‘nd & 01x13. nu SECRETAR Y Offers you the best in Permanent Office Assignments new“!!! - Humour!!!†- moxlnnls TEENAGERS LEARN TO YYPEWTurE “OBICOKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 4127 Duds St. W. (2 blocks east of Prince Edward; BE. $5471 Call MRS. HUNTER l24 - 40th St. - LONG BRANCH - 251-333] Young lady Wanted Apply Mrs. Arthibald RECEPI‘IUAIST 3th 3 m 4 may; expermnce m a â€man ottice, shorthand In asset, Dila-Typing and general duties. Dufferm ti MI. Rd. sales summ‘r Juthnd Ave. D - Waitress, ' days .1 Inn-lu- Calm" " An hour. CL. 0-02". Clock Co. LM. CR. 8-8302 No Charge to Applicant - Ad'.P.A.C. Member Mutual Hacement . . AGENCY & CONSULTANTS -iiiyii" bij iiiorrne' , IR., -Thursdttv,Mtsr28, 1164â€"â€"Poggalfrguuywma-nummwnm‘lâ€"mgtpnuwAnnoaâ€"nuAumIAmla_mumwAm1 a- malarial-l. (or a wry buoy omen. shorthand typing teh, applicant must be intelligent capable To handle Accounts Receiv. able Accounts Payable and other office dunes Accuracy essential. Tytnpe required. Ex. cellent (immunity for some- one in The Queensway area. Call Mr Bertie, Must be accurate with figures and typing. Standard Coll Products (Cm-d3) Limited " Drunlnonll M., Mlmlm Experienced Reaned for one girl office. Mr. Langley, CL 9-7886 Itexdaie lnnch of EtoMooRe Library Qualifications include Grade l2 or equivalent. Ability to type and work with the public and at least two years exper- ience in business or library work This is a full time p051. tion mvolving some evenmg and Saturday work with eque- valent time off. Good sgrting salary. 3 weeks holiday fter 1 year and usual fringe benefits. Must in»: experience. perm- anem position. five day week and usual company benefits. . For appointment all CL 5-1186 THE LUCRE'TT LOOSE LEAF LTD. Library Clerical Dunn; business hours for appointment Ledger Clerk Clerk Typist Dicta-Typist BE 3-2105 CL 5-0178 min- Cal-adh- CL 9-765] small ottice m Rex- PHONE Sides q ualmu NEED money to bolster the bud- get? 4 or 5 hours a day will bring you I good income. Lakeshore and Royal York are" now open Phone WA 5- 1255 tor appointment, EXPERIENCED saleslday want- ed. up to 35 years. Part or full time Apply People's Bargain Store. 3547 Lake Shore Blvd. w.. Long Branch. Henry Morgan & Co. Ltd CLOVERDALE MALL HWY. 27 - DL'NDAS Three Intelligent. industrious girls to train operation of multi - head stitching ma- chines. Must read and wrne English. Steady work. Bene- tits. age 25-36. for sales depart- ment, Neat and accurate dic- taphone typist. Shorthand an advantage. This is a Senior position. Cafeteria facilities and liberal welfare benefits. For appointment call Preferably with PBX expen- cnce, nlso must be bapablc typixt, Local remdent prefer- red Air conditioned office, Hours 8:45 to 5 pm. Eu0--Aects. payable, 2 or 3 years experience. vel' mg. Cooksville area. "Nb-Dictation. for Crack! Dept Cooksville. " . MV $25.--,h man position, ml) Ira) Mrelary's assistant, interesting positron tor young lack who wants chance for advancement "tB-Clerk Typist - Islington. Some Dmapnone "9S--Nyroll, hourlv aponsibility, 27 Young woman for small con- genial office. Off the Queens.. way. 255-8588 . "SS-thc" steno work tor the president and one other mm old established tenable Finn Queensway new 'Si-Steno Diet: with little shorthand interesting position working for several people. Career type Job. with 3 or 4 years High School Apply in person 9 to 5 NEW TORONTO PUBLIC [’TILITIES COMMISSION 'tFM Lake Shore Blvd. West For Summer 'telriacements ', Part-ttme, days or evenings. 1 Previous sales experience 1 preferred. _ Apply In person I '88.-B1lutgual Sanitary tor manufacturing firrn, Queemvuy Iron. Secmrtarial duties for the prudent and some book- keeputg and payroll. "ab-tir, Steno., shorthand neces<ary‘ Queensway - Number I thought you might be interested In I temporary office job. we have interesting assignments in your are. & surround- mg urn for Trpist Mertoempher, Dieuphone, Bookkeeping muchine operator a. other clerical duties. Our hourly rate of pay in excellent & you an work bv the dev or week; why not call us for an appointment Wreath Mr, moribund, to". Du'lapnonc, exoenenced person. Cooksvme urea. be" Housewife MR, C. L. WEST CL. 9-231 1 A. C. WICKMAN LIMITED utr, The Queen-sway Toronto " Elite Personnel CLERK TY‘PIST Neptune Meters Ltd. MM Luke Shore Blvd. W. LONG BRANCH Stenographer In " 00 '20P mwtus CANT ALI. " "DONG "ATS HOW MANY COIPANIIS US! o" IIIVICII BACK YEA. Switchboard Typist Junior Clerk Sales Ladies We are looking for a Embroidery Wamnt to he" trom lot Photographer's asnsla: 25, for industrial firm, EXPERIENCED CL 5-3421 259-42ll 236 TB: QUISNBWAY (It Ion! York Id) Experienced rated. mature person to take owe -Dundas. Your: :Inuorely Office Overload Ltd. CHAMBERMAIDS for motel. Lakeshore - Park Lawn dis- trict, CL. 9-929}, no e xpertence it uc WAITRESS. Sunday's off. Sea- way Restaurant. 102 Lake- shore Rd, E. Port Credit across from Loblaw, 277-8711. for permanent position in Au counts Receivable Dept. of a large transport company in the Dixie area. Must be fast and accurate typist. Apply - Personnel Office Inter City Truck Liner, Ltd 1500 DUNDAS HIGHWAY least of Dixie Rd.) ' Expanding Lakeshore a r e a manufacturing company has openings for the following po- sitions: CLERK TYPIST -- for ac- counts payable department sWI'WlHBOARD-RECEP. TIONIST CLERK TYPIST - for order billing department, ' day week - usual company benefits. Book Accountant 'rFPr» Quantity Surveyor .._ .. Dining Room Hostess at ' Queetsu a\ Executive Secretary. all skills.., .r.r.._ _ _S', Accts. receivable, credit and Muskoka Lodge. We urgently require all classes of uperlmced OHire Person- nel for temporary assignments Tue Offices to Serve You collection clerk _.... Bilxngull Steno '..6....._ Steno . _.. "v.......-......' Girl Friday tr_rrV_PVV . _ Twr Bookkeeping machine op. .. T ...-. Payroll clerk .r.... Clerk Typist vrv. Shorthand Typist Cooksville Typist. Cooksville Bookkeeper, full set Sr. Steno NO FEE TO APPLICANT General Clerk BE 3-1163 I415 Lawrence W. (at Keele) 241-4479 Evening Interview: by Appointment 204A Islington S upreme ffice ervices EXPERIENCED 124 - 40th Street PERION VEI. DEPT 259-967 I MR. BENLE 277-941 I wine statistical MALE Toronto " little ty p- Ml $65-$75 $75-$80 $65-$70 $65-$70 M5 - $60 555.560 550-555 575 560-865 ov er 5.550 Packing Department 0.555 Amour-ants would be 5A" m 575 height. age 18 10 30 and mum 0565 l be 1vdline to acrept shift _ work No students Apply m person to open EMPLOYMENT OFFICE mo Christe Brown 8 Co Ltd 2150 Lake Shore Blvd W, HUMBER BAY $65 so 'MO-Accounting clerk. "Girl F'ridav" type position for effl- cient lady, good “ith figures Will work into responsible senior position. Some typing necessary. Queensway. 3215‘Clerk-upisl to work with figures. Variety of duties, "l- cluding some typing, Rexdale, 'u'26---Cterk-typist, Expencnccd in 1m owing. Duties, also “nah-e record keepmg and stencils. Queenmmy. "8.-Dicta-sterto. Grade XII graduate with minimum ot 2 years experience, Good opportunity for young lady of top call- bre. Rexdale. Rexdole Plaza, 249-914l-3240 Bloor W., 239-8155 "ts-Private secretary Thc, is an opening for mature woman capable of acceptrng "sponsibiiity and able to work on her own, Dictaphone experience necessary, shorthand helpful. Rexdale. We have a vacancy tor an ac- counts payable clerk, Appli- cant must he able to handle iupplterc mvoicec and have 2 to 3 y“. related hummus er per-encc Excellent working condmons and benefits. oresr--Secretary tor prendem of sales company, This is not a routine posulon, and would provide a real challenge for mature woman with excellent skills, Rexdale. 52250 b"MNV--Sales trainee. Clean-cut young man “uh Junior matnc required for order desk and inter-office Ilaxxon. New uln'amodern sales office. Rexdale. to work as finishers and pack- ers in plastic plant. Three shifts. OpenmLab technician for chemical company, 3 years experi- ence with organic Industrial chemicals. Queensway. S.t00--Cierk. Grade XII or a commercial graduate to start a: Junie: with Barge use} company: Opportunity for ad- xanuement, Uooksvil't Finance company requires typ- ist-cashier for general office duties. Interesting position with good starting salary. S340 'v-secretary. for manatpM director of a new company Shorthand and dicuphone exqserienct. Rexdale. Orerr-Dicta-secretary, for general manager Must be expen- enced on IBM execuuve typewriter. No shorthand re- ttorsi. Rexdale. T ",M.--Annually. Career opportunity tor blhngual secretary, Fluent In French and English. Must poses; excellent secretarial skills including shorthand. Suufesstul appli- cant will spend I weeks traming in US A. Rexdale "ob-Girl than. Opponunxxy to: mturc Minn “In good typing speed. and basic Know'iedge of hookkoepm‘ to run I l-url Min. Bennie. Manama-phat wnh some “penance. Thin hair] can often an hummus “new at work. Rexwe. 'i-ste-Phe:', chatlrrneing variety.“ work. tor gaunt lady with mun appearance and excellent monhlnd - Rexdale. â€ts-Junior stenographer Excellent opponumly tor recent graduase, wuh good typm; and shorthand skills and at, lncuve appearance Future in secretarial. Weston. WE RATE OPENINGS FOR 1401 Dixie Rd., Port Credit "A39 Lake Shore Blvd.. West 251-3346 ttF. crRC't'rr BREAKER (CANADA) LIMITED CONTINENTAL CAN co. OF CANADA LTD. H. McNaughton DON FINANCE CO.. LTD Register With Us Today For Permanent And Temporary Positions - interviews Arranged At Your Convenience Young Ladies Accounts Payable Clerk and Port-time Experienced Office Personnel SIKRETAIIIES, STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS. MACHINE OPERATORS & CLERK TYPISTS. For appointment “I" J. BENNETT Dorothy 159332? Services 4,191 K-ry prst live Vane! Downsvmw. t'kuk wtth wine expu‘lencr m production comm] and unenlory tunnel f'trs'rtion offers a variety of duties and good potential tor capable person. Itexdale. No Charge To Applirnnu 2489 Bloor ot Jane Mentor! " PA.C. 277-0334 Mimico 259-665] GIRLS Mutual Placement . .. AGENCY & CONSULTANTS Summer Replacements " to " in our Required in the Following Categories No Charge To Applicants. Opportunity for a bright Junior “uh iuitits, of duties Including reports and stencils MALE COMPETENT mature wuman for general office work Trp- Ing. adding machine and so forth Non-smoker Apply at 17 Advance Rd, Tor 18. For permanent position in An counts Receivable Dept. of I large transport company in the Dixie area. Must be fast, accurate typist. Experienced Apply'm person to Store Manager. Preferably experienced. Pet manent, 5 day week, Apply Mr. Hum. 247-2153 interesting permanent positron for qualified girl with Rexdale manufacturer. some typutg, 5- day week. Apply PERSONNEL OFFICE INTERCITY TRUCK LINES LTD. I500 Dundas Hwy. {East of Dixie Rd.) For hoiel cleanin'g. mornings Eastwood Park Hotel Accts. Payable Clerk 3701 Lake Shore Blvd. W., LONG BRANCH Waitress l Chamlwmaid Experienced General Clerk VA LHALLA l N N 239.2391 CLERK TYPIST Woman 234 Berry Rd Experienced 277-94 I l CASHIERS RC) 3-224] Applv A lso SEWING Machine and embroi- dery operators. fully experi- enced, Apply Mrs. F. Culbert, National Employment Service. Phone 255-8571. CAR WASHERS. full or part-' time, Highest wages. Kipling Kn Wash, Kipling Ind Jut- land. TAXI drivers wanted. full and part-tinte, Must be 25 or over. Apply Select Cab Garage, 3349 Lake Shore Blvd. West WAITRESS, experienced. Nights 5 to 12. Flame Steak House and Tavern. 203 Lakeshore Rd. East, Pun Credit. CR. II- 1101. WAITRESS. experienced for days. Phone CL, 9-6011, PART-TIME) waitress wanted tor week-end nights. also part- time dishwasher. BE. 9-2175, ROYAL YORK - QUEENSWAY, good opportunity for a wom- an with a thorough knowledge of general office routine, for part time work in own home, send complete details of ex- perience. age to Box H, Etobi- coke, Advertiser - Guardian, PO. Box 156, Isiington. WANTED - Day care for 4 and 5 year old girls, near David Hornell School, 255-9690. BABY SITTER, 4-day week. 4 children, 259-1453, after 4:30 5 year old girls. .r_Iear David Mimico random for very light _Pyel1ffhool, 255-9690, work, afternoons & evenings. BABY SITTER, 4-day week, 4 Apply BOX " children, 259-4453, after 4:30 q pm. The Advertiser 'rv'oMkiC:iGr" 3 days weekly. 2930 1.91:: snout BLVD. w. . ___,,,,' E__e___,,--t, --" FULLY experienced waitress.) Good wages. Apply m person) to Mimicombo Grill, 1489 Lake Shore Blvd, West. for general housework and cooking for elderly gentleman. References. 621-1306 DAY CARE wanted tor , little girls m thee own home, no housework References West Mall and Bloor, 2394443 DAY CARE at home only for I', year old boy, on Hay Ave, Mimico, Please call after 6 pm. only 255-2132. MOTHERS helper. tschool girl: Julv and August Live m, Char kept and dishwasher, Own room RV 74516. WORKING mother looking for capable babysitter with refer- ences, 251-5973. HELP Wlmed -- full or pan- time Apply Evan, Avenue Cat Wash. MO Evnm Ave, CL . 0120 3tr--DtNHEsTTC HELP WANTED MAN for work 1n wanhouw. MEN with 1rttrs; for part-Hm. Cleaning Woman Henry Morgan & Co. Ltd CLOVERDALE MALL DUNDAS AT HIGHWAY 27 Required for Gdies washrooms & store cleaning. 4 evenings & Saturdays. " - MALE HELP WANTED . TYPIST. position In Rex- dale for capable gal who wants responsibility & variety, excellent salary. We have a vacancy tor a trac- er-modiher m our drafting de- partment. Applicant should have Grade ll education and 3 to 4 yrs. experience in pen- cil work. Experience on elec- Inca] diagrams an asset. CALL J .BENNET AY WORKERS - Day work- ers required for general housework and cleaning 1n private homes in Islington area. Vacancies available for any day of the week. Hours 9 to 4, $8 per day and cartare and lunch. Contact: Mrs, Tait. National Employment Office. RO, 3-3611, _ CLERK, thin yarn gradual: painted. with mechanical drilling mum. dermal pou- lion in Rent-lo. . DICTAPHONE TYPIST for congenial office on Queens. way. starting saluy $55-$60 . , TYPItrr - RECEPTION _ Itrrs for Queensway offices BLOOR - ROYAL YORK Young woman general house- work fond of children every 3nd week-end off unless at cottage We have I cleaning lady 1 day weekly. only Bome- one who Is a wil'ung worker and wants I permanent posi- tion m friendly home need apply. $l30. monthly'. 0 SR. COMPTOMITER oder- nor tor Won suburb; must be completely experienced in all prunes. "iary $15 plus t lean Road. Tracer Modifier 2401 Dixie Rd., Port Credit 277-0334 1.T.E. CIRCUIT BREAKER (Canada) LTD. 27 moor E. General Office Notice to Aphiunts Evening interviews by tryout-rent. Apply in Person Personnel Department 50 922-1 165 925-4549 BE 1-8537 , ea 1x non->mokm u ark Appl) 17 Amâ€: HID P I 7309 CLERK for variety more. nu- dent preferred Daytime and owning work Ct. 5-5198. Service Station Attendant LEADING tluid meter man.- tacturer has lnterettuu vai- canny in Its Standards D.- partment tor ambitious young man with Grade XIII or high. er education. A background in time-study, methods improvement or machine-shop manufacturing would be an asset. However. applicants With initiative am- bition to get ahead and who like working with people will be considered TO the right young man with the above qualification, an excellent future is assured with a progressive, well cata- blished company. PLEASE telephone for an ap- pointment or apply at writ- ing, giving full particulars re - age. education, salary ex- pected, etc. Neptune Meters Ltd. 3526 LAKE SHOE! BLVD. LONG BRANCH 259-4211 "rir--rer-t one. INTI“ CITY TRUCK LIN†LTD. 1500 um“ light.) (can! ul Dune Rd) required. age 30 to 40. fo, an expanding company In Queerisway area Some experi- ence m chemical shipping pre- ferred. has opening for man on Idea desk to handle phone and mil orders, Knowledge of indus- trta%ernenttttion and control an asset, mu hlgh school mint-non for dental position in mmu< Mcturer's office. present open- mg offers permanent position and secure benefits with . progressive comp-n}: TEE LUCIE†Loo" LEAF LTD. 44 Atomic Ava. For ascembly m aluminum products manufacturing. Murt be capable of reading deman- 1ary shop drawings, Mechani- ral ability an asset. We require a clerk to assist our national servnce manager. Typing an asset though not essential, Previous clerical experience desirable. Company offers free life in- surance and medical plan. IV day week and good starting salary No Sundays, holidays or mm work. Good working condi- tions. PSI PENSION ER WANTED neiiiiiiUm Experienced Shift work, in Dixon - Islington'arn. BOX 66 The Advertiser 398" Lake Shore Bird. W. SERVICE STATION Kipling Auto Plaza 289 KIPIJNG AVE. B. Junior Clerk Ambitious Young Man Phone PORT CREDIT 278-6 I 73 Sales Office Young Man D. R, MITCHELL, Comptroller Attendant CL 5-2383 CL. ti-l I86 Head Shipper TORONTO " BE 3-32] I 277-941 I Apply: E550 nm~ voekly. ply! e Una-2631 or 239-