(citttrttytt - My, Jun II, ltflrr tre " a' At first I was spurred. on by the though! that I “(mid get I :‘mdge for washing-up. even if I didn't get one for anything else. ",'but then I discovered that they didn't give a badge for weshmg-, uutt. My disenchantment with Guiding began right then and some 2weeks later I got drummed out of the company for coming on éparade with my black woolly stockings rolled down around myl ankles like doughnuts and refusing to pull them up, The 0};ny jam-maze to my stint as washer-up was that I learned about ants. 2Sittee the job was boring and I was usually alone in ramp, I tooki we watching ants while I worked. Up to then I'd had a mild, '?,admiration for the insects. aided by school and home moralut, :who kept pointing out that ants loved to work. ante didn't eat, Itcandr and ruin their teeth, ants made sure their homework was ;',tree or I boat to a dock, but in those days I had nothing to do Cwith horses or boats and now when it would be useful, I've for- ;gotten which was which. Anyway, I tie everything with a granny Tknot now unless it turns out to be I reef knot by mistake. - Of course, today's Guides have a ball by comparison “ith us {old-timers. but the rot set in when they started going on hikes 'thy car and now it's weekend camps with Scouts. I suppose the lanext logical step is to create special companies of Guide and t Scouts who are going steady? It's enough to make an old (hinder I hang herself Wit_h her own lanvaN "'.done before ther went out to play. etc But after watching ants ", for a time I realized this was all propaganda: the reason that ants in": about all the fame dragging stuff from one place to another guas that they were all neurotic Thev worked because thev g'p'ouldn't (hail; of ansthing else to do and it ua-n‘t even construe. P.rive - I watched lotr'o! anls sitart out lo pull a piece of stick bad: ss, the nest, but halfwav there they'd trip over something and {when they got up. they'd start off azam with the stick. in the op- 'iposite direction. Far from being the admirabla critturs they're iisupposed to be. ants are really screwballs. P, I ah. learned than: knots when I was a Guide: there was the Ereef. the sheepshank. the sheetband and the granny and a dozen :3 others and they all had different uses. such as tying a horse to a tore the guts will offer to wash the boys' angnal II: the boys sill inset on building the glrls' camp hr that. they'll vxchange woggles and wane: and me men: wil! collapse. After all. I wouldn't be but-pm “H Iung black. woollx I complained abou regulatiom and w M character Th Irermanent allergy wourer For mm? rea~on I wac alwaycailotted the job of wash- ing-up when we werv out on a day's hike - I think I must have been the Troop idiot - and since WP owned a minimum of equip- ment this meant using a tully can of water from the nearest dream for my washing-up bowl. <omeon9's hanky for mv wash- cloth. making a twig rack on which to hang the cups to dry and drying mery'thing else with my scarf. This delicate operation was carried out while I squared on the ground. of count, and n~ually III the rain latter al Hm “as \uxmuor in England). My family maintains that HIV wa,hing-up techniques date from this period and huven't improved Sim-e then. When I “as a Guide. all than» eons ago. may didn't allow this “II! of thing and “a were better for n But I don't want You to l'llnk it's ~our grane~ on mv part - nonainly not. I feel that Guides today may hare more tun than I dad. but thevhy obvaouslv not going to gum up io be the women that their mothers are. We sweren't allowed to have anvthing to do with boys and we eouldn't Bear >auc). sheer TuVlonr' with our uniform - we had to wear long black. uNyollv rtockmse which nearly drove me mad, When I complained about the stockmgs. I was told that regulations were mrgulations and wear-me itchs stockings would develop a beauti- ful character They didn't tell me that it would also dew-lop a permanent allergy to wool Another thing Guiding did for me was tcach me hou “to wash-up usircr a pmewom‘ for mv pot- wourer For .sorne rea~on I Was: alws.vcailotted the job of wash- inz-un when we wer'. out on a day's hike -e I think I mun have .e Scout motto to be we and Mandy wire Girl [Harte hkely to happs I alt,. V , STORE HOURS 9:30 a m m 9:30 p M Gr, , 30 a m, " 6;00 ' m. t1tWiilt0hl.E MALL ( to have anvthing tt 'el" r-x'mns with our ollv dog-kings which mu! the stockings. I weanne item stoei They didn't tell me was: nu SYIETCH sun In . . . . .. $5.00 Foofules , patent“! wH-adwshng custom in under cum Mot MM. bro to fit mom, regular or 'ull bust sins. lycro and nyion Iota in white. bgos A (32-36); I (32-33}; C (34-36) Tho lycrq ginâ€. with tester bod: panel thot "90nd; Do me back of “a bug Mg to aw. mom, comfoetobu wand. We, Sims SM-l ' Peter Pan Lycra foundations... the cool, slimming' influence for your summer fashion ul PETE! PAN [ONO 1E0 PAN" cum: .. $8.00 Talkingpoint rum Evangeline Phone BE. 9-6171 Prepared" but at? I. ma sues: lingorio . Corsartry . Hosiery . Sporvswsar . Accossonos ah then all prised I think their and then and after e move well for Chris She was attended by the groom's sister. MISS Kathyrn Simpkins. maid ot honor. ind bridesmaids Mess Yvonne Mit- chell. her sister, Miss Brenda Lusignan, and Junior brides- maid Miss Allison Mitchell. her young sister. Their gowns were street-length h l u e crystalline peau de soie. they wore match- mg halo hats and vetls, and they cameo blue-upped white mums. The bride's young brother, Grant Kelvin, dressed in a white sun was the ring-bearer, The groom was attended by Kelvm Jenkins. best man. and the ushers were Bill Pmeau, Douglas Alexander, and Doug- las Simpkins. Sumdanh of Mbâ€. (Judah. stocks, and candeUbm, VII. tttq beautiful alum ut Logan Get gie Memorial Presbyterian Church retently when Jeanette. daughter ot w, ef?"'. Fs" At the recepuon m the church the bride's mother. amred In a pink lace sun. matching tulle hat and accessories, received the guests. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who chose a green chiffon over tatfete dress with matching hat and acces- SOTIES. vm C. Bluebell. Kiphng Ave, s., exchanged marriage vows mm Kenneth Sunikuts, son at Mr. and Mm. Robert Simpklnl. Stuck Ave. The Rev. H. W. Z.- Given in marriage by her in- ther, the lovely bride wore I white crystalline peaiu de sci. gown. the bustle back appliqued with lace, Her headpiece WI: ot crystalline flowers holding I finger-tsp veil. and me carried a cascade of while roses and ste- phanolis genus ottxcuted Leaving for a honeymoon m Mlanu Florida, the hrlde wore a while Imen suit apphqued with lace, yellow hat appliqued wnh white lace, matching gloves. and black patent accessories. The happy newlyweds are now homemaking on Dixon Rd., Etoblmke. Blue and White Color Scheme For M "ttchell-Sitnpk ins Wedd_ir_1g Apron - Make it bright and gay with white embroidery on darker colored cotton fabric. A real favorite ot a bazaar or as 3 gift. For easy instructions, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlecraft Dept. of this newspaper, asking for Leaflet No, E-8774. The new Senior Citizens Re- creation Area at the north end of Central Park, was officially opened yesterday at 2:30 p.m. by Reeve J, P. MacBeth and Mr. J C Scott. President of the Runnymede Lions Club, Coun- ullor Lloyd Shier, General Com- mittee Chairman. welcomed the guests. Mr. Edward Jones, Pre- sident of the Senior Citizem. .thanked the Runnymede Lions thr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpkim are smiling happily following their recent wedding in Logan Geggie Memorial Presbyterian Church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Kelvin C Mitchell, Kipling Ave. S. and the groom IS the son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sumpkms, Stock Avenue. Official Party Plays hffleboird At Opening 0f Recreation Area In 1963, the Runnymede Lions Club took an active interest 1n the creation of additional facili- ties for the use of Etobicoke Senior Citizens In co-operation with the Parks Department, they finalized plans for this new Senior Citizens Area ‘Tth area is close to the present Senior Citizens building on Dundas St. West, with ample parking facil- 'ities and relatively easy atWess "or the Senior Citizens who will him it. The park provides well- ‘landscaped grounds, sitting out ‘areas, shutfte board courts. a igiant checker board court and lwell designed shelters. Club and the Township of B10- hicoke for their interest. Instead of the ordinary ribbon cuttmg. the official party open- ed the park by playing a game of shuffle board Members of Council and the Runnymede Lions Club were joined by a large group of Senior Citizens at the opening ceremonies. The Runnymede Lions Chsb will contribute $3.000 towards these new park facilities. The first cheque for $1.500 was pre- sented to Reeve J P. MacBeth in March of this year. After the opening, shuffle board games and checker board games were enjoyed by the guests present. I'm-urn --- Tttire Floor nu prams nu in ithtt with!“ is! W I m. OFFERS . Low mum can . mom" or ommou . sznsmvnv mum "lis one of thow you INFOIMANON on MOM! APPOINTHINT Call 709-8669 ADVANCE NEW ECONOMY PLUS $44 Agk, ituttt 1-year warranty and 5-1pm can}: plan Zenith's YORKDALE VH4 Gates Feature. In: Pnow by Piper swam gone rat pnllr. They wa an n e're mung. Whining vowl won outnu- d - Carol Alha- and AI-tter Rich-rd Arthur W in Alderwood Untied Church "candy. The bride in tho daughter at Mr, and Mn J, G. M. " Doha-Drive. L',) bison, Ind the groom is the mollr,nndlln.AH.|urI-t (In. Wang.- Beach, Ontario. The church was decorated with yellow ehrvsanthemums {or the afternoon ceremony which’ was performed by Rev. B. Warren. The wedding music was played by Mr. vShrubsole: the church organist. i, Given in marriage by her la- ther, the bride wore a tull- length hen shaped gown of Ihimmering white satin, embroi- dered with lace on the Trom, with white satin train, scallop- ed with lace, attached at the waist. Her finger tip veil was held in place with a white satin tine. She carried I white Bible with pink roses and white streamers. The bride's attendants were Joan Langmnn. maid of honor and Gwen McNeil bridesmaid, sisters of the bride and Shirley North bridesmaid, groom's sis- ter. The ballerina length gowns of the other attendants were pale blue and lime green net over satin, the same style as the maid of honor's. They carried pmk and white bouquets. The maid of honor wore a bal- lerina length gown of pink net over satin. She carried a pmk and white bouquet. James Marsden was best man and ushering the guests _were Cliffonj North and Robert Urry. To receive guests at the A gala Garden Party 1sull be held on Saturday, June 20. at the home of Mts A, Stewart. 2 Wendlgo Way. Suansea All members and friends of the Voice oi Women are Invned to attend this happy event. whtch will feature a demonstration of Origami. a form of Japanese art. hire of Women Garden Party On Saturday There will be mus1c. interna- tional dancing and costumes to entertain the guests; and games for the youngsters. Delicious home baking, exotic flowers and plants and many interesting articles will be on display to en- Itice the buyer -- and of course, ‘a cup of tea for everyone. Proceeds from the party are to go to VOW projects including the United Nations International Co-operauon Year. 1965 - for which plans are gomg forth m Canada and many omen UN countries. Marsden-Aikins Wedding In Alderwood United Church CS':',,,',',',,:,',',',',;',','"),,,':':",',,,,'.":',',',,'?,',,:", ',,t,,,",l 'ty/s,',,',",': 's1ru_'P'"'"' HOW IS THE TIME TO MlfltrY0llit our OF SEASON OARMENTS FOR STORAGE 2nd SI. at Lake Shore Blvd. W. want to Know “hid! L“? (ir; le TOIONYO Fol THE "NEST AND TN! FASTEST SUN/DC! MR. AND MRS. A. RICHARD A. MARSDEN, a happy gquple seen following their recent marriage in Alderwood United Church. The bride AS the daughter of Mr and Mrs, J. G, Aikins, Etobicoke, and the groom is the son of Mr, (ind Mrs. A H. Marsden, Wasogo Beach, Ontario . church hall the mother of the bride wore a light blue linen suit dress with white accessories and a roses. Thr. groom's mother wore an ensemble of coral silk wnh white accessories and a Corsage of red roses. WHEN YOU GO ON VACATION THIS YEAR YAN-KEE KENNELS RESERVATIONS no JUST WEST or mmcrou AVE, PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE FLAG KIT Coll - BOARD Your Dog! ! (REGISTERED) 115 Base Line West - COOKSVILLE Just 2 miles North of No. S Hwy. (off Hwy. I0) Dominion Day corsage of red happiness FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR PET'S COMFORT GROOMING -r.- CLIPPING - WASHING, ETC. GANADIAN lull, INSTITUTE REGISTERED PUPP|ES FOR SALE SPECIAL . . . .. 8' Aluminum Pole and Mounting Bracket ONE Mil ENSIGN 21"x M" FOR OUR NEW KENNELS CH.4-3040 AFTER 6 P.M. 3590 Bloor Sires! W. Northern Ontario was the des- tmation of the wedding trrp. For travelling the bride donned u beige and brown linen suit and beige accessories. She wore a con-sage of pink roses. The: future residence of the bride and groom n m Enndale Woodlands. Photo bv Park Lane Studios 211-9111 NOW BEING ACCEPTED .95