"at, . "t CLASSIFIEDS i Bite ?iptrmir.. DICTA - Typist required for Ren- enl office duties m oHice --ev Bloor - lshngmn area Phone 239-3928 for appomtment EXPERIENCED Teller. age Hm- it 45, usual benefits Canadmn Imperial Bank of Commerce, Mrs. Polos, 239-3071 EXPERIENCED waitress for night shift. Apply Sky" ay OFFICE WORK Restaurant, 2387 Lake Shore Auaxlable m all parts of Me- Blvd. W., 25t-6t73. To you can work the hours eiihTigErijiiAm Q35 ted (0: that suit you best. by the day. Beach Hotel, 251-5591. week, or month. Come in ----- _-ie-- . -- - soon. We have convenientlv woArN'gi? J,'1t,ec 'Cdl','),)",. located offices serving all dren. Live-in 'preferred. 259- megs of Metro, Top paying 1228 after5 Mrs Innis assignments available right - . V . now for: WAITRESS Experienced and etfituent. Norseman: Restaur- ant and Tavern, 1125 Dundas Hwy. at Dune. 277~871L PARTIME - Can lou :pax-e 4 to 6 hours weekly? Earn excep- tional mcome demonstratmg the latest concept UT Honing and pre=5mg We train you Write to Harley Sales Ontario Ltd., 1266 Queen St. w, Tor- onto 3. O d. ms nu nun-runs - "MALI can was-rev tied stenographer whom Chr/v,. hand speed Is 100 words per minute. Some experience m the use of engineering nr tern. ma] terms would be helpful, EMPLOYEE benrnts penumu pun, 5-day week pon APPOINTMENT For lslington Offte. Salary $76.50 Per Week in with 2 to 3 years" expdr1. Ince, electric typewruter ts used and accuracy m typrng Li essential. PREFERENCE wul be given to applicants conversant with technical engineering terms. GOOD working conditions and employee benefits. FOR APPOINTMENT PREFERENCE (s , Islington Location Salary $67 Per Week QPPOQTUNITY for good typ General dental dune; Amt be accurate with figures. Ex- penenced preferred, Phone for appointment. BASSIN'S FOOD MARKETS LTD. 259-4289 This summer. mormng o, afternoon classes, weekly tat Phone [or further mlurmauon Required to work mm lhe Township Recreation Depl m their Day-Camp prograln " :ll be required for 3 or 6 weeks, starting July ti, 1964 Apply Personnel Directo r Township of Etobicoke. 550 Bumhamthorpe Rd. Where the Temporary Jobs Are . . . WIT“ OPERATOR - 7 tseeks from July 20 C0MPToMET%t OPERATOR - T weeks from July 27 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR - Apha. Ruxdale - , weeks We In. - STINOGIA'lm. TY'IsTS. DI("I‘A TYPISTS & CALCULATOR "PBIATOIS - ". Ram I?" Top hurls - C0l1EMENT LUCA'I'IOKS boat INTLIK\ ILWS Practical Nurse Stenographer TEENAGERS LEARN TO TYPEWRI'I‘E “OBICOKK BUSINESS COLLEGE 412'! Dumb: tit. W, \3 blocks an! o: Prmce Eds an.“ ETOBICOKE. ONTARIO BE 1 -4 I 61 REXDALE PLAZA 249-91 4l ADVERTISER - Friday, July 3, 1964 -- Page " a - FINAL! nu IVAN-ran n ._ "MALE In! WANTED 'b-iA.BD In: ""'r1PfleSHe nu I'm "eeaye'PAetPfl'"8! a - 'SetX, luau _ T Dorothy Tyers Staff Services Dorothy Tyers Staff Services Experienced on IBM 024 Mochme Good starting rate, APPLY IN PERSON TO PERSONNEL OFFICE INTER-CITY TRUCK LINES LTD 1500 Dundos Hwy â€A" or nlxlr. run 3682135 368-2135 KEY PUNCH OPERATOR TEMPORARY Local 383-4 Typist BE. 3-M7t Phone 277-94! I 10ffice Assistance for all omees TYPIST, Responsible young wo- man with good typurg 3mm"; BANK m Mimico penenred mach some dermal du 7368 Mr. Bassett Near ho Home Still Time to ford? LAKESHORE BUSINESS COLLEGE SR BOOKKEEPER for Rex- datr nfflce Must be capable of cuperwsmn accounts pay- ahlo and receivable dr'pt BITRHOI RRATOH Wynn: duh“ P. Carlton St. (Corner Yonge) WEST Sl'Bl'RBAN OFFICE Westway Centre ‘anon Rd, at Kipling) Servmg Rexdale. Isfmgton. 'A'eston. Walton, Lakeshore, ASSISTANT MANAGER tt5 Tenth St., New Toronto ‘op Laminar Tue & Rubber) Register now with Dttire Axum?“ for the best pay In excellent uorku: on enher electric or standard typewriier, to receive orders. on 'elephone and type them. Good salary. Call: Mrs. Rob- msnn. Natronal Employment Ofnce, RO 3-3611 922-1165 - 92!r45a9 2 Moor M. F., Sui" ti3A SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS INCTA Tyl'ltriti CLERKS KEY PUNCH BOOKKEEPLNU MACHINE and COMPTOMETER OPERATOR NU [up so npphmv‘ Inn-run; inlrninu he utpoirtttttertt For Temporary 0ttive Perma-Time Placements 3240 BLOOR W 239-8155 ,eneuced Phone 363-3303 lnduidually Tutored CALL us NOW'. TEMPORARY OFFICE WORK No fee Purl.“ “Ammo Some a, varwri Bookkeeping : up m and Includmg Balance Exrellenv hours alary Sales lady MR GOTKIN CL 9-2761 CNS MACHINE op. Moor Si Wpet F I'LL TI M E V ed Thr WA. {-4433 JOBS C CALL TO C) F F I C E Mum") Some roquu-es te oper es also. S70 plum :m jg; ( YOUNG MAN I ma Mall Red Crow Sam mm nr Brortre Mrd quired RE t-3344 SEWING marhlnn mer! 7309 LIFEGUARD. male, rl‘qulrn fl PART TIME cleaning. Mimico area Call 924-4936. WANTED - Baby-sitter, 2.30 to ' p.m., 16th Street area. Call 259-1065. before 2 pun. WANTED daily. housekeeper to care for 16 months old. wlule mother works, beginning Sept. Apply Box Q, Etobicoke Adver- tiser Guardtan. PO. 156 Isling- ton. A HOME away trom home re- quires a happymatured house- keeper - companion for elderly ladv Live m. Small bungalow. Ave and recent references Fe- qu'ed. Apply Box 77. The Ad- Veluser 2980 Lake Shore Blvd MF? YOUR ironing done in my home Specializing in men s ohrrts MV-DOMESTIC HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for one month temporary employment m church rectory. Work consists of cookmg for 4-6 persons and downstairs house work. A knowledge of Italian cooking would be an asset but not ttF- sentlal. Generous rate of pay. lee out. Call: Mrs Telford. National Employment Office- Permanent t Factory Openings l " -- MALE HELP WANTED plar 8:30 o m and 2:30 pm July 6tohulvl0 W P GRACE AND CO. OF CANADA LTD. Due to the Expanuun of our plant. we have mime-time opemng> m our manufacturing area for men. lt" to 40 years of age. with the following tv'iaocauons. 42 to 4 years of high scnool education or equn'alent ---Good physical built ‘5'?" & 150 lbs.) and In good health -own transportation --Ahle to work rotating with ---some previous factory experience We are a medium sue manu- facturer of plastic packaging: tor food. Excellent benefits and Ideal working conditions m a modern. air-conditioned If you hme a good person- alny. good education. and a liking tor meeting the public, we have a positron tor you. pertenced man Iroqulrw pormanenl pasmon App gal Toy 35 Jutland Rd Sn _wrrrlrNng Mall Red RO 3-3611 BE. i-3745 "" GIRL FRIDAY requued for small firm of 20 employees good telephone manner, sales expenence helpful. short. hand & good typ1ng essenual. Queensway. Port full" erding Sent-0| im‘ \npnnwl ' 1‘HM I“. CLERK TYPIST. Iuuisdowne-Dupont $26. CLERK TYPIST should hue on n uanspx Ingmham Canadian Cloak - BOOKKEEPING h"""" operator NCR 3000. accourtts meow-hie. Queensway. $285 DiCTAPHONE OPERATOR for mull mime Queeusuay. ' 28. "" ORDER DESK CLERK toy lbe ctly, good telephoue 1otue "" 2365 DIXIE Rd North 277-275! Appliranls should apply hetween Clerk Typist Lnluwhnrr Rd CRYOVAC " ANN TO WELD tppl, Mr. Corhran Pt Apply or unite to tuning 1nterxiexrs - No Charge to Applicants Dundas-Bloor EXECUTIVE “SECRETARY to President in Stroebvmc, adverusmg a: marketing u the prune requisite for this position working for 1 man. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR kasnllt 02.4 experience [LXI-XIUTIVE SECRETARY. Sensor position for President of large nun. wa 27-Mayâ€. Interesting position tor rum girl, _ helplul, mm pleasant ofttce Division CL 30378 l4 Io. Ltd - " 119-2531 PHONE 255-8528 736 THE QUEENSWAY m Apartr 274 I'll nailed M Royal York Rd Re 39 II - SKILLED HELP WANTED TH LT PART-TIME ASSISTANT REQUIRED by Age about 25 drive cars REPAIRMAN fr, auto 2980 FIRST CAR WASHERS. full or parl- lnnc Highest “ages lupnng K.†Wanh. Klpllng and Jul- land drive cars dome Ne. mmnr mmnlenunre er receptmmsl Answer during mum ttours. $50. and apartment. __, Call Bratthwaite. National En ment omev. RO 3-3611, EXPERIENCED only. Fissn WANTED TAXI drivers wanted, tull and part-trme Must be 25 or over Apply Select Cab Garage. 3819 Lake Shore Blvd. West, HELP time . Warh, 0120. SHEET Sumo experience in olurrttung and an conditioning required Fm (“mummy engineering lr quired puny "irrs"ratE"tei7i"isG'G7 Mas Asphalt PLANT GUARD Paving Co. Some expene leoge r Mature man tequired. Age 45 to " afternoon and High! shift experience preferred, L'mfm m supplied. mission your choice. Call 763 1400 until 8:15 p.m. CALL MR. MARK 244-553] Motorway Transport Co. Ltd, tion 314'.? Lake Fihr oxper munera enterpr; somo w Domtcy Ppckogmg Ltd setter for The man we and write English. rm a h I e to u 011 Ft Appl Phil ploy Management Trainee F. w, WOOLWORTH COMPANY hnuw. , 2.19-le REET metal worker required for eavestruughs work, Must be experienced on eaves- troughs. Call Mr, Dy er. Nahum ul Employment Oiflua R0. 3- Mill, 3873 Lake Shore Blvd, W YOUNG MAN, 16 to 'ti) Apply m pelsun With references MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN In 1 Box 75. The Lake Show B ail CLASS marl Wanted - (ml or part- Apply Evans Avenue Car . 540 Evans Ave, CL 9- Required le, Pet' 1344 Salaly utyurute with quuiiticas- Apply {n person: my male or female le- iry Transport Com- m Rexdale area. Fast rate typmg essential, experience preferred NEW TORONTO " dn 450 Evans Ltd, Toronto " " m; 1ilrlfll 259-3812 I 5389 a Off ts titt " Fl Queensway requn‘e ml and speak Cake and pastry ttours. $50. wnek ot. _, Call: Mr National Employ- anon Rexuale 'pprortur Ll. TIME anager of pub- No delivery U>~Hly, know, ,ueeu helpful. all types. fullv :ndahlv Apply National Em, to funeral home Ire must read speak fluent m prints. he andard hand P. apartment omplnymon: 524 SI The Athm equipmrn wow v. ork Bl perv-"rs Cl 751‘} OUFFNSWA\ '/'l .2; Garden Supplies M and "tr pp St m, ‘d ('nmvrz PIDWING. during, grading wnh Ford lrarlm Seeding sndrrrtg Lawn garden manmonanrp A C Rowotv, M - 32nd Svrnt, Long Branch CARPENTRY Contractor. addr, Hons. repairs and remodelling Workmammp guaranteed. BE 1-4903. BRAYS - 92 29th Stu-m Sand (rival. emonl Imam and Ml Phone J; ' 228) KITCHEN cupbozm: made w order Arborne mums: tops Rena-ms alteranom to ttte ham: W Tynan CL 1-687! CHILDS' GARDEN SUPPLIES HOT WATER, STEAM GAS, OIL HEATING NEED A NEW FURNACE? Dval direct & save SSS. ml m gas'. completely installed H vr warranty, norkmnnmup guaranter-d Fren ostlmato Sidewaiks, floors, porches flower boxes, etc, also wa- terprootmg and dram work asphalt driveways. WATERPR0OFPNG WET BASESIENTS 24 hum city-wide and \uh tirlrsn service EXTERIOR PAINTING 782-9936 --- MFUELV OIL SERVle -e Fully experienced personnel preferred. Age group M-M. Usual company benefits including penswn plan. Major medical and company paid Ontario Hospitalization and Group Insurance. Give lull particular: In writing. Salary required. Dick Mitchell Heating Fireplace Wood. Cannel Coat and Kimtlitte. tur pu-k-up nr dr‘hu‘w TOP SOIL BY THE LOAD 1928 lmndas Highway. Dix-r Delivery anywhere ' We require the [allowing -' to In: nnet out "at " in! M ROMANELLI CONSTRUCTION CO LTD, Established 40 Years BO. 6-207] - Any Time Drains Cleared Expert vaeu Recreation rooms, kitchens Alteranuns and Addmnns BE. 34250 - CR 84585 Um our electric machine SECURITY "BATIK; Co fi'.Mi-.'t.9tt - Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed. Concrete work, driveways parking areas, etc, FREE ESTIMATES J SPENCE -_ 741-6940 GARDEN Sl'PI’IJES & SERVICE Mornings and Evenings -DRNEWAYS -ALTERATIONS -FENCINGS --PAlNTlNG CARPENTRY CL. 9-] I93 "iriaLusG hunts éokckr.rrE WORK ASPHALT PAVING Class A Mechanic Mechanic's Helper Uhllty Man for Gas Pump and Greosing Mush) Fin esumalez. call K. 1-1884 BE. 9-3501 CARPENTERS NO DIGGING BE. l-2Hl FURN ACES vd DRAINS Top DUE R) EXPANSION a] M Fleet Supervisor r) 3- 4830 Ezrvices Offered . . . 277 4920 To PO Box 66 IEXDALE. oN'rAeuo In the following Directory have been carefully selected to give you the best in West Metro area Clup & Save. ng I , Overhead Doors " F.Mt "w., " .IN( ALL Types of Brickwork and Repair, stone work, porches and chimney repau'a. Phone Frank, RU 2-9336. WINDOW Cleaning For com- plete building matntenarace, call Wil-Liz Janitor Service, anytime, CR 8-6056. CLEANING -- REMODELLmG-renovatmg al, terations and repairs 278-9788 Signet lnduStries general contracting Stu Repa head Additions Repairs GGG; If Renovations Rec. Rooms -ft1"1T1Th Homes Cottages Garages PIANOS tuned Planning and Designing I H P 1 n y 7 m a n Class "A" Tradecmen Ramh Bllnk‘no FHH‘. guaranh‘vd In writing Fvvt- "lrnrttes Easy Payment; CA?rrtiF'AA, CONSTRI'("I‘IU.\‘ 769-4763 "t "" Russ White, CR 8-9400 9i88, One company will do all your' work q Painting and Decorating . Electrical q Carpentry q Plumbing 0 Tile floors and ceilings q Terraza floors q Patio and stone work [Asphalt driveway coating Preserves your driveway tor 10 years. All Bonded Workmansmp Wrirtvn Guarantee Day or Night 366-4728 fields cleaned on location. $9 up 9 x 12 rugs. $6.50 All work guaranteed Kreaslet Cleaners LE. 1-8938, HICKS LUMBEP Honsâ€: AVE. & 30th st Nterotiorts _ Fencmgs Painting .- Driveways, Economy Contracting CL. 9-] I93 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Home Improvements He Painting & Decorating Plastering Repairs Kitchens Remodelied Floor Tiling Ca rpentry Factory Repairs Recreation Rooms Kitchen Counter Tops Bathrooms Remodelled Asbestos Siding BUILDING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS " 1-1371 ESTABLISHED 1946 and Mood Radio con- "l and push-button gar- door openers. Sold and tled Garages remodeled ins to all makes of over- doors. All work gualan- FRED BROWN (or estimates, call REC. ROOMS Evenings NIFK DITTKA mind and Arhorite Cut to size. CL 1-2732 lid" CL l-l94] Call mprovements pee. Chester WALL - WASHING, floor and Window clearung, etc Expert and reasonable maintenance [ serum Free estlmates. CL. " 9487 IMOVING. CARTAQE, STORAGE A-l Painting, interior. exterior. - Coll Day or tlght - low rates. free estimates, Phone Holly. 255-7565, or 255-3553. "0 "WWW“ -___H _____n _-.-._..._ _--- ___- PRODUCTS PLASTERING. s m a 1 l repairs. ceilings. outside stucco. chim- my repaxrs Call Ben Con. form. 534-7425 after 6 PLASTER repaIrs, arches. ceil, mgs. partitions Clean, reli able workmanship. 255-0454. Ctrrtirrsrsmns (.umamwd worknmmhlp Free animate: Mr.timt PLUMBING, repairs and "era. tions and new work CL l-MOI FIRST CLASS pamtmg and pa- per hanging. 25 years experi- ence CH t-7548, EXTERIOR and interlor paint- ing, decorating. plaster repairs Clean. reliable workmanship. 255-0454 FRED Brown -- Established 1946. Painting and decorating. BE. 1- 1-1371, PIANO iumng - a ll J a c k Thrmht‘r. torr Heintzman CL 1-0'M2 ALL kind; of plastering. repairs mum. arehos, floor tile 789- 8280 CEMENT work. repairs, Fence. flat stone. stone flower boxes, sidewalks, Heps, verandam. cement driveways, C u r b s foundation repalrs. brick and block work lo years expen- ence CL, 9-9450 after tt pm FULLY insured movers, Satur PAINTING, experienced. also handyman. Reliable. CL. 1-8317 PAINTING. interior and emer- ior Free estimates, Call Sid Murphy CL l-9524, MASTER decorardr - will guar- antee exterior work for 4': years without chipping or peel- mg Interior work our special- w. Call Frank. 255-4038 MOVING and Storage. Reliable Experienced men will do " faster -- try us! Ontario Ware- housmg 25541081. Even“. 259- 4506, PAINTING & DECORATING First class job, Satisiactoon Omar- home. improvements - guaranteed. Call now - men panting, chimneys, etc. available. Reasonable rates. -. . _-_, -. - ---, 259-2175 fully experienced for tood plant, Queen-y-Kipling has routes. Good salary. Anly in person 399 Evans Are For prompt atheism service Men on dun 24 hours Phone: COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICE tipeeialists in Wax Removing b'loory - Wail, - Wsndows - Calm-h & Uphulslery CL 1-7096; CL 5-3974 TELEVISION SERVICE PETER DENMAN mlrmher Etertronie Guild» Kuhn - m Fideitty Serum ICE "ea-tii/mu-tFri/ii-oil- ll Wynn: Office. 80. 3- 811.. [AMOS tuned and repaired, H e I n I 7 m a n recommended Ralph Bhnk'nm n CL I-8420. day and evenings. Phone 274 3126. " - HALE AND FEMALE an: WANTED BE. 3-7651 Liability Insurance Carried LANEWAY' Plumbmo 8 Hearing THE MEALMASTER SYSTEM LTD SMITH-GREEN RADIO & TV REPAIRS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PIANO TUNING AND INSTRUMENT REPAIRS Phone C L 9, 0786 'TONE & BUILDING MAINTENANCE R ACCOUNTING "RAY PLUMBING k HEATING 'o W lm, Altruatrorr, PAINTING PLASTEKERS 255-773l PLUMBERS 24I-6l88 We --br- of a l l repairs formerly of Equal _- for that your Tor. ll CERA MIC m Ills? METRO - mm future fur we: typo Antwan] unmanned to contact with public Starting mum. 85“ _ $500 per month. plus [xx-cam. compensallon and pension gun for a permanent nude-t " to " No travel Two you mmmg program For conn- denual interview phone BE. 3-1196. ' am. to ' pm. Roofing -- Eovestroughing Chesterfields - Chairs Recovered, restyled, Beautiful leatherettes and fabrics of your choice Call now for an estimate Day or evening, Full guarantee r'ull set to ma! balance. small office. 5 day week. Servicing & Antenna Repairs TV RENTALS BE.ut51t.NABLE " Tower, heavv duty, hot galvamred lie"' all channel antenna. Complete. in~Ialled TFr) “5 21" Picture Tubes from $19.95 p'us labour YA', SERVICE CALLS $2.50 CL. 5-9702 525 Evans Ave. KAYE'S UPHOLSTERY CL. 5-2045 Shop closed for holidays from July 1st. Rx-oprning July 15th NEW CHESTERFIELDS MADE TO ORDER ALSO Your old one rebuilt, recovered Ottnad Upholstering 161 “mum no. 6-1101 -- ___- minimum; - All new Kitchen Suite in I pattern and colour of your chain S. Woolley & Co. 124 Brown‘s Line, Alderwood 251-802l CH 4-7343 Chrome Chairs RECOVERED - REBUILT AT A SMALL COST Pay Only For Materials . Free Estimates CAN$MAN SCHOOL or (Ts OM [WHOLSTEBY Sales CL. [$880 - CL. 9-3537 Chesterrieid and Chain Re-covered and Remind Like New RADIO In TV REPAIR. Pools of Distinction 12 years of dependability and servnce TV _ HI-FI CAR RADIOS Transistor & Home Radios Antenna Installation Ind Repair & Towers For the best m serum CL. 1-3205 - CL. [-3751 126 Brown's Line Sanelli Pools TILE CONTRACTORS Bookkeeper 720 BATHURST EMPIRE TELEVISION SW'IMMING POOLS AND SERVICE ROOFING AND EAVESTROUGEING FACTORY PRICES "I†“ANTI†f R E f LABOUR PETE'S TN 531-8866 278-5553 Service - Supplies LTO w floor "I. Also "plus