b mum YOUR OWN POST-FORMED rArborite Counter Top " All CLIAIING OUT THE FOLLOW- ING m â€I. TO MAKE 300M rtnt tNmtmrt-utag-.Tqata ARE ALL mm BARGAINS - " GUARANTEE “I mm m " THE LOWEST LN MANUFACTURERS CLEARANCE,' “M ya. eoUe mu all vinyl 'uor Mu - so". DOWN! dud“. logakriy tolling It 4): “do. FETCH TILESUMITED 1/4" FACTORY FINISHED FRENCH as EQUATORIAL AFRICAN MAHOGANY t (8dharattt-o.wttita-tttoa!tises, 4219 DUNDAS STREET WEST - lAMBTON IN" FACTORY FINISHED AFRICAN DARK BROWN MAHOGANY THREE SPECIAL 1/8" COMMERCIAL GAUGE DOMINION VINYL ASBESTOS DOMINION MONACO AND TRIANO SOLID VINYL FLOOR TILE FESTIVAL SOLID VINYL TILES' Stone Pam, 6 Colors, 10,000 Pieces .18: EA. Compare with 2lk a. "I! PARKING Special! Pre-Chrisfmas Sale." Cale' Heavy Gnu , For Prelim Priced Luxury at Eva? par Prion. CERAMIC WALL TILE Nirtr Colon to Choose From most: DRIF'I‘STON! VINYL Asszs'ros .09}; ARMSTRONG PEBBLE?" VINYL ASBESTOS Compute with 28e sq. ft. “LE me: .20'ra. .22 .23';}o. n. Gunman with 4be ca. .56U, Mt. n. c-- with Me a. .14'sa. Compare with 20e es. .12'u. Count! with Mk a. .25'». so. n. Priced {m .3 9' (1mm FLOORING AND CARPET Come " rtr. Colors v, Nov, 24, 196d--No. " _Cplorc ft BE 3-6284 319.95 39.95 49.95 59.95 DOESN’T ADD " DOES IT? But become of our poo: od- dition you can now buy Mot-tine Corlon in 4 "all." colors - Rust Brown, Teak, White or Forest Green for this low, low mic. Bundled. Ideal for kitchens, rec room: 'li',',2'C,'at,i"l,i,','t'"/',','Jy Don't wait coII now! For the GUARANTEED INSTALLATION OF ALL THE PRODUCTS WE ADVERTISE nmrmm comm _..'th50s/1, PLYWOOD IA'ummoonI .24 l ADHESIVE~~~~ ttrp. 30°: METAL mus-.m- 25°: Experl Installation . . . _ 'l .25 33- 'PI.ANNING TO HAVE YOUR KITCHEN REMODELLED? WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF. HERE F AN EXAMPLE POR THE HOME HANDIMAN. 48"x48" 48"x72" W196†48"le0" 48"x144†24"x96" 24"x120" 30"x96" 24"x48" M"x72" GENUINE FACTORY FRESH ARBORITE With the exception of wood grains Available in the following sizes: Paint Grade Cabinet With Arborite Top 48" Sink Cabinet INSTALLATIONS SQUARE YARD INSTALLED . . FREE ESTIMATES " 577 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIâ€. 9 "".'..rtr. 8.50 P".--)..... 9.92 ............12.40 '.. ........12.40 t..a,,.,..,.11.,'?.'.?. ............16.68 .-.......,.1$.81 ............24.80 On Special Order Seven umvcnny students (mm ail ova the world were whuked gangs Canada witr. the use of OVERSEAS STUDINTS - Entertained by the Mimico-New Toronto Rotary Club recently were (left to right) Mrs. Melon Anorl (Polmcol Economy, India), Charter President Bull Pun e, Raj Roo (Chcmtcal Engmeenng) Pakaton, Wolfgang Q habitat; Businouman . World We! " Navel ann O Etobicoke Resident . Member Mimieo - New 16 yean Nronh, loony Club G. BRUCE SINCLAIR FOR THE ETOBIGOKE HYDRO COMMISSION Rotarians Host Overseas Students Give Meaning To TROS' Day T8 TIME FOR A CHANGE! -VOTE - T aate1tr, 5 I.A., Mid. IMAGINATIVE THtNKlNG-DECtstve ACTION DILWORTH FOR STRONG, AGGRESSIVE ACTION... vars run l new voice m man I BOARD OF EDUCATION t":ra'i,'tsc HUFFMAN 1s,ot"ier, 'i/ii':'" DILWORTH STANLEY - VOTE - .s* GARTH MARK YOUR BALLOT man may a the anmxde Dr. home of Bill Punk. Charter ‘mndcm. MmucmNeu" Tomnib 'IISIDINT ETOBIGOKE HYDRO COMMISSION WARDLAW . QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB . ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Elobicoke Hydro commission RE-ELECT R. CLARKE A Man of Reliability and Sonic. STANLEY For Mrs. Wrltshire sand that of Lhelr friends had Expf'n wtpleasantnee however Her husband explazned that students had difticultv m fl people _ . V a whole cross swtzon "Some people ask xrntaKLn: questions," she said, “If the: are foolish, I just smile. ntherwtse 1 answer _ _ _ . rr Soergel (General Science) Germany, Amy Saks» (Geophysncs) l India, Faith and Junior Wrltshirt, Victor Bompoc (Micro. 1 Blology) Ghana, and Subbanarasu Dnvokaran (Civil Engin- F unng) Pakistan. Photo " Ion ammo. Working in the hank. Mrs WHtshire has come arms bmad minded, narrow minded. snohxsh people _ . T a whole cross sprtzon. bench! , One of the studirhx I'm!-v Wiltshire. has brought his wife and daughter 'o Canada Ile 'er taking post graduate chemistry at U. of T His wi'e has a deer» in economics and is preiently working m a bank so she can meet people The couple. from Tnmdad Lt here and had tt fesw pol éommems to make The shdce. all of prmewonal quahty. were taken By autumn Ed Jam, The cut-canon for the gathering was F R o s Day (Friendly Relauons With Over- seas Students T . . In muernumm- al house where students from overseas can meet people from home othets from a'oroad and Canadian students They quickly came to feel at name by partuu- pawn: in house mummy bv 21v- mt leadership. and bv sharing ideas. It is not a place to nepa~ rate, but a point of first meeting. where free discussann can take place for mutual mterest and Rotary Club med divers who will seek top posi- tions m the annual Metropolitan Toronto spring board diving (‘hampmmlnps beginning at 5:30 pm this Saturday, Swan diving. somersaulls. and other anhv: wtl'. he perrormed by 'he sprmg board experts A few at the companion are Miss Judy Stewart Leande, 1964 Canadian Olympic entry and gunmr Canadian women's champ; Mvis Beverly Boys, also of the Lannie, Peter Emnnd. Etohiroke dnmg club, Canadian Junior men's champ and Jrm Lamhi! “no “on the Canadian Indoor rhampmnshxp m Vanmuver this Alden- Drrkense M Diving Experts competing In Alderwood Sat. H, lis;h, Mr. and Mrs Grant Gilles. Die, Mr and Mrs Ed MrMilian. Mr. and Mrs R Funnefl, Mr. and Mrs J TeTford Rmanans are beromirut mom Invoked wnh PROS Money is heme raised to construct an In- temmwnal Student Centre, with the fund pmentfy standing at tl84000, Thus :5 a joint effort by more than 38 clubs. The lek‘ures sand thev had the 1mpr‘osemn that the Rotary eysh m Trinidad was "Same sort of tune lime country duh" They did nor know what Its' anectivu Am Students from Indla said the Rotarv club ts well. established. and 'ts principles known. The Ghaman student said the Rotary club v as known as a sex-nee club Prior to gang to Mr Pumas. the students dined at the homes of Dr and Mrs Cark White. Mr. is u'hon they make a white clerk bank manaze'r when a he!!!) could do tt um at well." She addrsd tha' the former trPnd o? hypnssm: the negm for promo- tions IS thsorrm_trirsg. and Mrs S Haufsehuld, Mr and Mrs Brian Newey, Mr. and Mrs. S Dzlu'onhV Mr and Mrs Keith R1569", Mr and Mrs Rox, Eng- The mamr mum of emphy- ment is in the ml fields, Mr Wilt. aher noted F/iunat-nn is differ, em than m Canada One special- izes at an earlier stage, "We want qualcfoed people f.rrrrr ahmad." Mrs Wiltshire Mlhied out "What we don't like test year p places to rem "The diff-nee in '5: u S ' mm the landlady will say 'we don't take 1rlaeks'--Here, tnev say It ts rented There 15 I Lot "t dtmrrvrunauon," Mm. Wilt. ~IC"..re added. "1 often wonder why maple stop and {we candv to my child when I am out walking her. Are they hang naturally friendly or m " st' "t the mother from Trinidad panda-rd H Both had I standing bu received the The Alderwood Swim Pool on nmor Avenue W11] be the loca- cm fur some of Canada's best m of the population is of East "flan nngm. but their culture crrmpletNv diffo'rom than that We†distant km Negroes >"3“Y".SP 40 nor cent whines IO, :d the rest are Chinese and mix- Ro He Mr W}! ly M Jameson who mtroduced u mm 'o the Wiltshire. ask- ’Do you fmd disrrirninatiott ix- univers.tv?" "er" Mr Wslcshire claimed. old the <mry of a fellow stu- who applwd for I bursary m dam later a white student hr the same tutaneiat aid 1 had the same scholastic ding bat the white mam wed the money. . {on that dtwrvtttrratitm was 11v due to lack of contact It not hanpened to he and his so much. but to their friends, slanda anad mm. IO, in Trinidad, a Mod milk, butter, cof- p 02!. ete. ensurmg that (mu-rm: the country was andards nd take has post-grad an government (are diarahm to come to z marh John ed the events was Von "