EXCITINGLY MODERN, SWIVEL .DINEITE SUITE )DERN SWIVEL b I 2iil, " " , lt' M lipW," SP'"--- [fi lt' v DINEITE SUITE Fti " - - Tic) 'il, fa" ' iCfa I . Pd 1-iE, Fcirs tir-LP/tti' tp' _,] "" " " Honmrnut om odor one ' -»_,/;,34’: #5.. . h amm- 2u'.%1'rl1,','1'l'JJ,", :oyuna QM); "" ';'ii9C.7,..r, Ce-- \ _ - r= I 9|le loaf-mug Nimrod. arbor"- 2,',l, Va _ " ' . ", n , hp wfth protective bumper doing. w I, ca- T . . V g r "ttttce the smartly "pond pedestal" ir' ' , C' 'rEu' - Cl V 1 D _ boa with sou-Ionmng and... The V Rall ' r 'l _, a. ‘ f _ but swlvd chum bring you the tTuh'.cUir7 j, , r“, T, cg}. ‘ Incomckdlfylo wraparound back 13’ 'ea) _ i& ' 'M, 'id ' I and arms. Deeply padded Mr .69 .3 . V "ry' 4.3.; ' ‘. k dl'lmll dlnlng comfort. th' _ _.' 'ysr',ii5tr' \ if"; ". _ ..r ' " -r .. f J‘kf‘j i-tcc & PRICE I,!"" Here It the ulmoel In modern styled dlrt.tt. wiles. Uttra-modern, round fable fulurlng Nimrod, whorl“ lop WI"! ttrotecfltm bumper edglng. Nollce he smartly tapered pecan! hue with ull-levelllng and“. The low ewlvel chem brln. you me lerge truck“ :7er wrap around beck no mm. Deeply padded Mr ed-' dlllonel dlnlng comlorl. MEDITERRANEAN WROUGHT IRON riDINEnE SUITE Aqtttatttic Spool-h swung with that Nut wrought-Inn m and antiqu- ed! that". MN. '09. at" x de" Mule em to a" M “It-hm. floor Iowlhn. High tree chain baht. mum- Jllt s99