â€"Â¥UAR , Rides for the kiddies featured all modes of transportation and this little train was one of the _ This old steam powered tractor was another attention getter. It took part in the parade then more popular. Others were miniature stage coaches, ponies and a larger train. returned to Cornation Park to give the youngsters rides during the afternoon. The Times, Thursday, June 28, 1973â€"Page 3 Uncle Bobby of TV fame proved a popular emcee of the dog show and here he announces the One of the exhibits featured an old time blacksmith‘s shop complete with coke fire, anvils and winner of the draw for the bicycle. We‘re sorry but we missed the gal‘s name. an assortment of iron work projects. Part of the crowds, that gathered to hear the rock groups sit on the lawn in front of York‘s Municipal Building. A number of different groups were featured. York celebrates its 180th comsipanks mc ommes on onmmnas e n en e eane 2 "f"gf( he %ï¬: on enz o areererme x n e n l z:«ysw:;;%f s e ;@» L. e i e t i s This line up were responsible for judging the beard growing contest. Judy Hendy and Betty Gattoni flank a reporter from the Westonâ€"York Times. Another judge, a member of public relations staff, was missing. EiQl 48 anut .cabevradTt esmit «fdâ€"£ age